We know it's been coming, but we doubt that makes it any less exciting. Nintendo has now confirmed details for the Super Smash Bros. Nintendo Direct - branded as the Final Video Presentation - which should bring huge hype for fans of the Wii U and 3DS entries.
For starters it's all going down on 15th December at 2pm Pacific / 5pm Eastern / 10pm UK and 11pm CET, with Masahiro Sakurai hosting.
One of the biggest reveals of the November Direct was Final Fantasy's Cloud as an upcoming DLC character in the brawling titles, so it's no surprise that he'll feature. Fans are also desperate to learn about the rest of the roster, in particular any remaining winners from the Fighter Ballot that closed earlier in the year.
As always we'll be streaming the full broadcast with a live blog and chat here on Nintendo Life, in addition to all of the usual news and features content. So, just how hyped are you?
Comments 209
I'm ready!
I'm going to take the time to write an intelligent comment and state calmly that I've landed somewhere in the realm of the first ten comments.
Time to get the hype train ready to go all aboard.
Here comes the rumours and "leaks."
@TheRavingTimes And the predictions.
Shame it's the last Smash Direct... Looking forward to it, nonetheless.
I still hope Inklings and/or Professor Layton is confirmed for Smash. The former seems more likely, too. I'm not willing to buy DLC (especially Smash's), but I'd but those two characters in an instant.
Whoop whoop Smash Bros !
@TheRavingTimes I can see it already : "LITERALLY everyone and everything confirmed for SM4SH"
I am ready.Let us get the show on the road.
When you first read the subtitle it almost seemed like it was the last Direct.
@TheWPCTraveler That can only mean one thing... Realm of the First Ten Comments stage confirmed for Smash.
Can't wait!
Come on, Nintendo Life. You're kinda late on this one. Nintendo posted about this 23 minutes ago. This article should have been up 5 minutes afterward. Speed up your news delivery, NL! Gah!
And why we at it
#morefire emblem characters in smash
Nintendo are going out of their way not to refer to this as a 'direct'. So why call it one? Or is any video presentation from Nintendo now known as a direct?
The final one? This tells me not to expect much for DLC in the future though it could be a good thing really as the game is well over $100 now if you want everything.
I don't play Smash very much. I bought it primarily for my son. However, if Shovel Knight gets added to the roster...
I'm more excited on the announcements related to the new characters' games. Like FFVII on the Wii U, etc.
Sadly I won't be able to watch this you fellow Nintendolifers as I'll be streaming this myself! It's a shame it's the last one but hey, the games been out for a year now so I guess it's time is coming to a close dlc wise, community wise this game will live on till the next one which will happen despite Sakurai saying it's over "which he's been saying since melee) Still I love smash Bros Wii U and 3ds and don't plan to stop playing anytime soon!
I will follow the live chat.
I'd love to see Bomberman blow away the competition.
My body is ready! What? Someone had to say it...
@sinalefa Heh, that's the worst part of any Nintendo Life streaming, IMO. Of course by "follow" you mean you won't join, right?
@VeeFlamesNL I hope with all my heart that Banjo-Kazooie will be included in the game.. It seems like a perfect fit for Smash. And with Minecraft coming to Wii U, I still got hope !!
When I comment I usually try to act and write calmly, but I believe in this case I'll let myself loose a bit.
A BIG announcement is sure to be in this direct... and the color they will use is... PURPLE!
I'm hyped, but keeping expectations low. I just want ballot news, gimme gimme!
@Andyjm You could say the are "directly" avoiding it, nyuck nyuck nyuck
Chase McCain!!!
Master Higgins, Bonk, Bomberman, Keith Courage.
I expect an hour and a half broadcast right? Three new characters and 5 new stages, possibly one new mode?
And then some sort of send off.
Sweet! Definitely gonna watch this. Where's mah popcorn?
Cloud, Inklings, and Wolf for the big three!
All I want is to hear that Sakuringot the Oce Climbers working and now they are being released. That would be the absolute best Smash news ever!
@RetroRider lol brilliant!!!
My body is so ready! All aboard the hype train! Choo-choo!
One thing though. I totally understand that the US and Japan have different time zones than Europe, but the last one was timed for the US too. Can the next Nintendo Direct please be timed to match EU timezones for once? Please?
Banjo Kazooie
Dixie Kong
Shovel knight
King K Rool
Viewtiful Joe
The bald kid from the last airbender
Darth Vader
and Yoda
All confirmed, €10 bundle
This is it users!
