With E3 on the way next week, the talented folk at WayForward have belly danced past all the cacophony and released their E3 trailer for the upcoming Shantae: Half-Genie Hero. As the fourth game in the esteemed Shantae series, Half-Genie Hero marks the first cross-platform HD outing for the hair-whipping belly dancing half-genie. Thankfully the Wii U eShop made the cut, but that was never in doubt with WayForward at the helm.
We love a good 2D adventure-style platformer here at NLife Towers and this certainly looks the business. With lush hand-drawn animation, a host of colourful characters and rockin' tunes, this game certainly looks like one to watch out for.
This teaser video highlights brand new scenes from the 'E3 2015 Backer Build', which was distributed as a reward to early access backers of the game's crowdfunding campaign. Thanks to overwhelming fan support, the final game will feature multiple game modes with characters from the Shantae universe. You can play as the brain-crazed zombie Rottytops, the bird trainer Sky, the bumbling warrior Bolo, and the nefarious pirate Risky Boots.
While the release date is yet to be announced, we hope we won't have to wait too much longer to get our grubby mitts on this awesome looking game. Take a peep at the trailer below and let us know how you think it's shaping up with a comment.
Comments 36
Amazing cant way to play
This looks so much better than other similar games (mighty no. 9 COUGH.)
Definetaly looking forward to this!
I can't understand why they're going with the horrible chibi look.
I'll grab it when it comes out on Wii U, looks fantastic. Hoping that Director's Cut of Risky's Revenge on Steam will come to Wii U eventually too.
Is this song from the game? Oh my f god! It's amazing!!!!
WHAT! I posted this exact comment 30 minutes ago on the Bloodstained article:
Shantae Half Genie Hero? Been awhile since I last heard of that title.
E3 Maybe?
I can predict THE FUTURE!
Less than $1 million and look great!, It's a shame that the goals for voice acting and animated cut scenes have not been reached, was not necessary to reach 2 million for that..., well, to wait a little more for this great game!
Day 1 buy. Hope there's a retail version. Getting it either way.
Wow, this looks good!
This series might as well just be a Nintendo Franchise
I seriously have never wanted to play this game xD You know how everyone has that one game that most are so hyped over but they just can't see any excitement in it? That's this lol
I really prefer the pixel graphics of the previous games.
Eh...I'm playing Pirate's Curse right now. It's alright. I'm happy enough to be playing it, I guess, but I don't see myself ever playing another Shantae game.
I was starting to think this wasn't happening anymore since Pirate's Curse was announced and released since the last time we got news on this game.
@EverythingAmiibo They're extremely overhyped, you'd be disappointed I think.
@Krambo42 That's what Risky's Revenge did for me, nice to hear a voice of reason
The demo plays and looks great too.
@Xenjamin. Don't you mean "looking WAYforward to this"?
No? Sorry, I'll see myself out.
Pirate's Curse was just okay, but I really liked Risky's Revenge so I'm willing to give this a shot. Lovely looking game to boot.
I'm still unsure about which system to get this for.
This seems to be coming out for every console on the planet, and the Vita, but not the 3DS? Looks a far cry from Risky's Revenge anyhow.
@drewb0203 This game is multiplat!
@RainbowGazelle Yeah....personally, I like the previous design better but I guess we have to get used to it. After all, its nothing drastically different like Sonic Boom right?
Looks good.
Shantae for smash cough cough
@-Godot most logical people who are waiting for this game already predicted it was gunna be at e3 since its one of the best times to show off a game.
I played the early-access demo through Steam, it plays as nicely as it looks ^_^
...but i suppose my choice in avatar will open me up to accusations of bias, oh well...
Looks promising. No amiibo nonsense too - that's a bonus for me.
Day 1 for me - that is if it's on Vita day 1!
I love the Shantae series, but this game looks a little meh to me. I don't like the art style as much, the animations don't look as fluid or quirky, and the gameplay/controls look slower and more clunky (ie the monkey). Not to mention they had to backtrack on initially white-washing Shantae (see the screenshot vs. the trailer title screen) which is a horrible place to start when making a sequel to one of the FEW games that features a female main character who isn't white (well, wasn't white).
Of course I'll have to wait and see, but this game doesn't feel right.
Looks good so far. Sounds good, too. The remix is seriously ftw, I love it.
Unfortunately, when I see 2d side scrolling platformers, I compare them to Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze and Rayman Origins/Legends. In other words, meh.
Wow! How awesome does that look. I wish they would make a boxed version of this game. Voted Shantae for Smash Bros by the way.
Looks really good!
Please let there be a physical release! I want to display that schtick alongside Mighty No. 9 in my WiiU collection
Please let there be a physical release! I want to display that schtick alongside Mighty No. 9 in my WiiU collection
So day one. Virt's music sounds great as always. I love Crab Shantae! Can't wait to see what other new transformations she has in store.
Quick question I don't even THINK people notice this but what the heck is up with Shantae skin tone on the front of this article? It's like her skin tone changes to pale white which is wrong when her actual skin tone is tansih. Like what the heck? Wrong poster hun. And I love the game I can't wait for it to come out and another thing I love the outfits that she will have <3!
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