It's that time again, and before we start referring to this as the April Fools' Day Direct, let's remember that it's airing on 2nd April in regions and countries like Japan, Australia and CET parts of Europe. Nintendo will most assuredly be announcing plenty of real details, which is certainly worth getting hyped over.
So, what can we expect in this broadcast? Moving beyond rumours and leaks that have us deeply sceptical of their authenticity, there are plenty of updates that we can logically expect today. We're going to have the usual simulcast in Japan, PAL territories and North America - Satoru Iwata is expected to host segments common to the global audience, before cutaways to Nintendo of America and Nintendo of Europe. We'll be live blogging the North American and European streams, though most of our expectations are unified across regions. There'll be some minor differences, which we'll also account for.
We're trying to go for realism with the majority of these expectations, though may let optimism and hope creep in a little. Let's get to it!

Key Release Dates Up to Q3
We suspect, though may be wrong, that this could be the last all-purpose Nintendo Direct prior to E3. That'd certainly match the trend of last year, in which gaps were filled towards the LA extravaganza with game-specific broadcasts. If that's correct, or even if it isn't, we anticipate that Nintendo will outline the key retail release dates up to the close of June.
Splatoon is a notable title that's due an update on this score; there have already been rumoured leaks for the end of May, but we expect it to be pinned down today. It'll quite possibly get a decent segment in which it's shown off more, too, potentially revealing additional features. Much will depend on whether there are plans to give it a separate Direct of its own, which we can't know at this stage.
The remaining two titles that seem likely before the end of June are Mario Maker and Yoshi's Woolly World, with the latter passing largely under the radar of late. Yoshi's adventure made a brief appearance in a new amiibo TV commercial today, so it can't be far away, though it'll be a squeeze to see whether both arrive before 1st July. Interestingly, Europe's got more on its plate in terms of upcoming releases, with Code Name: S.T.E.A.M. and Kirby and the Rainbow Paintbush dated for May, so those will likely be shown off - at least briefly - in the EU stream.
As for the 3DS, its release slate is looking relatively quiet on the retail front, with dates for the few games on the way in the next 2-3 months already provided - the Puzzle & Dragons dual pack may be dated for Europe.

New 3DS Retail Game Details
Though any huge reveals will likely wait for E3, Nintendo may feel the need to flesh out its 3DS plans. It's not uncommon for the portable's retail releases to have a quicker turnaround from announcement to arrival than their Wii U equivalents, and there's no doubt the handheld's line-up at retail is incredibly bare in the West. We have some efforts from Atlus confirmed for North America, and LEGO games, but little else on the way that we haven't mentioned above. We can all point to a slate of solid and exciting Wii U experiences that are coming, but it's harder to do so for the 3DS.
What this'll entail is anyone's guess - localisations out of Japan are always possible, of course, though it's not infeasible to anticipate at least one new first-party retail game to make an appearance. Another good candidate to make an appearance is the new Fire Emblem, which is due this Summer in Japan; it's all about how far localisation has progressed for that project.
Also, we're fascinated to see whether any more New Nintendo 3DS exclusives are on the cards.

An eShop Showcase
Download-only games for the Wii U and 3DS eShop stores are likely to be featured heavily, once again. You don't need to be a rocket scientist to anticipate that BOXBOY! will land in North America today or tomorrow, with reviews (including our own) landing today. In Europe, meanwhile, the "available after this broadcast" line could be reserved for Azure Striker Gunvolt, with teases from Inti Creates practically confirming it for the region's Direct.
Beyond that, key releases will surely be showcased, such as the upcoming Wii U-exclusive Affordable Space Adventures, along with select others that will be highlighted for their exclusivity or quality. It's in the eShop where new reveals are often made, too, first and third party, so we could see new arrivals on that score.

Super Smash Bros. - Mewtwo, Tournies and Miiverse Stage
With the registration for the Mewtwo DLC closing on 31st March, now's a good time for a major update from Masahiro Sakurai. The development team has no doubt been diligently working on the new fighter and the promised online Tournies and Miiverse stage. These were all revealed prior to launch last year, and a suitable timeframe has passed for the game's first 'major' update to version 1.1.

