Masahiro Sakurai's Final Presentation for Super Smash Bros. has finished, and the final reveal and challenger was none other than PlatinumGames' Bayonetta; a February 2016 release is the target. In addition to the fighter there'll also be an Umbra Clock Tower stage, which replicates the iconic scene that's familiar from the first Bayonetta.
She was perhaps a surprise choice, with Masahiro Sakurai saying she was the number one Fighter Ballot choice in Europe, top five in North America and worldwide winner. There was a caveat, though; these were the standings among 'realisable' characters, meaning some would have simply been off the table for licensing reasons.
Bayonetta's moveset looked pretty interesting, utilising many of the familiar moves and styles - including Bullet Arts - from the source games. A Wii U purchase of the DLC will include new music tracks and trophies for Jeanne, Rodin and Ceresa; each individual version (character + stage) will be $5.99 / €5.99 / £5.39, or it'll be $6.99 / €6.99 / £6.29 for the same DLC on both Wii U and 3DS.
Are you excited about Bayonetta coming to Super Smash Bros. next year? Let us know.
Comments 232
Mmm, the hate form the fans is real!
This means Ninty haven't given up on her! Bayo 3 could still happen! And we get an amiibo!!!
@Xaessya yet they voted for her?
we also apparently voted for Cloud coz a lot of people wanted FF chars... lol
I just want a wolf or waluigi amiibo...
Well, that was unexpected. When they did her trailer, I was like,"Aww, really... Viridi? Hades? Blegh." And. Then. The. Moment. Of. Truth.
BAYONETTA gets wicked!
Bayonetta is a fun character, with a great moveset.
She's a great fit for Smash Bros.
best thing about her? she's DLC so you don't have to download her if you don't want to
Buying it day one with amiibo or even two. Great choice.
My throat hurts from screaming "YES!!!!" so loud and my voice is shot too. I have no regrets.
I was in favor for her from the start! I choosed her for the fighter's ballot and now she's part of the game now!!! Very happy!!!
Damn it Europe! Just kidding. It was ok all and all. The new FE character was a head scratcher, and 3 characters was a bit sparse, but I'll take it. The new stages look nice too. The alternate costumes have a lot of details.
Well, as I've said before, I don't like playing Smash -too quick for me, but the detail that goes into the creation of the characters and stages is beyond impressive. Sakurai is as close to a gamecraft genius as it gets.
She looks cool to play as! I'm looking forward to it.
I kinda wish they went with the #2 choice as well though.
This is great news I was expecting this for some time now I mean Nintendo Supported this game a lot so this had to happen.
I can't say i disagree with this choice, pretty sure Shovel Knight was on the top of the votes in NA
Heck Yeah!!!! I just got back from work and this is the first I see! I can't wait, Bayo was the character I voted for! This is one amiibo I won't miss! Time for some infernal summons!
I am very ok with this.
Wow that is totally unexacting.
I wonder if Nintendo will consider making more Bayonetta games, like perhaps for the NX? Would be awesome if they did.
I swear when I saw Pit at the start of the trailer I thought Sakurai was going to add Light Pit or something. I was horrified.
Bayonetta is so so much better. (She was in my top 5)
Still mourning the lack of Isaac though.
At least i got my tails costume hapoy enough
I was hoping for someone from Golden Sun, but it's OK, Bayonetta looks amazing in the same, her move ser looks really interesting. When I saw Pot fighting, I thought it was gonna be Medusa or Hades jajaja. But looks great anyway.
@Zelkardaim You may want to censor that F bomb buddy even though it's kinda hard to throw one when FREAKING BAYONETTA IS IN SMASH! I don't even care about Snake not making it this time, Bayonetta alone heals all of that butthurt and then some!
At least it wasn't a Mercedes Benz...
I'm so happy for platnium. They deserve to be honored this way. Definitely my favorite developer since they started as clover studios
Off topic but about Corin
Amazing how people were okay with 6 Pokemon were in Brawl. There is no limit.
As long as they're unquie who cares?
Bayonetta looks awesome though.
I'm perfectly happy with Bayonetta's inclusion.
Can't say the same for Corrin, with all due respect.
Can't wait for the Bayonetta amiibo!
So happy she got in over Rayman and Krystal!
Corrin? Better than Ike at least.
NO! K ROOL! WHYYYYYeh, hopefully he'll be in Smash 5. This was surprising! To be honest I haven't played Bayonetta 1 or 2, but I'll still be getting her. Also, the start of the trailer made me think we were getting another Kid Icarus character. DON'T SCARE ME LIKE THAT, SAKURAI!
Am I the only one who is thrilled with all 3 of the characters? Granted, being a massive Fire Emblem fan helps with Corrin (can't wait for Fates, that voice acting "my big brother is now my big sister! Haha), not much else needs to be said about Cloud and Bayonetta, they both look fantastic, full credit to Sakurai.
Even though Corrin is another Fire Emblem character, they did their best to make it very interesting with all the dragon actions! Looking forward to it!
GG, Nintendo, GG
Seriously tho, Bayonetta on Smash Bros.... Wow!
