Today brings the fourth anniversary of the Nintendo 3DS being released in North America, which is certainly a landmark to celebrate following equivalent dates for Europe and Japan. After a sketchy start the system has become an integral part of the current-day gaming landscape, leading the way as a dedicated portable surviving against the onslaught of smart device options. Nintendo may now be planning moves into smartphones and tablets, but it's also proven that it can make a handheld gaming system work in this most diverse of eras.
As Nintendo keeps saying, a system's strength lies in its games, and that's something we want to celebrate. There's a diverse library of titles on the system that stand up as some of the best we've experienced on Nintendo systems, covering a broad range of genres, ranging from exclusives to unique ports, first party to third party.
It's a good time to take stock of which games stand out above the rest, then, and we want your votes for the list that'll be posted this weekend. We're looking for 10 'must-play' retail games - that doesn't have to mean the 'best', it doesn't even have to mean 3DS exclusives. It can be interpreted as you please, but we feel this list should have a variety of games that we'd recommend to 3DS newcomers, or those yet to really flesh out their portable's game collections. Which games do they simply have to play in order to appreciate the charms of the 3DS?
Below we have a poll with 50 key choices and you can select up to 10 for your vote. Alternatively you can also vote for any we've missed or excluded in the comments, we'll be sure to add these into the final count. Retail only though, as explained below.
This list is only for retail games, but we certainly haven't forgotten the eShop. Don't forget that the download store actually launched in June in 2011, not with the system itself, so we'll tackle that separately when that anniversary rolls around.
You have 24 hours - until 7am Pacific / 10am Eastern / 2pm UK / 3pm CET on Saturday 28th March - to get your votes in; we'll post a full feature detailing the ten winners this weekend.
So, get voting!
Comments 200
No Tetris Axis on the list. Validity of list already in question.
You've totally listed the wrong Cave Story on this list.
The 3DS is my favorite portable system. I'll look forward to the results.
No Ace Attorney Dual Destinies or VLR limits my favorites for this a lot. Those are some great ones left out in favor of others which I don't think most people would think of as their favorites.
Since Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies is not on the list, I cannot take this poll seriously.
Fire Emblem awakening, Kid Icarus Uprising, Bravely Default, MH4U and as always Pokémon are must play.
Super Mario land 3D is the best Mario since galaxy and Shin megami Tensei IV is an amazing RPG (but not for everyone)
Ace Attorney is the reason I own a 3DS.
I voted ten, but this five are must buy right when you got the console:
I would add download games like Shovel Knight and Pushmo.
Um the structure of that poll doesn't really work @ThomasBW84 You should consider a vote count table, with the highest votes top, rather than percentage
I specifically explain why it's retail only in the article, therefore no dual destinies. Please read it!
I voted! I even voted for some games I haven't played, but feel like I really need to play at some point.
@ThomasBW84 Note to self: Read before responding
@Pius I thought so too!
And why not New Style Boutique 3D? Also known as Style Savvy Trendsetters or something.
@ThomasBW84 Gotcha. Still I feel Virtue's Last Reward is sorely missed here, and that did have a retail release. The game may have tanked in sales, but I'm sure for many of those who actually bothered to play it, it'll be a favorite.
Anyway, my votes went to Fire Emblem Awakening, Etrian Odyssey IV, Link Between worlds, Majora's Mask 3D, Virtue's Last Reward and Layton vs Ace Attorney. There's a lot more I enjoy on 3DS but not quite on the same level as those. To be fair, Layton vs Ace Attorney is a lesser game there in comparison, but still a must play for fans of either franchise or newcomers alike.
The 3DS library truly is great. I had trouble choosing only 10, and some great games aren't even on this list! Though those unlisted games are more niche (Style Savvy Trensetters, Tales of the Abyss, VLR).
My personal top 10:
FE: Awakening, Zelda: ALBW, Majora's Mask, Monster Hunter 4 U, Super Mario 3D Land, Luigi's Mansion DM, Pokemon X/Y, Mario Kart 7, DKC: Returns, Fantasy Life.
@ThomasBW84 That seems like an arbitrary reason to leave out games that are great contributions to the 3DS's library. By that reasoning you could leave out games that haven't been around since the launch of the 3DS. "Well, they weren't around since 2011." :/
Tough. I could readily vote for 20 games or more off this list. They're all so good...
I made my choice, but I would add Virtue's Last Reward and Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance, although those titles do build up on previous entries (esp. KH), so I guess they're not ideal for newcomers (but very good games, still).
@ThomasBW84 Dual Destinies is a retail release in Japan.
As far as I'm concerned it's a retail title that only got a digital release, as opposed to a digital only title.
No love for Rhythm Thief and the Emperor's Treasure makes me a little sad, that game is well worth checking out.
Voted nine titels, my lastwould be New style boutique.
Kid Icarus is my number one by far. Definitely PLvAA and Azran Legacy. The rest that I voted were all great games too but not huge titles like those.
I'm too noob to vote, but am building a backlog based on threads like this so keep posting/voting.