Mario Kart 8 DLC Pack - Details and Release Date
It's easy to forget, but we're still due the Mario Kart x Animal Crossing DLC pack for Mario Kart 8 in May. We also know relatively little about what it'll feature, in contrast to the drip-feed of information that accompanied the first pack. We expect some - perhaps all - to be splurged on that today, with vehicles and tracks shown off.

There's Always Room for amiibo
When there's a Nintendo Direct, there's amiibo. Nintendo is likely to push its toys-to-life range heavily throughout 2015, so coverage for the figures could cover multiple angles. Re-iterated details on the confirmed and upcoming waves seem like a given, but more figures also seem likely. The march towards covering the whole Smash Bros. cast could continue with yet more waves confirmed in that series.
Beyond that, compatibility with upcoming releases will surely come up. Yoshi's Woolly World details seem inevitable since its compatibility was confirmed at E3 2014, while we'll likely find out definitively how accurate those Splatoon amiibo rumours have been. Will the shooter have its own toys, use existing figures for minor features such as outfits and guns, or not support amiibo at all? We may see, plus it's possible that more confirmed games will have compatibility revealed.

Star Fox... Maybe
Now we're dabbling with a couple of uncertain suggestions. We've commented on multiple occasions that the secrecy around Star Fox for Wii U can be interpreted as a brilliant way to build anticipation or an area of concern. We'd like to think that the curtain will be lifted a little today, and it's no surprise that faked leaks have this week featured this prominently. It feels like it's time to show something. A name, some footage, a segment in which Shigeru Miyamoto talks about its gameplay. It could have the full treatment reserved for E3, yes, but our instinct is that it'll nevertheless appear, in some form, today.

A New Wii U Retail Title - For the Holiday Season
This is another instinctive inclusion. It wouldn't surprise us if Nintendo had decided on pushing back The Legend of Zelda for Wii U a month or two ago, so has been formulating a plan B. Whatever the case, there are always more projects on the way than we know about - that's what E3 surprises are all about - and the delay to Zelda may have prompted an extra crunch and commitment of resources to another Wii U blockbuster. It could be an IP with more established mechanics and structure than the bold innovation that's sought in the new Zelda.
What could it be? Well, anything - Retro Studios (yes, we want Metroid Prime IV) and Next Level Games are still unknowns in terms of projects, or it could be a sequel to an existing Wii U release, while Animal Crossing seems logical for the system. That's loose speculation, we know, but the point is that there may be a sneak peak, to conclude the Direct, designed to thrill fans.
With E3 coming our thought is that it'd be an extremely brief teaser - quite literally ten seconds of a cutscene, a name and "coming 2015, more at E3" as a message. Naturally Nintendo may not go for that sort of pre-reveal bombast, but it'd be a potentially strong riposte to those saying it's not committed to giving the Wii U a strong fighting chance at the end of the year.

Finally, DeNA and Loose Details on the Club Nintendo 'Membership' Replacement
Yesterday was the last chance for Club Nintendo members in North America to register games for coins, and today the last ever Elite Status Rewards were revealed. The situation is fuzzier in Europe, yes, but it's pretty cut-and-dried in NA.
If the Club Nintendo replacement is to feature today, we think it'll be hazy on detail and only appear briefly. Nintendo only recently formally announced the partnership with DeNA, so it's unclear how long the companies have been actively working together - all we know is that DeNA's expertise in web services will see it heavily involved in the new Membership program. As it'll be tied across smart devices and consoles, it may be a brief mention with some headline details on some ideas for how it'll work. This is easily, however, the least likely of the expectations that we've listed here.
So there you have it, some key areas we think could be covered in today's Nintendo Direct, which is just hours away at the time of writing. What do you think will happen? Let us know in the comments below.
