Splatoon is arguably one of the Wii U's biggest games of 2015 - if not its biggest, now that Zelda has slipped to next year. It's something of a departure for Nintendo, a company which has traditionally resisted the video game industry's current focus on first and third-person shooting titles.

However, Splatoon has found a very receptive audience in the world's gaming press, and few publications can boast the respect that EDGE is afforded - making this month's cover story quite a coup for Nintendo.


As you can see, the entire cover is taken over by the eyes of one of the game's squid characters, with the headline proclaiming that Nintendo is "reinventing" the multiplayer shooter. Subscribers should be getting their copies tomorrow.

If you're excited about playing Splatoon when it launches on May 29th, make sure you check out our hands-on preview of the game, as well as Alex and Ron's personal opinions on how it's shaping up.

[source neogaf.com]