The Japanese Media Create charts have brought positive news for Nintendo of late, and that continues this week with the arrival of the latest blockbuster from Intelligent Systems.
Fire Emblem Fates - known as Fire Emblem: If in Japan - has launched in Nintendo's homeland and performed rather well. There are three options that gamers have been choosing from, with two separate versions and a special edition that has both storylines in one package. The combined total of sales (303,666 units) is comfortably beyond the 242,600 début week sales of Fire Emblem: Awakening in Japan in 2012, showing that the strategy of multiple versions has worked well. The top 20, with lifetime sales in brackets, is below.
- [3DS] Fire Emblem Fates: White Kingdom / Dark Knight Kingdom (Nintendo, 06/25/15) – 260,675 (New)
- [PSV] Persona 4: Dancing All Night (Atlus, 06/25/15) – 94,036 (New)
- [3DS] Fire Emblem Fates: Special Edition (Nintendo, 06/25/15) – 42,991 (New)
- [3DS] Rhythm Heaven: The Best+ (Nintendo, 06/11/15) – 42,718 (266,726)
- [PS4] Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward (Square Enix, 06/25/15) – 38,758 (New)
- [Wii U] Splatoon (Nintendo, 05/28/15) – 37,458 (348,040)
- [PS3] TV Anime The Idolmaster: Cinderella Girls G4U! Pack Vol. 2 (Bandai Namco, 06/25/15) – 16,392 (New)
- [PSV] Minecraft: PlayStation Vita Edition (SCE, 03/19/15) – 10,896 (220,589)
- [PSV] Chaos;Child (5pb., 06/25/15) – 10,325 (New)
- [3DS] Return to PopoloCrois: A Story of Seasons Fairytale (Marvelous, 06/18/15) – 9,284 (55,776)
- [PS3] Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward (Square Enix, 06/25/15) – 8,729 (New)
- [Wii U] Mario Kart 8 (Nintendo, 05/29/14) – 7,978 (1,045,901)
- [3DS] Dragon Ball Z: Extreme Butoden (Bandai Namco, 06/11/15) – 7,687 (98,789)
- [PSV] Shinobi, Ko Utsutsu: Setsugekka Koi Emaki (Idea Factory, 06/25/15) – 6,762 (New)
- [PS4] Devil May Cry 4: Special Edition (Capcom, 06/18/15) – 6,454 (42,326)
- [3DS] Kaitou Joker: Toki o Koeru Kaitou to Ushinawareta Houseki (Bandai Namco, 06/25/15) – 5,189 (New)
- [3DS] Pokemon Omega Ruby / Alpha Sapphire (Pokemon, 11/21/14) – 4,899 (2,648,334)
- [PS4] Chaos;Child (5pb., 06/25/15) – 4,860 (New)
- [PS4] Ride (Intergrow, 06/25/15) – 4,056 (New)
- [PS4] The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt (Spike Chunsoft, 05/21/15) – 4,054 (122,038)
Moving onto hardware, Persona 4: Dancing All Night has contributed a great deal to Vita grabbing top spot, though combining the 3DS models still sees Nintendo comfortably lead the way. Though the Wii U has dipped below PS4, meanwhile, it's still holding its own with sales in five figures. The results are below, with last week's sales in brackets.
- PlayStation Vita – 23,134 (11,748)
- New 3DS LL – 21,818 (17,642)
- PlayStation 4 – 14,482 (13,850)
- Wii U – 13,166 (14,616)
- New 3DS – 8,294 (4,506)
- PlayStation 3 – 2,761 (2,819)
- 3DS – 1,396 (1,126)
- 3DS LL – 847 (790)
- PlayStation Vita TV – 820 (540)
- Xbox One – 243 (201)
A good week for the Fire Emblem series, then, which hopefully bodes well ahead of its Western release in 2016.
[source gematsu.com]
Comments 48
YES! The reign of Fire Emblem has begun! waits on Fedex to drop off my copy
Splatoon is still high up there, I guess the staggered release of on disc content really helped it.
Lucky Japanese. This is definitely my most anticipated 3DS game right now.
Why do we have to wait until 2016, Nintendo, why?!
Another little thing, where it says "Dark knight kingdom", it should be "Dark Night kingdom"
Yeah Fire Emblem! Come to me baby!
Comfortably the best opening week for a FE game (and Awakening was also comfortably better than anything that came before it). So happy to see that Fire Emblem has become an IP that actually looks viable now.
