The Twitch Plays phenomenon has been around for over a year now, which makes it positively medieval by internet standards. The concept of hundreds of viewers issuing input commands is predictably chaotic, of course, and the concept can still be entertaining with the right game.
We think this stream of Metal Gear Solid: Ghost Babel fits the bill in the hilarity stakes. This Game Boy Color title is a bit of a classic, effectively recreating excellent top-down play in a spin-off storyline that's separate from the core series. It was rather accomplished for its time and is highly regarded.
Of course, when being played by a couple of hundred players online it's remarkably tricky, and we've been entertained by the stream so far. There's been some progress, but also funny moments where our hero jitters around or jumps under his cardboard box at the wrong moment. Most are having fun and embracing the madness / lag, while one diehard fan did have a fairly significant meltdown earlier on.
Check it out below - be warned that, despite the MGNLive channel working hard to moderate, some occasional bad language may creep into the text.
Comments 13
This game should be on the VC.
@manu0 Just like Snake should be in Smash 4.
@Grumblevolcano I'd support that, hadn't Snake been such a disappointment in Brawl.
I'm still waiting to play MGS on the GameBoy Color. It's not cheap, unfortunately.
No. Not funny. Weird (that anyone would be interested in this) yes. First ever twitch video I watched... And like most things YouTube, I regret it. This video is not even as close to entertaining as the NL ones are... Even the vids that most would agree aren't exciting are at least more entertaining than this. P.S. I could see young children finding this amusing to play, but no one else. This is kinda like when kids try to outdo each other by farting or burping for an extended period of time, it's... Childish. That's the word.
@Platypus101 Twitch plays pokemon was unbelievably fascinating! I'm not sure what you're looking for on youtube, but there is a bunch of interesting stuff on there! ^^
So...what would be this game's version of the Helix Fossil?
@manu0 YES YES YES i need to play this!
Totally forgot about this title. I feel the series needs another top down 2D style MG.
@MussakkuLaden Snake, a disappointment in Brawl? He's one of the best characters in it o. o
@Grumblevolcano Ground Zeroes should have been on Wii U.
Also Snake is laughably out of place in the context of Smash Bros. Was it cool for ten minutes? Sure. But he just didn't fit, from having his 1st appearance listed as Twin Snakes, to not being able to use the SOCOM because reasons.
@Platypus101 Did you experience the Internet for the first time recently, or something? Your comment makes you sound either very old or very young.
Now there's a game that'd look swell on my N3DS. If nothing else, Kojima's departure might spur Konami on to release what they can of archive titles on contemporary consoles. Let some minute good come from this...
I'll wait with the whole "watching someone else play video games" masochistic insanity thing until my own hands are chopped off by a Sith Lord or something.
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