Love him or hate him, Tingle is making his way to Super Mario Maker - in costume form, at least.
Arguably one of the oddest characters Nintendo has ever made, Tingle started life in the Zelda series but has since starred in his own games as well.
The news of him appearing in Super Mario Maker began life as a rumour, with many suggesting that the screenshot had been doctored. However, the original Miiverse post has now been located, verifying the image.
How do you feel about the one and only Tingle making his way to the game? And when do you think we'll get that Tingle amiibo we're all so deseprate for? Let us know by posting a comment.
[source gonintendo.com, via miiverse.nintendo.net]
Comments 57
Tingle is love, Tingle is life.
my reaction:
but it's better then navi right?
Tingle amiibo confirmed?
I was thinking kind of the same thing, rupees instead of coins
Yay for Tingle. 35 years old and still believes in fairies.
And still plays Mario games
Welp, that's one costume I won't need to unlock.
I keep expecting to see a Ness costume, which would be the geratest thing ever, but then I remember a Ness amiibo is impossible to find.
Well at least we can declare the award winner for "worst Nintendo news announcement of the year" now. I hope I never unlock this, or you can actually delete it from the game.
Hell, maybe he's the next DLC character in Smash Bros... XD
@ekreig I want to take it one step further.
Every game henceforth must integrate the Tingle amiibo (they should make one) into the game, be it by unlocking a Tingle outfit or bringing Tingle into the game.
Why don't we have one Tingle amiibo bundled with each and every Nintendo hardware unit sold, too?
I must have that Tingle amiibo!
@ekreig YES! Mario in Tingle's Skin Tight suit would be awesome!
Koo Limpah indeed ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
A Tingle amiibo – given that it looks hilarious enough – would be the first amiibo I'd buy.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@NintyMan Maybe Zelda U is finished and they're just waiting to make the amino to go along with it?
I know that sounds really stupid, but so does the US having to wait until October for Yoshi Wooly World.
@grumblebuzzz >Koo Loo Limpah
Gonna break my heart if Tingle has an appearance but no Daisy or Waluigi.
I assume this could be linked to having save data from certain games, I doubt they'd make a tingle amiibo...if it's real that is
@ikki5 @SanderEvers make the coins look like rupees
theres no tingle amiibo tho....
(i know there is an alternate way to unlock costumes, but i didin't think non-amiibo would get the spotlight.)
Would this be unlocked with the Toon Link amiibo?
Seems you've got the wrong link -
There we go, I've fixed it for you
In all seriousness, Tingle doesn't deserve most of the hate he gets and more Tingle is always a good thing; if only because I know it really bothers certain people that more "worthy" characters have been excluded in favour of a "joke character".
Tingle amiibo? Gimme now!!!!
He is awsome!
I guess there's going to be a Zelda series of Amiibos.
Year of Tingle has begun!!!
The Jar-Jar Binks of Nintendo...
Lol that is awesome.
Everyone loves TIngle. This is cool.
Tingle is hilarious. If Rosy Rupeeland ever hits NA eShop as an import treat (still happy about Ninja Castle, 92 Recca and Earthbound Beginnings) it'll be the first DS Virtual Console game I drop dime on.
XD That's funny! I say it should unlock a mini-game! A friend and I made this one up. 8-Bit Tingle chases AoL Fairy Link through several classic stages where Tingle tries to bottle poor Link and he keeps getting faster and more unpredictable. If he catches you, it's game over.
I think he is too. I don't understand all the hate he gets.
Yeah. He's clearly a sattire of Link. His whole existence is a joke, and the creators laughing with us* on the green skirt jokes.
*Not us, but you know those annoying kids at school who said Link was a girl or wanted to be a girl. Or some elf or fairy boy. Didn't help Link was bare legged in the late 80s and early 90s. Lol
cancels pre-order after hearing this distressing news
Nah, I don't really mind. Does this mean there's going to be an amiibo? Hopefully not.
im gonna stop visiting NL until after sept 11. alot of these announcements i want to be suprised by.. not spoiled.
Q) How do you feel about the one and only Tingle making his way to the game?
A) Much like the initial revealing of the Amiibo usage of Super Mario Maker, it is tempting me to get the game. I'd love to play through a my own Mario levels using Kirby, or Wii Fit Trainer, or Tingle.
There are only two things holding me back from a purchase of Super Mario Maker; prioritising other games (the Wii U is killing my wallet this year) and finding myself unenthusiastic towards creative focused games (Project Spark for instance, I couldn't keep myself interested in it).
Q) And when do you think we'll get that Tingle amiibo we're all so deseprate for?
A) Perhaps with the release of The Legend of Zelda Tri Force Heroes, or with the release of Hyrule Warriors 3DS. All I know, is that one day the dreams of Tingle fans like myself will come true, and we can proudly display a Tingle amiibo for the world to see.
Lots of popular 80s heroes didn't wear pants.
The Thundercats
Just to name a few.
Why not? Mario wears all kinds of suits anyway, so it's perfectly fine imo.
Btw: I don't care much for Amiibo, but... a Tingle Amiibo would be kind of awesome. Or awkward. Probably both. (Mostly hilarious, though.)
His dad would be proud!
Worst Nintendo Character Ever
I also hope HW3DS opens up the possibility of more amiibo. That game is like a Zelda All Stars line up, spanning many periods and characters. And the reader will be available by then so everyone with a 3DS will be able to use the amiibo.
Tingle for NX launch title. Calling it now.
I'm hoping for a Tingle amiibo. He's my second favourite character in Wind Waker, right after Salvatore.
I'm still waiting for Nintendo to announce him as the winner of the Smash Bros. Ballot.
@Mario_maniac recolor peach orange done.
make waluigi tall and purple done. at least purple.
Just wait. People will now jump to conclusions that this is for a Tingle amiibo made for Smash.
Super Mario Maker confirmed Japan and Europe exclusive.
Am I the only one wondering what the normal Mario Amiibo unlocks (either the Super Smash Bros one or the Super Mario one) when tapped into the game? It can't really unlock a Mario costume as you are already Mario (obviously) so maybe a different Mario design?
Hurrah, Americans! Time to boycot the game!
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