Don't forget: It all kicks off at 3pm Pacific / 6pm Eastern / 11pm UK / midnight Europe - join us for live streams with live blogging / chat, and news as it happens.
Comments 141
SMT x FE. Make it happen.
Just give me Mario Maker info and Rhythm Heaven Trilogy localization and I'll be good with that. (also, knowing Sakurai, a Smash surprise along with the already announced stuff)
I have a bingo card of what's going to be in the Direct ready to go.
Why does everyone overhype these directs?It's crazy!And @rishisquid yes to your comment.
Pretty much the only way I can see this going: new 3d mario reveal, new 3d metroid and new 2d metroid reveal, snes on 3ds vc, some other filler material (amiibo, games already announced, mobile stuff).
Gimme a release date for Xenoblade X and I'll be satisfied
Shin Megami Tensei x Fire Emblem. Bring it back.
A pokemon game for the Wii U? Nah that'd be crazy.
4 more hours til the direct in north america i hope im not hyped for nothing probs gonna play twilight princess until it starts
Colledge Badge Center. Collective Badge Center. Collective Badg.. You Know the rest. And some info on Devil's Third if you please?
If the Zelda delay turns out to be an april fools joke, I'm going to flip over my head three times in the living room just because it's insane.
But we're probably bound to please understanding.
We will probably get another jab at Mother 3. They always tease the fans and don't release it.
@Chozo if that happened I would be overjoyed!
Splatoon Amiibo and Pokken on WiiU would make me very happy. Crossing my fingers for those
2-in-1 GameCube HD bundle remakes for the holiday Mario Sunshine HD and Luigi's Mansion HD. the 3DS already getting two Fire Emblems. How about Path of Radiance HD and Radiant Dawn Wii VC for the Wii U? Fatal Frame maybe for October/November release? Or Eternal Darkness HD? Come on Nintendo!
A joke?
Path of Radiance 3D
Where's My Elephant!!??
All joking aside, i really hope Nintendo are working on a new Metroid game, or something about Metroid... (Can only hope)
Please Nintendo, Samus has waited long enough!!
Hoping for another smash surprise
@rishisquid I want that and Animal Crossing U
@A01 Nintendo usually announces at least 1 new game every Nintendo Direct.
The only thing I care about seeing is a release of the regular New 3DS (particularly the white one) here in NA. However, I highly doubt it'll happen, so this Direct will probably have nothing I care about, unfortunately.
What I expect? Even more Splatoon information.
That's not what I want, but it's what I expect.
Bah, no VC talk. Both Japan and Europe have nothing scheduled this week for VC games. Maybe we'll see those DS games promised last year? N64 might turn its 64 bit head for Wii U, GBA for the 3DS (Lord knows the 3DS VC needs to breath new life, Japan has had barely any new 3DS VC games since May.), Turbografx for everywhere outside of Japan, and god forbid, perhaps Gamecube?
Lots to talk about there, even if Nintendo just announce the next lot of original Wii VC games....
A new Pokemon game is very likely and it's the only game I want, even just a name, date or anything please!!!! They must add Pokemon to this direct otherwise the direct sucks. 3ds lineup is terrible for 2015
I realise E3 is only 2 months away, so not expecting huge announcements, but some pleasing stuff would be N64 Virtual Console games and localisation of Dragon Quest VII and Fatal Frame 5.
What I expect? Sadly I'm anticipating just being shown stuff we've seen before. Definitely footage for Mario Kart DLC and the Smash stuff. Probably revealing the next wave of Smash amiibo. Splatoon footage and a date, Yoshi footage and a date, more Wii games to download, a bunch of indie stuff coming soon to the eShop, and probably some more Xenoblade footage. Maybe another Cube title in HD.
Just give me Wolly World, Mario Maker, Splatoon and I'm good.
Noooooooooo! I want HD!!!
@TwilightAngel i see what you did there.
I am so pumped for Star Fox! I can't wait to hear more about it! Its one of my favorite Nintendo series!
