The Holiday season has rushed upon us this year, with the time for relaxation and festive cheer right around the corner. We have a variety of the usual end-of-year fare for you, including Game of the Year awards, retrospectives and optimistic glances towards 2016. Naturally, of course, we're also plotting some quality gaming time with family and friends.
In order to celebrate the upcoming Christmas / Holiday / Winter break, whatever you want to call it, some of our team have put together some words to share their gaming plans. It's a bit like that "What Games are You Playing This Weekend" series we used to do, but with extra tinsel and sparkle.
And yes, if you want that series back in 2016 bombard this writer (with the tag @thomasbw84) and say so in the comments; maybe it'll make a comeback here on Nintendo Life.
Without further pre-amble, here are some of our team's festive plans, with more to come soon!
Mitch Vogel
For my Christmas gaming plans, I intend on playing through plenty of Super Smash Bros. and Mario Kart 8 with my cousin. I have fond memories of long nights we've spent on winter break, staying up well into the wee hours of the morning. In all seriousness, I think that Smash 4 and Mario Kart 8 are the most compelling multiplayer games that Nintendo has ever put out. Not even Wii Sports had the kind of longevity that these two have; not only are they arguably the most mechanically sound games in their respective series, but they're also incredibly accessible to gamers of all skill levels.
Additionally, I intend on beginning my annual playthrough of Metroid Fusion. That's a more recent tradition of mine, and it started a few years back when I finally got to play Metroid Fusion from the 3DS Ambassador Program. Up until that point, Fusion was one of the Metroid games I'd never gotten to play, and it left such an impression on me that I continuously replay it every year. I'm not entirely sure what it is about Fusion that grabs me so much, but I still hope against hope that Nintendo will opt to one day follow it up with a worthy 2D successor.

Liam Doolan
My Christmas tradition is to visit my Animal Crossing: New Leaf town that I neglect all year round. This year will be no different. I'll catch up with old friends while realising other ones have moved on in search of a better life.
I can't be there every day of the year, so this trend of departing villagers will no doubt continue. At least familiar faces like Digby and Blathers will always be around – they're my true friends.
When I'm not spending time in town, I plan to head over to the Nintendo Badge Arcade and try to win as many badges as possible. The machines always make this process an infuriating experience – as does the blasted rabbit. I guess I'll just have to deal with all of this if I want free Christmas badges to decorate my 3DS HOME Menu with.
Morgan Sleeper
My Christmas gaming plans always start with an old favourite: Christmas NiGHTS on the Saturn. It's wonderful all winter long, but nothing beats firing it up on Christmas morning, seeing Claris and Elliot all decked out in their Santa gear, hearing Jingle Bells in the background, and playing through the watercolour story of how NiGHTS saved Christmas. After flying around Twin Seeds in the snow, however, it'll be right back to the Wii U for some quality family game time. Nintendo Land has been a staple of past holiday gatherings, and rounds of Mario Chase and Animal Crossing: Sweet Day are hard to beat for easy fun, but this year we'll break out Animal Crossing: amiibo Festival as well for a few rounds on the December board — that should help make up for the lack of actual snow here in southern California!
No matter what the weather's like, my family likes to relax on Christmas, so after a morning of present-opening, merriment and multiplayer games, everyone tends to settle into a good book for the rest of the afternoon. I'll be substituting a 3DS and Yo-Kai Watch — a real page-turner of an RPG! — for my couch-time entertainment, and I can't imagine anything cozier than curling up with a big mug of tea and exploring Springdale's charming sidestreets. However you're planning to celebrate, here's hoping it's equally enjoyable — may your day be merry, bright, and full of as many games and warm beverages as possible!

Steve Bowling
Christmas is a very important time for my family, and for me, Nintendo has always played a huge part in it. As a kid it was all about getting the latest SNES game. As an adult with a family of his own, I spend my holiday getting some much needed gaming time in during the festivities. Did I mention my stocking has the Triforce on it? It does, and it's awesome.
This year, I'm all about Wii U. My duties here at Nintendo Life have kept me busy checking out some of the great (and not so great) indie titles available on the eShop. So, for my time off I'm planning on checking out two big budget titles: Xenoblade Chronicles X and Genei Ibun Roku #FE.