However, there are certain games I'm avoiding for the sake of efficiency in my backlog. For example, as I have Mario Kart 8 and SSBU it seems an inappropriate use of time to play such similar games on the 3DS, however good they might be.
Would have liked to see Rhythm Thief and Style Savvy. They both would have been imitate votes from me.
Happy Birthday to my all-time favorite Nintendo handheld!
Someone had to give DoA some love. Puts Street Fighter 3D to shame.
Looking forward to the results. I picked up a 2nd hand 3DS for £40 because it seemed to good of deal to miss. Due to it been a random purchase I have not bought a full price game on it yet. That said it slowly dragged me in and I bought a New 3DS on release day. I have just checked my daily records and I have spent 183hrs on the 3DS(s) since Nov 2013.
Below is the list of games I own, due to the limits set out by my collection I don't think I should vote.
Ghost re-con - Future solider √
Aliens Infestation (DS) √
LoZ: Spirit Tracks (DS)
LoZ: Phantom Hourglass (DS)
Need for Speed - The Run
Super Street Fighter IV
Star Trek - Tatical Assault (DS)
Attack of the Friday Monsters
Liberation Maiden
Crimson Shroud
Bugs Vs Ants
The Starship Damrey
FYI - The DS games are on there as I didn't own a DS and have only played them on the 3DS, backward compatibility Winning!!
No smash? Or Shovelknight?
No Devil Survivor Overclocked? That would absolutely be on my list.
That feel when no Code of Princess. Still, there were 10 (at least) good games there to choose. Just would've replaced one of them with Code of Princess. Great list though.
Dark Moon!
I totally forgot about Fire Emblem lol; I didn't see it on the list...
Zero escape virtue's last reward.
Braves Default
Link Between Worlds
Tales of the Abyss
Pokemon XY
Shin Megami 4
Etrion Odyessy 4
Fire Emblem
Persona Q
Fantasy Life
So you forgot Tales of the Abyss in the list, which is the best 3DS game imho.
My 10 votes go to TotA
1) Fire Emblem Awakening
2) A Link Between Worlds
3) Super Mario 3D Land
4) Mario Kart 7
I haven't played any others that I would say are 'must play's
I'll count the various comments for Rhythm Thief / Code of Princess / Style Savvy / Zero Escape as votes. It was never going to cover everything unfortunately, but I'll be sure to include them when the 10 is taken.
@RupeeClock - It'll be there when we do an eShop equivalent in June, it's just down to interpretations!
@Wouwter - Initially I was doing 50 with 40 retail and 10 eShop, but that didn't seem fair. Then I remembered the eShop didn't launch until June 2011, and this is really to celebrate the 4th Anniversary of the 3DS. Not arbitrary, ironically it was a call we made to try and give the eShop its full due when it turns four, with its own hefty list.
It's funny that in trying to accommodate the eShop for its own day in the sun, I'm getting flamed!
Geonjaha Click the buttons, just 4 if you want. I'm not going to go through counting votes for ones in the automated poll
I only picked 9 as I'm assuming Bravely Second will release in the west eventually. (I'm not listing them, the usual suspects)
@MrGawain Me too
Fire Emblem, Bravely Default, MK7, and Animal Crossing were my biggest, with Etrian Odyssey Untold (or any of them, really) nearby and Mario Golf and Kirby Triple Deluxe a little ways further behind.
3DS is hands down the best portable system ever created.
Another for Phoenix Wright: Dual Destinies, here. Rhythm Thief and Pilot Wings still get a lot of play on my system, too...
Etrian Odyssey needs more love.
@topperware Agreed. The 3DS has so many goods that picking one to play would take me minutes (or worse, hours...lol).
@ThomasBW84 Then add a vote to Virtue Last Reward from me, thank you ^o^ That game totally deserve it!
And I wanna hope that Inazuma Eleven is out cause this poll is based on the NA anniversary, else that's a criminal miss O:<
@ThomasBW84 Oh, then I'll definitely comment for Zero Escape!
(Can't believe Yoshi's New Island isn't on there ... jk, but I really can't believe Sticker Star IS on there.)
Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate
Fire Emblem Awakening
Zelda Link Between Worlds
Not only the 3 best games on the system, but 3 of the greatest games I've ever played in my life.
Kid Icarus is still my favorite game
It won't let me vote.
I selected my 10, but when I click "VOTE"
the page moves ever so slightly upwards.
I tried many times, same thing...
Since I can't vote, here is my list:
Animal Crossing
Fantasy Life
Kid Icarus: Uprising
Luigi's Mansions: Dark Moon
Resident Evil: Revelaitons
Star Fox 64 3D
Super Smash Brothers for 3DS
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
I'd like one of these for the Wii U. I don't actually own a 3DS.
You can't go wrong with Atlus, so anything published by them, both Monster Hunter games, maybe the Zelda remakes, Super Smash Bros...
Ultimately, I can't recommend somebody a game that I happen to personally like, as it comes down to personal preference and taste. I can't encourage myself to tell somebody to get New Super Mario Bros. 2 if they don't enjoy platformer / jump 'n' run game, even though I love that game. Same goes for any other type of game; Smash Bros. being a fighting game, Mario Kart a racer...etc..
