Let's tell the story of an unknown, completely random Nintendo fan. We'll call him Jim Smatshaw.
Jim was excited for amiibo from the start, and went to a Toys 'R Us as soon as the first wave came out. That night he chose to buy Wii Fit Trainer and Fox, and fortune smiled upon him. Then, limiting himself to three, he tried to decide between the Villager or Mario.
"Surely, I'll be able to pick the Villager up next time!" Jim said to himself. "We should go with Mario, because... Mario!"
Now every time Jim sees one of dozens upon dozens of Mario amiibo stacked up on store shelves, he thinks about the Villager amiibo that he's never seen in real life since that fated day.
Many have their own stories of the One(s) that Got Away, but those in North America seeking some harder-to-find past amiibo for their collections might possibly find some hope in a re-release announced on Nintendo of America's Twitter feed.
So if you need a Shulk, Lucario, Greninja, Little Mac, Fox, or Captain Falcon, you might want to keep an eye on your local stores. It is not fully clear whether Shulk, Lucario, and Greninja, who were previously exclusive to particular stores, will have those same limitations upon their re-release. Reports have stated these figures have shown up in the stock systems of other stores.
Alas, for poor fictional-ish Jim Smatshaw, the Villager and certain others are not yet announced for reappearance.
[source nintendoinquirer.com, via twitter.com]
Comments 60
Incredible news! I was a late adopter
If this is including Canada then I'll definitely be checking if my EB Games restocks on Shulk for the next few days.
I hope I run into these in the wild.
Does anyone have any word on if these'll be coming to Canada? I don't have any of those except for Captain Falcon and Lucario, and Shulk and Greninja are two of my mains!
Really exciting news! Too bad Pit isn't among the amiibo being restocked.
And as for the Jim Smatshaw story... liek dis if u cri everytim.
It's already been confirmed that Best Buy is getting all these amiibo so yes the exclusivity is no longer in affect.
I REALLY need that Lucario. Couldn't get him the first time around.
And what do ya know! Barring Captain Falcon (whom I already have), they're all ones that I'd like to have!
Need ta grab Lukey, Foxy, and LIIIIIIIIIIL' MAC!
Good. I need the pokeamiibo...any word on villager? or wft?
That story is alittle too similar to my predicament.......almost too similar now if only my name were Jim......I feel I have entered the Twilight Zone....
Took me a moment to notice how close "Jim Smatshaw" was to "Tim Latshaw" haha.
I'll get Lucario if I am able to spot him and maybe Fox as well.
I want Shulk!
Will Mewtwo be common? If he will be common, I will get Greninja or Lucario then wait on Mewtwo! Pray to Arceus the Mewtwo is common...
Need Falcon for MK8, Shulk for guilting me into finally getting through Xenoblade, and maybe Mac & Lucario just for the cool.
@TeeJay I picked up lucario at toys r us today. They had just gotten a restock before I got there. They had about 20-25 lucario and the same for greninja. I got one of each of those, plus I snagged one of the 4 lil mac's that they had. They had about a dozen captain falcons too, but I already have him. I'd suggest checking with your local toys r us this week if you have one close by.
It is good that they are re-stocking them but they need to stop this "select"/Exclusive BS.
I'm really feelin the urge for Shulk. The last amiibo restock got me a shiny Splatoon 3-pack by just walking into gamestop.
It's unlikely, but Gold Mario is the restock I want to see most. Since Nintendo is still being a pain and not selling this in Europe, I was hoping they would at least flood the American market with them to drive down their ebay price.
Is that all Nintendo is anymore, Mario games and toys?
Definitely want to pick up Fox, Cpt. Falcon and Shulk. Glad to hear they're getting restocked.
My wife called me from the Nintendo World Store today to see if she should buy the Pikmin amiibo b/c they had it in stock.
I know that's not related to those in this article but I'm just using it as an example of how outrageously low amino stock have been. It would be really nice if at least many of them could be in stock at once, an entire representative example of the entire line of amiibo, rather than this pre-order each wave nonsense. I'm sure some will be missing, Villager or fit trainer, but amiibo sections in stores have been so devoid of anything except Mario it's barely a toy line, more a special edition collectible.
