During a special strategy briefing for investors in Tokyo, Nintendo CEO Tatsumi Kimishima has revealed that the first of its smartphone titles has been delayed.
Miitomo will be a free to play title, with IAP for add-ons. Exact gameplay details are sketchy, but it sounds like an augmented version of StreetPass, with your Mii communicating with other Miis automatically.
Executive Shinya Takahashi says that Miitomo will encourage people who are shy and hesitant to talk to share things about themselves.
Instead of launching before the end of the year as was previously stated, Miitomo won't appear until March 2016. The reason for the delay? Kimishima claims more time is needed to "promote and explain" the game. Nintendo will start promoting Miitomo after the year-end holiday season.
Nintendo's four other smartphone games will be pay-to-download, according to Kimishima.
[source blogs.wsj.com]
Comments 112
"Miitomo will encourage people who are sky and hesitant to talk "
Don't you just love those typos from typing these articles up in a flash?
to be honest sounds lame
I really hope this does well, it could strike out big for both Nintendo and DeNA if it does. I know I'll be trying it out when it releases.
C'mon Nintendo, I want to play Tick Tack Toad on my phone
Senior Managing Director Shigeru Miyamoto says DeNA will help operate the smartphone games, while Nintendo will focus on ways to guide users to its hardware. from the WSJ blog.
I think it sounds interesting.
Where's my Oprah Winfrey meme. I need something to showcase all these delays.
Tomadachi life anyone?
Unlike some people here cough cough, I'll wait until we actually get some proper info on this game before reserving judgment.
From the summary given in this article all I can ask is...
Who is this game supposed to be aimed at...?
Personally, this is a sigh of relief for me. An essential Nintendo game on a smartphone is almost blasphemy.
Doesn't seem like a Nintendo game.... I was expecting something Mario or Zelda.
What if you're too sky to download it?
Im more interested in the four pay to download game tbh.
I'm actually glad this turned out to be "PhonePass" and not really a game with a Nintendo IP on it.
It also sounds like this really is just to get some quick cash and not to actually do something serious on smartphones...also fine with me.
And ANOTHER delay huh...I guess they're putting all their work into getting that NX done.
That explains the delay, anyway. Gonna take them quite a while to figure out how to design these 'Mii' characters.
Actually now they're saying they need more time to explain what the game is...Ohhhhhhhhhh...........We've heard that one before.
Nintendo's stock is dropping pretty fast...
Nintendo is going to release smartphone games
"Nintendo is doomed! Nobody will get a 3DS if Mario is on mobile!"
The first Nintendo mobile game will be along the lines of Streetpass
"This isn't the sort of game I wanted! What are Nintendo thinking!"
Looks like a turd, smells like a turd.
I hope it's successful and everyone enjoys it. Guess we'll find out next year.
To be honest, I wasn't expecting much for their first mobile game.
After all getting expectations too high just leads to disappointment.
Honestly i believe all those street pass games would be killers for mobile phones.
Found it. (I couldn't help it)

I didn't want shy guy simulator, I wanted an actual game!!!
This is something I would totally expect of Nintendo.
Not sure how well this will do, but it should be pretty popular.. being able to link your Mii to do random stuffs
lol, told you guys you'd be trolled here. xp
Lets wait and see. At least they are not rushing it and pumping out shovel ware it seems. But to be honest, i dont really care for it anyways, as mobile "gaming" isnt really my shtick.
Huh. Glad the others are pay-to-download. Those are the only mobile games worth playing.
"Why can't I hold all these delays?"
Too lazy to make something in Gimp
@remlapgamer We don't have any images or sent regarding this title.
Tomogachi pets with Mii characters, then?
Also, pay to download mobile games are not something I'd ever buy.
One things for sure, people were going to be complaining about it whatever it was. And quite frankly I'm pretty happy with what this is. Remember that the most popular mobile games are social games that are ongoing but can be played in short bursts. Something along the lines of streetpass is a perfect fit.
I'm guessing the game will feature a mii-building mode in it like what Iwata said earlier this year.
Also, if you need to delay it to hype it up, that is a big red flag.
What are these 'sky' people?
@A01: What screenshots?
@brewsky: Why yes, I do! Nice to meet a fellow grammar agent.
This seems to be a cool concept, and in a way, Nintendo is playing it safe for now. This is better than throwing a beloved IP into the mobile market. Plus, you can already save Miis to a Wii remote, so you could already take your personal Mii with you if you wished; this seems like a natural evolution of the concept.