(still was rooting for inkling, tho, but Bayonetta works too.)
Finally! She should have already been in it from the start though!!
Super bummed about wolf, SUPER hype for bayo! really didn't think she would get in.
Cloud is meh for me, never played FF
Have a feeling AFTER i play fates i'll like corrin.
Well, I most certainly wasn't expecting her! In talks with my real life friends, and even on the Internet, Bayonetta was never mentioned very often, really. O_o
Regardless, I am pleased with the result. Everything about her seems amazing, even though I've never gotten to play either of her games. I personally voted for Bomberman, but I can see Bayonetta having more of an appeal, and possibilities overall.
hideki kamiya's Twitter is going to make interesting reading for the next few months.
Cool, I wanted Bayonetta from Day 1 so I'm happy with this
Don't know if it's true, but according to Vgchartz Bayonetta 2 is almost at 1 million in sales. That's almost the same as the first one on Xbox 360.
Maybe a Bayonetta 3 one day?!
Hey, at least Corrin is unique (turns into a dragon!). However, a tales and chocobo HAT are stupid. Why not the whole costume? And Corrin needed a stage.
My only complaint so far is that Cloud is releasing in a few hours instead of straight away. That, and the fact there are limits to who can and cannot get into the game.
Still, we have a Ballot winner! I just want to know if these are the LAST DLC characters or if there's more after 'em.
Also, I really dig Tetsuya Nomura's artwork for Cloud. Too bad he chose the obvious character, but at least I finally know what a Nomura-drawn Link looks like. I wish we had seen Pit and Pikachu too, but oh well.
So much potential down the tubes. I was hoping for at least 5 characters, but only 3 is a bit disappointing. I'm not to pleased with Bayonetta making it in either. She's the only character besides Snake from an M rated game so far in Smash, and that sort of clashes with me. I never really liked Snake either. Would have been better if Shantae or some other character with a strong relation to Nintendo consoles was included.
Besides that, I'm stocked for Cloud and Corrin though, and what a ride it has been. Well done Mr. Sakurai!
Really not my personally choice, but I can see the appeal and I think it will please many fans. Also, the character and stage look to be well done, as is basically always the case with Smash Bros stuff.
I really would have loved something like Shovel Knight though, and I honestly got the sense it was the front-runner in terms of general chat around the Internet.
PS. For a second, when he reveal footage was starting, I thought it was actually Alucard from Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, which almost left me in shock, in the best possible way (even though the character never really popped into my head prior to this)...and then, it wasn't. Still, Bayonetta is a decent enough choice, and I really can't complain overall. The game has a crap load of genuinely great fighters, and stages, to choose from.
I'm seeing a lot of salt of from fans on other websites saying that the direct sucked because the character they wanted didn't get in. Their tears are delicious. I wanted Elma, but you don' t see me going around acting hysterical. Bayonetta won the ballots and looks cool so I'm looking forward to playing with her smh.
First M rated character?
What about Snake?
@AlexSora89 yes, Bayonetta whenever she is made available (wink-wink) will be the last DLC character for Smash 4, Sakurai said so right before her trailer.
Sooooo, the Smash ballot was fake? I expected as much!
@Oubie this will definitely help make that a reality. I imgine this will cause a small but noticeable jump in Bayonetta sales for the wiiu
Not bad, I like her.
@MrGawain touché.
No one cares about Corrin because we haven't played FE: Fates yet. We don't have that emotional attachment to the character yet. I'm sure our opinions will change once we play FE: Fates.
@Henmii how was it a fake?
Love Bayonetta. I'm okay with Cloud. Don't care much for Corrin but will get him to have the complete roster. I wanted Rayman, but maybe there were licensing issues.
So now when Shovel Knight isn't coming to Smash. Is it still worth to get a Shovel Knight Amiibo if u just got a 3ds with no multiplayer?? Got one waiting for me at a store, would have to pay first when picking it up. I'm afraid the 3ds's uses of the Amiibo ain't worth it.
Great, now I can look forward to Fiora and the Inklings in the next Smash. They had to leave something, I guess.
YES! She looks amazing.
@Lunapplebloom what about snake?
@Oubie Considering the userbase of the Wii U, Bayonetta 2 did pretty well in comparison to the original Bayonetta. I believe Nintendo paid the development costs, so as long as they're paying, we'll definitely see more of Bayonetta.
@Lunapplebloom Bayonetta 2 is a big exclusive Nintendo game, and Platinum Games have always had good connections with Nintendo.
@Konda They confirmed his amiibo will be compatible with Shovel Knight AND future Shovel Knight games, so I'd say so.
@Henmii Yeah, and I don't me to sound like a conspiracy theorist, but I kinda got an immediate sense that they were almost set on putting her in regardless of the poll to be honest. It just caught me by surprise that she was honestly the most popular and "realisable" out of all the possible options. Still, she's def not a bad choice--as if any really would be--and both the character and stage look really well done.
I was prepared to be disappointed by the ballot winner. I'm really, really happy with the result.
