RCMADIAX was the first developer to release a Wii U eShop title that utilised the Nintendo Web Framework - BLOK DROP U. The studio's strategy throughout the remainder of the year was to release a series of bite-sized concept games, available at budget prices and relatively simple to play.
Well-known for the volume of its releases, the studio has today issued a press release to advise that it's scaling back its Wii U release plans for 2015, primarily as a result of "weaker than expected sales during the fourth quarter of 2014 and greater than expected expenses". Details - split up into regions - of what games are still planned are below.
North America
- BLOK DROP X PING PLUS will no longer be released as a separate game, but extra content related to this will arrive as a free update for BLOK DROP U, while CHAOS levels for that title are still also planned.
- BLOK DROP X TWISTED FUSION will launch on 5th March; SPIKEY WALLS and TABLETOP GALLERY are due to arrive in Q2.
- PENTAPUZZLE, COLOR BOMBS, and SUPER ROBO MOUSE are unlikely to be released outside of North America this year, but that decision may be changed if there's sufficient demand in Europe.
It's also stated that decisions are yet to be taken on releases for 2016, "but it is likely that we will be focusing on platforms with a larger install base."
There are still plenty of games to come from RCMADIAX this year, but it seems that the studio is likely to move on from Wii U once 2015 is out. Let us know what you think of these announcements in the comments below.
Comments 75
No surprise when you sell games for peanuts you need to have a ton of people buy your games to be profitable. As for me, I didn't buy a Wii U to play these type of games.
"Weaker than expected sales?"
These games are shovelware. Why would anyone expect high sales of that?
9.2 million is a large enough install base. Maybe the games just arn't interesting enough.
"but it is likely that we will be focusing on platforms with a larger install base."
I can't help but read that as making games for smartphones. Most of his games are touch based and dirt cheap.
If you make crappy unimaginative drivel, then of course the sales won't be there. It was smart of him to take the path of least resistance in becoming a developer but honestly i could do without the shovelware.
Good luck with that.
I was really hoping he'd put more effort into his games since I actually saw potential in his abilities that he could've utilized to make something more appealing to consoles, but I suppose moving to smart devices is also an option. Guess I got my hopes up for nothing.
I certainly hope he doesn't try bringing them to the PS4 or XBO. It's bad enough to see Nintendo lower their standards so, I'd rather not see this sickness infest the rest of the console makers.
On the upside, he made all this crap in Construct2, which does not create executables for Sony or Microsoft platforms.
Well good luck dude! Your games are not just my thing although (twice) I almost bought Black Drop U. Maybe next time!
A shame! But ah well, all the best of luck on future ventures RCMADAIX team!
For all the clamor you get on these comment sections, (like a man who brings export lager to a posh wine and cheese do) I hope these larger platforms will be less picky in content!
Don't stop deving!
lol so flappy bird clone, two doffrent dice games in one year, and a new bloc drop game when you still havent released the free bloc drop dlc promised a year ago hasn't made you enough money? didn't you make spiky walls on a weekend? if anything we are more forgiving than the core sony market and the core ps market. good luck.
Well you can't expect to get much if most of your games are sold at 30p most of the time.
Budget titles like these really do require an install base on the order of mobile operating systems, since a very small slice is still an acceptable number. It's fair enough. I hope if they opt for more premium releases that they'll still consider the U.
Good Luck but I think the games RCMADIAX has released are actually preforming well for the type of game they are. I think they are preforming better on Wii U than can be expected from other platforms. We will see.
I was hoping to see at least 1 big game from the developer this year but looks like that won't happen. (when I say big I mean standard indie size)
His games are probably more at home at smartphones anyway, and not the kind of stuff I wanna spend money/time on when I'm playing my Wii U. Either way, I wish him luck in whatever other platforms he decides to develop for.