@Nintendo_Ninja Which makes you wonder what was the plan for this year since they were working on it being a 2015 launch? The best explanation would be that they have known it would be delayed for quite some time.
So far it doesn't really sound like a game. Granted, we know VERY little about it.
Here are the slides with screenshots in them.
@A01 Thanks!
Well It will be interesting to see how will this work with everything else
Could work if it's well implemented - think Animal Crossing and Tomodachi Life. Not that I have any interest in it, though.
It's more like Tomodachi Life 3: Street Pass mix
I can't wait to get it.
Yeap keep delaying it and eventually people will forget about it. I already forgot this exist until now.
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
And it's delayed to March 2016?
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
No explosions, just bursts of laughter.
Miitomo = Mii + Tomodachi, so a Sim life simulator w/ $99 baskets of berries.
Hey @Captain_Gonru maybe it's the Animal Crossing game that Wii U isn't getting, only w/ Mii. Maybe we can buy KK Slyder to come visit?
Oh man, I think Nintendo broke me with this troll. Thanks @Megumi that's the best word for it. March 2016 is just icing on the insanity cake.
DELAYED? LOL!!!!!! C'mon Nintendo...this is just ridiculous now. I was about to crack a joke by trying to think of a huge 2015 game and say it would be delayed...but I couldn't...they've already all been delayed.
And all that hype for Miitomo??? Basically Tomodachi Life/Streetpass games meshed? Wow.......I mean I wasn't expecting much anyway but......just wow.......well, at least it's FTP.
My sides are in orbit, thanks Nintendo and everyone reporting this.
Like some people here, I wasn't really sure what they would do for mobile and I'd be really horrified if they went the SEGA route and simply slammed Mario into an endless runner. I'll reserve full judgement until March 2016; this could be big in Japan with the emphasis on "shy people sharing things with each other" but in the West...
Nintendo stock is falling 8.69% at this moment...
"Nintendo's four other smartphone games will be pay-to-download, according to Kimishima"
This is my best bit of info atm.
Now the stock is falling 9.60%
The market is just not happy with Nintendo's current announcements.
They won't be happy until goes mobile only.
with that said Apple stock still hasn't recovered after yesterday's quarterly profit announcement. They didn't make enough money to please the market.
Man what a huge disappointment. I just don't understand Nintendo.
Had a feeling it would be an new IP (Unless this comes under the Mii IP, but still new-ish either way...)
Nintendo. You're kidding right?
And the other 4 games will be paid games like other good quality mobile games?
There is nothing here that's special.
It may not sound like much now but it could be a hit when we know more
People thinking this is a bad move need to take a good look at what games have done well on mobile. Yes at the very top of the pile is stuff like Angry Birds and Candy Crush. But in that same mix there's stuff like Draw Something and Words With Friends.
A game that's between Tomodachi Life and Streetpass? I can't see how that's a bad idea at all. If they get the balance right it could do pretty well. And if you are worried because you don't understand it? Well what did you expect, if you are commenting on this article the game isn't for you.
I keep reading Miimoto... And I will probably never stop reading it that way.
Well, here's the thing. They are darned if they do and if they don't. To use a premium IP would be viewed as selling off the core business to mobile. To use a new or unestablished IP would be viewed as "not going far enough". They are in a tough spot. For my part, I don't care about the concept of this first game. However, I may be interested in the other four. I'd be willing to bet game #2 comes out pretty quickly after Miitomo.
And with that, Tomodachi Life is basically confirmed to be a social mobile game many people wasted 40$ on last year, just so the world will get it thrown at their collective butts. Next up: Animal Crossing and Style Savvy!
Nintendo have stated time and time again that its mobile games weren't going to be big franchises, but supplementary titles that act as a gateway to its consoles.
So this is exactly what they said it was. But this is Nintendo Life, where nonsensical crying reigns supreme.
@skywake 👍
Personally, I'm very excited for this. I had just gotten my first smart phone about two months ago and was pretty disappointed when I found that the only games on the store I liked were agar.io and the Steven Universe game.
I loved to play Tomodachi Life, I mixed in all of my friends, family, and anime/game characters. I don't play it as often as I did before but if this has new scenes and such I would not mind at all handing over a little cash! Although, I do have to think that this will not have much significance in the US. However I will remain hopeful that this might just randomly turn into a huge thing just like Sonic Dash. (Except better because that game isn't that great and also is not original in the slightest.)
