Remember Project Giant Robot? It was shown off at last year's E3 but has dropped off the radar entirely since then, which has made some - us included - fear for its future.
However, Nintendo has outlined its 2015 software plans and Project Giant Robot is still in there - and we may get to play it sooner than you think.
According to Nintendo, the game will launch in the "first half of the year" in the West - which means it should be out sometime in the next 7 weeks.
Designed to show off the Wii U GamePad's potential, Project Giant Robot is one of Shigeru Miyamoto's latest experiments and has you building various mechs and taking them into battle, with the GamePad's motion controls and analogue sticks all coming into play.
We got to have a brief play last year and found it enjoyable, if a bit clunky and limited - but there's every chance that Nintendo has refined the experience since then.
[source nintendo.co.jp]
Comments 45
I love giant robots and I was amused with what I saw, I am unsure if it can succeed as a full retail product, but my curiosity is definitely peaked.
That would amuse me, but sounds great.
@Shiryu If it was a retail game we'd have heard about it by now, eShop all the way. In fact, it could be the classic 'available now' thing at E3, potentially.
With Miyamoto so involved I've got some high hopes
@ThomasBW84 I would not mind having a box for it... and as mentioned, they could have expanded the concept in many ways by now.
Nintendo Genesis Evangelion
Okay i dont wanna sound demanding but it better look much more fun and better then what we saw at E3
I enjoyed the demo of this. It's a novel idea, and would certainly work best as a eShop title.
Can't wait for videos of people putting their elbow through their TV's while playing this!!
I was not expecting this. WOuld have figured it have been absorbed by another game or canned entirely by now since we hadn't heard much of it until now.
I'm actually pretty excited for this. It's quite a bit of a stretch now I think, but I would love to see Nintendo announce dual gamepad support as well as this being the first game with it at E3.
There's no way to predict whether this will end up as an eShop title or retail game, we haven't seen anything since E3, who knows what they're up to with this game.
So does that mean the other 2 games Miyamoto showed off last year will also be released in the next 7 weeks or is this the only one not to be canned?
If this is just a tech demo being dumped on the eShop rather than developed further, I hope it's either free or very cheap; they're asking way too much for the Mario vs. Donkey Kong game that was basically made to demonstrate the Nintendo Web Framework.
Hmm, I thought this was going to be incorporated into Starfox in some fashion.
Either way, I'm excited to try this - I thought Project Giant Robot was quite overlooked at last year's E3. The sumo-esque gameplay looked brilliant!
I can definitely see myself enjoying this game, but I'm not normally into robot games. Hopefully this game will change that.
I wish they would just make another Custom Robo game or Gotcha Force
So like Excitebots it'll be released 3 weeks after being revealed?
That didnt work out so well Nintendo.... :/
Somebody tell @Quorthon
This looked like it had the potential to be something really great.
Huh. If it's that quickly, I'm guessing it'll be an eshop. Hopefully it'll be good, because it didn't look all that great to me a year ago. But it's been a year, so who knows!
@FragRed Project Guard is still scheduled for the second half of 2015. I don't know what other game you're talking about. Star Fox? That's coming later this year as well.
Though the report states 'First half of 2015', I'm not completely clear whether this means the calendar year or the financial year. If it's financial, then we could still be waiting until October.
@Octane Ah yes I think you're right, I was thinking there was a third game in the series alongside Project Guard and Project Giant Robot. But now you mention it, I think Star Fox is what I'm thinking of.
We'll see. Every time I saw footage of this I thought it looked like it would only be fun for a short amount of time.
I am cautiously optimistic. It has a cool premise.
They should take the dev build of this game and make into a badass Pacific Rim game or something!
This can't be correct. I think they mean the first half of the new fiscal year, which would be by October. I cannot fathom Nintendo releasing a new game by June 30 that doesn't even have a final name announced, with no prior publicity, no screen shots in a year, and basically no formal concept. Nintendo has done stealth releases before, but they were things like Dr. Luigi and NES Remix; not brand-new IP.
For ages, it wasn't even clear these things (Guard and Robot) were going to be games, as they were pretty clearly cobbled together for a quick E3 show off of "some kind of GamePad concepts," and then Miyamoto teased that they may be broken down and incorporated into StarFox. This does, at least, raise my hope a bit for StarFox (still not on-board with any amount of gyroscope-based gameplay), in that it won't have these two demos shoe-horned into the game in some way.
It's nice to have some kind of confirmation. I'll take a look, but knowing that it went from "slapdash E3 demo to full game" in less than a year is not exactly inspiring confidence.