Come on, Inkling for Ballot winner!
Though I'm getting this sinking feeling that Cloud is all we're getting. They never said whether he was the ballot winner or not, or whether or not they're even going to officially announce the ballot winner as the ballot winner. For all we know, they could have just used the ballot as statistical data, and there was never intended to be a democratic winner.
Less then a week for this beautiful newz! ALL ABOARD THE HYPE TRAIN!
Sigh, I'll be getting my kids ready for their first concert that afternoon. No social media for me until I watch the video posthumous, I guess
While I'm, here: #GenoforSmash
I'm super hyped. I'm expecting the Inklings to win the ballot although there's been a lot of love for Shovel Knight and King K Rool. I voted for Simon Belmont but I'd love to see the Inklings get it. Other than that I'm not fussed. Can't wait to watch it.
Proff Layton for smash4 confirmed
Daddy Sakurai My Body is Reggie!!!!
King K Rool...
Here is a great idea
The spaltoon stage with the inklings and other spaltoon characters.
" Banjo Kazooie
Dixie Kong
Shovel knight
King K Rool
Viewtiful Joe
The bald kid from the last airbender
Darth Vader
and Yoda
All confirmed, €10 bundle"
With 1 week's worth of hype leading up to this direct, this will look like a sane prediction vs what we are going to start seeing.
I'll just go with CLoud and the Smash poll winner, which I hope was won by a troll character that reddit banned together to vote for. Maybe like Slippy Toad.
Only a few days before Star Wars. Next week is going to be exciting.
But, but, I have to study for a test on that day... ;-;
The smash hype train is heading to its final destination, so you either get on aboard, or miss it.
Mercedes GLA for Smash!
Duke Nukem and L-shaped tetris block!!!!
If we get a Minecraft rep before Banjo and Kazooie I promise to scream at the top of my lungs while I watch this right after school in the library with my friends. Also, go Banjo!
Holy frijoles. Almost a full weeks notice? That's almost as much notice as they gave to Wii U getting Minecraft. And not just getting Minecraft, but of it getting AND RELEASING on Wii U.
So is "Final" simply a play on words b/c Cloud from "Final Fantasy" is in it? hmm
Edit: Hopefully this is the end of SSB DLC and Sakurai can go work on something else, like a Kid Icarus sequel to Uprising on NX, and an HD port of KI:U on Wii U while we wait. I hope they just don't have him start working on SSBNX.
Banjo-Kazooie Banjo-Kazooie Banjo-Kazooie Banjo-Kazooie Banjo-Kazooie Banjo-Kazooie Banjo-Kazooie Banjo-Kazooie Banjo-Kazooie Banjo-Kazooie
I'm sorry guys, I'm too hyped.
@LavaTwilight didn't the last rumour/data mining suggest there was 3 character slots left (2 removing cloud) so maybe to ballot winners or another crazy guess
Come on bandana dee!
Here it comes. This broadcast will either unite or tear the fandom apart. Good luck to all who wants their favorite character in!
-Shadow or Knuckles confirmed for Smash
-Some sort of Story or Adventure Mode
-New special costumes for all the fighters, like Mr. L for Luigi and Galactic Knight for Meta Knight
You know, let me get this out of my chest. OK, here we go:
I think that Smash bros. hype train should end after this presentation, because:
1. There are other games to look forward to. Super Smash Bros. is not the only game we should enjoy on our Nintendo systems, right?
2. The final piece of DLC will be revealed in this direct, so that will end lots of speculations that happen on the internet.
3. Sakurai has other projects to work on, and he's not stuck in making more content for both games forever. And also, he can't please everyone, so be prepared for what he has. Give this guy a break, I say.
Phew! Now I'm finally relieved.
Man I hope they make Cloud available after broadcast.
Shovel Knight!
It would be awesome to see the Inklings too.
Fighter predictions (definite):
Shovel Knight
Fighter predictions (if possible):
King K. Rool
Inkopolis or Urchin Underpass
Tower of Fate
Burning Town
Gangplank Galleon
Adventure Mode
Special costumes (as @Soren suggested)
Moar trophies
Custom specials for DLC fighters
Something random that nobody wants
Finally!!!! This should of been Monday December 7th
Kind of dissappointed that this will be "the last" Super Smash direct...
Probably means we won't get as many extra characters/levels as we were hoping for. I highly doubt they will announce more than 3 or 4 characters in one Direct presentation...