They also had the Splatoon 3 pack in store. And after that phone call I checked Amazon and they had a variety in stock as well.
So congrats to Nintendo for apparently ramping it up. And congrats to NOA for putting the twitter to use. Who knows, maybe this will even cut down on scalping a bit. Those scalpers have got to be running low on funds with $700 worth of Lego Dimension toys to buy.
I've been hoping to get a Greninja Amiibo, so hopefully this will be my chance!
Poor Jim. One day he shall meet his Villager amiibo.
There were a couple restocks of Wave 1-3 Amiibo throughout the summer (at least in Canada). I personally went from having just Samus to a complete up-to-date set. There still wasn't enough but it was a huge improvement over the piddly initial supply. The most recent wave of Amiibos was also pretty plentiful with only ZSSamus in shortage. I think the age of 'unicorns' is over.
@Iggly @nintendude1229
I believe Canada already got 2 separate restocks for all of these figures, so I wouldn't hold my breath. They didn't restock the US when Canada got all these figures, so I don't think Canada will see any of the US restock either.
But I could be wrong. And hey, Amazon ships globally so...
The entire wave 5 is in stock EVERYWHERE. You really gotta start shopping online. Walmart, Amazon, GameStop, take your pick.
You know who else has them all in stock? Jaxon's Amiibo R Us. Zero Suit, Olimar & Pikmin, Ganondorf, 8-bit Classic... heck I even have a Retro 3 pack. Place your order now!
Toys R Us in Schaumburg, IL has the following unicorns....
Little Mac (yes... little MAC!)
Capt Falcon
I was so excited to FINALLY pick up a Lucario after 9 months of searching for him!
I have 11 out of 12 Smash Bros. for N64 characters' amiibo, and was thinking of importing Fox. Glad I can save money and buy him at the store, as well as Shulk.
@JaxonH It's a shame I can't order stuff online due to personal reasons since it does seem easier to get all of the amiibo you want online than relying on your local retailer. I guess I'll just have to rely on luck to get rest of the amiibo I want lol, specifically the Fire Emblem ones since their stock is pretty rare.
AmiiboAlerts is saying that the exclusives in the Best Buy records have been deleted. The exclusives may still be such.
@TeeJay sad to say, but AmiiboAlerts said it might be otherwise
Well no, they're never going to be "plentiful". Restocks work like any other wave. They come- if you want one you gotta jump on it cause they'll dry up too. Some longer around but not usually.
I was just saying Canada has already received 2 massive nationwide restocks of these characters while the US got nothing. I know cause I used a forwarding service to import pretty much every amiibo from the first 2 waves (Canada got every single amiibo from wave 1-3 restocked).
I remember Walmart advertising them, and they sold out in a few hours online. BestBuy just plopped them all up on their website in one go and said have at er lol, even Gold Mario was available.
Wish I'd known you needed those- I had like 65+ extra rare amiibo at one point but sold them all off. I was accumulating WAY too many extras just because it was a rush to buy (we amiibo hunters call it "the sickness"). A rare amiibo goes live and, despite having one opened, one sealed and one in the closet, you buy anyways just because. I've taken great strides in putting the sickness into remission (says the guy with 4 extra sets of the latest wave piled on the floor)
...Something tells me it won't even matter since they'll just vanish the moment they go up. >_>
Man I really want Shulk and Captain Falcon. Yet I also want Shovel Knight, Yarn Yoshi, Isabelle and K.K. Slider. My wallet can't handle it. Oh, and Chibi-Robo if the game itself is good.
@Ryu_Niiyama Toys R Us was reported to have ordered a ton of Villager amiibo alongside the ones that they've been restocking lately. No word on when they'll start selling them, but Villager restocks at TRU have been a big topic among collectors lately. Hopefully they'll send them out to stores soon, as Villager's one of the ones I've been hunting for a while now.
If you want a more reputable source on that Villager info, I couldn't find the Reddit post from the employee who posted pictures of the online stock, but this article makes mention of it: http://nintendoeverything.com/sizable-amiibo-restocks-expected-at-toys-r-us-little-mac-lucario-villager-captain-falcon/
As for Wii Fit Trainer, no word. I know that she's been trickling into stores over the past few months, but they haven't had a proper restock yet to my knowledge.