I really don't get how people are booing this and saying it's a terrible idea. I'll have to agree with @skywake , this sounds like it could be very profitable in the end. This game is very, very obviously isn't directed toward your day to day gamer, but casuals instead. Casuals (speaking from experience) absolutely love these types of virtual avatar, social media apps. Tomdachi Life sold around 2 million copies alone and it's a 30 dollar game if also directed to casuals. Now imagine this game basically being a mobile version of Tomdachi Life with the equivalent of Streetpass, online communication (for example, visiting your friends Mii's House through online), and free-to-play, this can't be failure. The new Nintendo president knows what he is doing, he predicted the Wii U failure for heavens sake. There is so many good opportunities Nintendo can take with this one.
Miitomo is exactly the type of game Nintendo would release on mobile. Casual, accessible, and F2P. It bears a lot of resemblance to Tomodachi Life, a game that has been very successful, particularly in Japan and Europe (the game is still selling in some European regions).
Delayed... okay... don't get why you would need to delay it to explain it but whatever floats tour boat I guess
@Kage_88 They never said they wouldn't use their bigger IPs. They just said that there won't be any main series games or ports of older games.
@KingofSaiyans I
It's just a mobile game though. They don't take up much development time and Nintendo said they would keep making full triple A experiences. I don't recall the Wii being hated by anyone really, it still had a good amount of great 1st and 3rd party games and I consider it to be the PS2 of last gen.
MiiTomo(dachi Life?). Perfect!
Seriously, the Tomodachi Life series was made for touchscreen, casual play. It's good the series will now be reaching a much wider audience who will now have a much greater potential to be drawn into Nintendo's main systems. I'm sure the game will be fun and clever and worth the download, either way.
"Miitomo will encourage people who are sky...". I'm totally sky. (Only pulling yer leg). XD
Miitomo. All I can think of is Tomo from Azumanga Daioh.

If you have to go through such lengths in explaining a game, then the game is not good.
Good,I was right.Nintendo are only making mobile games to advertise their consoles.
@Scary_Old_Lady Skyloft people!
I picked information from Japanese website about Miitomo and MyNintendo.
So the big reveal is that they're making the thing they said they were gonna make a year ago?
"Iwata also outlined an application which uses Mii characters in smartphones and tablets, and revealed that the app will launch next year, rather than 2014 as previously planned"
"In the past, I have opposed making smartphone and tablet versions of Nintendo titles. Prices for content aimed at smartphones and tablets are falling quickly. I am still wary of the category. We intend to develop products that will allow customers to identify with Nintendo products and make people pay attention to Nintendo games. For example, some Nintendo game consoles incorporate Mii, which creates a digital avatar to represent players. It would be fun for players to use their Mii characters as icons on social media. We are currently developing an application that will allow users to do that. The app will be announced around the time our full-year results are released."
This is the thing we already knew about from before they were even going to make smartphone games, and now it's getting delayed for a second time?
so Tomodachi Life on Mobile? got it.
Even the mobile free to pay, err, free to play is delayed until '16. Not good Nintendo, not good.
@Adamario thank you for this... oddly enough, i'm actally less disappointed than i was a moment ago. stability? check. mis-represented? nope. okay, a couple lessons learned and applied...
unfortunately though, i'm desperately hoping for some form of breakthrough nintendo power. something that can bring an edge to the brand during a time in western culture that depends on some level of edginess to remain socially relevant. wii had tech edge. wii u didn't have enough of it.
and i know nintendo can do it.
all we can do is wait and see... still holding onto my stock.
Not very exciting in my opinion but I wasn't really big on the idea of Nintendo games on smartphones so I'm still undecided on this with such vague news... The new account system sounds like the real deal though, hopefully it does not disappoint
An social app that lets you use miis? I'm down for that. Can't wait to see what plans Nintendo's brewing with this. With those guys its either sheer brilliance or "what the hell were you guys thinking?" cases. Glad to see they're trying to expand.
Such overreactions! Much Predictable!
@EXP meet @Shy_Guy
@DarthNocturnal all good freemium games do not need a single cent to he spent to get all the fun. If this has the same model, then there will be no problem.
Wow, they really dropped the ball! Stock price crash was inevitable, between the delay and it not utilising Nintendo's greatest strength in using an existing IP.
@Megumi I love it. I really like how they ended up trying to use Miis as some sort of special quality. :^)
Maybe for once, I'd be finally able to StreetPass my friends who don't have 3DSes.
I think it sounds very David Crane-esq. Little Mobile Phone People. Sigh..gamers were a lot more open to ideas in the 80's
Oh no, not the IAP! Anything but the IAP!