If a buyer is looking for a certain kind of game, i.e. an action-adventure for example, then I'd know right off the bat what to recommend first... Zelda, of course
The 3DS does have some great games, but I'm not sure if I could consider any of them to be "must buys"... except for Triple Deluxe but that's only because I'm a mega Kirby fan.
Wow....seeing this list and actually realizing I had to leave at least 5 games out, I wish the Vita had this library or that the 3ds was more like the Vita. The Vita is beautiful and it handles like a charm, almost as if you're holding a real controller, but as Nintendo shown time and time again: it's all bout the games!
The 3ds is a clumsy clamshell which feels a tad cheap, especially the "extra wobbly" new3ds, but has seen more action in this household than a 20y.o. girl from New Jersey. Every generation consoles, home and handheld comes with their own must-owns, but Nintendo handhelds are in a league of their own. They actually showed indie devs what to do with smaller budgets and less power before it was hip. If you just own all games that are considered must haves by most on all Nintendo handhelds, you would have a life long supply of top games. We tend to forget what amazing games they put out, especially in times of drought, but whenever someone asks you what game to buy on the 3ds you can sum up 20 in no time.
@Boerewors I too love the feel of the Vita. Though admittedly, for me, I love the Vita's library. The one thing missing for me would be a Gran Turismo title. Otherwise, I love it.
I said it before, and I'll say it again. The 3DS is one of my favorite portables in a very long time, probably since the GameBoy, if you want my honesty. I love that thing to death. Outstanding games all around, third party and first.
@ThomasBW84 So when someone disagrees with you, you're getting flamed? You're leaving out some of the best games the 3DS has, which is a shame really.
Jesus...four years, huh? That means this E3 it'll have been 5 years since the 3DS was announced, damn...getting old aren't we??? Like many above me have said the 3DS is my favorite Nintendo handheld and, dare I say it as a HandheldGuru, the greatest handheld of all time. Give me a few minutes folks...I'll get back to you on my top 10 soon (this may take a while...)
Lol, people are taking this way too seriously. If you don't see your game, just add it in the comments like he said in the article.
No Senran Kagura BURST? I am disappoint.
I just voted for "Ace Combat" and it still shows 0%! You guys really hurt my feelings like that, "Ace Combat" on 3DS is a luxury, something I would never believed even possible. Grab it if you see it on the shelves, you won't regret it!
0% Project X Zone.
Poor, poor X Zone.
Voted for 9 in the poll and my 10th vote goes to Kingdom Hearts 3D
@Wouwter I'm mainly referring to the comments about eShop games, which I tried to explain in the article, but a number of people commented without seeing / reading what I've written. We actually did things this way to support the eShop down the road with its own focus, so the intention was the opposite of disregarding download games.
I'll be counting votes for those that were missed, of course, annoyed with myself that I missed Rhythm Thief!
My backlog is so big that a lot of these I own but have never played. And yes, that includes A Link Between Worlds.
I'm disappointed at the lack of love for Etrian odyssey IV. Dare I say, the game was nearly FLAWLESS!
I wouldn't place it in the top ten, but the lack of SMT: Devil Survivor Overclocked is disappointing.
I'll admit, I haven't played a ton of 3DS games, but I have yet to be "wowed" by anything. Mario Kart 7 was one of the weakest in the series, SM3DL was kinda bland, Luigi's Mansion is a bit of a chore to play, I saw no reason to get/play Smash since the Wii U version exists, I played a bit of Kid Icarus and could tell it wasn't for me, Kirby looks like Return to Dreamland which I didn't like, I'm not into RPGs or strategy games... eh, I don't know. I like Dual Destinies and NSMB2 a lot, but it's not like they're anything special compared to other games in their series. I actually haven't played Link Between Worlds yet, but I'm guessing I will enjoy that one.
I don't know, nothing really appeals to me much on this thing. Of course, it's worth mentioning that I've never been much of a handheld gamer.
Having said all of that, I really like my 3DS. It's great playing it on trips and in bed. But really, outside of VC games, I haven't found anything I LOVE yet.
How are X and Y beating ORAS? ORAS was supperior in EVERY SINGLE WAY, had a large post game, and overall better story and gameplay.
If you own a 3DS and haven't played Fire Emblem Awakening and Kid Icarus: Uprising, something is wrong.
Please add Yoshi's New Island, Rhythm Thief, and Sayonara Umihara Kawase (a retail title in Japan, which is the version I played) to my vote. Thank you!
The other games I voted for were A Link Between Worlds, Ocarina of Time 3D, Majora's Mask 3D, Theatrhythm, Mario 3D Land, Mario Kart 7 and Kirby's Triple Deluxe.
