Today's Nintendo Direct held a neat surprise for fans of the company's amiibo toy range. amiibo Tap: Nintendo's Greatest Bits is a free downloadable title which uses amiibo figures to unlock snippets of classic Nintendo titles.
Tapping an amiibo unlocks a 3 minute "scene" from a range of retro titles - such as Super Mario World, Zelda: Link to the Past or F-Zero - and the scene you get is totally random. During the Direct, Nintendo's Satoru Iwata channelled the spirit of Forrest Gump and amusingly likened it to opening a box of chocolates - you don't know what you're going to get.

Nintendo is aiming for a Spring release with this unique package.
Comments 29
BRB buying more Amiibo!
Now if we could only buy the things! Seriously annoyed at seeing Pac-Man amiibo suit for Mario Kart when I couldn't get one even with a pre-order at Amazon. Give us the cards or make more figures Nintendo!
I like how they compared it to a box of chocolates, and it's infinitely better than storing download codes for games on the amiibo chip. I won't be using it much, but others might finally understand what characters they actually play with.
Also, 3 minutes for Super Mario World? Challenge accepted!
i have sanic so cant wait for sanic mario kart suit
Couldn't Nintendo offer them up for free if they're just 3 minute demos?
It just hit me that amiibo is just their modern version of the e-reader. Remember that thing?
This is a cool idea
The more uses, the better, even if it's small.
Isn't this basically built into Smash already?
Good since it's free. And it's technically a new game announcement for today's ND, So can't complain.
I still think they need some type of "vault" or "collection" or amiibo "plaza" that shows you how many amiibo you've collected. Maybe next ND?
@bofis - Probably why it's free
A bit annoying that it's random but so far I have eighteen Amiibo and it's free so more likely than not I will end up with the whole shebang, especially as those Yoshi's Wooly World and Splatoon Amiibo looked so tempting...
"feels like changing cartidges!" says iwata. EXCEPT that cartridges have FULL games, not time demos.
Seriously those things costs like 20 bucks and they cannot give a damn VC game with them? wow
It's a ploy to make us open up our amiibo boxes. i must resist...
@Mk_II I... will... never... ever... open... my... UK... edition... Shulk... amiibo... EVER...
Wait for the cards people! Then you have no need to open them.
I hope they bring this to the NEW nintendo 3ds systems in the future. Make an app for the New 3ds and in the app you do what you would for the wii u and hopefully more people would buy more amiibos tocunlock the other games and then you can find what game you can unlock on ebay as people may get doubles.
@Captain_Gonru - An MK8 ND would be nice, since it's apparently the April Wii U game while we wait until May 29th for Splatoon.
Would love this to come to the n3ds !
The idea of Amiibo having multiple purposes in digital form is finally starting to feel real. It's adding value to them. Each use doesn't have to be amazing, just a fun little thing. That's exactly what this is and the surprise element is important.
About the cards: I wonder if Nintendo is having a hard time figuring out how to release these without ruining the Amiibo momentum. Personally, I'd rather Nintendo made official re-releases of all the scarce amiibo at some point. Even so, the cards should be there to supplement. I think the fans have proven they can live side by side as they've been disappearing long before there was significant functionality to go with them.
I don't quite understand why there is no "vault" app yet. Probably just resources spread too thin right now. Just a place to visit the digital version of your amiibo casually and contemplate which others you may want.
Now this is a brilliant use for the Amiibo. Nice work, Nintendo!!!
@aaronsullivan - "I don't quite understand why there is no "vault" app yet."
Maybe DeNA is working on a website or an app? Do you think the Wii U stores the info? I just wonder how hard would it be to make them wander around the current wara wara plaza start up screen amongst the 100 or so other Miis imported over the internet at every boot up? Even that would be something.
Oh well, only 2 1/2 more months to E3.
Yeah it's ridiculous. They at least need to start offering card forms of the Amiibo so we can get the ones we want.
@Captain_Gonru - "I'll put a nickel on "Wii StoreU""
I'll raise you a quarter for "amiibo plaza", which should have been a Wii U "app" the day amiibo released. I was only mostly kidding about DeAN and a web portal.
Nintendo will forget to put an NFC reader in NX making the amiibo unusable (which will finally drop prices on eBay). 2 years later they'll release the 3DS portal adaptor for NX.
@Captain_Gonru - Speaking of XL, Target had 7 new 3DS XL in stock, I've seen people on here complaining about stock shortages so it caught my eye.
This is just the masterpiece section of smash with some randomness and restrictions added. I would be more impress if it could filter out vc titles you already have before Assigning them to an amiibo.
This is cool. I like that they're adding more and more little bits of contents and extras for Amiibos, it gradually increase their value for the players.
@Parasky I do. That's actually how I first experienced both Ice Climber and Balloon Fight.
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