On a side note, I host a podcast called the Life of Gaming Podcast. Every episode we bring in a guest to discuss what it is they do to show off their video game passion, whether it be a YouTube Channel, writing reviews, or even custom Amiibo work!
Check us out on iTunes at:
They need to focus on 3ds. Wii u can eat poop
Besides the indie stuff, I'd be ok with all of this.
I'm pumped for the direct. Only 3 hours and 22 minutes left for us lads in the uk
Really? It's not like the Wii U hasn't sold half as well as the 3DS and the only way to make people want it is to show off games for it.

I'm ready
Does it bother anyone else that there hasn't been an original zelda title for 3ds? This could fill a zelda u gap, if they had planned on the two being compatible with each other and released simultaneously or some nonsense like that.
I'm hoping for N64 VC release along with Mario Maker details and release date, so let's see if those slow expectations get fulfilled!
Besides Rumble World, I doubt a new Pokemon game will be revealed. That seems more like an E3 thing.
Just give us n64 on the vc! Its my dream to play those games on my gamepad! The rest i dont care! Nah star fox would be fun! I gone be specialy awake for this one!! So better be good Ninty!
A new Pokemon game is all I want
I'm guessing nothing new. Just dates for Spring/Summer releases. This will just be an advertisement and not an announcement ND.
@Tsurii897 that's just a link to the past with makeup. Close though. I'd like something completely fresh
@Nintendo_Ninja Pokemon games are never announced at e3.
Most Pokemon games are announced earlier than this or around this time
I really want to see more Mario Maker footage. Like Yoshi's Woolly World, this has been under the radar, the last footage we saw was at the Game Awards.
@Nintendo_Ninja @Xayo I don't think we'll see a new Pokemon game. It's too soon (if by Pokemon game you don't mean spinoff).
Intact, there is no better time to announce a Pokemon game then now. What do you say to that?
@buildz I'm fine with a spinoff as long as it's not something for wii u or Pokemon shuffle. I don't have a wii u. My brother does but he would kill me if I touched it even though he doesn't play his wii u, he's such an butthole
@Captain_Toad yes finally someone who knows! Ever since Japan announced that for JP 3DS I've wanted it ever since. I'm a huge claw fanatic and would love it! I'm hoping it gets announced.. Because my day would be wasted doing that lol.
I hope we get some surprises.
I'm with captain Toad I want the badge center outside of Japan. I play it daily on my JPN 3ds and I want to customize my icons on my NA one just as nicely.
@Nintendo_Ninja rumble world? A new rumble game? Rumble games kinda suck but they're bearable I guess. My favorite spinoff Pokemon series has got to be mystery dungeon.
@Xayo eh I'm kinda done with the 3ds. Yes I love it and everything. But truly the Wii U needs some big hitters. Hopefully the direct will give us both!
@Pierson we'll I respect and agree apart from the 3ds being trash part.
May just watch some One piece or naruto shippuden whilst I wait for this.
I wish people would stop saying "Metroid Prime IV." The Prime games were a trilogy, and they ended. Another Metroid game in the style of the Prime trilogy would be nice, but let's stop being overly lazy and saying Metroid Primev IV. Seriously. Can we try to be original when we're begging Nintendo for games.
Unless we're begging for Eternal Darkness.
I could see an announcement for the Animal Crossing MK8 DLC, followed by Animal Crossing U coming on the same day. That would only work, though, if this Animal Crossing was a smaller version, more devoted to online interaction and little bits of play.
Maybe an Animal Crossing Simulator?
No, that sounds stupid.
I was almost certain a Wii U version of Animal Crossing was getting announced at E3... until the mobile announcement. Animal Crossing + Free to play would be the closest thing to printing money Nintendo has had since the Wii and DS.
@TheAceofMystery I simply do NOT like the bedroom eyes of your DK avatar! It creeps me out!
I want to see an awesome trailer for Fast Racing Neo, that ends with the words:
"Available after this direct"
Please announce the Zelda delay was a joke
Shin Megami Tensei x Fire Emblem is equal to GS Ball in pokemon anime, FORGET about it guys...