@SanderEvers Trainer Customization is only one thing. It's the only thing that makes X and Y some-what enjoyable, but it isn't exactly the defining feature of a good Pokemon game. ORAS beats X and Y out at every single thing (mainly because X and Y were rushed and should have stayed in development another year) besides the trainer customization, which didn't even have a good variety of clothes. You see other trainers wearing pompous vests and the like, why can't my character wear something fancy like that? No one knows. The very fact that they didn't have a fashion choice that appealed to me negates the whole "character customization factor" from my pros list, since the options were pretty discriminatory towards males. Girls could wear a vest, but a male couldn't? What's up with that?
A Link Between Worlds
FE: Awakening
Those are the best IMO.
Need to play Kid Icarus and Luigi's Mansion soon.
Kid Icarus Uprising is the best 3DS game ever made, and I doubt it will lose the position. It's an original adventure, with clever story, voice acting, dialogs and unique gameplay (once you get used to).
You guys forgot to put My Horse 3d on the list
@ThomasBW84 In my opinion you could have put eShop games in this list and still made a seperate article about the eShop in June. You could put a lot more eShop only games in that article and highlight the games that are still coming to the eShop.
No need to fill it out when you can't even add Kingdom Hearts to it.
@Ninty4thewin That makes sense. 1 vote out of 9,294 is still 0%.
Why no Azure Striker Gunboat? That game rocks.
Best Fighting Game: DoA
Best Racing Game: MK7
Best JnR: 3D Land
In addtion to that i recommend Ghost Recon and Resident Evil The Mercenaries (but that one is not on the list).
@LinkSword Yeah I agree with this.
It's still a bit odd that physical games and eShop games are being separated like that. They're all on the 3DS aren't they? Wouldn't it give a clearer view if we could vote on all of them at once?
It's almost like eShop games are being treated as inferior....in my opinion some of the best 3DS games are download only.
Come on, Zero Escape is one of the best on the system, plus others aren't on here I haven't played. Get with it guys
I would say :
...As my main three. Looking forward to the eShop poll, although there are still a couple of upcoming games that I think will make it - Azure Striker Gunvolt and Risky's Revenge: Director's Cut.
Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate is probably my favourite 3DS retail game, honourable mentions go to Kid Icarus: Uprising, Fire Emblem: Awakening, and Bravely Default/Tomodachi Life since they were my most played 3DS games for the previous years. 2012 was KI:U, 2013 was FE:A, and 2014 was BD and TL.
Huh, where are the Phoenix Wright games?
Alrighty the Guru is back and here is my Top 10 3DS as of March 27, 2015
(Note this is not in any particular order...picking the position for these games...shudders...that would take moons)
Animal Crossing New Leaf: My most played 3DS clocking in at well over 230 hours, a beautiful game, sooooooooooooo much replay value and excellent online features I'd safely say it is my favorite 3DS of all time if it weren't for...
Rune Factory 4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!: The fact alone that this game is missing is an insulting!!!!! (JK @ThomasBW84, I think this download online in Europe)
So the graphics aren't great, but the art style is cute and charming the farming mechanics are simply divine, the little voice clips are so cute, did I mention the art style?!?!?!? Man I love this game...heck the ending even made me tear up a little, count this as a vote for (what I'd say) is the best 3DS game.
Ahem...moving forward;
The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between World's: was it a little easier thanks to the rental system? Yup, but man oh malley what a game, great characters, soundtrack and the art style is charming. The best Zelda of the 3 on the 3DS.
Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon (2): One of my personal favorites, Luigi is a charming counter balance to Mario and frankly LMDM has some of the best 3D effects in any 3DS game, a must buy
Mario Golf: World Tour: Winning today's award for most under appreciated 3DS ever, Mario Gold WT, flew right under everybody's radar (likely due to the disappointment of Mario Tennis: Open), this one is a perfect golf game
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire: One of my favorite Pokémon games remade in glorious 3D (kinda ), while I haven't played it nearly as much as I thought I would, Hoenn is remade beautifully and the Delta Episode is one of the most intriguing twists to the Poké-Lore in years.
Super Mario 3D Land: I honestly don't care how much hate I'll get for saying this but...this the best portable Mario game, ever. The graphics, the 3D effect, its easy, yes, but so well crafted and oozing in charm left and right another must buy!
Damnit!!!!!!!! How'd I already get to seven???? I have like five more games that I could fit into my top 10!!!!!
Fantasy Life: I've been waiting for this game for 5 years! And it was sure worth the wait, covered in that Level 5 charm I've comes to expect and love from them. Its a blast to play and its wealth of content will keep me coming back for more for many moons to come
Kid Icarus: Uprising: Yup I'm old enough to remember the 3DS's 1st "true" Killer App and it was a great one, great story with excellent characters and some of the best online on the 3DS, still looks stunning all these years later
Theatrhythm Final Fantasy Curtain Call: The first Theatrhythm, was great, this one??? Its unbelievable!!!!!!!!!!!!! More content is jammed on that little cart than ever before and it really is the best soundtrack from any video game series and then you top it off with some Chrono Trigger?!???!?!?!/!!
Honorable mentions go to: Mario Kart 7, Fire Emblem Awaking, Pokémon X, Shin Megami Tensei IV, Super Smash Bros. For 3DS, Pilotwings Resort, Kirby: Triple Deluxe (plenty of great games up there, but hey if it were a top 20 they wouldn't be honorable mentions!!!!)
