SteamWorld Heist was one of the best 3DS eShop in 2015, and scooped various Game of the Year awards to demonstrate that point. Image & Form has maintained that there's more to come, however, and the good news is that it's not far away.
The studio has confirmed that 'The Outsider', which is paid DLC, will land on 28th April, announcing the date with a mysterious image.
As you can see more details are promised early next week, and we're looking forward to sharing them with you.
The studio's also reiterated to us that alongside the DLC there'll be "a free update with new languages, fixes and features (like added inventory space)".
Are you looking forward to this DLC and update in SteamWorld Heist? Let us know!
Comments 31
Hopefully they'll celebrate the DLC release with a discounted price for the main game. Had my eye on this game for a little while now...
I need to know exactly how much content's being added and for what price!
Awesome good stuff.
@Harmunt Just get it at full price. It's more than worth it and Image and Form are deserving of the support.
Yeah yeah.....good and all that but just gimme the wii u version already!!
@Harmunt This game is WELL worth the 20$ they are asking for it. I've put more hours into it than I have most full price retail games.
Love these guys. Hope they'll do a Dig 2 next though. Make it into a bit of a bigger adventure.
Such a good game. I'll be supporting it!
I bought it at launch month for the 3DS theme was so worth it!
Extra inventory space is great.
A game that is all about the loot having super limited inventory was one of my main complaints. Great game but that was just a " what were they thinking?" Kinda thing ya know?
Oh wow, I forgot to finish Heist. Perhaps I should do that before getting any DLC.
Maybe I won't get the DLC, actually. To be honest, Steamworld Heist is kinda boring. I blazed through the first half, but in 4 months I haven't even bothered to finish the 3rd section of the game.
When's the U version out??
Awesome, so more early next week then,..hope you're not just full of hot air...
I really want this game, right now! But I will be patiently waiting for the Wii U version.
@Uberchu Oh yeah! Definitely one of my favorite themes.
One of the best games of last year!
@TimeGuy 100% agree!
I only have all but 1 AC theme a few zelda (3 or 4)
and all pikachu plus slowpoke and a random strype them plus all the free themes.
FYI... this game is perfect for 3DS... and well worth the price...
Part of me wants a Dig 2, but I think I would rather see what I&F come up with next.
I dig a Dig DLC next! Heist is an almost perfect game, but the collection of hats has left me scratching my head. They don't do anything, I wished they made the hats useful like boosting certain stats.
I'm more interested in the Wii U release. Not a fan of paid DLC
Looking forward to it Usually you get great value for your money from Image & Form, so got no doubts this will be any different! Now, if they only could make that soundtrack available in sleep mode...
Didn't they say something about some free dlc? But I'll definitely consider this one too, if the price is right.
@TimeGuy I've bought Steamworld Defense on DSi and Steamworld Dig on 3DS and Wii U. Nobody can accuse me of not supporting these guys!
I loved Dig, I am currently downloading Heist now. This game looks so fun.
I'll get this game when it hits Wii U. I really enjoyed SteamWorld Dig on 3DS (and Wii U), but I think this game is more suited for a big screen.
@KoopaTheGamer Yeah, I don't understand what's taking so long.... would have gotten this months ago if it were on the Wii U
"SteamWorld Heist was one of the best 3DS eShop in 2015..."
An incomplete sentence staying unfixed for over 24 hours? And the opening sentence, no less! Busy Friday?
One of the best games on the 3DS... if you're waiting for the Wii U version - don't! It's perfect for portable gaming and looks great in 3D.
Really excited for this DLC! Regardless of what it ends up being, it's a day one purchase for sure. In love with this game!
5.00 DLC add-on...? Sure thing! These IF folk deserve every Rupee! Love them to the moon and back!
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