If you're a retro fan, chances are you've come across at least one game in the longstanding Kunio-kun series. Running steadily for the past 30 years in Japan and localized under such varied names as Renegade, River City Ransom, Street Gangs, Crash 'n The Boys, and Double Dragon, the series has been incredibly prolific and consistently well-received in its homeland, but only a small subset of its many entries has ever made it to Western shores. Thankfully, Natsume's hoping to change that with the upcoming 3DS release of River City: Tokyo Rumble, based on the 2013 Japanese release Nekketsu Kouha Kunio-Kun SP: Rantou Kyousoukyoku. We got the chance to take Tokyo Rumble for a test drive at this year's E3 and left very impressed — this charming side-scrolling brawler was one of the nicest surprises of the show.
The Kunio-kun series' hallmark has always been accessible, enjoyable beat-'em-up action, and that's exactly what we found in Tokyo Rumble. The controls are simple, with 'A' to jump and a face-button each for punches and kicks, and stringing together combos between them was smooth and satisfying; damage numbers coming off your opponents with each hit is a nice touch, too. Perhaps the best way to describe the action is 'punchy' — Kunio-kun's short limbs can't travel very far, and there's a lot of weight behind every hit, so attacking feels both precise and powerful. Along with the small sprites, that gives the game more breathing room than something like Streets of Rage or Final Fight, and its own, uniquely pleasant rhythm as a result.
Of course, there's more to Tokyo Rumble than just punching and kicking. Nearly everything you come across can be used as a weapon, for instance, and in just our brief time with the game we raised cans, bins, bats, and bicycles against our rivals. There are also several AI-controlled partners Kunio-kun can team up with, and they're surprisingly smart; we tagged in swole schoolgirl Misuzu for a few fights, and benefited considerably from the help. You can issue commands to your partner using 'X', too, with conversations ('Charge!' 'You're on your own!') between the character portraits indicating the different support modes. You'll also be able to level up your characters, increase your stats, learn new moves, and upgrade equipment, with the series' brand of integrated RPG elements alive and well.

Beyond the battles, one of River City's defining features is an inviting world to explore, and Tokyo Rumble certainly continues that tradition. Kunio-kun's turf is based on real-life Tokyo, represented via a beautifully-designed metro map on the touchscreen, and you can take the train between districts to get around — emerging outside of actual subway stations, of course. Tokyo is a great spot for a rumble, and we had a great time just exploring the streets. Along with plenty of local landmarks and unique shops — where, as ever, smiles are always free! — the areas we saw sported interesting level design, with plenty of multi-tiered setups, separate paths, and one-off environmental features.
Though we didn't get to try them at E3, Tokyo Rumble will also include two meaty mini-games: a free-for-all arena brawler and a dodgeball game. The biggest extra, however, definitely has to be local co-op; two-players can retake Tokyo together, and given how well classic beat-'em-up gameplay translates to two-player modes, we suspect that that will be some of the most fun to be had in River City.
We loved what we played of this Tokyo Rumble, but what had us most excited as we headed out from Natsume's booth was just how passionate its staff is about the series, and making sure this release marks a real comeback for Kunio-kun & co. That's the reason they picked this title — one of five (!) Kunio-kun games to hit the 3DS since 2011 — as the first to bring over: they felt it would be the best entry point for newcomers, as well as an ideal balance between old and new for fans of the NES' River City Ransom/Street Gangs. The graphics are a great example of this, featuring gloriously pixelated 2D sprites over polygonal backgrounds with the stereoscopic 3D effect blending the two — there are even two modes each of zoom and camera tilt (selected with the shoulder buttons), so you can dial in a retro or modern perspective on the action as you like.

That attention to balance is shining through in the localization as well, which Natsume's handling with a cleverly mixed approach. Characters and locations all use their original Japanese names, but items returning from the NES days are consistent with their localised '80s terms, canon Americanised names for the main cast pop up as 'nicknames', and there are even some Crash 'n the Boys references to uncover. It would be easy to start from scratch and ignore prior translations, but we love that Natsume's thinking of fans who played River City Ransom on their NES back in the day as well as import enthusiasts who have kept up with Kunio-kun's career — after all, he was renamed Alex and teleported to California long before Apollo was eating his hamburgers, and acknowledging those earlier adventures makes for excellent easter eggs for longtime fans.