Lol, just some free to play Mii nonsense (with microtransactions, of course!). And its even delayed! Not interested (though others may be)!
Im just glad the others will be pay to download.there are some very good mobile games that cost a few pounds... Glad they all aren't going to be f2p.
@BrizzoUK Me too. I just like paying for the game rather than getting microtransactions on my game.
@TheRedCap30 I gotta say, my kids are still 'playing' Tomodachi Life. My son wanted it after my daughter got it, as a result of that two nephews and a niece of mine got it... game sold over 4million I believe, not to be sniffed at!
Japan will definitely be all for this, but in America, if the game isn't Bloody or Violent, sadly a lot of people won't download it. I will definitely be getting it though
I'm fine with it being delayed
One annoying thing is that I don't have a smartphone
IAP? Guessing that means microtransactions. Something Additional Purchases?
I have been a real grumplestilzken about Nintendo lately with the dry 3DS library and games like Federation Force and Tri-force Heroes so it may seem odd but I think this game has the potential to be brilliant. Over the years I have had a blast with StreetPass even in the suburban US. Now with every American cellphone potentially broadcasting a Nintendo app we could be looking at an experience akin to Tokyo's population dense, portable device saturated gaming wonderland. Overkill, but it really could expand the brand. Now I just want to know if it's fun. Glad it's original and not a Mario mini-game. I urge people to reserve judgement on this one. Though, still, I am completely ethically opposed to most IAP's (read: microtransactions) could this be handled in a way that I can accept?
"augmented version of StreetPass, with your Mii communicating with other Miis automatically."
"Instead of launching before the end of the year as was previously stated, Miitomo won't appear until March 2016."
(Double Face Palm)
@Sakura I believe it stands for In-App Purchases.
@Soren Cheers! I believe the delay is so Miitomo integrates with the Nintendo Account system. A joint release will see existing Nintendo gamers maybe try out the mobile app and non-Nintendo gamers have a presence in the Nintendo Account universe. Maybe, anyway. This is Nintendo so anything could happen. Poklemon Go! will surely have a better reception.
I don't believe the bit about delaying the game to give more time to promote it, but the rest sounds interesting. This game may not appeal to the masses, but could still have a niche appeal and be nice for some people.
That bit about trying to get shy and hesitant people to share things about themselves is very intriguing, especially since I used to be really badly shy. I can't see how Nintendo could help with this, but they're great at coming up with unique solutions to problems and always surprise me.
@TheRedCap30 nah it ain't for me either, not a game really at all, but it has definitely found an audience
@Captain_Gonru "You're the date master"
I bet you typed that "master dater" the first time, didn't you?
Yes, it was supposed to be released in fall 2015. Even Nintendo isn't quite insane enough to announce that they will be announcing in Fall 2015 when a game will be releasing. Almost that insane, but not quite. And yes, I agree, tied in w/ Club Nintendo. Well actually the delay was probably for "Nintendo Account" so we can link up our NNID w/ the app game. I think they need NA up and running before they release any app games. All the holiday timing "explanation" is pure BS, as you know.
And people wonder why the stock dropped? Can't get a free game out in time for the holidays, then try to say that is a good thing? I'm sorry, but WTF?
If Iwata had sold all the Nintendo IP predating Spaltoon to Apple before he passed, and all these knuckleheads trying to run the company now had no nostalgia to fall back on, this company would have gone bankrupt 5 minutes after that briefing. They can't do anything right. Complete and utter incompetence top to bottom. The Spaltoon guys could start their own company, the rest, done. They are all very lucky Wii and DS did so well. And amiibo made them so much profit. Nobody seems to understand me, but take amiibo out of the equation and things don't look so good.
@Captain_Gonru "Finally, I understand your amiibo point."
I know you get it, you work in and or around retail. I know I don't have to explain anything business related to you, just some of my more outlandish conspiracy theories, of which there are plenty.
@Captain_Gonru Question. I know things have been a little down around here lately, but how fair is this comparison in my head?
Wii U 2014 exclusives - Hyrule Warriors, Sonic Boom, Bayonetta 2, SSB
Wii U 2015 exclsuives - SMM, AC:aF, Mario Tennis, XCX
I know there are more games than that both years, Skylanders and DI and Lego and now Lego D, and Just Dance, but I'm trying to make an even match w/ even dates. I left Splatoon and MK8 off the list b/c May is a bit too early for holiday for me. Even w/ Sonic Boom bombing and XCX looking great it still looks like quite a drop-off year over year. Do you think I'm manipulating things, reading it wrong, or is Wii U year-over-year really that weak this year? Or does my brain read last year as good even though it wasn't really? Thoughts?