@Ninty4thewin and Pokemon announcement
I expect:
Info on the Smash Bros. and Mario Kart DLC.
Yoshi's Woolly World info and release month (June).
Exact release date for Splatoon.
Mario Maker season or month for release (maybe coming in the summer or a specific month).
Possibly a release window for Xenoblade Chronicles X.
@BioOrpheus I might play it tonight while glaring at the Direct for not mentioning it.
Hopefully Collectable Badge Center and N64 VC. I can see Animal Crossing being revealed, but something like Paper Mario or Metroid would probably need to be an E3 reveal. After all, if it's not coming until Winter then it doesn't really matter if we don't know about it for a couple more months!
I'm also hoping to see something about a new Wii U update or Miiverse update. Feels like it's been quite awhile since we got a Wii U update and Miiverse has mostly just been messing with the activity feed.
My ultimate hope is probably N64 or DS VC but man...news on some more New 3DS exlusives, probably remakes, would be great.
Getting hyped, I just can't stop myself.
@Bearface it's a sequel. There's enough new in it: new mechanics, a whole different cast of characters, new story, new items. Perhaps the only thing that's the same is the overworld, in addition to those things that are in every Zelda game.
Heads up, @Thomas Whitehead, you misspelled Paintbrush.
A Paper Mario U and the Tiny Toon Wild & Wacky Sports U!
Twilight Princess and Skyword Sword HD bundle?
I'm calling it now, Mario Maker will be a late summer or early fall release.
Pokken Tournament coming to Wii U seems like a reasonable thing to hear about during today's direct
@NorthLightSuplx Heh, It's going to be a WHILE till you hear about Pokken Tourament.
This direct will be rubbish
I'm hoping for Metroid Prime IV
Project Treasure details would be nice. And something more than an animated powerpoint please.
Outside of that, my expectations are fairly low. I just want more concrete details on announced stuff and maybe a peek at what's to come.
@Xayo isn't it at the same time worldwide? It's the timezones that make it appear to be at different times?
@Quorthon Your argument holds no water. The Metroid games were a trilogy, so, how do you account for Other M? Don't say it wasn't a Metroid game, as it clearly was. If the will is there, they cou,d easily create another Metroid game and insert it into tbe exisiting time line.
Well with Zelda Wii U out of the holiday picture I would image Pokken Tournament with a complete wave of 10-15 Pokemon amiibo compatible with the game released around Black Friday in US would help fill that void tremendously.
Probably just what was stated in the OP.
Though we should get 1 new game announcement, either for 3DS or Wii U. Maybe just a free app thing, but there is always something new, no matter how minor.
And they should announce the old 3DS portal already, but since it wasn't in the amiibo commercial probably not, but they should.
And a Splatoon bundle, or a price cut, something to sell the Wii U, games alone aren't going to do it at this point.
@outburst - I'm only buying Luigi's Mansion HD if it's packed in w/ a Luigi's Mansion 2 port, but Sunshine HD is long overdue.
@Quorthon - "Can we try to be original when we're begging Nintendo for games."
Super Mario Galaxy 3 incoming
Dang it, nothing is going to make me buy a wii u. Zelda is the only thing that would come close, I'm not wasting my money, not when I already have an xbone for my console. I'm definitely going to buy the next Nintendo console. Don't worry Nintendo, I may like Microsoft but I will never give up on you.
The 3ds was the perfect Nintendo device for me since I'm always outgoing and traveling. All my 3ds games include:
Zelda:ocarina of time 3d
Zelda: link between worlds
Zelda: Majoras mask 3d
Smash bros 3ds
Pokemon x
Pokemon omega ruby
Pokemon mystery dungeon: gates to infinity
Sonic lost world
Super Mario 3d land
Mario kart 7
And last but not least tekken 3d prime
I admit, my parents do spoil me a bit since I'm the youngest out of my siblings(I'm 15) and my older brothers and sister are all over the age of 18.