I've spent a little bit of time in Mira, exploring and fighting large creatures, but I'm overwhelmingly excited to see more of the gorgeous world Monolith Soft has crafted. I'm hoping I can grind my way to getting my Skell. Honestly though, it'll probably be that other game I spend more time on.
Genei Ibun Roku #FE has a weird title, but an amazing concept. I'm a huge fan of Fire Emblem and I've enjoyed some of the Shin Megami Tensei games in the past. Coupled with the game's charming animelike art style, I'm completely sold. It releases in Japan on the day after Christmas, which translates to Christmas day for those of us with a Japanese system in the U.S. I'll be watching that download closely.
Aside from that, I'm hoping to spend some time with the rest of my family on Triforce Heroes. I'm woefully behind on that game, despite enjoying it quite a bit. I'd like to say I'll get around to Zip Lash too, but probably not. I hope you all have a great holiday!
Comments 40
I'm planning on playing through Yoshis WW this holiday. The current game time consists of BO3 and Fallout4 so a nice change of pace and genres seems appropriate.
I'll be playing Xenoblade Chronicles X and Paper Mario over Christmas. Thanks, Morgan for reminding me it's been too long since I've played Christmas Nights, so I'll be having some of that too.
What I play will depend on which online services don't get DDoS attacks. If Xbox Live is up and running, I'll be playing Rise of the Tomb Raider if I get it for Christmas otherwise Rock Band 4 (the announced U2 pack looks great). If Xbox Live has been DDoS'd then I'll be playing Wii U (assuming Nintendo Network isn't targeted), either Mario Tennis Ultra Smash (if I get it for Christmas) or starting Xenoblade Chronicles X.
I've got a bit of Mario&Luigi: superstar saga to finish on Wii u vc to free up some rpg time ready for xenoblade for Xmas. Otherwise I'll be playing project zero when alone for thrills and captain toad with the missus to finish that off. I'll try and give Mario party 10 another shot if we have company too, so disappointed with my first go it's been collecting dust since.....
@Grumblevolcano I'm a bit worried about that too, I've heard Lizard Squad wants to do it again.
I'm not sure if I'm getting any new games, so I may continue my quest to complete the Bayonetta games and my quest to get some trophies in Fast Racing Neo. Stuck in the learning curve on both of those games.
Triforce Heroes and Splatoon for me
Mix of Steamworld Heist, Mario and Luigi & AVGN
Not sure if I should add something more Christmassy?
Xmas on Mira for me.
@MitchVogel It's a new group, Phantom Squad.
Gonna play Fallout 4, the original Xenoblade Chronicles, Ori and the Blind Forest, and maybe Bayonetta 2 if I have the time.
Skylanders SuperChargers by day, XCX by night. And a couple of old school board games in the evening - Magic the Gathering and King of Tokyo. Figure the Wii U could use a little down time.
Just bought a 64GB thumbdrive to back up all of my data in case the external HDD dies under the load of those 4 XCX packs. It's a very old drive. And a 4 port USB hub so my kids can keep in both the Skylanders and DI portals plugged in after, if, we get Lego Dimensions. And I like keeping in a cable to charge our Pro controller. The back has the powered external HDD and the old Wii USB to Ethernet adaptor, Wi-Fi doesn't reach the basement.
Christmas this year for me is a busy one, but I plan to get in some video game time over my extended weekend. The big event is that I'll finally play through Super Metroid (Wii U VC) for the first time. I'm also planning to get a bit further in Pokemon Omega Ruby; I've been playing it at a leisurely pace and am just now in Lilycove City.
I also may tie up a couple of loose ends in NSMBU and play through the endless mode of Papers, Please.
Me and my bro will most likely be continuing The Witcher 3 in order to slay and loot some monsters and hopefully we will be able to finish up Gears of War Ultimate on insane mode! After that who knows?
I'm still plot resetting so no Xmas AC for me 😐
I'll probably play Moley Christmas tho 🎅🏼
Only Steve is playing a new release......... that must say something about how bad things are.
I am not counting AC amiibo festival...that's just an excuse to sell Amiibo's rather than a game.
Mr Bowling seems to be the only staff member with any sense- Xenoblade Chronicles X should be on every Christmas list here!
Live Xenoblade X. Breathe Xenoblade X. Forego all sleep for Xenoblade X. This is the single greatest game to release this generation- on ANY platform.
I just got my skell last night- aw man, this is what I've been waiting for! It's a whole new game now!