@Captain_Gonru I think you just said 2015 is better than 2014 was. Which I sometimes get to as well, hence my confusion, puzzlement and bewilderment, b/c I know 2014 was way better, except it isn't. Nintendo logic.
@Captain_Gonru I think I'm trying to figure out how much the 2015 holiday line-up sucks - and it does - b/c it just sucks, or b/c we think it sucks b/c Zelda U and SFZ got delayed, and how much it just sucks to us personally b/c none of those games are to our liking.
From a marketing perspective XCX should appeal to all the Sony fans who have been waiting for FFvs13 for the past 10 years (me), and it's a spiritual sequel to highly regarded XC. so they should be marketing the heck out of it. Wait until FFXV comes out, Sony employees will be sneaking into our bedrooms at night and whispering it in our ears. then banging large drums to wake us up and tell us it's coming out. And both SMM and Mario Tennis have Mario in the title, that's 2 Mario games marketed for the price of 1. And AC:HHD did gangbusters, and MP10 is a thing, so AC:aF should be an easy sell as well to families, so this actually could be viewed as more of a Wii U family friendly year than last year. So maybe it's just the cone of silence that makes this years line-up suck? And the non-starter $299 price, which is almost comical now. ND next week, $199 Wii U, 2 Mario games, amiibo for everyone and XCX for gamers. It should all be very presentable for the holidays, but it isn't. I'm not even considering $249 at this point, that's not going to move the needle.
@Captain_Gonru "But yeah, I don't know just what to make of anything these days."
Too many variables I suppose. If they drop the Wii U to $199 in an ND next week and then it sells a couple of million over the holiday Nintendo will be bragging about how "automatic Fail" saved the system. How would that be for irony?
@Captain_Gonru That's a good point. And one I feel they are discussing, b/c w/o Iwata to make decisions they probably just squabble all day about what to do now to right the sinking ship b/c even though they have a new President who's listening to him? Not Reggie. Not Myamoto, not Anumoa (Zelda guy), not NoE President guy. So I figure they haven't had a Wii U price cut yet b/c they don't know how much - $199, $229, $269 - they'll never do $249, too easy. And they don't know when they want to launch NX and more importantly when it will be ready to launch. PS3 was delayed a year I think due to blu ray drive issues.
So, $199 now then NX next year annoys people, I agree. But $299 and $249 or $229 annoys people who buy one also. But I think it's better to sell the 2 million at $199 and sell some more games and more amiibo, and have less inventory to clear out next year w/ NX, then to just have the console wither and die on the shelf at $299. People who waited 3 years to buy a Wii U probably aren't day 1 adopters for NX. By the time NX is out 3 years they'll forget their Wii U purchase. And as I've said many times bfore, NX isn't for th e10 or 12 mil Wii U owners, it's for the other 88 or 90 mil Wii owners who haven't upgraded yet.
101 mil Wii + 80 mil PS3 + 80 mil Xbox360 = 261 mil
11 mil Wii U + 30 mil PS4 + 13 mil Xbox 1 = 54 mil
That's 207 mil gen 7 owners who haven't upgraded to gen 8 yet. Not all of them will, but that's who Nintneod has to go after w/ NX before they all buy PS4s. NX isn't for Wii U, PS4 or X1 owners, it's for Wii, PS3 and X360 owners b/c 200m > 50m. But if they wait until 2017 they will all own PS4s.
Of course one thing I've found interesting and silent, are they still making Wii U? You would think in this day and age w/ all the NSA tech we would know how many a day or week or month are being made and shipped. Obviously not alot, but any? Maybe no price cut b/c there are none left to sell? I remember clearly the day I heard Dreamcast was stopped being produced, and I haven't heard that about Wii U yet, but how many are out there left to sell, at any price? Maybe they don't want to ramp up production to cover the sales increase a price cut would bring. They could probably sell twice the amiibo they are making yet they don't make more of those. Maybe they are done w/ Wii U? Sure seems like it.
Regardless of all of that, it still needs a price cut, or Nintendo just loses all of it's costumers for being too stupid too function. Tech either drops in price or gets replaced. new 3DS is still the same price as old 3DS, but at least it's new. Can't keep selling same old Wii U for the old price.
