About a week ago, The Game Awards 2015 took place in LA, with the event being livestreamed on sites such as Twitch. Nintendo earned three awards, with Splatoon winning Best Multiplayer and Best Shooter, and Super Mario Maker winning Best Family Game; though the company admittedly didn't have a terribly strong showing at this year's show. All the same, The Game Awards was a bigger success this year, with viewership being higher than last year's inaugural presentation.
Speaking with Polygon, Geoff Keighley – the host and creator of The Game Awards – said that worldwide views totaled 2.3 million viewers, a 20 percent jump from last year's audience. Additionally, the show was trending worldwide and one billion impressions were made on Twitter with #TheGameAwards, double that of last year's social media impact. Keighley chalked up this year's greater success to tighter production, an overall shorter presentation, and more on-stage rewards. Next year, there may be some sort of eSports tournament to precede the event, but it wasn't feasible this time around due to bandwidth issues.
What do you think? Did you watch The Game Awards? What would you like to see the show improve on next year? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
[source polygon.com]
Comments 29
It was really good. Just make it slightly longer next time.
And air it at a time that is actually convenient for people in the EU. I was a no-show for the 3 AM livestream.
Wow, that's more than I expected. But the show was boring and rather lacklustre in the game premiere reveals. I'm still waiting for Nintendo to show Zelda U footage. But I guess we'll now have to wait until E3.
Hopefully Geoff takes some critisms to keep/improve those numbers.
It was definitely better than previous Game Awards shows by Spike, those things were disasters.
Well next time they should focus more on the awards and premiers rather than filler and advertisement. Most of the show just felt like filler i don't understand why they didn't just present all the awards
And so did 2.3 million people see Konami beings jerks live?
@MitchVogel Splatoon got two awards; Best Multiplayer and Best Shooter.
@Undead_terror Yuuup, it was pretty big news that even hurt Konami's stocks a bit.
2.3 million people got to see how boring it was. Not worth watching IMO. Recaps on important info more worthwhile.
And sorry, splatoon doesn't deserve best multiplayer, especially compared to everything else out there. Steam counts too, right? Obviously fixed award for some needed advertising.
Nintendo doesn't do online multiplayer too well, so by what criteria would it win best multiplayer? Having less standard online multiplayer features than everyone else?
Too vague an award for a game that really doesn't deserve it in any way.
Sure, splatoon is fresh and new, but it's not the best thing to happen to the genre ever!
I love that Splatoon got best shooter, a Nintendo game winning best shooter and it was so deserved.
yeah i didn't like it much as i though i would (although 2014's was best IMO). let's hope they do better next year, maybe Nintendo well reveal something new next year, as i could understand why they didn't as the late president, Iwata died in July, sadly and it is nice to see them doing a tribute at Game Award 2015 instead. and splatoon winning awards along with super mario maker. otherwise it was, ok
Didn't watch it other than the Iwata memorial, was it good?
@khaosklub Having a multitude of features doesn't necessarily make a game great.. It adds to the longevity for sure but ultimately the experience is what counts. But anyway now Splatoon does have a fair number of features. Splatoon is much more original than most everything else out there in that sea of formulaic games. That should definitely count for something... Making something fairly original like Splatoon is much much harder than tweaking a few mechanics of an already existing game and packaging it as though it is something new. Honestly, there are a couple games including that it probably should have been nominated over for game of the year let alone best multiplayer game.
@khaosklub Perhaps not the best thing to happen to the genre ever, but arguably the best thing to happen to the genre this year. Hence its showing at the 2015 Game Awards.
I understand that it's an "Awards show" so you want to make it good, but I won't be watching it again next year if they advertise the music as much. The last 10 minutes or so was Deadmau5, that was so unneccassary. I'd rather that be a montage of all the winners, something game related. And they didn' tneed th eother band either, though I did like that woman's rendition of the song from MGS, but Icoudl just watch that on Youtube i fI wanted.
Show the games, show the awards, skip the music. If they want to show music pick the 5 nominated "Scores" and play a little of them fr m their original artists. And skip DeadMau5, nobody cared. He didn't even look like he cared, just collecting a paycheck. Ask that woman interviewing everybody who were givin gher half answers b/c hey were all ignoring her.
There are some beuatiful games out there, show them. 90% of the people watching have never played Splatoon probably, show more of the games being nominated so we can see WHY they were nominated.
So I'll wait and see how they promote it next year before deciding. If it's all about the bands and DJ I'll probably skip it.
What amazes me is, despite all of the viewers, buzz, advertisements, etc, it is believed the show only broke even. I'm not sure what more could be done to make it profitable in the future unless you increase viewership (please, please, no more ads), and the response from this year's show doesn't feel like one in which people will be crazy excited for next year's show.
I thought Splatoon won two awards. Didn't it win Best Shooter also?
I watched most of it. It felt stiff. Needs More games and stuff.
Needs more Japanese games on this show...
If next year's Game Awards is gonna be similar to this one, I'd rather not watch. Most of the stuff was filler content, with only a few interesting stuff showing up every 30 minutes or so.
@Undead_terror seeing their twitter burn was a heck of a movie also , and they sure deserve it after screwing over Kojima at the game awards.
And I was also amazed to see that developers are angry at konami for what they did to kojima.Have a look.
The biggest joke in a awards filled with jokes seriously, Who even plays that Lara Croft game? was Trending gamer. Who is even Greg Miller? Totalbiscuit, Markplier, heck even Pewdiepie deserved the award more than.
@khaosklub The game is being judged as a whole, not just the multiplayer specs. All the other games are sequels who didn't live up to their predecessors.
I mean just for the 'best multiplayer' award.
Best shooter is debatable and it probably has a fair shot, but best multiplayer?
We're not looking at the sequels compared to predecessors, but compared to splatoon.
Yes, but the multiplayer for splatoon probably doesn't stand out too much compared to multiplayers of other games. There is more than just the shooter genre!
I don't get why people keep tuning in to TGA show?
Half of the publishers and developers don't even bother to show up even to accept awards.
No one takes it seriously other than NeoGaf and few other sites.
Why have people tuned in every year for almost a decade, only to complain about it?
@DoctorWily Correct! I forgot that Splatoon had gotten two.
@khaosklub Honestly, Splatoon is the only good multiplayer-centric title released this year that wasn't car soccer. You could make a good case for Rainbow Six Siege, but that came out after the award show.
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