Sad Wolf didn't come back butt oh well, at least we got some fun looking characters to play as...two months from now =w=
@faint I really hope so. It would be smart for them to do some cross promotion when the Bayonetta DLC comes out, like a sales promotion for Bayonetta 1 and 2.
@AlanJones84 they might have kids who love smash or maybe it's religious. Can't please everyone.
Went on Josh Thomas's twitter. LOL calling them a liar.
To anyone agreeing, we can't predict based off of fan polls. People from everywhere voted, not just some people on a fan poll. Be realistic. Most the others might be in Smash 5.
@Oubie it's already a steal at retail. Maybe an eshop promo is in order.
I'd prefer shovel knight too but I'm not into Smash much anyway. I like that Bayonetta shows support of a core gamer type of game that is broader than the narrow image some have of Nintendo. Come to think of it: cloud, corrin, and Bayonetta is a pretty nice last three if you want to help form people's image of what can be on a more core gamer focused upcoming console, no?
How big a splash would it be if Nintendo could announce that the next FF was coming to NX? Along with Bayonetta 3? Along with Zelda. That'd be a very different launch for Nintendo that would make Pikmin 4 and whatever family game make for a nice broadly appealing console... Okay I'm just dreaming
@Octane Nintendo really believes in that character yes! To make Bayonetta available on Smash 3DS & Wii U gives her even more exposure. And that sexy amiibo will help too!
This is great stuff. Love all the DLC characters that were confirmed today.
It's a good day. A really good day.
Oh according to Nintendo she was chosen in the ballot (I just read the full article). Don't know where Cloud comes from (I mean if he was a ballot choice or not), but the others just came from Nintendo/Sakurai's choice.
Personally I hoped for something more, like a bunch of new characters. Rest assured, none of my choices are in it (King Rool, Professor Layton, Rayman, Bomberman). Ah well, maybe on Super smash NX...
"but I kinda got an immediate sense that they were almost set on putting her in regardless of the poll to be honest"
We probably never know, but I don't think Nintendo speaks the truth here (and that she's just Nintendo's/Sakurai's choice). I could be wrong though, but we'll never know. Still, not a bad character.
Hell Yeah!!!! My big ol' WITCH made it in to smash!!!
Bayonetta 3 for Wii U/NX confirmed (Hope so)
Corrin: Was not needed (I want to play fates but ehh to much FE characters)
Cloud: Never played FF7, but I mean come on FF7 was the point that marked FF main games off nintendo... They could have added someone else from Square Enix (Not Sora either).
Im happy with Bayo and plan to get Cloud just cause.
@AlanJones84 Because it doesn't fall into the category that Super Smash Bros. does in the rating spectrum. Smash has always been at the highest a T rated game. But it's more of an aesthetic for me, and if I don't like, I just won't buy it. It is DLC after all. I just feel there were better choices, but it was apparently voted on the highest, so congrats.
@Kirk lots of people voted. Platnium has a good relationship with Nintendo. Sega owns the ip and is nearly broke. It is in the top three best selling third party titles on the wiiu. How does this not make sense
I was disappointed with her announcement, but that's probably just because she was the final fighter so it meant Rayman wouldn't be in this game
After a bit of time, I'll probably be excited for Bayonetta.
I am SO GLAD I am not seeing a lot of hate on this comment section. People need to keep in mind that Sakurai probably doesn't want one 3rd party company to get more characters than other 3rd parties, so that is why characters like the Monster Hunter fighter couldn't get it. Banjo and Kazooie can't get in because of Microsoft and yet people (not here) are still whining about it. I haven't played Bayonette 2 yet, but that Combo system looks great and I can't wait to play as her.
Awesome character choice, IMO. Better than Ryu by far.
I'm very much going to miss Layton and Inklings, though... 😭😢
I voted for Bayonetta! So I'm pretty happy about her inclusion...
I still have my doubts that she won. She was usually in people's top 10 but, not 3 from what I had been hearing. Where did she place in Japan?
She was a total surprise for me. I haven't played any Bayonetta game, but looking at her character already made me interested in them! She looks like she'll be seriously unique. I can't wait to try her in February.
Other than that, I'm glad we can finally put the Smash DLC speculation to rest. I didn't get the character I wanted, so it's over, but I'm pretty alright.
@Lunapplebloom snake is from metal gear solid. A m rated franchise. He is also in smash brothers brawl
Not really interested, but I'll download all of em just to complete the roster!
@Braok My first thought was Medusa and I almost wet myself
@Aerona I agree. They need to have some big draws for the next smash game. I would prefer to have some of the newer/obscure characters featured in the lead up to release rather than DLC characters. With the crazy number of characters in this game, the gamer fury is going to be astronomical when characters get cut from the next game.
Also, I really think it would be nice to actually see the poll results--although it would probably start a bit of a war, because it's obvious she wasn't the first choice all around the world, just the number 1 in Europe and the most "realisible" out of the various choices around the top of the poll.
Never thought Bayonetta would get in. I have the 3ds version but I might pick up the Wii U version just for her.
Just cancelled my Shovel Knight amiibo. Saving for Ryu and Bayonetta instead.