And NX will be out in 2016. Reggie doesn't say - "We'll tell you more about it in 2016" - only for it to come out in 2017. And those ruomours of closed door screening and dev kits. And the initial March 17 "NX" by Iwata. All for 2017? I don't think so. (I heard my dad's voice in my head w/ that "I don't think so.") They keep saying "more in 2016", but not once have they ever said it won't be out until 2017. Or maybe they did and I missed it.
Sony gave them the blueprint w/ PS4 in 2013 - announce hardware specs in Feb, show games at E3, release in Nov. Can't argue w/ success.
Sorry if this is a tad disjointed, keep getting interrupted by trick-or-treaters. I'm fine w/ it but reading this might have been a mess.
OK, time to get to work, PC was dead this morning, just beeps. Got it working but not sure what happened, time to boot, reboot, connect, disconnect, all while handing out candy. Fun.
@Captain_Gonru "so long as someone actually manages them."
Amen, brother. Amen.
Zelda U is the stickler though. If Starfox is March, Pokken April and Zelda U end of May that leaves the holiday open for NX. If Pokken is April, Starfox is June and Zelda U Nov that sort of kills the NX push, unless they pull a TP dual launch. And the big question - is NX backwards compatible? Which, despite all the time and effort you, Thanos and I have put into helping Nintendo out, we really don't know if it's a Wii U 2 w/ a portable Gamepad or a 4DS w/ HDMI out. Wii U 2 w/ BC means it can launch same time as Zelda. Almost makes the most sense as a "platform" as they sell the Gamepad separatly as Away also, and 4 can link up to Home, much more powerful then a 3DS as it would be a Home console on the go. W/ about 20 minutes of battery life. Still have some kinks to work out. Away would be download only to play, come w/ 32GB, up-gradable to 128GB. Home still needs physical retail for dial-up country.
After re-reading all that NX should be a Wii U 2. Obviously w/o that name. Of course that means no 3rd party again if the hardware is just updated specs and moved to Away. And a Wii U 2 w/ Home and Away w/ a PS4/X1 inside means no BC and a high price. So there is still a conundrum.
Well at least we're in agreement, NX in late 2016, early 2017, Wii U needs a price cut, but it sure is looking unlikely. though I still think tomorrow they announce an ND for Wed w/ a price cut starting next Sunday Nov 8, just before Mario Tennis and automatic Fail.
And I really hope so, I'm getting tired of repeating myself, need new info.
@Captain_Gonru "You and your release schedule obsession"
Everybody needs a hobby.
And you completely lost me at "Reggie said..."
So, we're all agreed on Wii Thrii then? (I'm guessing you wrote this before reading that.)
Advertise it: Wii Thrii, 3 ways to play - on the TV w/ a Pro controller (or similar new equivalent), on the Gamepad (needs a new name since it really isn't since it's portable, probably not Away, maybe VMU) while away, at Home w/ dual screen w/ both. Regardless of the name "3 ways to play" will be marketed, and it is much better than gag asynchronous gag gameplay.
Best part about Wii Thrii, makes the Wii owners feel like they should upgrade now b/c they missed Wii 2, which is ok b/c they missed Windows 9 as well, and Xbox 720 is Xbox One. PS5 is a given though. "Xbox X" will be next, b/c it will run Windows 10, and 10 = X.
@Captain_Gonru I know Wii Thrii is a horrible name. Which scares me that Ntinedo might use it. But I like it better than Delaydo so I'm making it my go to bold word. And while it's a horrible name I think it express my belief in what Nintendo might go for, a Wii U that goes w/ you. That, and it you smash Wii U w/ 3DS you get Wii 3, so I just spelt it funny.
Wasn't the SNES the NES 2? If you said NES 3 I'd be ok w/ it. I do think the system will be named "Nintendo something" b/c of the way they've designed their in store displays. And I still like the floating 3D N that's the N64 logo. Maybe N w/ a number. Not N3 though. N365 though I think Office beat'em to it. How does NHA look? Nah.
No celluar. Mostly b/c I don't like it. And the Away is supposed to be elf sustaining, not reading off of the Home. I see how it could be really good to have for online multiplayer where there is no WiFi, but I really don't see it happening, too complicated and costly. And besides, soon we'll all just swallow a celluar pill that turns out whole body into a wifi hotspot. (Way too many medical and car commercials during the Series.)
No 3DS b/c, they'll just sell the 3DS Mini. Like the 2DS but, well it will just be the 2DS actually. $99 is the sweet spot. So I'll never ever get to play Kid Icarus or Luigi 2 on my tv. Maybe a VC version later on.
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