@JaxonH glad to hear your having so much fun with xenoblade, I'll get mine on Xmas day. Can't wait
I usually get a few eShop cards for Xmas, and have been debating if I should pick up Steamworld Heist. No doubt it's a fantastic game, but with so much time going to XCX, I'm not sure if I'll actually end up playing through it.
Might be good to get it now and save it for the new year...
I haven't been to my Animal Crossing village for a long time. I named it after my dog who, sadly, departed us earlier this year so I may or may not check in for Christmas.
Otherwise I intend to be generally star bound between XCX and Steamworld Heist.
I have an itch to scratch by getting a new Nintendo game over Christmas but I'm not certain what to go for between Triforce Heroes, Paper Jam or Smash Tennis (likely Tennis as I have Dream Team to play through and I don't know anybody else with a 3DS for Zelda-ing).
Oh, and Splatoon, Smash and MK8 on steady rotation.
I also love Metroid fusion!
Just started zero mission on wiiu hope it doesn't disappoint I'm sure it won't!
XCX and Stella glow if I get it for Christmas.
@Kid_Sickarus I'm very sorry about your dog . I'm sure it was hard. My
aunt's dog died this year as well.
Also, lucky! You have Paper Jam...I want it. Curse you NOA!
Definitely Splatoon, maybe revisit New Leaf too. I got EO Untold II and AC:HHD for my birthday last week, so I'll be playing those too.
I'll be in Spain without internet connection - with my trusty 3ds console and a week of Steamworld Heist and Korg DSN-12 !
my gaming plans for this festive time of the year are
lots of mario kart 8 with the family
along with a playthrough of pikmin 2 ,luigis mansion ,billy hatcher ,animal crossing new leaf.
@Grumblevolcano Oh boy...
It's Pikmin 3 and Steamworld Heist for me - I'm working through a backlog. Still buying the discounted games I fancy, but they'll probably have to wait a while.
@BluStreak thank you, I appreciate the thought. I'm sorry to hear about your aunt's dog.
I wonder why NOA are making you guys wait. Paper jam over here has already dropped to £18 with one retailer. Like I say, if I didn't already have dream team to play through...
I'll be seeking out snow levels on Banjo Kazooie, M64, Yoshi's Woolly World, etc, plus hurrying up with getting to grips with Minecraft to use the festive skin pack (it's tough tearing myself away from Splatoon and XCX though). Animal Crossing is a good one too. I tried and failed to download NiGHTS for the Xbox 360 via the XB1, but you can't do that - disaster.
Morgan Sleeper's got the right idea! ^^ Yo-kai Watch has been a blast finally getting to play after following the Japanese anime episodes for about a year now.
Planning on playing some Animal Crossing New Leaf on Christmas Eve for Toy Day festivities and then Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon on the day as that is gonna be 1 of my gifts this year. Seems alright to me.
I'm gonna play new Leaf just to see what winter is like but I still never found the point of this game.
I don't have any traditions but I'm playing a lot of Mario Kart 8, just got the DLC, and some Smash Wii U right now. Looking forward to playing those with the Nintendo Life community tomorrow and Wednesday. I'll probably get Splatoon for Christmas, so that should eat up some weeks. I'm trying to finish Earthbound and SteamWorld Heist, though Mario Kart is making it hard.
@zipmon I had a feeling your first pick would be Christmas NiGHTS.
Mostly been playing some of my Steam games such as Neptunia and Left 4 Dead, but I have been getting my town ready for Toy Day in New Leaf.
This Christmas it's going to be Starwars KotOR II with my son on Xbox as well as WWE 2K16 on the PS4.
NIntendo things - checking out Cloud in SSB 3DS, Picross E6 and hoping to get Story of Seasons soon. Also Harvest Moon 64 and Bomberman Hero on N64, which I picked up for a cheap price recently.
Non Nintendo things - Ratchet & Clank: Nexus (PS3), Dragon Quest Heroes (PC), also replaying System Shock 1 and 2 (I love these two, that's why I'm so hyped about the remake and the third part).
Though I don't plan any ultra grand gaming feasts, as the engineer's job is never done, I also need to catch up with my own personal projects during the free time.
Triforce Heroes for me - there should be plenty of people to play with and some Super Mario Maker as I brought it lauch day but haven't got around to actually playing it.
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