While I didn't mind blok drop U I found his games seem better suited for tablets or smart phones so I wouldn't be surprised if he focused on that market
What's up with NLife pandering to these low level developers? Is it because he has an active presence on this site? It doesn't change the fact that these games are apart of the problem that the eshop indie scene has become..I'm not here to hate. I just wish n life wasn't putting out these articles..slow news day or not. We deserve better..
Makes sense sales were down in the fourth quarter, people have learned his games are crap. I bought his first release and was bored with it in minutes. Never had any interest in his titles since.
Even though his games shouldn't have been put on the eshop, I think he has potential. He should release some "budget" games for ios and android until he's got enough money to make games that actually have some substance.
Not what I would consider much of a loss at this point. Crap games not coming to the Wii U? Well, that's a shame. Yeah. Don't expect to many people to be broken up about it.
@Quorthon No kidding. The developer explicitly said they put little effort and just release crap because it should sell. It's just desserts.
@NbaJunkie I don't understand how you can take issue with NLIfe putting this article together.
Or they post it because it is news and this is a news site.
Oh, btw, the sales are going to be just as bad. The only difference is you'll have more people ridiculing your games. You thought the Nintendo fans was bad? Just wait until you see the Xbox elitists.... PS community isn't as bad but they are about on Par with Nintendo.... so have fun with them. You're better off going exclusively mobile with your...."games"
nice... delete the post. lol
So it was the system's fault?
I suspect there's a general problem where most indie games on the eShop aren't economically viable. Bigger games don't get the volume they need to support wages of a small team. Individual devs can't reasonably produce anything more than "mobile" games, which aren't substantial enough to attract an audience used to sitting down and spending multiple hours on a single game.
I'd imagine this guy has done quite alright, financially, from his games on Wii U to be perfectly honest. Why release this statement? I think it's a publicity stunt more than anything, for some attention, and it's worked.
@RCMADIAX Too bad that the sales really are not there for you on the U. I will not be getting any games from you on another format since I am just waiting for Nintendo to get out of the console business so I can stop gaming altogether. No PS4 or XBone for me, if only Nintendo didn't make the best games ever keeping me hanging around this hobby. Good luck with your future, I like most of your games, I find myself playing during commercials all the time.
I'm curious why there's anger. I grabbed Block Drop U and there's no question this and others like it are better suited for a mobile audience that just wants to drop a buck or two on a small game rather than for a console audience that wants a full experience. Makes total sense to me.
@manpretty The developer made some comments about shovelware selling and seemed to say he'd do the same since it seems to work. Can't say he was wrong, but the cynicism of it rubbed some of the commenters here the wrong way.
He's just blowing smoke with this statement. Dude is actually retiring on all that Spikey Walls ca$h.
@Vineleaf ahhh okay. Fair enough.
@RCMADIAX i also see many success storys that nobody is talking about. i understand that you make budget titles but just look at edge and rush. 1.99 each with alot of effort put in. i hear robo mouse has alot more polish and depth than the others. measure it's sales against them and see how that turns out.
I'd like to formally request Super Robo Mouse's release in Europe.
I didn't buy a Wii U to play games I could play on my phone
I have a feeling he won't be too missed here on Nintendo Life. Best of luck to him though!
@Quorthon Agreed. I actually hope the Nintendo faithful buy their games, so they don't try to infest other platforms with it. I hope the platform he was referring too, was actually the 3DS, since Nintendo actually wants cheap phone games on that.
As if the "install base" excuse is still valid...
The point is, and even though mainstream media loves to disagree, the WiiUs current Library is the strongest this gen so far,
And Nintendo plattforms are most often bought by people, who specifically want to play these high quality titles.
To stand up against them, its needs quite a bit effort, that less and less peopel are willing to put into their games.
It doesn't matter what you're expectations were, you're making "games" that you fully admit are without quality or originality or artistic merit. You really shouldn't have expected much of anything for sales.