Natsume is clearly excited for River City: Tokyo Rumble, and after playing it for ourselves, we certainly are too — this was a surprise hit of the show for us. If you're a longtime fan with fond memories of River City from the 8-bit era, it's definitely worth keeping an eye on, and we suspect anyone with a love for retro gaming in general will want to watch out for this polished, personality-filled brawler. Luckily, we won't have to wait too long to take back the streets, as Tokyo Rumble is cleared for a Summer 2016 release in North America — here's hoping it's the triumphant comeback Kunio-kun deserves.
Comments 29
I'm actually quite interested to see how this game turns out. It could be a really fun old-school side scrolling beat 'em up.
Love it, love it, love it!
Yes, big fan of retro (as most of you may know) and highly anticipate this one! A first buy for me. Looks great!
Howeverrrrr......why use the name Kunio? He's Alex outside of Japan!
And, to be honest....I'm still looking forward to that Kickstarter sequel I funded.
By the way, I learned a few months ago on this site (and I haven't downloaded it yet) that there is a River City sports game on the PSN. So we haven't been all that dry on the west on River City material!
@Magrane Yeah, the Kickstarter sequel to the original looks potentially even more fun:
Awesome! I'm a big fan and getting for sure. Also, I recommend Sword and Darkness for 3DS eShop, you play as a knight who looks suspiciously like Kunio. It's a short, sweet, inexpensive and underrated eShop gem that is made by the same Aksys Games.
Thank you for that! I'll check it out today.
I love these kind of referrals.....
By the way, I'm hoping the River City Underground game does go to a console. Thank you Kirk!
You're welcome!
It got poor reviews, but I think it's a 'misunderstood' game. It isn't that deep and there isn't a lot to see. But if you go into it with the mindset that this is similar to River City Ransom with a medieval theme, I think you'll enjoy your time with it.
@Kirk @Magrane
Yes, that Kickstarter sequel looks awesome! I have room in my life for both.
I wonder if the game will ever come out on a Nintendo console though (especially N3DS), as that's probably the only chance I would ever get to play the heck out of it.
Um...I'm not sure what to think about sprites on real places...I was expecting uh something else
...awesome..can't wait...is it Summer yet?...that second pic looks like you're either fighting against or with the Arcade Badge Bunny, too funny..
I'm glad they are finally ditching the americanized names and keeping the originals. It's nice to see the old ones as easter eggs of sorts, but going with the original names is the way to go nowadays.
Can't wait, love these old beat em up games, wish more of them would come back cough Streets of Rage cough BUUUT, that's just probably wishful thinking, and River City Ransom is good enough for me
I'm excited for this now after reading this. I'm waiting for the prices of the New 3dsxl to go down
I'd buy it in a heartbeat if they release it for Europe. Seems like PAL gamers are getting the shaft with a lot of recent 3DS games...
I'm not surprised by your good first impressions. This is a fantastic series. I've been a fan since I played the GBA remake of River City Ransom. It's a bit of a shame that the franchise seems to be stuck in its retro style, even if it's part of its charm at this point. Nevertheless, I'd love to see a full 3D River City title, kinda like the Kenka Bancho games.
So much hype for this game! Can't wait for wasting hours on it
@Hey-Cha-La Who knows. Maybe it will and maybe it won't.
Hey, did the screen shots all change? These weren't the screen shots I saw earlier.
I've got one of these on my LL and it's great fun, even if I'm not quite sure what's going on on, not knowing any Japanese.
Loved the original, GBA remake and am pumped for this. Wonder if the dodgeball game is going to play like super dodgeball
@Hey-Cha-La . . yea you're right..
...sup NL..the bunny made you change em huh..
Looks pretty fun. Never played the original River City Ransom, tho.
hey is there even a release date on this in the US? I tried to preorder this at gamestop and the game is not even listed yet...
@hYdeks Yeeesss! Streets of Rage is my favorite beat em up of all time! Used to play it all the time in the arcades and Sega Genesis.
Oh you should. It's a lot of fun.
@Tempestryke I'm planning on doing so soon.
Doesn't look like this will be online enabled... yet another missed opportunity, but it won't stop me from playing it. Love the Kunio-Kun games
@Hey-Cha-La i seen that game ages a go and would love to play but sadly its us only
and i form the uk sad face
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