@andrew20 i don't people want any of that trash in smash
@andrew20 I meant I don't think people want any of that trash
@itzdanburton agreed
@dkxcalibur or inklings and shantae :+1:
@TantXL she's defiantly RET-2-go
@abe_hikura I believe so.
Also I see a lot of people using words like 'definite' and 'confirmed'. I do not think those words mean what you think they mean.
#Bomberman4Smash!!! (And/or K. Rool, Dixie, Inklings, Rayman, Isaac... I just mainly want Bomberman)
@GamePerson19 shantae
@chujelly or shantae
Small favor Nintendo Life. If the DLC is leaked, could you PLEASE not have a headline or picture that spoils the surprise for those of us who'd rather wait for the video? Something like "Remain Characters Leaked!" and no picture of those characters.
Just takes everything away from the awesome reveal videos, especially for Roy and Ryu who you spoiled to everyone who just visited the main page... T.T
Watch your mouth ~Santa
I hope this direct covers more than Cloud, characters, stages, Mii Costumes, and the Fighter Ballot. I do like more content in the games I play, but I just want something more than just the usual.
@andrew20 you forgot the best #shantaeforsmash
Alright, time to get down to business. Anyone wanna break my leg on the 14th?
Awesome can't wait.
@Angelic_Lapras_King I second this times a million. Cloud being a total surprise was so much more hype worthy to me than Ryu when we were spoiled for him early and he wasn't a surprise at all, even when I love playing as Ryu. And we may have been spoiled for the new Pokken fighter with "leaks" as well just a few days ago on NLife. Spoilers really kill things and do not belong anywhere but under heavy spoiler warnings so I wish they'd stop. I'll probably be staying off the internet a few days before the direct just in case at this rate....
@datshantaeguy True, Shantae wouldn't be bad I guess either. Really, I'll take almost anybody besides huge nopes like Steve or Master Chief or another Mario character or something.
The DLC is way too expensive. Does each character add new events and challenges offline? I'm guessing they do not and that is more evidence, if true, that the DLC is overpriced. Hopefully they'll have a deal at some point, if not I'll probably stay DLC free because this type of nickel and diming shouldn't be supported. I think I saw that a bundle of characters (no stages) was almost $30 and that doesn't even include every character that will be in the game. The DLC may as well be called Smash 5 and sold for $80 at this rate. Also, I would much more appreciate a proper tournament mode, friend invites and a lag free experience online that any new characters and/or stages
Can't wait
I hope this doesn't mean that this will be the last SSB4 DLC Pack. :/
Potato for Smash!
I just want Isaac to get announced. That's all I really ask for, but anything else involving brand new characters instead of veterans/clones is very much welcome.
@VeeFlamesNL INKLINGS, FOR SURE!!! But I still would like Daisy as a character. Or maybe a counter-part from another company like Tails or Amy, Zero or Roll, Chun-Li or Guile, etc.
Man, took 'em long enough to confirm the date! Now, I would have understood not revealing the date before December, but doing so only after the Minecraft reveal, given the backlash that caused, has been kind of a misstep. Given how close the Directs' dates and the Directs themselves are revealed, the Smash Direct's date was likely supposed to be revealed next monday, but after the aforementioned "big reveal", I suppose Nintendo wanted to do some damage control.
That said, let another "longest week ever" begin!
Watch them reveal Smash NX.
A million times yes. I am a big Smash fan myself, so despite me not quite agreeing on there being "other games to look forward to" (yes, there are Mario, Pokémon, Zelda etc. but aside from Zelda Wii U and Pokkén Tournament, we've had our fix already for this generation; otherwise your point stands), we need to know all the winners at once, because the speculation is unbearable.
Also hoping for Subspace Emissary in Smash WiiU and Melee's Adventure Mode for Smash 3DS@XCWarrior How dare you call Slippy a troll character. How DARE you!
I'm going to bet on Cloud (obviously), Inklings, and maybe one other character from the fighter ballot. I'll also bet on a few more stages (2 or 3, to match the number of added characters), and one new game mode. Also a whole slew of Mii outfits. That sounds like a lot to me, but they must feel like they have a fair bit to talk about to warrant a whole separate broadcast.
Notably, the Inklings would be the first series ever to make it into Smash that did not have any release at the time the Smash game was released.
Nintendo is milking this franchise to death. The game is fun and all, but they've been very reliant on it this past year. And those DLC packs add up.
I hope Steve from Minecraft is there as DLC to see all the N64kiddoes crying rivers of blood
sniffles I want Rune Factory to get in somehow...TwT
@XCWarrior Cat Toad
Gimme Wolf, Nintendo!