Happy Birthday 3DS! Here to as many more as you got!
Fire Emblem Awakeing
Heroes of Ruin
Majoras Mask 3D
Kid Icarus Uprising
Ocarina of Time 3D
Pkmn X/Y
Pkmn AS/OR
Resident Evil Revelations
Kingdom Hearts 3D is definitely in my top 10
I'm suprised that Fire Emblem Awakening is beaten by Link between worlds!
Darn you Zelda fans(even me!).....now Nintendolife will never mention Fire Emblem anytime.
Ok I got a question here. What if the next Metroid shows up within this or next year and it turns out great? Would that possibly be in the list the time its released?
Top games for me
1.Super Mario 3D Land
2.Mario & Luigi Dream Team
3.Fire Emblem Awakening
4.Star Fox 64 3D
5.Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask.
6.Legend of Zelda: A link between Worlds
7.Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon
8.Pokemon Alpha Sapphire
9.Kirby Triple Deluxe
10.Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.
Wanted to include Azran Legacies but I don't have that game yet!
A few I really like that are not on the list: Steel Diver,Steel Diver Sub Wars,Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Gates to infinity, and Kirby's Adventure 3D.
Oh, a lot of options. All of them are very good games.Since the first parties are pretty much a given for any Nintendo console, I'll concentrate on the third parties. If you own a 3DS, you've got to have Ghost Recon and Resident Evil Revelations.
Obligatory what is missing list:
1 - Rune Factory 4 - One of my absolute favorites on the system - it was retail in NA, I have the cartridge, so I don't accept the omission!
2 - Crush 3D - You can play it on PSP as well - a favorite platform puzzler of mine!
That is all, there are others, but these 2 really matter to me, the others would just be complaining.
More people said Pokemon XY than ORAS? Idiots.
@Pius No need to say sorry, you were on the side of justice! See here:
defendant, Thomas, clearly stated, "I specifically explain why it's retail only in the article, therefore no dual destinies. "
Objection Slams Desk
The defendant is clearly lying. He states retail games count for the poll...but Dual Destinies was a retail release in Japan!
All joking aside though, I do wonder if NintendoLife will run an article with the Top 10 eShop only releases as well.
@ferrers405 no zelda?
@cyrus_zuo i agree they should be added to the list, especially rune factory... and frogger 3d
Made an account just to say vote Rhythm Thief and the Emporer's treasure here.
Luigi's Mansion is BY FAR the best game on this system in my opinion. Most original and best use of 3D Graphics. Best 1st buy for the system.
Haha, Really glad to see there are some other Ace Attorney fanatics out there.
I wonder which justice is most just: Nintendolife dividing retail versions and eshop releases into different polls or mine in OBJECTING to that.
My top 3 games are the ones that I sank the most time into:
1. Fire Emblem
2. Pokemon X/Y
3. Luigi's Mansion
I'm hoping the eshop survey gives me the option to vote for Rusty's Real Deal Baseball.
No Rune Factory 4? :c
@Wouwter Sounds like a great idea. Maybe "you" should create this ultimate list.
Darn. No love for Kingdom Hearts DDD.
A Link Between World's and Mario 3d land got my vote.
@KTT DKCR is a really good game.
Who left Shovel Knight off of this list?
@firstnesfan The guy who said digital only games wouldn't be included.
(Slams button for Kid Icarus: Uprising) Why is it only at 5%? How dare you all have different opinions! D:<
Really though, that's my favorite game, period.
Rune Factory 4 should have been in the list.
I pulled my vote straight from my activity lost on my 3DS and I was pretty disappointed that some games in my top ten weren't on the list.
On another note, I can't believe LBW is the top most played game. I only have 27hrs clocked in and I 100% the game and its street pass challenges, but I guess people like to play it cuz its fun.
I really though animal crossing would have been higher
No Rune Factory 4 or Tales of the Abyss...
So difficult to limit list to ten. For me iteant leaving some good third party games off the list, which is sad. Here are my Top Ten in no particular order.
1. Bravely Default
2. Mario Kart 7
3. Tomodachi Life
4. Star Fox 64
5. Ocarina of Time
6. Majoras Mask
7. Link Between Worlds (so good)
8. Fire Emblem Awakening
9. Kid Icarus Uprising
10. Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D
Honorable mention to Super Mario 3D Land and Luigi's Mansion.
You can count another one for Rhythm Thief & The Emperor's Treasure
@Superryanworld The 3DS version of DKCR is so good even though technically a remake.
Only 10? It won't be easy to decide.
@Nico07 I bought it when it originally released on the wii, but couldn't pass up having it on the go.
Virtue's last reward is missing
Shin Megami Tense IV is my favorite 3DS game I also enjoyed Castlevania, Disneys World of Magic, Fantasy Life, Both Monster Hunter Games, Mario Golf, Ocarina of Time 3D, MarioKart 3D and Cave Story 3D. I was bummed the Disney Game wasn't on the list cause it is absolutely a great open world RPG game. Anyway in reality all the games on the list are good.