Do we know if we'll get the special edition in the West?
If it starts at quarter million I wonder how crazy it can get by the time it gets released in the West.
By the way, are both editions of the game fully priced or are they a bit cheaper to encourage gamers to get both of them?
I couldn't care less about Fire Emblem at this point. Glad to see Splatoon carrying on the way it is. 2million will be sold before years end.
I might Get it in 2016
What the heck is an Extreme Butoden?! Whatever it is, sure doesn't sound too pleasant!
Splatoon is doing very well for Nintendo in Japan. It seems to be the game that should have launched with the Wii U.
Can't wait to see how Fates does for the long term. Maybe I will see another FE console version.
Nice to see the FE resurgence continue with Fates, hopefully next is a home console instalment.
Viva la Vita!
FE at 1st and 3rd. There is a great change that later this year Shin Megami Tensei x Fire Emblem (Genei Ibun Roku ♯FE) will be system seller in Japan.
Nice result for Fire Emblem! 2016 is still so far away... hope the special edition comes here too, will be the version I'll get. Also nice to see Splatoon doing well, and nice Wii U hold from Splatoon.
Good week overall in Japan!
Splatoon has legs, 10 of them.
Splatoon already has 1/3 the sales of MK8, which came out over a year ago. To me that's a bigger story then selling 2 or 3 versions of a 3DS game we all figured would sell well after Awakening.
Strictly speaking isn't that about 345,000 copies of fire emblem sold if the double pack contains two games
@rjejr But MK8 had sold 500k by this point in it's life. 99% of games are extremely front-loaded from a sales perspective. 500k in month 1, and then over a year to get to the next 500k.
Is all the Splatoon stuff besides patches on disc? I could get for some people without an external HD if this is the case.
Wii U is still doing pretty well, considering Splatoon was released about a month ago.
@SetupDisk All the extra Splatoon content (not counting patches) was already on the disc, so you don't need to download all the extra maps etc.
Hang in there, Splatoon! Your future relevance is at stake.
@DarthNocturnal Even split up by sales it would take 1 and 2 and knock #2 down, right? I see what you're saying though.
I have no idea about this game, nor what is going on with it, but it is now officially my most anticipated game next to Attack on Titan that finally comes out in 6 hours and 55 minutes here in 3rd world europe.
If you split the total and add the se, then it would be LESS than awakening's opening week...
Vita on top. Wow. Nice job.
Makes me wonder,with the momentum the Wii U has had the last few weeks in Japan and the success of Splatoon in the west,if in an alternative reality Nintendo did have a great E3 with Zelda,Metroid and another big multiplayer game like Splatoon coming soon together with a price cut if the Wii U's fortunes could have been turned around somewhat.At least enough to make it a viable console for Nintendo to continue to support for another couple of years.Or is that just crazy thinking?
I thought having separate versions would make the game sell rather modest instead of well.
Guess having both versions probably doesn't mean much. I only hope that the rest of Asia and UAE don't mind its graphical content.
Cool but I'm kinda bummed because I always liked the 'Wars' series much more than the Fire Emblem series and we haven't seen a proper sequel in the 'Wars' franchise since the games on DS
Oh good stuff, I can get them Art Academy that takes 5 gigs and Splatoon and they will be safe for room.
@JeffreyG Actually not all extra Splatoon content is on disc. A large portion of the extra content for Splatoon is off disc and a good part of what is on disc is incomplete. Although yeah, so far everything we have gotten is on disc.
It's a dragon ball z game
NOA must be trying really hard to localize this game it now
Famitsu tracking counted the SE of FE as two units, as it is two games. They recorded 353k for FE, and if you count the SE on Media Create as two, you end up with 346k.
They need to push this game HARD when they release it in the west.. Awakening had a decent sized marketing budget - they need to 1+ on that.
Very excited to play this.. Only thing missing thus far is the Fire Emblem theme - hopefully there's a new version of it for this game.. Is there an OST for the game yet?
@Peach64 - "But MK8 had sold 500k by this point in it's life"
Maybe you hand't noticed, but there's an "8" at the end of that games name. (Though maybe they just should have called it MKInfinity to PO Disney. Then the next one could be MKX like MS Windows 10.)
ahem, Splatoon is a new IP. A game Nintnedo told us up front much of which isn't being released until August. It will probably never get to MK8, but the closer it gets, the closer we get to getting a Splatoon 2. Get it? Is anybody holding their breath for Codename Steam 2, or even W102?