She wasn't my Smash Ballot choice, but I'll take what I can get.
She looks awesome!
Also, I know you people can't see it, but I'm nervously scratching my arm of how damn OP she is. Like I said in the live chat of the Presentation, I'm screwed.
Also, congratulations on those who voted for her!
Bayo 4 Lyfe.
It's an incredible day to witness the Bayonetta amiibo and Smash Bros. inclusion. But no Shovel Knight is strange.
Although I am generally opposed to using a roster slot as a marketing ploy (though it has been done before in Smash), the characters introduced all look very unique and fun to play. I am slightly disappointed there weren't more stage releases (and maybe a returning vet or two) though. Still, the amount of extra content in this game is staggering.
I'm just happy it's not Shovel Knight - though that was all but confirmed when the amiibo came out. Maybe they'll put Banjo & Kazooie in the next game...
@rockodoodle Rayman doesn't deserve a characters... the trophy was already undeserved, after what they pulled...
I wish it was Shantae, or even Shovel Knight, but I won't complain about Bayonetta. Good choice!
I only got Mewtwo DLC (got it for free before even getting smash because I took the codes for Club Nintendo from a Gamestop) I got the Wii U Version of the game so I gave the 3ds version to a buddy.
Point of this is: Only DLC im getting is Mewtwo, Cloud and Bayonetta. (The others all my buddies have them so I cannot get the bundle and do not care much about them... Except Ryu)
@Itoslash i think that's the point, You pick characters that will annoy Sony/Microsoft fanboys.. I mean Snake... on the Nintendo.... Bayonetta and even their special FF...
Boo Bayonetta. I'll never forgive you for taking the place of Shovel Knight.
I'll only be downloading Cloud. Only good news today was that I won't be spending much more money on Smash.
@dumedum Well I could understand that but I don't care about if they make the masses mad. My point is that in FF they could have choose a better character... I mean probability is we are not getting FF7 remake so why add Cloud.
I know that once the Bayonetta amiibo becomes available, is gonna sell a lot like hotcakes or jelly filled crumpets. AND WE ALL KNOW WHY!
If anyone ask, I'm not gonna tell. ¡No señor!
Realisable, yet we got Cloud???
@IxnayontheCK yes we did. I'm pretty sure goku was high up on the list and that is not a realizable choice. Food for thought
@Itoslash are you sure about that?
I'm not so excited about Corrin as I'm not into Fire Emblem, but Cloud and Bayonetta are excellent additions. Bayonetta more so, as she is more diverse.
I hope the the new amiibo mean new 8-bit sprites for Mario maker.
Screw this. What happens when you leave choice up to the fans. Ughhhh
@CharlieSmile What is up with your icon?
@faint Well I cannot be skeptical about anything as anything is possible. It would be great if it came for Nintendo (Wii U especially) but if it comes I think it will most likely come to NX (Depends on how long the remake takes to come out)
@Broosh what was your choice then. Sorry you don't feel the same as the realizable majority. I'm a registered voter and I haven't seem a single us president I have voted for in 16 make it into office.
Not a fan of Bayonetta at all, but her moveset and stage look pretty cool. Can't complain too much, though it would have been nice just to have one more ballot character. Seems like anyone who fell below her became a Mii costume if anything.
@Itoslash its square and they are pretty slow. I say nx if it happens
This was the biggest letdown of all time. I expected another Fire Emblem character after Sakurai mentioned what a big fan he was, but Bayonetta? I can't even begin to describe my disgust with this choice. At least we're getting some cute Mii Fighter costumes (Gil, anyone?) but I hope she never ever comes back to Smash.
@AlexSora89 Sakurai said Bayonetta's the last newcomer, so no new DLC fighters after this. I'm kinda sad about that.
I like Bayonetta, this is the first DLC character I've really been excited about
I thought it was Ridley at first... would have thought K.Rool WOULD Have Been THE Number 1 Most voted character. The thing that pisses me off though, is the fact that she was decided before the ballot even ended...
HECK YEAH! Well I may have a new secondary (was going to use Kamui but nevermind!) So the only issue is I know I'm going to have to stab someone over that amiibo! I wonder if they will make the amiibo backwards compatible with the games? Come on Platinum I need new levels, costumes....something!
This is it, the Golden Sun franchise is officially dead
I voted for her!!!! Inklings will be missed, but Cereza has enough fabulousness for both of them!
@Azikira jeez did she pee on your cornflakes or something
Sakurai delivers, oh my god. Bayonetta in smash is insane, I couldn't be happier with this!
@Jefownt03 not sure how the current Camelot staff would handle golden sun. A lot of the talent has left that studio over the years.
@Kirk Yeah, I'd say what probably happened is that there were a lot of votes for totally impossible left-field choices like Goku, ones trapped in license limbo like K. Rool, and return fighters that wouldn't make sense to now charge for as DLC (oldcomers?). I'd say Bayonetta probably appeared on the list SOMEWHERE, and was possibly just the most obviously marketable/even possible choice overall.