I will keep my expectations in check: Cloud character, Midgar arena and the chocobo Mii hat are the only things I really am expecting to see accomplished. Everything else is going to be frosting on the cake; I'm expecting nothing else at all. Now my Smash Bros hopes and fanboy dreams can't be dashed upon the smashball!!! Wahahahahahahahahah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Welp, looks like I'm gonna miss it...crap. Also, KING K ROOL! KING K ROOL!
And thank goodness they do! DLC beats waiting for a new game (waiting just for the roster, that is) any day. If it wasn't for DLC, Mewtwo wouldn't have come back to the series before Smash 5.
It always annoys me that tons of people make lists of possible candidates, and include super unlikely 3rd party candidates or some other unknown characters but happen to forget Isaac.
Hopefully those days of obscurity end with this direct. Isaac is definitely an amazing choice for DLC with tons of psynergy moves in his possession and Nintendo exclusivity. Plus Smash can always use more reps from the Gameboy Advance era which it sorely lacks. Golden Sun was definitely one of the best and first RPG on the console, and with its fan popularity, Isaac now has a decent chance.
Hopefully Nintendo (and Sakurai) stays true to its promise that it made with the ballot (and future DLC) of satisfying as many fans as possible.
So here's to #IsaacForSmash, fellow Golden Sun fans. And to a Golden Sun-rise for the franchise as well.
P.S. Oh and good luck to fans of other characters!
Do you guys think we will get more DLC than just Cloud in time for Christmas? I have no new game to play this Christmas that interests me
@SuperDan64 I'm expecting the DLC pack that comes out after the Direct to be at least as big as the pre-E3 Direct DLC pack, maybe even bigger. The key thing to remember is that the next main Wii U game releases early March, that's 3 months away.
"We hired the Project M team to help us with working on the next Smash Brothers!"
What? I can dream can't I?
Hurrah for decent UK time! (well, unless your bedtime is before 10pm) Far too many in the past have been scheduled during the afternoon when we're all at work or school.
#CaptainN4Smash. #Nester4Smash
@Zetro Oh, how I wish. He was always my most desired third-party pick.
So we have to learn who the ballot winner is by then it seems?
Come on Shovel Knight... Come on...
Is this the furthest in advance that Nintendo has ever given an official date for a Direct?
I feel like usually they're only 1-3 days after the date is given.
@KoiTenchi I think Nintendo revealed the May Splatoon Direct very well in advance.... Not sure how long it was, though...
This is the final stretch! I just know the Ballot Winners will be revealed all at once, and with the complete lack (save for a song in SSBWU) of GS representation, this time around we're gettin' Isaac! (Methinks King K. Rool has less chances to get in, due to - or with the excuse of - having already a Mii Fighter costume based on him; same reasoning for all characters in the same situation. Not wanting to discourage their fans though.)
Isaac could work as a buffed version of Robin, of sorts. With unlimited but slightly nerfed magic, Isaac would be the ultimate swordsman/wizard combination: A button for the sword, B button for Psynergy. And, maybe, a summon for his Final Smash, or at the very least a clone of Shulk's Final Smash with Garet, Ivan and Mia joining in. What do you think?
@AlexSora89 : Haha!! Your joy for Smash is infectious. I'll have to whip this game out once again. I hope this thing stays compatible with the upcoming NX. With all the DLC and the premium package I got with the gamecube controller, this is like buying 2 or 3 games.
So theory time! Cloud will be available shortly after the presentation and two or three more dlc characters announced to be coming in January/febuary, namely Shovel Knight, Wolf Link and...Erm...Oh heck lets go for it, SOLID SNAKE!!! I am definitely right on this guys, unless im wrong 😁
I want my boy Galacta Knight in.
@Shieldser9 If I had to pick just one of those it would be Sparkster
Yay, I'm free at the time of the direct, so I'll join the live chat. I can't wait to see what DLC characters are announced.
Please, let Rayman join the fun. I've lost hope now, but I expected him to be announced for a long time after Sakurai showed his trophy in his miiverse pic of the day long before the game was released.
