LEGO Dimensions is shaping up to be something special featuring an ever-expanding cast of characters from a wide range of notable franchises.
Unbelievably, the toys-to-life title coming to Wii U on 27th September is now even more impressive with the reveal the Doctor from Doctor Who will be fighting alongside the likes of Batman and Gandalf against the villains in the Land of Oz. Does it get any better?
To celebrate Doctor Who's debut in a LEGO videogame, there will be a Doctor Who level playable in the Dimensions Starter Pack, where the game's heroes must continue their quest and face-off against the likes of Daleks, Cybermen and other adversaries from the Whoniverse.
If you are still wanting more at this point, there will also be playable versions of all the previous Doctors along with a themed level pack, LEGO minifigures and even LEGO models of the TARDIS and K-9.
Fans who want more Doctor Who in LEGO Dimensions will be able to purchase the Doctor Who Level Pack which includes an additional mission-based Doctor Who level, along with a LEGO minifigure of the 12th Doctor and LEGO models of the TARDIS and K-9, all playable in the game. When the 12th Doctor is defeated in the level, he returns as the 1st Doctor and then regenerates back up to the 12th Doctor again. The interior of the TARDIS will reflect the corresponding Doctor the player embodies or can be manually selected. There's even a jukebox inside where players can choose among different versions of the Doctor Who theme music. The TARDIS and K-9 models can each be physically built and then rebuilt twice to do entirely different things in the digital game for massive variety.
There will also be a Doctor Who Fun Pack, which includes a playable Cyberman minifigure and Dalek model which can be physically built and then rebuilt twice for a total of three different objects.
If you are a fan of Doctor Who or have been keeping a keen eye on LEGO Dimensions, take a look at the latest video below and let us know in the comments what you think about this latest reveal.
[source youtu.be]
Comments 27
But is it canon?
It's a pity they did not do a live action trailer like the Doc Brown one. How epic would it of been if they did that and Christopher Lloyd showed up at the end as Doc Brown?
"The reveal Doctor Who will be fighting alongside"
Actually, if you don't mind, it's just the Doctor.
I'm scared by how much interest I have in this, despite knowing that it will be a wallet-drain! I really want the Scooby level pack too. But at £80 for the game starter pack and £30 a pop for the extra level packs, that makes it a bit expensive.
All I want for Christmas is a Dalek in my stocking. Thats not the Dr. I'm looking for, stopped watching when the younger kid took over for Tennant, and Tom Baker will always be my man, but I really need all of this.
I wonder if they're on eBay yet?
Good news folks, eBay scalpers may be so busy w/ Lego D some amiibo may slip thru.
Forget going 3rd party, this is the holiday Nintendo goes NO party and promotes Lego, Skylanders and DI. At least it will seem that way if they don't get Star fox out, they won't promote XCX much and Reggie is apparently ignoring Devils Third.
@moltakfire "...the Doctor from Doctor Who will be fighting alongside..."
Have they corrected it?
@andrea987 /squee I think they have
Thanks Liam!
@rjejr You stopped watching? Well, you truly missed out then on some really well written stories then, containing every range of emotion possible. Very gripping stories, funny ones, truly sad ones and of course a couple of really exciting ones. Not to mention Matt Smith having considerably prettier sidekicks than David Tennant, although that is a matter of taste, obviously...
I agree that Tom Baker was a wonderful Doctor, but having one or several great Doctors/actors doesn't mean that there can't be a few more.
Maybe you should give them a try, if only for the ever evolving storyline which is really worth it, for any Doctor Who fan.
Oh, and if you haven't watched it yet, Torchwood is also worth a go. It's a spin-off that ties in with David Tennant's run as The Doctor.
The Doctor is in the same game as Doc Brown from Back to the Future...That's it! This is officially the best thing ever! Everything in the history of the world has been leading up to this moment!
weeping angels...
@TheRealThanos Torchwood was so great for a couple of seasons, then the children kidnapping season kinda freaked out my wife, and the US version was all but an abomination. You don't suppose they got John Barrowman to reprise his role as Capt Jack do you? That would be DLC I would buy.
And if you fancy a bit of fun brit TV I suggest Life on Mars. I haven't watched the US version but the original was really good. Though I always fancied a 70'a themed show.
Is Dr Who still ongoing? We just couldn't stand that "kid", guess it was Smith, but the new old geezer seems appropriate. We just finished watching Grimm and we're looking for something new to watch, that might do. Thanks.
Um, this doesn't have spoilers for someone who hasn't seen series 8 yet, right? Because I want to watch that trailer, but I haven't seen series 8. Why it isn't on Netflix yet, I don't know.
@rjejr I watched both versions of life on Mars. The English one was slightly better, but both were good. As for Doctor Who: just get over the "that kid" feeling and chew through the first two episodes and then you're in for heck of a ride, I promise you. Personally, I thought he had a really weird face in the beginning, but I also thought David Tennant had haunting eyes and at first all I could see was these eyes staring, but I got used to it, same as with Matt Smith's face (his huge jaw/chin mostly) because in the end, it's the overall performance that matters, and he is a fan favorite for a reason.