While you're right that it'd start a huge argument (and probably bore some people), I'd love to see the mechanics behind this ballot. Who knows, maybe they'll do it again!
Not a good choice for me, but not a bad one either. I'll buy her so that I can fight her, I guess.
You know what? No, I'm done. Screw this, screw Sakurai. I'm out. This has gone too far and I'm tired of throwing fits over other peoples' stupidity.
@faint I still wish it would come to Wii U
General Question: (For who wish to reply)
More probably speaking though: If Minecraft and its story mode are coming to Wii U, last one being made by Telltale games do you peeps see possible that other games from telltale come to U (TWD or the New Batman game they announced)
I hate this character, so I'll pass. Aren't both her games complete bombs? I guess when the poll started, the Wii U games just launched and she was all over the Internet, so people voted for her even though they probably don't care by now.
@Simbabbad the first isnt amazing, but the second is incredible. damn good choice in my book
YES. GOOD. I'm glad. The first character I'm truly excited for since Wii Fit Trainer. Although Corrin is interesting. Sorry Kamiya. Guess I'd be blocked.
@Itoslash I did see a lot of rumors about the walking dead but they are rumors at this point. I do think minekraft will be the highest selling wiiu 3rd party game. I'm guessing about 2mill. If that positively effects story mode we might see them as last minute download only titles on the wiiu.
@Kaze_Memaryu lol. Are you a grown up?
@Itoslash You stole the Club Nintendo codes from Smash from a GameStop? That was a dick move. What about the people who legitimately bought those copies and then couldn't register their codes? If I were you I wouldn't be so proud of my "free" Mewtwo DLC.
Look at the complete roster. It's far beyond anyone could have possibly imagined when Smash 4 was announced. People expected 50 characters tops.... Which is huge anyway.
Not only this, we also have amazing figures to buy of every single character. This is above and beyond.
In a way I can understand people being 'disappointed' that their favourite character hasn't made it. However, how ANYONE can actually be annoyed/angered by any of these announcements frankly shows the petulance and selfishness that are a minority of video gamers. Shame on you.
I voted for Shantae but still, amazing addition. Can't wait to try her out.
@amiiboacid ?
I definitely wasn't expecting Bayonetta but I am not displeased! That was a great note to go out on and while of course there are tons of characters I wanted that weren't included they have to draw the line somewhere say the game is done.
I voted for her and am so happy she made it into the game.
Huh. I remember them saying they had to be really careful not to use guns in Snake's moveset. Now I guess it's okay to use four.
@TheLobster- Consider this:
-The only one i took from Gamestop was preowned (Wii U version) (probably the same one I ended buying in the same store)
Ps. I did took a lot of codes from Gamestop for codes but it was almost the days that coin getting on Club N was over.
So now I ask is the move still completely dick or not in your point of view
Congrats to Beyonetta
This is still quite a "Climactic" character reveal. Whether I wanted Banjo and Kaz or not, I'd always be happy. And the fighting style isn't cliché, she'll place high on characters to buy and play. Well done.
I was terrified we were getting another Kid Icarus character for a second there.
Bayonetta is one of those games I always want to buy, but it holds it's 60$ price tag since it's such a good game so I never got around to buying it. I really love everything Platinum Games does, so to have Monolithsoft and Platinum in one game I'm a happy boy.
Yes... Yes...YES!!!! I'm giddy! Thank you Gaming Gods. That's one prayer answered!
@Kaze_Memaryu ...I take it you're displeased.
@Dizzard How? Pit works for the Goddess of Light . You do know Dark Pit was a character in kid Icarus and not made up for smash right?
While I was hoping for Banjo and Kazooie to make it (and even Shrek haha), I cannot be sad over this. Bayonetta is awesome and her play style looks really interesting. I still think the DLC is overpriced and I'm not sure if I'll pick her up, but I think she's a great addition nonetheless.
Truly a disappointing end to Smash 4. The entire Presentation was lackluster imo.
To be fair, with the gimmick of letting the fans choose what character to be in Smash it truly is impossible to please everyone, that should be a known fact. However, knowing that you can't "Please" everyone I would imagine you'd want to try to please most of the masses. What I mean by that is couldn't they have more than 1 character for the Smash Ballot? Like 3 characters at least? But no, we get only 1. Fantastic.
@Angelic_Lapras_King Plus, it's a nifty Shovel Knight figure!
She got my vote.
ColdingLight - Pathetic, ungrateful.
I voted for Shantae, but I'm not at all displeased with Bayonetta. I just never dreamed she'd be eligible. Heck, I thought Lara Croft would be too risque!
Bayonetta, huh? Awesome character. I'd be interested to see what her taunts end up being - I'm guessing her "do you want to touch me?" taunt isn't going to make it into this game.
Eh, not as excited for the character as I am for the stage she comes with.
@MrGawain of course not bayonetta 2 was one of the best action games on the wii u to date and scored solid reviews
@ColdingLight My thoughts exactly.