You poor thing! No way there's "just" Cloud - I think Wolf, Snake or - if Sakurai's claims to have worked out a "fatal flaw" are true - the Ice Climbers are a safe bet, considering we were "just" expecting Lucas when Ryu and Roy were dropped on that very same day. Sure, they were leaked, but few people saw them coming ALONGSIDE Lucas. And even if there's only Cloud, there's totally going to be a new stage or two to keep Midgar some company. Totally expecting Pokémon Stadium [Melee], Saffron City [N64], Fountain Of Dreams, a different Ice Climbers stage for each version in case they're coming back (Summit on 3DS for camera-related reasons, and obviously Icicle Mountain on WiiU), or an "equal exchange" (adding Onett to 3DS and, say, Paper Mario to WiiU). Remember, when even the synopsis says "Cloud and more", you know there's gonna be more. Sakurai says so, and means it!
Glad to see my hype is contagious! I always thought DLC should have happened way back in Brawl, in fact, so that Smash fans should never have to endure the excruciating wait for the new game's roster to be revealed again, but alas, what with Nintendo being behind the times, it never happened... until now! Now we're getting more characters and stages, as if we're getting a new game. And it's glorious! I also always thought that with DLC, Smash is like a self-generating hype machine. Lo and behold, it's turning out to be just like that! I love this series, how it took the Kirby gameplay and managed to evolve into a fighting game series that, what with its freedom of movement, the resulting platform elements, and the percentage damage system resulted in a fighting game where more than two players can fight, I love how accessible it is, I love how each character brings to the table an adapted version of his home series' gameplay (seriously, Mario plays like Mario, and Link plays like a well-equipped Link would play) and, most of all, I love how every game ever since Melee acts as an encyclopedia that brings several fandoms together and makes everyone learn a bit about series he or she never knew before. I'm proud to be a part of this hype train, and if this is indeed its last stop, I somehow just know it's going out with a BIG bang. I can't describe how much I love all of this otherwise, I just... do.
I think the Meta Knight costume might suffice
much like Pit's dark costume DID suffice before they wastwhat I was trying to say is, you wouldn't want more people crying foul because of "NYAH NYAH SAKURAI BIAS"... seriously though, I don't see how much we could even need Galacta Knight - giving him what makes him GK would make him overpowered and not suited for normal gameplay, and GK's normal move were no different than MK, either. Methinks Meta Knight should suffice as-is.-Final Presentation
-Banjo only
-Single Button mode
...ok I'm kidding on that last one.
Shovel Knight or riot.
I'm guessing there will be two more DLC characters announced, plus Cloud. I don't have any attempts at accurate predictions, but here are a few guesses. Inkling seems like a safe bet. Splatoon seems to have proven itself. With Star Fox coming out, Wolf may be a safe bet as a returning character. Dixie Kong isn't impossible either - her moveset wouldn't be very difficult to create, and it adds another female character to the roster. I'll throw out Steve from Minecraft as a crazier guess. It would draw attention to Minecraft, and more importantly, it would draw big headlines. It would be a smart move.
@itzdanburton I feel like those predictions are very close.
Here's to hoping for Shantae and Shovel Knight!
@ikki5 No, if you want everything, then you gotta buy both versions and their DLC, the GameCube controller adapter, 4 Smash Bros. Edition GameCube Controllers, the Smash Controller application for 3DS, and ALL THE AMIIBO!!!
So how much are we looking at here?
How do they expect me to take time away from Xenoblade to watch this?
That would be the game that Conan O'Brien asked for after trying out Smash. You know, "only one button to go and pick up a cookie".
Now the real question is this, how long will this broadcast be?
@TheWPCTraveler haha! What?!
This is going to be great - very excited to see who else made he cut and any other surprises.
With you on Kid Icarus!
The hype on here is crazy. Get ready for angry rants after the show!
We just heard about Cloud and it was a super-positive reaction, time to wipe that all away!
Hoping they'll add EVERYTHING.
They will. Look at his trailer, the guy is 100% programmed.
And there it is, a completely jinxed Direct@rjejr
I'm fine with Sakurai working on other stuff. Even more than "the next Smash", what I wanted this generation was "a PORTABLE Smash", a 10-year-long dream (after first buying Melee in 2004-ish) that finally came true - hence my "wrap up Uprising already, dammit" every time that game was showcased. The wait will be more than tolerable with a Smash game that I can play any time I want, for the very same reasons mentioned in my longest comment on this page.
Very hyped.
I wish i could still get excited for Smash directs, I haven't played the game in months. But I'm hoping for Inklings, and Bayonetta! Maybe Ice Climbers too!
Less likely hope is some single player content and a revamped menu because the current one is not at all helpful.
I wonder if anyone will be happy with this direct?
I predict a massive backlash followed by a huge social media campaign to show Nintendo how badly they've sold out gamers.
