It may have attracted some criticism and controversy, but none of that matters if you're excited about Devil's Third rocking up to Wii U soon; it arrives in Europe on 28th August, promising a unique blend of FPS and melee action.
As part of its Gamescom press output today, Nintendo has released a launch trailer for the Valhalla Game Studios title. It places the emphasis on over-the-top chaos, with the online component looking particularly bonkers; check out the madness below.
Let us know what you think of the trailer and whether this is on your wishlist for later this month.
Comments 42
If you have the time, this live gameplay segment with Itagaki is a lot of fun to watch. Really looking forward to this game.
No matter how the game turns out the trailer certainly makes it look fun and exciting that's for sure.
I've had an eye on this game for years, only thing that worries me is what I've read about the frame rate, I also wish the game looked a little better graphics-wise.
I remember playing NG3 Razor's Edge on the Wii U and the frame rate was terrible, so much so I bought the game on Xbox 360 in the end.
This game looks similar in terms of fast paced action, so frame rate is a real concern for me.
Looks bonkers Bonkers Good...
Ironic that the create-a-player used to build a character straight out of Mad World. I think that level of mayhem is what D3rd is aiming for. Not sure this title is for me, though. Not a fan of realistic gore.
Jane Doe and C-4 for the D!
This looks ace, the multi player looks awesome,.
I shall be purchasing.
Jane Doe Amiibo anyone???
That looks effing amazing. Screw the haters. I'm definitely getting this game.
Welcome aboard gentlemen and ladies. Its time to kill!
Damn C-4 is dynamite
I have to admit, the bad reviews aren't deterring me from this one. It'll be day one for me in NA
Weird situation for me. On the one hand, I don't care about shooter single player campaigns. However, knowing that the multiplayer will be dead on the Wii U (just look at Bayonetta 2, there are 1 or 2 people online at max ...), I might not buy it for the Wii U at all. On the other hand. the multiplayer is coming to PC for free so I might just play that
I'll pass.. Can't get excited for this game.
Looks fun though imperfect. I will get it. The online modes look like a blast. One thing though: they forgot to remove the skip scene with A button from the bottom right corner. It's all I saw the whole trailer lol.
I'm really curious about the single player, seems fun with non stop action like Bayonetta. The graphics are cool, the only thing I'm concerned it's visual coherence. Some scenes have cool locations and lightning but others...seem plain!
Don't really care about the multiplayer mode.
So true. People that buy this game for online play and seriously expect to find more than 1 or 2 players are crazy... bad crazy.
I didn't know it was coming to the PC for free. Right there, that says everything about this game.
This is looking great
WiiU needs a game like this
I rate this trailer a 9/10, oh, I'll def pay full price for this, not gonna wait for the price to drop, which it probably never will since it published by Nintendo, kinda like lego city, it just should already be out, wii u needs this summer game, and I expected tittles like this on a Nintendo system, this exactly the type of crazy special unique exclusives Nintendo gets, like the wii had madworld and stuff like that
Japanese Amazon reviews are favorable so far. A lot of 4 and 5 star review. The negative reviews seem to lean toward playing FTP PC instead of full purchase. Sounds like if you Like Ninja Gaiden you will like this. Ninja Gaiden is too much game for most NA gamers to enjoy so it will probably be a small release here. Too bad because it sounds like people enjoy multiplayer.
Im still not sure if I should get this e.e. What if it's like Arkham night, were they make the videos look much better than the actual game? And we already know that this game has frame-rate issues..
I'm pretty sure the composer took most of his inspiration from Ramin Djawadi's music on Person of Interest. Starting from 1:30, the music is clearly inspired from one of the variations of 'Analog Interface'.
No matter, I like Person of Interest's music.
@MajinSoul. I think there is supposed to be Cross-platform support for multiplayer. Wii U version is more likely to work without bugs. PC optimization will most likely be half-hearted. That and you will be dealing with FTP publishers like Nexon. You can't beat the price though.
Well, you can count on Itagaki for something bonkers. And his insistance on including plenty of attractive women seems to be as strong as ever.
Maybe this game will be what Red Steel also aspired for? A delightful blend of blades and guns.
i dnt care if controls are slightly off and graphics arent up to looks brilliant
I am so ready for this game... Can not wait to break open some heads!
I'm surprised at how many people commenting are buying the game. Perhaps if sales are decent enough we'll get the support of a patch or two to help solve some of the issues the game currently possesses?