@MrGawain I was just talking about this with a friend If you go by attach rate Bayonetta 2 did better in its first month than the original. Bayo 1 sold 1 million in one month across (roughly) 100 million consoles, that's a 1% attach rate. now its hard to nail down Bayo 2 sales but we know in its first month it sold a little under 60k in Japan, a little over 60K in US, a little less than 60K in france (according to NoF) that puts it at least 180,000 (it also charted in the UK) and even if we uses Nintendo's recent Wii U sales 10 million that's what around 1.8%.
Nintendo also rates a game's success differently than "did it sell a Million?" and since they funded all of bayo 2. I can see them making Bayo 3 with Platnium as there is little to no risk for the devs
I will but it to look at the gifts let us leave it at that the amiibo be great to buy too.
Glad to know I wan't the only one to think we were getting a Kid Icarus character from the trailer, although it would be cool if we did.
Even if Bayonetta wasn't in my top 5 for Smash, I'm happy she made the ranks. As long as it wasn't a joke character (ex. Tingles), another past fighter, or clone, I'll be happy with anything. I am most interested in seeing how they handle her hair with the amiibo.
I'm definitely going to snag Bayonetta. She makes a ton of sense in Smash. Cloud and Bayonetta are prying my wallet open for the first time on Smash DLC.
Whoa, I never thought Bayonetta would make it. Since the character is so sexy and all that stuff. Nice choice, Bayonetta is one of my favorite series. I voted for Rayman and Dixie Kong on the ballot. Sad they didn't make it, but it's all good.
Quite shocked by Bayonetta. By doing this, Nintendo is showing me that they have some interest in getting non Nintendo fans back in board. They already have the hardcore crazies snatching up amiibos and buying DLC, so it's nice to see them go outside of expectations. We'll see.
@chiefeagle02 Amen.
Bayonetta looks really over powered. And we got a 6TH FIRE ELBLEM CHARACTER! Corrin looks pretty good though.
Bummed that Captain Toad wasn't added, but his chances were small.
Fantastic news!! so so glad my 50 Bayonetta votes weren't in vain. Great fit for Smash, and hopefully an IP Nintendo will do something with on NX at some stage, Platinum kind of Had to get at least one fighter in there(a Wonderful101 would have been cool too).
Let's face it, how Square wangled Cloud, is beyond me, to me Cloud signified when Square stopped supporting Nintendo because they disagreed with their choice of Media on N64, so he really doesn't have much of a place in Smash (which started on the very console Square wouldn't support). The only reason Square even release games on Nintendo portables is because DS printed them money for little investment. I'd like to see another Heroes of Ruin game for 3DS, but that didn't sell too great, despite it being a pretty competent 4 player RPG, an online too!
Amiibo will be acquired...
@FargusPelagius Cloud isn't in Smash because of what he means to Nintendo; he's in Smash because he's Square's biggest character and because of what Square means to Nintendo. It's Nintendo including other company mascots. Which also explains Bayonetta and why characters like Shantae didn't have as much of a chance.
Ahem... Bayonetta is quite a good choice. And to think, she was abandoned by everyone else, and now she has a sequel and a place on the Smash Bros roster, thanks to Nintendo and the Bayonetta fans! (Well, they both also failed to support her as much as needed... Nintendo is a strange old man with stranger quirks, and PlayStation/Xbox fans are often content to stay put... Beggars can't be choosers, I guess.)
I'm a bit sad that Bomberman didn't get in, with his incredibly storied history at Nintendo, and a chance at being the first REAL explosives user. (Link and Snake are noobs by comparison, and Samus relies more on close combat and her beams.). He would have ended the final Smash Direct with a BANG! ...hah.
...But this is a fair (hair?) consolation.
@faint Yeah its a great choice and just affirms the Platinum & Nintendo partnership the will give us Bayonetta 3. I like that developer as well but quality can be hit or miss, Transformers Devastation is a lot of fun but could have benefited from having the A team working on it and giving it a bit more time in the oven.
@mjharper Judging by the trailer she has some cheeky lines which seem totally fitting her persona.
Long live my umbran witch and her beautiful series.
I didn't even consider voting her for the ballots but i am so happy to see her win.
I don't see how anybody wouldn't be excited to get her, she's really unique and brings a different playstyle to smash. All the haters on the web need to learn to appreciate good work.
@Braok I know right? I couldn't work it out, what kind of character from Kid Icarus would need to be in the game? I watched the video again and I noticed how Sakurai says "and now for the climax" goddamit, cheeky Sakurai
@abe_hikura Bayonetta 2 is at around 800,000
@Mr_Zurkon well dev time was up to actavision as was the budget. Still think it's the best transformer game ever made. Just not platniums best effort.
@faint I agree that its the best Transformers game as well even though High Moon's Cybertron series is pretty good too.
@CharlieSmile What the heck is up with your picture?
Yup still a dick move.
I voted for bayonetta. Great game and great fit. It's strange seeing comments like, I voted for fi from skward sword and so.did bob from down 4chan way so this wasn't a poll
I have a feeling Cloud won the ballot in north america, corrin won in Japan and bayonetta won in Europe/ overall
@faint Do you guys have indication if that 800K number met or exceeded the sales expectations by Nintendo or Platinum?