Anyways I'm ready for new content.
@Xenocity Yeah, I can't really disagree with you. I'm very much guessing some group of people will be mad following the Direct. And I too wouldn't be happy if some characters got in the game in place of the ones that seem too obvious.
Oh well, hope for the best, then.
@aaronsullivan "Get ready for angry rants after the show!"
I like it when that happens. The angrier the other ranters, the more sane I seem.
If I played SSB Cloud would be hard to resist. I don't, but a playable Sephiroth and One Winged Angel music with a stage showing Meteor heading towards Midgar in the background would still be hard to resist.
Did I ever show you my kids barmitzvah candle display? Almost as cool as that.
No mention of the Smash Ballot. I'm hoping they're going for something epic with this one.
Shovel Knight for Smash!
Simon Belmont for Smash!
Krystal for Smash!
Dixie Kong for Smash!
Tifa Lockhart for Smash!
Also, I want Mii costumes for Sephiroth, Ridley, Captain N, Reyn, Tetra, Geno, Red Mage, Black Mage, Erdrick, Dr. Mario, Crono, Ayla, Geno, and Pokemon Trainers.
It won't live up to the hype unless we get ballot results!
@AlexSora89 "a PORTABLE Smash"
Portable Smash, along w/ portable Mario Kart, are my 2 main reasons why Nitneod doens't need to invest in a home console. Having XC on New 3DS kind of sealed the deal for me. And Kid Icarus Uprising has more story and voice work than most Wii games. And Fire Emblem:Awakening looked great as well. And Monster Hunter sells. Make a 4DS w/ TV out, done. Mario 3D Land, Zelda: A Link Between Worlds. It's all there. Why make a Wii 3?
When I think of Sephiroth's Super Nova in newer games, I always think of a sucktacularly stylized, WarioWare-ish rendition of the animation featuring a small marble standing for meteor, bouncing on each of the other marbles that represent the various planet, with a small bell sound for each bounce, and an anticlimatic explosion for the attack when it connects.
@TheRavingTimes exactly my thoughts, Mr. Simpson
Didn't see your response when posting my comment. Well, yeah - portable gaming will always keep Nintendo afloat, no matter how grim the home console situation seems to be.
@rjejr I disagree, all the portable Mario Kart games and Smash 3DS are worse than the home console games (MK7 is probably the worst of the whole series). Also handhelds are weak so brings in nonsense like Ice Climbers cut and online multiplayer region locked. If Tri Force Heroes was a Wii U game instead of a 3DS game, it would almost certainly have worldwide online.
So can we have custom Palutena's Guidances once all the DLC fighters are confirmed? And maybe some custom specials for 'em all?
They saved the best for last. It's going to be a ton of 1st party characters. Some veterans and some newcomers.
Actually Golden Sun has two tracks in the Wii U version of the game. One is the Felix Theme and Final Boss mix that was present in Brawl as well, on Norfair. The other is a somewhat hidden/unnoticed piece with a Dark Dawn theme, Weyard, present on Palutena's Temple.
Comparing to Robin or anyone actually is not really necessary as Isaac as a unique character would be amazing in itself. To be honest, many people at the Smashboards Isaac thread were considering a pure psynergy moveset with the sword being used for only the basic forward jab, and the Ragnarok and Odyssey psynergy. His grab can be the catch psynergy, and up-b can be Meggido or just growth or something. Having Djinn to switch around his moves would probably be too complicated but Djinn could be incorporated as in standby/set mode. The more Djinn he has set, the more damage his moves will deal with a weaker final smash or the opposite for more standby djinn. The Final Smash should probably be Judgement or a medley of attacks (Odyssey and others) but that has been done to death already by Ike and Cloud.
To be honest he has so many possible moves that it would be near impossible to discuss them all due to the huge range of psynergy Golden Sun has. Hopefully Sakurai uses that to his advantage instead of making him too much like Robin who doesn't have Earth psynergy, something that can make Isaac focus on stage control and be very different overall!
@Xenocity Oh there will definitely be tons of salt, but also tons of hype. Some will be salty because their character didn't get in, while others will be hyped because theirs did.
I swear, I want to see Isaac in Smash just to see you happy! Also because I like the guy, but mostly because I hope you get to see him in the game.
I mean I will read the updates that Thomas or whoever is in charge writes as events are unfolding, not the user chat to the right.
Thing is at the time the Direct starts I leave from work, so the bus trip has poor internet signal. So that way I can keep myself informed while using a low bandwidth.