I really don't want people to get the wrong idea about me. Im in no way a horrible little brat. I do ask for things from my mom and dad and if they say no I don't disrespect them or anything. Tim very grateful to be where I am. I hope you don't think of me as a bad guy
All I see are people wanting remakes, Smash DLC, and Pokemon! Yikes!
and Metroid Prime IV.
Pokemon is more important than any remake/DLC in my book
Doubt we'll see anything new, aside from some release dates for games that are supposed to come out relatively soon.
Not hoping for anything - it's April 1st, and on this day nobody is trustworthy. NOBODY!
Clock Tower U: Scissorman Cuts to the Chase!
Guys, this is coming from a young teen.
Many people in my generation just want to be cool and play cod or gta(gta is fun). However, when I mention anything Nintendo related, they diss me and everything and call me childish and a baby, it sucks. I grew up on Nintendo and if your not playing cod or smoking or stupid shizzle like that then your not cool. This is how my generation is and I honestly don't see them changing anytime soon. This is why I worry for Nintendo. You guys who grew up playing snes and all that must have had a blast to play in the 80s/90s.
@Xayo kids can be real jerks.
@MagicEmperor you got that right. My generation sucks
@A01 I'm not sure, but I remember that M&L:DT, Super Luigi U, Sonic Lost World, Mario Golf World Tour, Kirby Triple Deluxe, DKCR3D, Mario Vs DK 3DS (the other one, not Tipping Stars), and the new Fire Emblem game were all announced in Nintendo Directs.
Don't get "disappointed" with Nintendo if the leak(s) don't turn out to be true. You've every right to be disappointed for its own sake if it turns out to be a lackluster Direct, but don't blame Nintendo for something they had nothing to do with. And you can't blame them for not announcing something as awesome as the overly optimistic leaks, either.
SMTXFIRE EMBLEM, NEW FIRE EMBLEM (IF), and Fire Emblem Radiant Saga Bundle HD for Wii U.
To me this could be a Fire Emblem Direct and I would be happy!
Guys how long is the average Nintendo direct? I hope this one is at least 30 minutes long. Maybe 40 and possibly 50.
@Frank90 Sadly that would sell the incredible amount of 0 WiiU consoles
as much as i like F b (one of the best Nintendo IPs and one of my fav game series), Nintendo needs to sell WiiUs, FE does not sell them
I would be surprised if that game was even still in development. It's the Wii U's Project HAMMER.
Remember that one?
You can trust me on April 1st. I'm as stoic and humorless as they come. Kind of like an Adam Sandler movie.
@Xayo I've been saying this for ages. My son and his friends think Nintendo is childish, so they won't touch their consoles.
Okay, I might get that one. I'm tired of all other, far too frequently churned out Mario games, but the Galaxy titles were pure gold.
My point was more that the "Prime" games were intended to be a trilogy... and an off-shoot. Hell, "Metroid Prime" was the final boss of the first game.
It could be about the Zelda delay, more info about the deal with DeNA or just talking about the spring/summer releases.
Expect nothing new and you won't be disappointed.
Pfff, of course an argument holds no water--when you blatantly misread it.
Way to demonstrate the straw man fallacy, kid. I hope that was your goal.
Man between wrestlemania raw after it n having a 3 month old daughter in really struggling to stay awake for this lol. I'm guessing well get dates and MAYBE a wii u eshop game like a first party puzzler or project treasure .hope we get news on a few indie games space adventures, either stone shire or cube life (gave up waiting on Ucraft) swords n soldiers II etc.
I understand ZeldaU being pushed back to 2016... but please give us something Nitnendo! If I'm correct, wasn't it confirmed that they will NOT be showing any ZeldaU at E3? Please just give us another 30-second trailer or a title or even artwork or screenshots during this direct. Or just tell us information about the game's mechanics or its story. ANYTHING at this point, Nintendo, ANYTHING.
The Nintendolife prediction sounds pretty accurate. I'd be reeeaaally surprised if they actually talk about Star Fox. I would be cool, though.