@CamWFC91 How is that "Pathetic" and "Ungrateful"?
I can't be the only one who thinks she's a little too OP, right?
Bayonetta doesn't feel like the winner of the ballet. She feels like a Nintendo mandated DLC character. This isn't to say she isn't a good choice, but I don't get the feeling this character was the 'fan pick' we were going to get. Smash fans get to vote in a ballet for ANY character they want, and Bayonetta wins? It just doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Again, great character, great move set, but why would the FANS use their one time pick to choose her.
The sales of the game appear fairly low compared to other games out there, if so many fans want her in, why did the game not sell better? I think she was up there on the list, but I don't believe there wasn't a better option ahead of her. Nintendo can make an argument she is the top choice, and based on their motive they wouldn't be wrong, but I think a case could be made for another character if we were allowed to see the list.
For example the inklings might have been above Bayonetta, but they seem too big to use for DLC. The Inkings have posterboy written all over them for Smash 5. Bayonetta, to Nintendo, is the better DLC choice. Her inclusion will move Bayonetta 2 sales as well (and Nintendo would be smart to have a little 10-25% sale on the eShop versions soon)
@ShadowLuigi2 I thought that too, I 'm sure balancing the game with her and Cloud has been a pain.
And people doubted me when I said Bayonetta might happen - because eww... she gets naked. Take that doubters!
@DekuOnion Well, they did say she was that high for "realizable" characters. I imagine that means that certain characters who either had legal issues (Snake and any other Konami owned character), technical issues (Ice Climbers, Inkling), or weren't video game characters (Goku, Shrek) might have been above her.
I was very surprised with this, but I'm very happy she's in since I always found Bayonetta pretty cool despite not owning the games yet. Plus we'll now be able to have awesome Bayonetta music in Smash. ...Now I need to save up some money for Bayonetta 1 + 2 along with Fire Emblem Fates lol
@amiiboacid it's a picture.
@faint Ehh I knew my choices weren't popular choice, just thought Nintendo would branch out a bit more than an IP they just had an exclusive for. Ahh well. And politics bore me.
What 😨 Whaat 😳 Whaaaaaat 😱 OHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGOD!!! Hell Jyeaaaaaaaah!!! Dats how i reacted to the announcement. Dammit still getting the goosebumps. Oh god this is going to be so awesome
I'm so pumped for more Bayonetta. Even if it's just Smash. This may help B2 a bit too!
What a nice surprise!
Good choice from the fans. Bayonetta will surely become one of my mains beside Yoshi, Cpt. Falcon, Diddy Kong and Zero Suit Samus.
I friggin voted for Bayonetta! ::D:D:D:D:D:D:D
Knew nothing about Bayonetta, finding out she was a witch with abilities had me sold. Her play style seems very unique and her combos look deadly.
@Itoslash Still a dick move. The jury stands.
Bayonetta was my vote but I had lost hope for her appearing this go round. So happy it wasn't in vain. Guess I definitely need to get the game now to show my appreciation.
Excellent, got what I voted for!
Other awesome options would've been Rayman or Waluigi.
So cool that Bayonetta comes to Smash. Kamiya must be so proud right now.
@Mr_Zurkon welp that is physical not digital first of all. It has sold nearly as much as the Xbox 360 release which had an install base of 90 million. The wiiu has an install base of 11 million. I'd say they are pretty happy
@Aurumonado - No, that's now how it worked. Pretty much no one voted for Cloud and no one expected him. Sakurai sucker punched us and we just weren't prepared for it. While Beyo was clearly told by the wild man himself that she was a Ballot Fighter, Corrin was also out of the blue, but felt foreshadowed by the recent messages by Sakurai about Fire Emblem.
The Tails and Knuckles costumes are the only things I care about. I voted for Banjo and Kazooie, even though I knew it never could actually happen..
I'm definitely not looking forward to fighting her online...
@Shikinouta you should pick it up. Look at it like each game costs 30. You are getting two after all.
I will drink the salty tears of my enemies, heck yeah you know I voted for Bayo, her games are outstanding and I am so pleased she got in.
@Nintendzoey I really wanted Banjo & Kazooie in too. Microsoft would want to use Banjo's appearance to drum up hype for his new game (if ever they decide to make it), similar to what Squenix is doing with Cloud. Even if Microsoft does all they could to make Banjo possible, it would still have to overcome the stigma of being a western character. Diddy Kong is the only character in Smash with a western background.
Voted for her so super happy!
I like how Pit and Palutena were there at the begining. At first, I thought they were revealing Hades or something, but then I heard that sexy, familiar british voice...
My friend actually voted for Bayonetta in the ballot. You should have seen us when she first popped up. We were jumping up and down screaming.
I also love the music selection for Umbra Clock Tower. Totally maxing up Tomorrow is Mine, though I wish it wasn't an instrumental version.
Hooray for our 2nd SEGA rep!
This is the best thing Nintendo have done for a long time. Omg.
Best reveal ever.