I really want Professor Layton, but then again any character approved by Mr. Sakurai is a character approved by me!
Hope to see some of the ballot winners. I'd say the Inkling has the best shot as far as first parties are concerned. Third parties probably got more votes though.
@Xenocity I predict a lot of backlash from people who didn't get their favorite character from the Smash Ballot. No matter who Nintendo picks, someone is going to be mad about it.
At least, Sakurai knows. He's made it clear he's aiming to please as many people as possible.
C'mon, Nintendo! Phoenix Wright confirmed for smash!
@Grumblevolcano "Also handhelds are weak"
Well the 3DS is weak, as they spent money on the 3D screen that they then dropped for the 2DS which sells for $100. And it was 4 years ago. Look at today's handheld tech in tablets, or even the Vita, and I think the tech isn't an issue. If a handheld had TV out then it basically doubles as a 2-in-1 so people may be willing to spend $300 on it. For $300 in a handheld without 3D you should almost be able to get Wii U graphics. Wii U is 3 years old.
"Tri Force Heroes was a Wii U game"
Do you know what TFH has going for it that Zelda U doesn't? It's out. No matter how bad it is, it will make more money this holiday for Nintendo than Zelda U will.
So yes, I agree, handhelds will never be as good as home consoles. BUT - Kid Icarus Uprising is able to run on 3DS. So is FE:A. And Hyrule Warriors is getting a 3DS port as well and that's my favorite Wii U game so far - still haven't played XCX or Bayonetta 2 so that;s likely to change. MK could be made better, SSB could be made better.
But it's not about better - does it matter if Zelda U is better than TFH if TFH sells better b/c there are 50 million 3DS but only 12 million Wii U? How many NX would Nintnod sell if it were a home console only? 8 million maybe? Better off making a handheld w/ TV out and making the best games they can on that system then spreading themselves to thin and having nobody buy NX and it's games. Even if they would be better, it doesn't make the company any money if nobody buys them.
Final? Sheesh.. So it lasted just a year. Disappointing.
@Nicolai Cloud can't be the ballot winner, the ballot ended in what October? And Cloud is already finished with a crazy stage to boot. There no way they could do that in 2 months when Mewtwo by himself took longer .
Don't worry, the remaining fighters will still make us go crazy at the end of the next few Directs.
I just realized I can watch this! My work has WiFi and 2pm is when I usually take my break between my split shifts.
@rjejr I doubt Tri Force Heroes will sell better than Zelda U, that game lacks the number 1 most important thing for a Zelda game (a strong single player experience). Not impressed by Nintendo having focused a lot of their games around co-op nowadays (even 3D World and NSMBU were designed such that it is best with 4 players couch co-op). Outside racing & sports games, fighters and shooters the focus should always be on the solo experience imo (for the types I mentioned as exceptions, online multiplayer should be the focus rather than local multiplayer).
Dak Prescott and Derrick Henry for Sm4sh.
So this is the final presentation. A little disappointed that the ride had to end so early, but it's understandable. My question is who will be the final fighters.
@Giygas_95 No one wants a bunch of losers that lost to a rebellion
I dunno who I want at this point. I'll buy any character.!
@LztheQuack What'd you say? Couldn't hear you over that loss to Memphis!
Bayonetta for Smash! The witch dances into battle!
The "and more" is probably Cranky Kong.
@Giygas_95 I like some Sugar with my Bowl
I'm in it for King K. Rool.
Given the reveal of Cloud during the November direct, it makes me curious what was withheld to present during this final broadcast. As much as I love new characters (Issac & K.Rool for Smash! ahem), I'd love to see the late addition of maybe one or two new 1p modes. I can't continue to play Classic endlessly as it's not as fun after the millionth time.
I'm hoping for Shovelknight and Rayman
I want Magikarp!
By 'Final Presentation' do they mean it is the last one ever for Super Smash Bros. or do they mean just for the year?
After all the new fighters are announced, watch Sakurai confirm that Smash 5 is in development.
fighter prediction:
Bomber man
Phoenix Wright
Surprise fighter: Optimus Prime
@SanderEvers 2017-2018 seems too early, given the trend with Smash games so far 2020 would be the earliest.
My list of characters who will be in it.
Isaac (Golden sun)
King K rool
Impa (skyward sword)
Wolf (starfox)
Simon Belmont (Castlevania)
Smash direct next week
Mother 3 will be released on the japanese eshop next week too
Coincidence? I don't think so
Good one!