@Operative It's crazy that we already knew about it 3 years ago... I love it somehow though, because it's probably going to be a must have
@Xayo Gamecube was my console when I was your age... Try being in high school and your console being a purple handbag. Nintendo will make you a stronger adult!
Here's what I think will be touched on for this Nintendo Direct (not in any particular order):
Upcoming eShop titles from indie developers
Mario Kart 8 X Animal Crossing DLC
Wave 5 Amiibos
Nintendo's partnership with DeNA
New Nintendo loyalty program
Final Club Nintendo rewards
Mewtwo DLC
Xenoblade Chronicles X
Mario Maker
Yoshi's Woolly World
Fire Emblem If (maybe)
Something silly somewhere (maybe)
One previously unannounced title (most likely a new Animal Crossing)
I'm pretty sure Nintendo didn't say Zelda U was pushed to 2016--they actually said "will not make 2015" with no end date hinted.
I agree with the take this article has. I do hope Nintendo surprises us with a sharp left turn somewhere in the Direct. Something none of us expects. But, really, Nintendo has been actively telegraphing advances just to temper expectations and show that it is making changes. The most we can realistically hope for is more details on things we already know, because I think any true surprises will be held back for E3.
@Quorthon It is no small wonder, why people have such a hate on you lol. You stated there could not be another Metroid, as it was a Trilogy. You really are an armchair expert, and you certainly touch em'.
@Bearface No original 3DS Zelda game? Um... A Link Between Worlds anyone?
@aaronsullivan I agree. Although with it being Nintendo and the Zelda Wii U game being pushed back, I think there will be at least one surprise game announcement to ease the stockholders and fans.
I've had no problem with people who can read. You've now demonstrated twice that you didn't even read my post. You're commenting from deliberate ignorance. You have actually chosen to look this foolish.
@Quorthon: To be fair, what else would we call a sequel to a series we want aside from "Insert Title #+1"?
Not one to rush to @Quorthon's defense, but he said,
"I wish people would stop saying "Metroid Prime IV." The Prime games were a trilogy, and they ended. Another Metroid game in the style of the Prime trilogy would be nice, but let's stop being overly lazy and saying Metroid Primev IV. Seriously. Can we try to be original when we're begging Nintendo for games."
That doesn't equate to "There could not be another Metroid, as it was a Trilogy" in my mind.
I think that was Quorthon's version of silliness as he threw in the exception for Eternal Darkness. He's quibbling over the wording of people's request and just generally wants people to want new things not sequels all the time.
I'd say most people just understand that people want another game in that style when they say Prime IV. They want the tone, the same perspective, etc. not a story set directly after Prime 3. Especially, after the partially failed (Quorthon would say offensively failed) experiment of Other M, they want something safe.
edit: Oh, some cross posting. As he just demonstrated he shows little patience or understanding to casual commenters who may have mistakenly read something and stirs up unnecessary disturbances whether he means to or not.
To be fair, what is the most common stereotype Nintendo fans here hurl at anything "non" Nintendo games? That they're all the same adult-centric "dull gray shooters." Even while not true, the big complaint is that other games go for adult-centric realism, and they want Nintendo's cartoon-style.
Nintendo themselves are surprisingly bad at promoting M-rated games, even when they make them.
I just heard from a source that leaked the April fool's direct is in fact an April fool's joke.
Would not "another Retro-styled Metroid" suffice? That implies wanting both a new title, and demonstrates the style you hope for. I would love that. I just don't want them digging up a finished story to muck it up--you know, like they're doing with the Terminator movies. The trilogy and it's "is it official or not" one-off Prime Hunters was a nice, closed set. The story had issues, but overall, it worked.
Give Samus a new adventure. Not one where she's treated horribly by sexist barbarians, not one that's just another remake of Super, and not just another lazy call-back to what worked before. The Prime trilogy was awesome because it was Nintendo daring to do something new--and they brilliantly evolved the franchise.
I'd prefer to see more brilliant evolution.
What i hope to see like other people, the new pokemon games anounced for the 3ds, X/Y sequels. Plus maybe they have a very brief talk about pokemon shuffle and how well the game has been with how much downloads they got.