The problem with Project Giant Robot for me is that I don't need to be sold on the gamepad. I love using it as an inventory, map, gyroscope-based aiming device, or, gaming aside, as a web-browsing tablet for my TV. The last thing I want is a gimmicky game that forces me to stand up or to move more than necessary to play it.
In general, Nintendo does need to find a way to sell the GamePad to on-the-fence consumers, but I don't think these Project games will do that. I really just think this ship has sailed. Nintendo fans like the GamePad (though I can't help but wonder how much of that is based on trying extra hard to like it), but the rest of the world hates it, and Nintendo will not change that view at this point. It's just not going to happen.
So yes, I effectively said that Nintendo needs to do something that is ultimately going to be pointless anyway.
Just give me a bit faster gameplay and more destructive robots. Instant sell!
Within the next 7 weeks? Huh. Maybe this will be a surprise reveal with the E3 Nintendo Direct? One of those 'Available right after the Presentation' type deals? Either way, I feel it would make for a fun eShop title, so I'm interested to see where it goes.
Sorry, but they did the same thing last year. Monolith Soft's X was said to be coming in 2014, only to be announced as Xenoblade Chronicles X coming in 2015. They are just using the already announced placeholder date. For all we know, it may not even become its own game and be combined into Star Fox or something.
Was this not just a tech demo? I mean for god's sake it's called PROJECT giant robot. ~sigh~ maybe they actually added substance to it in the year they said absolutely nothing about it. But if not, I can't imagine paying any money to just aimlessly smash things around
Think it'll be more of a small, pick up and play game for $10 or $15.
It didn't look all that interesting but I'm willing to try anything Miamoto creates at least once.
@Dr_Corndog Totally off-topic.
EDIT: Holy crap, this is a thing. I'm so happy right now for reasons I can't even begin to explain.
@Quorthon Well, I can only speak for myself, but I never tried extra hard to like it. I’ve been a Nintendo fan since the NES, and yet I have no qualms about admitting that I can't stand the wiimote, for example. In the case of the gamepad, I don’t think there was ever a better way to browse the web on a home console, while the gameplay implications (the ones that feel organic, and not forced such as Project Giant Robot itself) are generally second-screen stuff that I already loved about both the DS and the 3DS.
I do agree that the ship has probably sailed as far as making the average gamer see the benefits of the gamepad, as the Wii U has a stigma at this point. Which is more reason why they should just focus on doing their thing, rather than trying to force people’s perceptions with gimmicky games. They're not going to win this generation, but they're definitely capable of maintaining profits like they just showed in the last update (and like what happened with the Gamecube, even though it had like 15% of the Playstation 2 sales).
Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one that likes the Wiimote. Compared to that the Gamepad is a backwards thinking abomination IMO. That said I do tend to enjoy games that focus on the Gamepad like Affordable Space Adventures. Wiimote was just so inventive with endless possibilities while ideas for the Gamepad have been pretty much exhausted since launch.
I might download it.
It could be fun If it's gameplays refined and the customisation is extensive.saying that wouldn't at all be surprised if it's a pretty short eshop game.i remember miyamoto was making a point of how the new zelda would suit short play sessions so I think fun in small doses may be his mode of thinking just now.
I can see the GamePad being the best way to surf the internet on a console, but at the same time, that's really not the purpose of a game console. If I really want to surf the net, I have my laptop in front of me and an LG tablet nearby. I don't think I've ever even opened the browser on my X360, PS3, or PS4. I did open it on the Vita, mostly to give it a test drive and look up something in a game where I was stuck. I don't disagree that the GamePad can make internet searching better than on any other console, I just think it's a moot point because, honestly, how many people even do that?
Nintendo will likely now hover slightly around profitability for the remainder of the life of the Wii U and 3DS, but by the time the Wii U is replaced, it will have spent the majority of it's life in the red, so I think Nintendo's best interest is to just get it replaced by NX sooner rather than later.
Also, I checked your number, as it looked odd to me, the GameCube selling 21 million and the PS2 selling 155 million. Yeah, you were close with 15%, actual appears to be 13.5%, but whatever. The GameCube, however had advantages the Wii U does not--it had a lot more 3rd party support, higher sales, and was profitable for Nintendo (and low priced) out of the gate, where the Wii U was notable as the first Nintendo console to actually be sold at a loss, at least initially.
I also do not care for the Wii Remote. In the end, it by and large failed to live up to the hype, promises, or potential and did not permanently change how we play games. It was a gimmick, a fad--and therefore a temporary distraction.
No Kidding; seems a little late for that now.
Forgot this was even a thing.
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