Except Lucas is already in the game, so I don't see any coincidence at all... unless you mean they're going for a Mother 3 character, such as Porky or The Masked Man. Who knows? However, I fail to see your point.
@TheRavingTimes And the GameXplain Discussions
@Grumblevolcano "I doubt Tri Force Heroes will sell better than Zelda U"
Well TFH will out sell Zelda U this holiday, and also this financial year for Ntinedo which ends March 31, 2016. So from a strictly financial standpoint TFH is going to be a bigger money maker than Zelda U. And I will bet my house that TFH costs less to develop than Zelda U. So even if TFH goes for $40 and Zelda U for $60, in terms of return on investment, I almost guarantee TFH has a better ROI than Zelda U,which in man hours alone is going to cost way more than TFH to develop. And it will outsell Zelda U on Wii U if Zelda U becomes Zelda NX, like Sony did w/ The Last Guardian.
So, spend less money to make a 3DS game and get it out faster to make money NOW, or spend more money to make a Zelda U game that is taking forever to come out on a sytem w/ 1/5 the install base.
Nintneod is a company, and Iwata the game maker is no longer in control, it's all about the money now, and the money says "handheld" is the way for Nintneod to go. Sony is another story, home console all the way for them, they wont' do another handheld, they've said as much.
Crappy games like TFH, HHD, AC:aF, MP:FF are Nintnedo's future bread and butter. They just can't handle open world HD. If they could, they would have made a Subspace Emissary sequel or Ntineod Land 2 or some other toys-to-life game that would have made them a billion $ by now. And Zedla U would be out. And Super Mario Galaxy 3. How many people heard the name "Wii U" 4 years ago and immediately thought - "Super Mario Universe" as a Galaxy sequel? TFH may not be good, but handheld games are the money makers for Ntineodo.
Gimme K. Rool (with a Gangplank Galleon stage) and I'll be happy.
@LasermasterA I doubt it's impossible. It does seem a little suspicious that he was dropped as an assist trophy doesn't it? Almost like they wanted to keep the possibility of putting him in open...
As for me...I just want Dillon, Lyn, and Dark Samus...but they're all assist trophies...while boring Rosalina becomes a fully fledged fighter!
@wazlon same here, that was a great game, most people wouldn't know him but the sound track was great and his move set would be class
Precisely. See, @LasermasterA, this is what I was talking about. I think anyone who's not in the game already as an Assist Trophy (Takamaru, Saki, Waluigi) or as a Mii costume (King K. Rool, Lloyd, Heihachi) has a chance to get in for that exact reason. There must be, in my opinion, a void to fill. And I don't see a wider gaping hole than the one left by Golden Sun's utter lack (again, music aside) of representation in SSB4.
@LztheQuack I prefer a conference champion.
So this is it then! If the Smash ballot doesn't come to fruition this time (I mean, a bunch of cool, new characters), then it probably never will...
I really hope they have Sephiroth as an alt costume for Cloud. Not that I don't think he deserves his own slot but rather leave room for other fighters. To see Tifa come in also would be awesome.
I hope they bring back a new 'adventure' mode, similar to what they did with the previous instalments... that would flesh the game out nicely, but I just don't see them doing that. The lack of it almost made me refuse to buy it but I came to my sense
4 days and counting!
Correction : list of characters you want to see in it...
The data hack revealed only 3 character slots, of which Cloud has been confirmed to take one of them and the winner of the ballot (on the safe assumption it's not Cloud) will take another. That only leaves room for one more character, assuming the data leak was correct. Either way, we're not going to see 10 new characters announced in one go...
Generic Action Figure for the win!
Heh heh, thanks. Not just me, but tons of Golden Sun fans will be absolutely elated if Isaac makes it in Smash. Especially the ones who have been actively supporting Isaac for Smash.
And the point regarding a gap to fill has been pretty obvious from the start. The point that makes Isaac much more likely for Smash DLC is that he is missing as an assist trophy. Existing assist trophies have a much lower chance of being playable in Smash 4, whereas Isaac's exclusion opened up a slot for him. And the addition of a new piece of music from the Golden Sun series besides the piece at Norfair, atleast showed that Golden Sun had not been completely forgotten.
I think Isaac is extremely unlikely, though my most wanted character. Shovel Knight is nearly a given and Steve? wouldn't be a stretch. Banjo Kazooie a lot less likely as they have to get MS alproval, but stranger things have happened.
As long as they release Cloud afterwards I'm good.
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