This kind of game really suits DLC as well, so I hope that isn't off the table.
Looks pretty sick I always thought it looks good
But I dont think I can buy it...
My list is already full with Super Mario Maker, Xenoblade X, Star Fox Zero, Mario Tennis Ultra Smash, Fatal Frame V, Zelda Tri Force Heroes and MGSV
If they make a patch to fix framerate and bugs though, I'd definitely buy it next year!
Trailer looks great. Glad development of this could settle on WiiU and not forever be caught up in pursuit of perfect Next Gen graphics on xbone. All i need is confirmation on framerates, decent reviews (70%+) and the preorder price on amazon to drop from £39.95 to £30.00 in customary fashion in the last week before launch and this is a day one purchase!
The online mode looks pretty interesting!
But I'm still waiting for a statement regarding motion controls. If it doesn't feature them, the game is dead for me.
I already tried and played GTA V through (the whole story, so 100+ hours!) on Xbox 360. It was a real pain in the ass. I mean, there was a slight improvement from totally awful to really awful. But it's just like walking with one leg. You're much slower because of the way a control stick works.
So If DT doesn't support motion control, I'll just continue playing GTA V on my PC with a MOUSE.
Still don't understand how anyone would deliberately play a shooter with a twin-stick setup. It's so inferior to Mouse or motion controls.
If the gameplay is anything like Ninja gaiden this should be good for some shooting/slashing and a few laughs. I hope it's not as broken as it seemed in the previews.
Everything in my body says stay away from this game, but I just have to know! If nothing else, at least the online looks fun!
Just watched a bit of Online multiplayer from Japanese players and the whole vibe reminded me of Danger 5 but in Video game form, wouldn't surprise me if they end up with Flaming chainsaws, Mckenzies head (along with Wolf, that Nazi dog an Chestbridge) etc.
The graphics are not pretty, but they aren't Ps2 or wii, they are low budget PS3 (which this probably is, an that's like 5-10 million lol), after 5 years I doubt the studio has any money.
Got this on pre order but definitely need some more info before I commit, when the negative previews hit I became very cautious with this game.
Goes to show though, I wasn't interested in Splatoon an got it on a whim, ended up loving it like Unreal (back in the day), an the game that 'did' interest me ends up the one that might be Bielzibubs Bottom Nugget.
Excessive blood and dismembering,
Rampantly oversexualised/muscular characters
Giant squishy looking zombie mutants
Overused terrorists taking over THE WORLD!!! plot
The single player looks like completely clicheand generic trash to me full of all the tropes that video games need to desperately move away from.
Even the visuals look decidedly last gen.
I'm not surprised this game has been stuck in development hell for so long... I know fully understand why Nintendo has been giving this game next to no marketing. It's just such a shame they have so few key releases lined up for the Wii U this year.
Just watched Itagaki playing with Yu Suzuki watching. I think this game still looks great. Was always going to buy!
Everything looks good, except for the weird mouth movements.
That actually put me totally off. The guy that made the game barely knows how to play it, very disappointing. Also his nonsense about not being able to do cross platform with the PC because the controllers are different doesn't fly with me. As a PC owner even I can recognize the Gyro controls of Splatoon (wiimotes too) give an excellent alternative to twitch mouse gaming (which I was brilliant at a decade ago during the hayday of Unreal). An besides when you can simply call in missile strikes, I doubt it matters what control method you use, you aren't getting out alive.
Still torn as to whether I will ultimately get it. Doesn't help that I'm interested in Mad max and definitely Getting MGS PP around the same time.
@FargusPelagius I was just happy to see for the first time how to use the base building, clan managing, defense instalations usage, call in the support perks, the melee fighting and Yu Suzuki.
Yeah some of the features look quite good, however I just think it looks more and more like they slapped it together an hoped for the best, instead of crafting the game. MGS PP looks like it's been crafted with a lot of attention to detail an effort. DT looks like a school art project went wrong in comparison.
Some of the other multiplayer videos look crazy fun as I stated earlier, a Danger 5 vibe. Those are from the people that have bought the game in Japan.
@FargusPelagius Just three more weeks until we find out if it is worthy.
A really good-looking trailer! Judging by the generally positive reception of the game in Japan, I really don't know what the European articles are annoyed about.
I'm going to feel very weird walking into GAME and seeing this 18-rated game on the shelf.
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