@JaxonH Gotta ask what kind of job you have to be able to have the funds to support "the sickness" like that. That's a ton of amiibo.
They seem to be getting their act together in the UK. Game UK in Peterborough, Cambs had Mr. Game Watch, Duck Hunt, the Miis, Rosalina, Little Mac, Palutena and Captain Falcon!
Wii Fit Trainer and Villager I have not seen anywhere.
Ninteno wanted the Smash Series to imitate the Character Trophys. Regardless of the physical restrictions. That is why the clear or yellow supports were added.
Good stuff! I may think about getting the 'Mons as I was fortunate to procure the others initially. Personally, I'm hoping for a second crack at the last three Fire Emblem characters. Derped out hard on Ike, and I didn't even get a ghost of a chance for Robin and Lucina.
Toys r us
@JaxonH Things keep up like this your crew is going to need to find a new hobby.
Psh, already imported Little Mac, but still good news.
Psh, already imported Little Mac, but still good news.
Awesome news for the slow-getters. In any case it makes all those news/rumours about certain amiibo being discontinued looking more and more false.
I'm glad the first amiibo I got was Fox. Came for free with Smash. He is still my favorite looking amiibo.
@sketchturner I got Fox as well with Smash- $15 gift card from Target.
This story reminds me of a time I went into GameStop at the mall while my folks were at the mall and saw a new copy of Metroid Prime Trilogy collector's edition on the shelf for $60. I didn't have the money for it right away, and I didn't want to beg my folks for it, so I held off on it. I never saw a new physical copy of one ever again.
Just getting the ones I want, since I'm not interested in putting forth the work, & more importantly the money, into collecting all of them. There's a few more I want(*Mega Man, *Rosalina, *Lucina, Little Mac, Dr. Mario, Duck Hunt, ZS Samus), but I may get them eventually. I may even start selling what I have, for Christmas present money.
@Ryu_Niiyama Please add me on 3ds and wiiU. I love Perfume as well and. Will be in Japan this week for both shows in Hiroshima.
The captain appears to be in a lot of pain.
I read the comments under the original Nintendo post and some people were claiming that their local Toys "R" Us had already received stock of these Amiibo. I can't confirm if these comments are true or not though.
Just went to 2 ToysRUs's this morning and was able to get Greninja and Fox at the first one and Little mac and Capt. Falcon at the second. I went at about 11am this morning and the second store had all of those mentioned in the article restocked.
@MochiJoe Hey Hey! Always good to see a fellow Perfume fan! I'll add you when I get home tonight from work. I can't afford Japan...yet but I did see them last year in NYC. Absolutely amazing. Love the usage of the pick me up cover! I can not wait for Star Train later on this month!!!
OMGS!! When? I still need Little Mac!
I'll take Little Mac and Captain Falcon, please.
@Captain_Gonru I think it's less a matter of problem solved and more just that they are at least trying to address the problem. Baby steps. It shows that they are still capable of manufacturing some of the older ones and they haven't broken the molds yet. At least it doesn't look like they started jacking the prices up yet. Skyalnders I think were $7.99 1st gen, $8.99 2nd, and then more for the Giants, and $14.99 for the swaps. Up and up the prices go. I was in Target today - Wii Fit Meter still $9.98 - and all of those Lego toys are confusing, too many price points all thrown together, few of which were on the right price sticks - $14.99, $24.99, $29.99 - something like that. They all look to similar too, should have put some in clear cases like DI and Skylanders and amiibo, or at least a different shaped box.
I went into TRU on sheer luck at the close of last month coming home from an in office meeting(I work at home) I called TRU and they said they got them in. I turned around, they were still pulling them out of the box and my nearly year long wait for Mac and Falcon was over, Fox i got a couple months earlier in a fair (retail not puffed up value) trade on him.
Pit is my last one standing that's driving me nuts. I'm going for all the 8/16bit characters I grew up with for desk toys. Yeah they're out of the box as they should be.
Just scored 9 unicorns and 2 rare all at a best buy.. Great score!!
I actually managed to snag a Captain Falcon, Greninja, and Shulk the other day (Oct 6th) at TRU. They also had Fox and still had a few Zero Suit Samus and Olimar amiibo from the last wave. Looks like things are finally improving!
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