GASP! where is kingdom hearts at? Even though i really like harvest moon, how is that on the list before kingdom hearts?
@MoonKnight7 It is hard to pick only 10 isn't it.
@ShanaUnite I also thought Disneys world of Magic, Kingdom Hearts and Virtues Last Reward all got snubbed
I'm sorry I was happily voting until I noticed Kingdom Hearts wasn't on the list. As one of the most visually and technically impressive games on the system it's exclusion is criminal.
I immediately went for Fire Emblem Awakening. Heck, that game has sucked up just over 600 hours of my time, and I'm not finished with it yet (I have finished the actual story, but I just keep replaying it and getting support conversations).
Also (with remakes excluded for ease of choosing my ten):
Bravely Default (haven't played much of it yet, but I can tell it's gonna be good)
New Leaf
Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon
Mario and Luigi Dream Team
A Link Between Worlds
Pokemon Y
Smash Bros. 3DS (obviously)
I almost put Ghost Recon Shadow Wars in here, but it doesn't quite stand up to the likes of these other games. It's very good though!
Also, and this is just me, but I would exclude remakes from this poll.
@Mogster Is that a download only title? The article says they'll do a poll for download only games at a later date.
This was an easy list for me: *
1. Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon
2. Mario Golf: World Tour
3. Mario Kart 7
4. Resident Evil Revelations
5. Shin Megami Tensei IV
6. Super Mario 3D Land
7. Super Smash Bros. for 3DS
8. Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds
9. Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D
10. Theatrhythm Final Fantasy Curtain Call
*Order is only dictated by the order in the voting list, not ordered by quality
NO Virtues Last Reward!
I know it isn't the most recognized of 3ds games but it is in the 6th highest rated retail release on metacritic for the system.
I know everyone will moan about something being missing but this does seem like a genuine oversight...
A Link Between Worlds
Mario and Luigi
Dark Moon
Fire Emblem
Super Mario 3D Land
Super Smash Bros. for 3DS
Mario Kart 7
Resident Evil
Animal Crossing: New Leaf
Kirby Triple Deluxe
I intentionally left out remakes as I have mixed feelings about that practice, but if I were to choose, Majora's Mask 3D and DKCR 3D would knock a couple of title off of my list based on quality.
@SirQuincealot my sixth place, I love Zelda, but Ocarina of time is a remake and the others are more important for me than A Link Between Worlds.
Found it pretty hard to think of 10 "Must Play" games from that list to be honest.
Damn, no Devil Survivor Overclocked. Shame, that's easily in my top 3.
No, Kingdom Hearts was a full retail release and was the best in the series. It also came with AR cards. Not sure why it has been left off with much worse titles making the cut.
Fair amount of multi-platforms and remakes on this list, Revelations is great, but better on PC, same with Street Fighter and Castlevania. Don't think it's fair to count OOT and Majora's Mask either to be honest.
I'd add Kingdom Hearts DDD and Tales of the Abyss to this list too.
EDIT: Rune Factory 4 had physical release in the US, i'm counting it.
@Kingrat, Revelations started as a 3DS game. You act like it was ported later, when in fact it was built for 3DS. I still consider it a must play for the system as the gyro aiming is great and you can't get that on the ports.
What's missing on the list really demonstrates the power of the eShop. It's impossible to skip over Sega 3D Classics, Ace Attorney Dual Destinies, Gunvolt and Cave Story.
@dronesplitter I'm fully aware that it was a 3ds game first, bought it on release with the circle pad bundle and loved it,but the PC version is overall a better experience and contains new features. Its a great 3ds game, but it's hardly a must-play one anymore.
I just disagree with you there, then. It's a must play still because the Raid mode is different enough on 3DS, plus there's the gyro aiming and 3D to account for that the later ports don't completely cover.
@Kingrat If you want RE on the go, I'd say it's a great option.
I vote for Tales of the Abyss 3d.
I firmly believe that one of the games everyone needs to play is Animal Crossing New Leaf. It's a no brainer for me. The game is almost therapeutic. If it isn't my top game on the top ten list, it is pretty darn close.
New Leaf, Dream Team, Uprising. Just a few of the many great 3DS games. Hope it has many more! 😃
Kid Icarus: Uprising. Over 300 hours
A Link Between Worlds or Animal Crossing are my two favorite 3DS games. Followed by the Mario platformers.
Kid Icarus, Luigi's Mansion, Animal Crossing, and Majora's Mask all have 5% currently. Yet only Majora's Mask has a bar that is longer than the bars that represent 0/1%. Is something going wrong with the poll?
Rhythm Thief & the Emperor’s Treasure
@Curly_Brace Ah, I see what's happening. The votes are tallying correctly, but it's counting each check box as a single vote even when part of a group. In other words, even if half of everyone votes for one of the Zelda games, for example, the percentage it's showing is much lower because of the way it's calculating it.
