The Nintendo Selects range remains one of the best ways to try out top-notch games at a great price (£19.99 in the UK), and Nintendo's issued a reminder of the goodies on the way to Europe on 30th September.
New additions coming to the region's range are as follows, in case you need the reminder:
Also of note will be the first releases under the Nintendo eShop Selects label - SteamWorld Collection and Fast Racing NEO. The former includes both SteamWorld Dig and SteamWorld Heist, while the latter has the upcoming DLC on the disc.
In any case, there's a neat trailer below that shows these off.
Are you European gamers planning to grab any of these offerings on 30th September? Let us know in the comments.
Comments 42
How much is Captain Toad going to cost? I remember it already having a lower price than your average Wii U game...
I own them all. Pikmin 3 is the best of the lot and I'll let you guess what's the worst.
I wish they hadn't stuck the manky Select branding on the indie games. There's no need for it all.
@Yhdekskymmenen It's going to cost ~€25/£20. When it originally came out it was about £5 or €10 cheaper than the usual RRP. Argos were/are selling the amiibo/game bundle for £27.
The thing is, I don't know if they've any left in stock.
Pikmin 3 is such a great game. If you haven't played it yet, I'd highly recommend the game to everyone.
Please Nintendo Selects for Wii Party U USA version....
So, does steam world heist have its dlc?
Next month in Italy(28 october).
Nice bit of shameless advertising Nintendolife??
@SLIGEACH_EIRE that branding will likely help them sell tenfold
@IAmDeclanJay a Nintendo fan site making a post about a new Nintendo retail line? Say it ain't so.
@SirQuincealot yes it does
Guess I can finally get Pikmin 3! Yay!
Can't believe they skipped out on the oh so obvious "Nintendo eSelects" for the eShop line. Though I guess "NINTENDO eSELECTS" is how it would have looked. Yeah, ok, maybe it's a stupid name, but I'm not the guy who decided to call their digital store the "eShop".
This is the part where I usually ask when is Wii U itself going to get a Select price, but I know the EU is a lot more random at pricing than the US where it's still pretty much $299 everywhere. Same price as X1S and PS4 Slim with their 500GB drives and blurry players.
Think I'll pick up 3D World now it's a Selects title.
Great! I was worried that the fast racing DLC wouldn't make it to the physical release.
Totally getting 3D World, I knew that it would be a Selects title sooner or later.
Played some of this games: Pikmin 3, both SteamWorld titles (on 3DS) and Fast Racing NEO. All are different, but all fantastic. Wating for DLC to last of this games. Would buy this indie ones, but I'm saving money for other titles. Don't know why i write this, becasue no one from these studios will read this, but "sorry Image&Form and Shin'en, not this time".
I might get this Super Mario 3D World and/or Captain Toad, cause, don't know why, but I didn't give them a chance to date, but both are probably superb games.
Damn. I picked up super Mario 3D world 2 years ago pre owned for 25 pounds. Now they selling for 20 pounds could of saved 5 pounds.
Captain road treasure tracker. I bought this from Amazon uk for 27 pounds plus free shipping and with a amiibo.
I got yoshis woolly world with amiibo for 31 pounds when it first come out.
I know it's not a select
I just don't understand the selects.
People from the uk will understand.
Nintendo with their really bad advertising.
A lot of people in the uk still think the wii u is a wii
So... Is SteamWorld Heist releasing next week as a download?
I don't know about Mario Party 10, but the other Nintendo Selects games are top quality, especially Pikmin 3 and Super Mario 3D World, love them both.
Captain Toad is tempting
Stll hoping for pikmin 2
Getting steamworld collection
What a poor "Selection". Wii U doesn't even have enough good titles to make compelling budget titles.
@Mahe well that's just not true now is it?
Fast Racing Neo and Steamworld Collection for me. The only select I've picked up so far has been LEGO City Undercover, which is 1: A fantastic game, and B: rather hard to find for a good price until the Selects reprint.
I hope we see more physical releases of eShop games in the EU.
Ah yes, the FAST Racing NEO DLC must be coming out next week because of this physical version. Looking forward to it as well as Color Splash the week after.
From Shin'en's FAST Racing NEO site:
NEO Future Pack--09/30/16
8 exciting new race tracks
10 brand-new vehicle profiles
18 new audio tracks
2 new cups
(But no price stated....)
Steam Work/Dig is listed on Amazon (US) for release October 11, 2016. Just asked NOA about the Fast Racing NEO physical release date (not on Amazon) and DLC cost, but they did not have any details :.. (
the only thing NA need is CTTT but that game is $40 anyways
So I got captain toad with a discount through my Nintendo for a couple of gold coins.
Now the select range makes every discount we had for gold coins absolutely useless if you're not strapped for time.
Is this the non value of my Nintendo showing?
@erv I feel for you. I honestly do. I'd feel scammed
Already have a preorder on Super Mario 3D World and the Steamworld Collection. Looking forward to Steamworld Heist, played the first one on Vita, very good game.
@MJInnocent they are the ultimate troll.
Thanks for the reminder. I'll finally pick up Super Mario 3D World
@RoomB31 I know, I shouldn't even have bothered replying but I took the bait! More fool me lol
I pre ordered Mario Party 10, I've got all the other games.
I'd pay $20 for captain toad but sadly here in the USA it's double that price.
Pre-ordered SteamWorld Dig looks good too!
I'll pick up Toad.
If you've never played Pikmin 3 you've been missing out. Probably my favourite Wii U game.
With a name like "Nintendo Selects" they should be massproduced releases with what we associate with special edditions.
(Think collectors editions just massproduced instad of limited)
Nintendo has just about selected all of the boxed released they've ever done for the Wii U.
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