Now if the Wii U could get a noticeable price cut relatively soon maybe they could sell even more Spaltoon.
So its out in japan, and we have to wait a year?
Im jelly.
Wouldn't each Special Edition copy count as two copies sold, since each Special Edition has both the Black/White Kingdoms versions...?
Also, I did some Neogafing and found the first week and lifetime sales of all the Fire Emblem games in the franchise (Famitsu data). Seems like Fates will either be the best selling or second best selling game in the franchise, possibly behind Mystery of the Emblem. Congrats to Intelligent Systems for really taking this franchise to the next level!!
[NES] Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light - ? / 329.000
[NES] Fire Emblem Gaiden - ? / 325.000
[SNES] Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem - ? / 776.000
[SNES] Fire Emblem: Holy War Story - 228.578 / 498.000
[SNES] Fire Emblem: Thracia 776 - 30.104 / 158.695
[GBA] Fire Emblem: The Sealed Sword - 126.267 / 345.574
[GBA] Fire Emblem: Blazing Sword - 109.429 / 265.286
[GBA] Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones - 146.026 / 246.719
[GC] Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance - 100.357 / 156.413
[Wii] Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn - 73.337 / 171.924
[DS] Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon - 147.704 / 252.309
[DS] Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem - Hero of Light & Shadow - 147.045 / 250.592
[3DS] Fire Emblem: Awakening - 262.399 / 469.485
[3DS] Fire Emblem Fates: Black Kingdom / White Kingdom - 353.201 / NEW
Amazing sales as shown by Westman98's numbers. Not even including digital sales Fire Emblem Fates in one week in Japan is already the fourth best selling entry in Japan.
Provided it proves popular in the west it could very well beat out Awakening as best selling entry in the series and that's not far from Final Fantasy Tactics as best selling SRPG.
The jealous wait begins....
Better start saving the pennies cuz the wife and I are going to want the special addition as well... Its expensive having a gamer wifey haha
Time to wait for Fire Emblem Fates to be localized while avoiding all the spoilers online while it takes Nintendo over 7 months to do it for some reason.

This makes me wish that they had been working on localization while they were making the Japanese version of the game so we could have it sooner! Though that's not really fair since it could have delayed the initial release. I'm just so excited that I'm feeling a little selfish
Fantastic start for FE. The wait's gonna be painful. Good to see Splatoon hanging in there with a bunch of new releases, beautiful legs on this one.
Eh, I don't really consider it "cheating" as this type of gimmick is mostly designed to milk the whales, the type of people that'd buy multiple versions anyway in support of a release (one for use, one for collection, one to gift, etc.). At least by offering multiple versions, they're getting additional content for their spending. Most people will just settle on one version/copy. I would like to see the sales split though just to see which is the "popular" version.
That's awesome! Now, it's time to wait about a year or so for release, for some reason.
I'm going to have to remember to not click on anything FE related while on YouTube. I doubt YouTube won't give me a suggested video on the new game if I do. I just know there's going to be a video that has the final boss on the thumbnail, or something. Temporarily unsubscribing from GameXplain never does me much justice, either.
Me and my team of FE Amiibos wait patiently for NA localization. =)
This game, in just its opening week in ONE COUNTRY, has already surpassed Shadow Dragon lifetime sales, and Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn's lifetime sales COMBINED.
That's pretty impressive considering where this franchise was just a few short years ago...
What caused this surge of popularity for the franchise I wonder...? It started with Awakening, but what caused it?
Meanwhile I'm just waiting...whelp, at least I have all the other FE games to hold me over until then.
@Kirk - Yeah, Wars was always better just looks at the sales originally. They saw Fire Emblem slowly dying, because Fire Emblem was dying they stopped Wars. Out of fear if you ask me.
Now that FE isn't appealing strategically anymore, I think Advanced Wars should make a comeback. I mean, IS have dug themselves a massive hole making what Fire Emblem was into now, so the least they can do is give something back to old IS fans and do a favor for themselves. Wars just needs advertising as all. That's why Awakening sold so highly.
Wait... If they're two separate titles... Why are they combining them in the sales data? They're not two parts of one game, are they?
Oh wait.... THEY ARE! The more I read about this game (the two kingdom paths are dead ends, and only the third / neutral path is canon, putting the only real ending behind a paywall) the more I realize the "Special Edition" should be the only edition, in the form of a $50 8GB cart. Nintendo got greedy.
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