Don't worry though, in the back-end I have precise numbers, so can pick out the top 10 with no hassle
@JaxonH Good choices man! 3DS has been my favourite handheld thus far though I'm still yet to play a monster hunter, I'm afraid it'll consume my life :S
Don't be afraid. It will consume your life, but who said that was a bad thing
Vote number 10: Virtue's Last Reward (or Zero Escape: VLR).
My other 9 are all on that list
I love these type of polls. Selected 9 without second guessing but my last choice was a tough choice, went with Resident Evil Revelations
No "Code of Princess" or "BlazBlue?" They wouldn't have made my Top 10, but they're within my Top 15.
I went with (not listed in order):
Super Smash Bros.
Mario Kart 7
Fire Emblem: Awakening
Pokémon X/Y
Pokémon Omega Ruby / Alpha Sapphire
Kid Icarus: Uprising
Dead or Alive: Dimensions
Super Street Fighter IV: 3D Edition
Star Fox 64 3D
Ace Combat: Assault Horizon Legacy
If I were to expand to 15:
Code of Princess
Super Mario 3D Land
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Shadow Wars
Project X Zone
BlazBlue 2: Continuum Shift
Kid Icarus:Uprising is the best game I've played on any system this century.
@XCWarrior actually I feel this list is completely valid because it doesn't include the terrible Tetris Axis that paled in comparison to Tetris DS, which I'd have voted for if it was an option even on this list. It's certainly one of my most-played games on my 3DS (and DS before that)
This was tough for me but my votes (not in order of faves)
1.Super Smash Bros. for 3DS
2.The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D
3. Starfox 64 3D
4.Kid Icarus Uprising
5.Animal Crossing New Leaf
6.Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon
7.The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D
8.Mario Kart 7
9.Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D
10.Super Mario 3D Land
The Monster Hunter games all the way. They are absolutely amazing games and must plays for sure. Although the game might not suit everyone with its grindy nature and repeated monster killing to farm parts. Heck even I sometimes wonder what I am doing with my time 0.0 I have clocked around 850 hours on MH3U and MH4U combined, having fun all the way and doubting it for only 0.01% of the time.
Etrian Odyssey Legend of the Titan was also an amazing game with great old-school RPG type game, amazing map making and what not. Beat the game, just stuck at the last optional end game boss.
SMT games also are great. A game not mentioned on this SMT: Devil Survivor Overclocked which "technically" is not a new game, but according to me the game was worth it despite finishing the game on DS. The voice acting, new compendium feature, 8th day for 3 routes as well some more Demons really made the game a blast for me. Still have to beat SMTIV though.
No need to say anything about MK7.
To be honest, I still have to play one of the Zelda games on the 3DS....
Needs rune factory 4, phoenix wright, devil summoner, devil survivor, virtue's last reward, senran kagura burst, theater rhythm, conception 2.
Also remove worst paper mario and shadow wars.
How about One Piece Unlimited World Red? In my opinion it's the best game available on the 3ds.
Why is Rhythm Thief and the Emperor's Treasure not on here?! One of the absolute best games for 3DS I've played!
I haven't played most of those titles sadly but I had the most fun with these games:
Rhythm Thief & Emperor's Treasure
Super Smash Bros. 3DS
Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies
Kid Icarus: Uprising
Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate is all you need!
No Devil Suvivor? Oh well, at least there's Persona Q
Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward
Had to scramble to find a tenth without Shovel Knight on the list
Fantasy life is criminally underrated, such a good game.
On my list:
-Fire Emblem Awakening
Saviour of the franchise
-LoZ A Link Between Worlds
A glorious return for 2d zeldas
-Fantasy Life
My most played on the system, it's dangerously addictive
-LoZ Majora's Mask 3D
Remastered version of my favorite Zelda game ever
-Etrian Odyssey IV
Nearly flawless RPG with lots of depth
-Shin Megami Tensei IV
Engrossing and compelling for those who can get into it.
-Super Smash Bros 3D
Smash on the go, need i say anything else?
I've yet to play MH or the pokemon games, sadly.
All in all, this is probably the best handheld ever.
Tomodachi Life is first then everything else.
Shin megami Tensei IV deserve a spot on the list.
1. Fire Emblem ; Awakening
2. Pokemon: X/Y
3. Pokemon: OR/AS
4. Bravely Default
5. Kirby: Triple Deluxe
6. Super Smash Bros. For 3DS
7. Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds
8. Legend of Zelda: Majoras Mask 3D
9. Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D
10. Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate
I like RPG's okay! (Smash & Kirby are exceptions)
This list is pretty good, but it's missing Dream Drop Distance...
@Zalbet The 3DS is not only my favorite handheld ever, but it's also my favorite system ever, period.
I picked 10 from the list, but would have picked Virtue's Last Reward instead of one of my choices if it had been on the list...
Gotta think a bit about this one. SMT IV and Luigi's Mansion are automatic picks tho.
My top 10 must-play games on the 3DS are mostly Nintendo DS games. Exclusive to the 3DS, retail-only, I would go with Super Mario 3D Land, A Link Between Worlds and New Super Mario Brothers 2.