Not saying you need to agree with the masses but maybe give it another go and give all the supporting cast some love as well, because they are great too. As for something to watch: Primeval (the original English show and the Canadian sequel), Continuum, Defiance, Extant, Dark Matter, Sanctuary, Alphas, Vikings, DaVinci's Demons, Killjoys, Helix, Dominion, Outlander. Take your pick...
If you liked Grimm, you might also like Sleepy Hollow and for something similar yet a bit milder Once Upon a Time will do...
I love the fact they have skins for every doctor as well. You can play as whoever is your favorite. Or as your least favorite and then keep knocking him to bits with Batman's Batarangs.
@TheRealThanos - Missed Sleepy Hollow, and then when I was going to watch it and catch up season 2 looked not so good. Searcing for ways to watch Dr Who now, surprised nto a single old season is available on Amazon Prime, may have to resign up for Hulu. If not our plan was Deadwood, may just stick w/ that.
Shame it's only got voice acting from Peter Capaldi so far; I can't stand him. Also I'm not paying £20 for one extra level.
@BLPs Well, there have been a few stinkers in the past as well, so I guess it's down to personal taste, but I've enjoyed the series as a whole from when I started watching in the seventies, so my first experience with the show was Tom Baker's version of The Doctor. I have been very busy of late so I haven't seen any of the post-Matt Smith episodes, but I know Peter Capaldi and am confident that his portrayal will also agree with me. I don't know what would make him THE Doctor, though. In the final episodes of Matt Smith's run, they showed John Hurt, which could have been interesting too for a longer run, but maybe he will come back later on. (btw, if so: please leave out the spoilers)
@rjejr Did you watch/do you know any of the other shows I suggested? I like them all, but there's definitely something for (almost) everyone in there, and a couple of really good ones. As for John Barrowman: for me he is now Malcolm Merlyn/Ra's al Ghul, since Arrow is the most recent show I've seen him in. And that's another show that I can easily recommend, along with The Flash, Super Girl and the upcoming Legends of Tomorrow, that will be starting somewhere later this year. Provided you like super hero shows, of course...
@BLPs with stinkers I mean the actors, not the scripts or the writers. Maybe stinkers is a bit harsh, but personally, I just didn't like some Doctors as much, Peter Davison for one. To me he will always be the brother of the veterinarian in the James Herriot TV show. His time on Doctor Who was an okay run, but the later ones were much better, and starting from Tom Baker I can honestly say that the series has really improved, and it was already a good show to begin with. And I really enjoyed both David Tennant's and Matt Smith's version of The Doctor.
And yes, I've seen all of the episodes Matt Smith was in, except maybe for the one where he transformed into Peter Capaldi. (if that's what happened. No spoilers... )
"12th Doctor is defeated in the level, he returns as the 1st Doctor and then regenerates back up to the 12th Doctor again." This would be the point I would do a spit take if I was drinking something.
I only watched from the 9th doctor up (favorite 10th, 11th, 12th in that order) so I don't a lot about the first 8 besides from what I read online but it is a nice bonus for fans of the series.
With this and Doctor Who reruns (season 2 of the revival) showing on Disney XD, a lot more americans will know about the series.
I wish someone would make a proper Doctor Who game, that universe would make for a great RPG.
@BLPs Cool, I didn't even notice him until I replay the last part again in slow motion and pauses (I count the War Doctor as 8.5 ). Weird how it seems after the 5th Doctor the frames speeds up a bit and then speeds up even more after the 8th. Had a hard time even spotting a view of the 10th.
@Other_Dave Hopefully not.
This looks awesome! I've been a massive fan of Doctor Who since I was 5.
I have high hopes. Doctor Who has a long and bitter history with computer games. Could we finally get a game that doesn't make you facepalm?
Since I'm really addicted to amiibo and don't want to be spending money on another toy collection, I've said that I won't get any Lego Dimensions toys. However, they are making it really difficult for me to say no. Peter Capaldi is my favourite doctor (I've only watched from Christopher Eccleston). I'm also loving a lot of the other figures such as Gandalf and Batman.
Prices are way too much, and 12th Doctor has had a terrible soapie run with the worst stories since Love and Monsters.
But then again this might be the only way to experience a decent 12th Doctor story.
@Senario Yeah, we all have our favorites, so differences in taste are bound to happen. I'm afraid I have to disagree with Matt Smith's Doctor being a cheery one, though. There were quite a few episodes that were pretty heavy emotion-wise so not so much cheeriness going on there, and his sidekicks more often than not were serious, as opposed to the rather more comical Donna Nobel. But overall the whole show boasts a range of very competent actors, most of them having a theater background or at the very least quite a handsome resume of previous achievements, and most of them go on to do even greater things, either in movies or back in the theater again.
Personally, I rather like both Amy Pond and Clara Oswald, but that is of course a personal preference. They played their parts quite well too, in my humble opinion. I also loved the characters of Madame Vastra, Jenny Flint and Strax.
Agreed on the Weeping Angels. Never understood why they didn't just use a crowbar or a sledgehammer to destroy the statues when they are immobile. It's what I would do to prevent them from coming any closer, but were talking fiction so there will probably be some obligatory restrictions that would make that impossible in the Whoniverse...
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