I would also like to know when flipnote 3d for europe will be released.
Paper mario U with thousand year door like gameplay would make a guy very happy.
Basically, yes. As illustrated in the above post to @TingLZ. Nintendo impresses when they do something new. For all the different controllers and whatnot, there hasn't been a lot of "new." New Super Mario U was just more Super Mario. Skyward Sword fell flat to me when it started feeling like just more Zelda. But Super Metroid was at one time an incredibly fresh idea. Metroid Prime took Super and advanced it to an incredibly fresh new idea. Eternal Darkness and Xenoblade Chronicles were daring new areas for Nintendo.
I'm just tired of weary, predictable Nintendo. That's what I ultimately felt about Mario Kart 8. "Well, this is certainly familiar."
I'd love to see Eternal Darkness again (especially from Retro), if for nothing else, than to know they actually gave a crap about that franchise--because it feels like far too few of us did. I've said before, despite my loathing of HD/3D remakes across the board, that is one game I would rebuy in a heartbeat in HD--just to support it.
That was indeed some silliness on my part, damn did I love that game. I had a visit from police because of that wonderful, atmospheric game.
I doubt we'll see star fox, they killed their biggest game of the year for this years E3, they will need something that is going to hit people and star fox will most likely be it. Really, I think anyone expecting announcements for games on the Wii U in general are setting themselves up for disappointment. We have plenty of titles that we need info on and to be shown. I doubt we'd see anything new.
@17wonders I hope you're right!
@ikki5 What would be interesting is if they do show off Star Fox in a significant way, that would suggest to me something pretty big left for E3 that we don't know about. So, there's that. But, I guess we'll find out soon enough.
Zelda delay was april fools joke. Open with trailer. ...
But I expect this to be more a showcase for Splatoon. They really want to push that game.
@Quorthon Looks like I have to show you this again. https://youtu.be/K9JAf_WwTE8?t=80
Is it bad that I've never played Metroid Prime? I still have no clue why people are suggesting Metroid Prime IV...
They'll be announcing a bunch of release dates for sure. I think they will 100% show off Starfox. I doubt they will show off Metroid..I think that will wait till e3. I think they'll announce 2 new games, the AAA port and the one famitsu teased. And I expect some demos to come out today. Perhaps a demo for Splatoon.
No clue what they will show off for 3ds..im guessing the regular sized new 3ds will be coming to NA. As for games I have no clue.
Guys, I think we are going to finally see Star Fox. That German leak continues to appear more and more legit. I say this because this web site popped up today:
Of course, it COULD be fake, but man, that is some hardcore level 100 trolling if this leak and site are all fake. Either way, we'll find out for sure real soon here!
@Discipledoctor Kirby epic yarn remake or galaxy 1 or 2 in the cards and SNES too with the small new 3ds
For the 3ds, I think they will hold off Fire Emblem until E3. I'm betting on a new 3d-Land game or Warioland game reveal now
I expected disappointment, and other than SMTXFE and FE I got it. Ending with Mario Kart DLC? Really? Come on now...
@Quorthon - I knew what you meant about Metroid Prime being a 3 game trilogy, you weren't arguing against a new Metroid game, only that it wouldn't be called "Prime". I noticed at least 1 other person completely missed your point.
Oh man, 25 emails behind, catch ya later.
very close
HAHAHAHAHA turns out that SMTXFE will not be project hammer, thank god!
@Quorthon I don't mind it coming in 2015 or 2016. What I am upset about is the fact that it's skipping E3.
We know NEXT TO NOTHING about this game, and Nintendo even said that they planned on talking about it at E3 this. Then again, they also insisted an a 2015 release date around five times.
@Quorthon I don't mind it coming in 2015 or 2016. What I am upset about is the fact that it's skipping E3.
We know NEXT TO NOTHING about this game, and Nintendo even said that they planned on talking about it at E3 this. Then again, they also insisted an a 2015 release date around five times.
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