Never voted in the ballot, didn't have any die-hard favorites, but I just can't get excited about Bayonetta. Taken on her own merits instead of some weird love letter to Platinum, she seems a bit unremarkable for a capstone character. Dunno.
@DekuOnion The history of Banjo Kazooie always makes me sad. One of my very favourite memories of Nintendo was playing the two games (Kazooie / Tooie) on the N64. I actually played the first game (Kazooie) to 100% about 10 times . I really do miss them being on a Nintendo console. I am positive that Nintendo would have looked after the franchise. I will definitely play Yooka Laylee at some point!
@Octane Bayonetta 2 is still doing well.. It may have over a million sales now counting digital sales and sits at 900K for physical. I think that is good for the WiiU, where I think only Mario Kart, Splatoon, SSB, and Super Mario games have passed 2 million (not counting games that sold primarily as pack-ins like Nintendo Land).. It is also good considering Nintendo doesn't tend to reduce the price of their games drastically after a few months.
SO mega pleased Bayonetta is in Smash. I voted for her and there's no way I'll even regret it - even if she doesn't seem to suit my playstyle. I can't wait to see what people do with her! <333
Oh cmon Nintendo Life. The only ranking that was limited by the realizable charcters caviat was the Top 1 around the world.
Top 1 in Europe and Top 5 US were not limited by that fact.
All I was thinking when I saw Bayonetta: SSB is PEGI 18 now
@Itoslash Yeah your just a thief.
@faint Says the one who starts his reply with "lol"...
@faint Just because no one seemed to be talking about Bayonetta in the comments or on the sites as the likely candidate, and yet she was the winner. So, it just feels a little strange.
@aaronsullivan Yeah, you are just dreaming, but it would be nice.
I'm delighted with the inclusion of Bayonetta! I didn't vote for her because I honestly didn't think Nintendo would allow her to be in Smash Bros. I was pleasantly surprised! I'll download Cloud when I get home today
Can't wait
Bayonetta's inclusion didn't wow me (the character doesn't really do anything for me although I've played the games), but overall I'm happy that she's in as she rightfully deserves a spot on the roster.
As for Corrin - it's funny to think that the likes of Waluigi, Ghirahim, and Sceptile were once shunned upon because of the notion of there being "too many" characters already from each respective franchise. I'm on the side of the fence of those who didn't want a new swordsman - let alone a new swordsman from FE. I appreciate the interesting mechanics implemented into Corrin, but I'd have much rather preferred a classic first or third party character over a new one from an upcoming game.
I'll just dress my Mii as Knuckles and live the dream through that
They shouldn't have done the smash ballot imo. It just gets people even more mad! The ballot was sadly only one character.
Very very coooool! I voted for Bayonetta!
@AlexSora89 the 3ds can not pull Ice Climbers.
Although I wanted Shantae, I'm not going to complain because Bayonetta won the ballot fair-and-square and her moveset looks awesome. I've never even played a Bayonetta game.
Get all that, whiners?
I've been thinking about this since last night. Look at the entire Smash roster over all 5 games: how many of them are non Japanese creations?
Answer: One. Diddy Kong. And seeing how he's merely a continuation of the Donkey Kong IP, even he doesn't really count. In reality Nintendo isn't going to pick a non Japanese character which rules out Banjo Kazooie, Shovel Knight, King K Rool, Shantae, and Steve from Minecraft. Konami is hell to deal with so no Snake, Bomberman or Belmont, and Capcom already has two characters which rules out Monster Hunter, Resident Evil and Phoenix Wright.
All this leaves to pick is variations of Nntendo characters like Tanooki Mario, the Squidlings who are expected to spearhead the next game, and Platinum characters.
Who is going to win between Bayonetta, Okami and Wonder Red?
This is the first DLC character that I've been genuinely excited for. Nice choice, people!
@nintendouken "I'll just dress my Mii as Knuckles and live the dream through that "
SAME HERE BRO!! Knuckles Boom punchs the battle!!
Sadly people got too excited with the remote possibility of seeing Banjoo & Kazooi.. thats why any other char would have been dissapointing as well.. would have prefered Shantae or a less serious fighter like Goemon but well..
WE GOT BAYONETTA!! will enjoy fighting my Kamiya Mii with her
Europe forgot Travis Touchdown
I'm not angry or disappointed with any of the three characters. I'm just disappointed that one of the characters that I wanted did not make the cut!
I really really thought it was going to be Shovel Knight, and once I saw that Corrin would be in it, I was very confident that the Inklings would be in too.
@Kaze_Memaryu Melodramatic much?
@Itoslash I think it's also because he's popular in Japan. They know Japanese who play on their 3DS or Wii Us also had playstations one time or another. Its just the way it is.
I'm happy bayonetta is a great choice for smash. I don't really care too much about adding yet another fire emblem character though there are too many sword fighter characters in smash.
@Kirk everyone was talking about her when the ballo launched including me who voted for her. I saw her name everywhere
This is a totally logical decision, adding Bayonetta to Smash makes totally sense!
Just take my freaking money already!
I can't stop replaying this video! Easily the best intro in smash so far! <333
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