Splatoon is arguably one of the Wii U's biggest games of 2015 - if not its biggest, now that Zelda has slipped to next year. It's something of a departure for Nintendo, a company which has traditionally resisted the video game industry's current focus on first and third-person shooting titles.
However, Splatoon has found a very receptive audience in the world's gaming press, and few publications can boast the respect that EDGE is afforded - making this month's cover story quite a coup for Nintendo.

As you can see, the entire cover is taken over by the eyes of one of the game's squid characters, with the headline proclaiming that Nintendo is "reinventing" the multiplayer shooter. Subscribers should be getting their copies tomorrow.
If you're excited about playing Splatoon when it launches on May 29th, make sure you check out our hands-on preview of the game, as well as Alex and Ron's personal opinions on how it's shaping up.
[source neogaf.com]
Comments 47
Ha, nice. It reminds me of the "American Kirby is hardcore" trope. Cute graphics, angry eyes.
I hope this gets them TONS more exposure and interest in the Wii U system as a whole.
A real tribute to the design of the squidlings. Now if they just had some cool names . . . .
@Quorthon I'll take anything over the blank stare and empty smile Mario has on most covers.
I am still starving for new Wii U games! The wait is not making it easy...
@munchakoopas My thoughts exactly.
Edge have a real boner for Nintendo. And quite rightly in my opinion!
All I hope is that they make it as easy to jump into a game as Mario Kart 8 and I hope they don't ruin the gameplay with throwing in 9000 DLC items like TF2.
It really would be something if,after all this time this is the game that gets Wii U's flying off the shelves.
A lot of people don't seem to like this cover, based on the comments in the source article, but from a graphical design point of view it's really is very nice. The layout and colour just works so well. Bold and striking.
@OneBagTravel thats a poor point, tf2 dlc is 100% cosmetic and mostly player made
Very neat cover. But EDGE always looks amazing.
BOLD, and awesome, and hype and awesome, and YES!
Not interested in this game at all, don't get how people are getting hyped for this.
I'm excited. I'm reminded of how fun it was to watch people play it back at E3. And now I wanna play it!
In regards to this cover, hopefully Splatoon becomes really popular, even to non-Nintendo fans!
Well I guess I'm the only one who thinks Splatoon will sell Wii Us more than MK8 andSmash. Nintendo better put demos on every game store out there.
For a 40$ online multiplayer game, I think it's expected to have map DLCs (free and paid), game modes (free), and lots of costumes (paid and free) Just a hunch.
Willy Wonka better start cracking that whip on the Oompa Loompas making those Splatoon amiibo.
@andyg1971 Ever stop to think about how not everyone has your taste in games? Maybe just because something doesn't appeal to you, it doesn't mean it won't appeal to anyone else. You are of course entitled to your opinion, but you look like a self-centered jerk if your opinion is that everyone is weird for getting hyped for a game you have no interest in. So if that is your opinion, it's best to keep it to yourself instead of trying to be a downer for those that look forward to the game's release.
Gonna quit my job to play this game. Maybe.
Man, I'm so pumped for this game!
I'm only buying this game for the single player campaign. I really hope its a decent length to justify the purchase.
@allav866 Sorry sir, I gave my (and only my) opinion and I forgot to ask your permission, it won't happen again sire!
@outburst Wait. This game is 40 bucks? Then why the heck did gamestop make me pay 60?
@NinjaWaddleDee its $60 on Amazon (US). Im on my tablet or Id checked the rest for you - Best Buy, TRU, Walmart.
that is a pretty cool cover. I may pick up the issue just for that.
the return of q-bert!! j/k.
The cover looks kinda meh to me. I wish they used the inklings instead.
@Captain_Gonru - Yeah, guess they shouldn't make too many amiibo, wouldn't want to harm the eBay scalper business.
Won't somebody please think of the scalpers!!
Edge is from the same publisher who got rid of three Nintendo only magazines. So I guess every now and again they have to do something Nintendo related to keep the Nintendo fans who buy Edge, happy.
@NinjaWaddleDee - Checked th eother stores, seems to be $60 everywhere.
BUT, surprisingly, you can import it from Japan for only $49.99. Go figure.
Great news that Splatoon is getting a lot of attention, I hope it does well in sales. It'd be nice to see this series become one of Nintendo's regulars.
@rjejr @NinjaWaddleDee
Sorry I assumed it's the same in US since it's always 1€ = 1$ on all Nintendo games. Here in Europe, most retailers have already brought down their prices from 60€ downto 40€.
Amazon Spain is listing it for 39.90€ but on discount for 31€.
Gamestop Italy's infamous 99 cents more for 40.98€
And Amazon Italy matched the price of GameStop's.
Amazon UK is 33 pounds.
I managed to preorder the SE bundle from Amazon France and Spain for 49.99€. I'll eventually cancel the other or both if I'll manage to get it from Amazon Italy or Gamestop Italy when they'll have it for preorder. That's 50€ with the amiibo. So I thought it's a 40$ game in the US.
@outburst - I'm actually assuming the price will drop to $40 or $50, they'll make the rest up w/ amiibo sales. I'm almost positive Amazon had Captain Toad listed for $60 a few months before release. (Or maybe it was Kirby, 1 of those.) Then again it's basically always online, so who knows. And Reggie
Same here. I'm even trying to get excited...but is hard. Shin Megami Tensei X Fire Emblem on 2016 makes me a lot more excited.
@outburst We have it at £25 from the Game Collection (Part of the reason I assume the Amiibo are almost mandatory).
Cool to hear the game's getting some exposure. Doubt it'll do that much for it, but it's something.
@andyg1971 Just because you're not hyped for it doesn't mean other people can't
Heh. It's like Time Magazine and how they always make hilariously bold cover statements. Splatoon looks good, but it's not going to change the world or anything.
"Splatoon is arguably one of the Wii U's biggest games of 2015"
Well... Zelda is gone so now the competition is either X or this.
"One of the Wii U's biggest games of 2015 - if not its biggest"
No, that honor belongs to Xenoblade X, with Splatoon coming in at a close second.
Has everyone forgotten about Star Fox, Devils Third, Mario Maker, Yoshi's Wooly World, and you know that one convention called E3?
@MaverickHunterX it did say one of them, meaning that there were others. Although right after that it says "if not it's biggest" release.
Personally I'm not sure which one I am more excited for, for Splatoon it is mainly the multiplayer I'm excited for though.
That is real nice lookin' cover.
I am very excited for this game. I just love the visuals of the game and over the months, more diverse gaming modes have been released so I dont feel like I will tire of it easily. I will say one thing, though. I am a bit hesitant over the lack of voice chat for online play. Until E3 is finished, Im not ready to put it on top of the 2015 game list. Last E3, Hyurle Warriors was revealed in depth and released a few months later. Im hoping this is the case for Star Fox or another great game. Splatoon looks like the biggest game for the first half of 2015.
I hardly doubt that Nintendo will reinvent the multiplayer shooter genre, but just add a fun shooter without violence and guts instead. But to say that this game lives alone from its multiplayer segment it stupid anyway, for it has a singleplayer option as well, which I welcome very much, since I'm not the biggest fan of multiplayer games.
GameInformer went with Deux Ex for their May cover but hopefully Splatoon gets a nice spread or is June's featured.
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