LEGO Dimensions is certainly not what the creators of Skylanders and Disney Infinity want to see, and rather like Nintendo with amiibo it's been tempting to wonder why it took so long for the hugely popular brick-building franchise to step into the toys-to-life market.
With some serious brand power in terms of third-party IPs, years of game releases to provide a template and the hugely popular bricks themselves, we suspect LEGO Dimensions will prove to be a major hit. Like Skylanders and Disney Infinity it'll offer up sets with an eye-watering overall price and will necessitate buying a Starter Pack with a portal, but it does have some interesting features to set it apart.
A trailer released today shows this off nicely - it states that vehicles in the game have three configurations each that shake up how they appear in-game, while the character linked to the vehicle can also make a difference to how it works. It's a very literal blend of taking apart and building a LEGO toy, before seeing the virtual result in the game.
It's hard not to be impressed at this use of NFC tech, though the prospect of losing these somewhat expensive parts is enough to give parents sleepless nights. It makes this grizzled old writer wish he was a child again, however.
Let us know what you think of this feature, and we also recommend this detailed preview on Eurogamer, which explains how this all works in practice.
[source eurogamer.net]
Comments 21
Rather... Unimpressed.
intresting.. — still need to see some actual gameplay on this thow.. (asuming we will see more at E3)
Seems lego is pushing hard in the game industry lately. Just hope they don't get sloppy with it, i would hate lego worlds to turn into a failed experince(yes, I did buy the early acess and its good so far)
@DarthNocturnal Thought the same thing here. Even though its still in an early (early access) phase, the release couldnt have been more inopportune.
They created their own biggest nemesis. And with people growing more and more tired of TTs licensed Lego games, one where you can actually get creative on your own might be the far better option.
I can't keep affording more games like this and so far, LEGO is the bottom of the ones up for consideration.
Good to know that Portal has been confirmed. Also interested in what Midway (as in the game company) sets are going to be released
@shaneoh Only Midway game company I know of is Netherealm Studios.
"The full list of confirmed franchises so far are The Simpsons, Doctor Who, Ghostbusters, Portal, Jurassic World, Midway Arcade, Scooby-Doo, The Lord of the Rings, The Wizard of Oz, Back to the Future, and DC Comics. That’s in addition to Lego’s own brands Chima, Ninjago, and The Lego Movie."
Well it is definitely NOT Mortal Kombat. But midway also had coinops like joust, spy hunter, root beer tapper and paperboy.
@Einherjar @DarthNocturnal True that. Worlds is what people really wanted, Dimensions seems like it's intentionally gimped down version for consoles.
Already bought the early access to Worlds
I love lego and all but I am finding it hard to care about this then again I am probably not the Target audience for this product.
If this game wasn't 100$ I'd buy it
@LilC - I ve purchasef 5 Dkylandrrs games (1 on 3DS) and 2 Disney zInfinity games, and I always get them half off eithrr at Amazon or anywhete during BF sales. Wont help Day 1 people, but if you dont mind wsiting a few months I sudpect this will be $50 someplace soon. Playsets and firgures usually hit half price as well, though this year there have bern less sales on figures.
Only three ways per model?
I think that PC Minecraft clone is going to do better IMO.
Adding the Doctor Who franchise into the game will certainly bump up sales.
For those of you thinking this is in stiff sales eating competition with Worlds. No.
Worlds is for PC only, early access, not even really a game yet. It has a lot of potential, certainly but Dimensions is very different.
Licenses for one. Actual interaction with physical toys for another.
I just don't see any more overlap than there has been from every Lego game that comes out and those have sold fine. The Jurassic World overlap is more problematic, in my opinion.
Listen to @rjejr the competition is fierce. There will be sales. Only caveat: This is LEGO sales are rare. lol.
@aaronsullivan - Agree on the difference between Lego Worlds and Lego Dimensions, one is Minecraft, one is Disney Infinity, and I rarely if ever hear people comparing Minecraft and DI even though DI is more about the toy box than the story, to me at least since I'm so heavily invested in Skylanders which is about as linear as it gets.
And honestly my kid bought Minecraft on both PC and PS3 b/c even those are different. PS3 is all about split screen couch co-op, playing together w/ his friends and brother on the 52" tv screen; PC is all about downloading mods and loaders and who knows what else my mad diabolical son is doing alone on the 19" PC display.
I also agree "Lego Worlds" and "Lego Jurassic World" are a bit too similar in name to both be coming out in the same month. But I am glad they didn't call Worlds "Lego Crafts".
I know Lego is expensive and sales are limited, my kids collect the playsets as well, but I've seen amiibo go on sale despite their scarcity, heck TRU was practically giving away what looked like over 100 Princes Peach SSB version a few months ago. I don't imagine the retailers can half price the other 2 (DI and Sky) w/o half pricing Lego D. And really - look at the Lego D starter pack cost of $100 compared to all the other "packs'. They'll sell D half price to sell the rest. Bigger question will be scarcity. Dr. Who will probably only be available on eBay. Like amiibo - which is wanted more by collectors who don't use them than kids playing w/ them, Lego D will be bought up by old geeks like me who want to play w/ them more than kids. Only kids will want them too. Everybody will want Lego D, hard to fault them on pricing it so high, it will sell. Lego is like mitochondria, it's in us all.
@Timppis Same here, its still a little empty, but as long as ive got my lovely red dragon and my trusty sword, im fine :3
Money well spend !
Too pricey for a game like this, thought about it, but it's too high for my budget, not getting.
Yet no 3DS support, even if they tone down the graphics. The new 3DS has NFC support; why not Lego?
@Shiryu should be ontop, because lego.
my list is lego, then Amiibo, then im not sure on the rest... maybe Disney because their existing chars and not new ones I've never herd of, so I can have a wreck-it wralph figure.
My brothers are Lego fanatics, and when they found out that the game will use legit minifigures, they were ecstatic! This just worries me now because they probably won't be able to play with the parts as if it were... well, Lego.
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