Pokemon all the way. I wouldn't have bought a 3DS if there was no Pokemon.
Really hard to choose. However, one of my favourite games is missing: Virtue's Last Reward
Gah, hard to choose, but I narrowed my favorites down...
I actually had more trouble coming up with 10 games, though that's more due to my playing habits. Had to throw my 10th vote to Codename Steam, even though I just got the game...but I'm pretty confident.
Also, I'm liking the mostly even spread so far.
I voted in ShAdow wars. Didn't even raise it a percentage.
I love the people in the comment section that calling people that voted XY over ORAS "idiots". At least I'm not a person that actually consider a remake a must have over a new game. Anyway I don really consider most 3DS "Must have". Only smash have reached that point yet, everything thing else I enjoyed but it didn't really click must have.
Why is Style Savvy Trendsetters not on that list?! After Tomodachi Life at #1 for me, that would be #2. Other favorite cartridges of mine are Girls Fashion Shoot, Freakyforms Deluxe, Cooking Mama 5, Cut The Rope: Triple Treat, Puzzler World 2012, and Gardening Mama 2.
@HandheldGuru97 Oh yeah I forgot I had the game! It's definitely a fantastic game, and I am really surprised its not on the list, as it should be!
Shadow Wars
Heroes of Ruin
Fire Emblem
Luigi's Mansion 2
Miracle Mask
I don't find Super Smash Bros. for 3DS to be "Must-Play" on 3DS because the WiiU version is superior. Don't get me wrong, it's still great. But, in my opinion, just not "must-play". I also feel that way about Ocarina of Time, but maybe less so about Majora's Mask given all the updates to that game. My top two choices are two franchises I had NEVER played before 3DS - Fire Emblem: Awakening and Animal Crossing: New Leaf. LOVE those games.
Rune Factory 4 should definitely be on this list. Would probably make my #11.
Really tough to narrow it down to 10 since the 3DS has so many awesome games but I went with:
3D Land
Smash Bros.
AC: New Leaf
LoZ: OoT 3D
Kid Icarus: Uprising
Pokemon Y
I almost voted for: M&L Dream Team, Luigi's Mansion DM, Kirby Triple Deluxe, Ghost Recon Shadow Wars and Majora's Mask 3D.
@Fandabidozi That's a little crazy to me, but that's how things are in the gaming world sometimes. Like, for me, I wouldn't have bought a Wii U without the promise of a new mainline Zelda game for it that's going to be open world. While there are some games for Wii U that others could call a must have, that's pretty much all I'm interested in along with DK Tropical Freeze. I'm sure someone would find that opinion on that system's library as weird as I find it weird to only get a 3DS for pokemon.
Adding a vote for Virtue's Last Reward. Best game this gen.
Pokemon XY/ORAS, FE: Awakening, ACNL, and Bravely Default are hands down not only my favorite 3DS games, but pretty much my favorite games of all time. Those titles are also the games I have the most hours on.
@onlyonemello I actually only got the Wii U version for amiibo and Mewtwo. I prefer the 3DS because I'm busy and playing on the go is most important to me.
@onlyonemello I actually only got the Wii U version for amiibo and Mewtwo. I prefer the 3DS because I'm busy and playing on the go is most important to me.
Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward, That is all.
10 isn't enough.
The 3DS is definitely Nintendo´s strongest console since the SNES, its library right now is simply amazing, I have lost count of how many hours I´ve dedicated to this simply amazing handheld. The best games available for it right now are:
-Animal Crossing: New Leaf
-Fire emblem: awakening
-Super Smash Bros. 3DS
-Super Mario 3D Land
Fire Emblem: Awakening
Bravely Default
Pokemon X/Y
Tomodochi Life
Kid Icarus Uprising
AC: New Leaf
FF Curtain Call
Lets see... shouldn't be too hard to decide...
Checks boxes
Can we have 20 votes please?
I would have added Rhythm Thief Phantom Detective if the option was available. Highly underrated game in my opinion. But here are my picks from the list given (in no particular order).
Mario Kart 7
Luigi's Mansion 2
TLoZ: A Link Between Worlds
Kid Icarus Uprising
Kirby Triple Deluxe
Animal Crossing New Leaf
Fire Emblem Awakening
Star Fox 64 3D
Tomodachi Life
Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS
Hoping there will be a list similar to this but with eShop releases (e.g. Shovel Knight, Mighty Switch Force).
Luigis Mansion's 5% looks a whole lot smaller than Pokemon and Zelda's
right? should be instead of cave story. also.. i love the zen pinball stuff.. star wars, marvel.. so fun
So few votes for Kid Icarus?! Are you lot bonkers?!
@JaxonH you make a valid point!
Pretty hard, but these are my picks:
Must haves
Kid Icarus
Mario 3D land
Luigi's mansion 2
Kirby triple deluxe
Paper Mario sticker star
Fire emblem
Mario and Luigi
Also fun
A Link between worlds
Layton vs Wright
Layton and the mask of miracle (better then Azran legacy)
I could have chosen smash, but the Wii u version is better.
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