Shovel Knight fans who have been waiting to launch an alchemical assault on the land will not have to stretch their patience much further, as Yacht Club Games has announced a 17 September release date for its free Plague of Shadows campaign.
According to an announcement on the developer's website, the update will arrive for all platforms and regions on that day so nobody should be getting the geographical blues this time around. In addition to playing through a story with Plague Knight, don't forget that a new Challenge Mode will also be available.
You'll have to have beaten the original Shovel Knight campaign if you want to unlock Plague of Shadows the old fashioned way. However, Yacht Club has acknowledged that some people may be wanting to experience the new content on a different platform, lost their old saves or, you know, just don't want to beat the game. A special code will be made available for these people so Plague Knight can be unlocked right away.
Head over to Yacht Club's announcement page if you want some extra goodies about the upcoming update, including an instruction manual and some tips on getting around as the masked malevolent one (speedruns with Plague Knight, by the way, should be some pretty crazy sights to behold).
Will you be tackling Plague of Shadows as soon as it arrives? Let us know!
[source yachtclubgames.com]
Comments 45
Can't wait for this update! I know I'll be getting down with the sickness
I'm so ready. Just hope Super Mario Maker won't eat me.
Something to look forward to without having to pay more!
@DarthNocturnal Wouldn't be surprised if that was something that came with the amiibo sadly...
I will certainly be busy with Super Mario Maker when this hits but if I can pry myself away from that I may give this a go!
Cool, that's my birthday!
Nope, the amiibo stuff is the exclusive stuff.
I'm reading all the manuals on the website now. I haven't been this hyped since Sm4sh!
YES! Finally!
Finally, I've been waiting for this! Probably my most favourite indie game of all time.
HELL.... YEAH!!!
My body is moderately ready for this. Replaying the first campaign right now in anticipation.
Oh wow its free? That's pretty cool of Yacht Club Games.
I didn't know that beating Shovel Knight is required to unlock this. I better get to it!!
I'll see if I can pull myself away from MGSV and Mario Maker, which will be very difficult.
I lost my save file so I'm glad to hear I don't have to play through the whole game again just to try it out.
It's almost here!!
Will this be on the physical copy coming out next month?
And just when I thought I wouldn't have anything to look forward to after Mario Maker! Excellent news!
Woo, I'm excited for this. Plague Knight's controls and movements look very fun.
Ok, so maybe now is the time to dive in. But for which - WiiU or 3ds? And then, physical for the boxarr or download for laziness.
To those in the know, how does it look on 3ds compare to Wii U?
@GARF13LD yes
All the news leading up to the release of the extra content reminded me that I had not yet played Shovel Knight, so I finally bought it Monday. I haven't had a chance to play it yet, but should be able to this weekend. I'm looking forward to it as well as the extra content.
Some great news here, especially since NL is currently under a plague of Mario articles:/
Shovel Knight amiibo is currently the no. 1 bestseller in 3DS category on Amazon. Unfortunately, it's out of stock. There's that other site, but I wouldn't want to be charged up to 7 times so it will have to wait. Still, good news for this franchise that it is quite so popular. This update will fill the time until I can get the amiibo too.
Aboot tiem.
Thanks Yacht Club Games add this to my ever increasing backlog of games :S
So much platforming in my future. Plague and Mario Maker. Cannot wait!
Woohoo! Super Mario Maker or Plague Knight though?... I'm going to have some serious prioritising to do.
That's great news, finally a reason for me to go back to my 3DS!
With only one game released so far, Yacht Club Games confirms they are taking their non-American fans into consideration, unlike some other developers that develop multiple games in a year but fail to bring half of them to the Old World.
I better get working on the speedrun achievement of the regular Shovel Knight in order to be fully in the mood when Plague of Shadows hits the eShop.
@SkywardChocobo @SkywardChocobo nice system of a down reference. 80's baby I presume?
Cool that there is no delay between systems. How often does that happen? Most of the time Wii u owners have to wait for ages.
My body is ready!
It looks like it's gonna be pretty fun to control and quite different to the knight with a shovel.
I cant stress enough how much praise that developer deserves - not only for creating one of the most polished and fun Indie Games of all time, but a definitive instant-classic that will surely be known in years to come from now on - its in one league as SuperMarioWorld imo
and the fact that this major DLC is totally for free is simply put nearly unbelievable compared to others in the industry
@consolfreak1982 Yep agreed, but not only that - when they were creating shovel knight they were also excellent and communicating progress as each region went through the publishing process which took an age (due to no fault of their own).
I pre-ordered the physical copy on Wii U. I can't wait to play this next month
@Deanster101 I know - for me this developer and their game should be considered as a role model for the majority of all developers, not only the Indie developers
Beaten the original game and waiting for this! Have it on the 3DS so I should get some time to play it while on the go. At home Super Mario Maker will surely fill my precious gaming time
So soon, yet not soon enough. But I'm happy it's almost here, and if it plays as well as the original, then we're definitely in for a treat. The waiting kills...
I still don't have Shovel Knight, so will the price of the game go up once this is released?
(Also, 'It's gonna be sick' - nicely done)
@Andremario Hahaha thanks for picking up on my random reference there. You got it man, I am a child of the 80s. I'm all about the old school, golden age of gaming, so it makes me happy to see beautiful games like Shovel Knight get their due.
PS: I love your avitar pic, lol that's hilarious.
Thanks. I decided to use this pic when Bob hoskins passed away. Its my lighthearted attempt at a dedication avatar.
Sweet on my B-Day😃
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