The problem is that you clearly care about "money" way more than "game design," and it shows, and I don't want to sound mean, but I'm glad poor sales have reflected that consumers recognize your ploy. Consumers are, evidently, not the suckers you need them to be--and most people can tell an empty derivative from a creative original. At the end of the day, you are more accurately a soulless huckster, than a game designer. You are to video games what straight-to-streaming Z-Grade dreck is to a Hollywood blockbuster. I don't see love for this medium in anything you do--I see contempt for it.
And your attitude "defending" Spikey Walls, and telling Nintendo gamers to, essentially #dealwithit because empty, no-quality nonsense is "the new normal" is staggering and depressing evidence of your contempt for gaming and gamers.
Happy trails.
@Quorthon Oh good, he's back
I love @Quarthon posts. Looks like I need some popcorn for the debate between him and @RCMADIAX. I hope this gets good.
Remind me never to piss this man off. @Quorthon
No more RCMADIAX games on eShop? My prayers have been answered!!! THANK YOU LORD XENU!!!
Weak sales for terrible games. Go ahead and sell them to all the next gen fanboys that don't play anything but call of duty and whatever AAA game is popular right now.
I thought blok drop was ok. I might get tge dice game and then one more. It's ok to have some games like this, tho i haven't gotten many. that said, i don't think people buy thie wii u for these types of games, generally.
Nothing to cry over here... Shovelware going elsewhere? good!
Remember: RCMADIAX is also the same dummy that made Spikey Walls, a poor, low-quality Flappy Bird clone and released it on the eShop... maybe if he hadn't alienated most of the potential customers just for greed his other games would have sold better...
@RCMADIAX I haven't cared much for what I've seen of most of the games released at the sub-$5 price point on Wii U, but I don't necessarily harbor hate towards you for making a business decision. Good luck wherever you end up.
I still believe that a sub-$5 price point can work on the Wii U, but the games really need to be a little more than what is average on the iPhone/Android marketplaces. The expectation bar for console games is just higher than the mobile market.
I heard his game is going to be a text based adventure title, and will be known as "The Longest Game in the World".
@RCMADIAX Just wanted to say that every comment you've made is completely nonprofessional. If you EVER care to be successful, you need to accept criticisms of your projects, whether you find them justified or not and NOT be an dummy to people who come down on you. PR 101.
@JamesCoote I'd suspect that the same is true for Xbox One and PS4. Most indie games aren't economically viable unless they are for iOS, Android, or Steam. Even then many indie devs fail. Flappy Bird was on the app store and Google play store for quite some time before it went viral.
With the indie scene you either have to have a big name attached (Comcept with Inafune) or have a game that becomes popular (Shovel Knight, FNAF).
This made me laugh, dont release crap and the games will sell more, pretty simple really. Suggests to me that the average nintendo eshop user is a bit more discerning when it comes to the games they download. Good.
Less shovelware the better. His games seem suited to mobile, where quality is nowhere to be found as it is...
Won't be missed.
Nooooooooooo...I just fell for click-bait again
@RCMADIAX I really enjoyed shut the box and got quite hooked on it! Lots of fun! The problem was the longevity. After I finally cleared all the tiles,(which wasn't easy lol) the game was over! IMO a 2nd round should of followed so you can build on your score! Then a 3rd round etc. So even though I still mess with the game here and there I would of played it even more if the incentive to keep topping my high score was there! Like when I was a kid always challenging myself to beat my own high scores on many Atari 2600 games like asteroids, space invaders, kaboom etc etc! Oh well good little game though!! Good luck to you!
@RCMADIAX I do enjoy a quickie! Especially if you're married with 2 kids and run your own business! The best thing about video games is you can play a game for hours on end (if I'm lucky to have the time)with games like battlefield 4 or grand theft auto or short bursts of 15-20 mins with a game like shut the box. Really any gamer who grew up with an Atari system should be able to relate to what I mean! Unlike others here I hope you stick with wii u and if you do and ever have the opportunity, I would love to see you update shut the box or do a sequel with the idea I mentioned. So you know, my wife NEVER plays video games but she did enjoy shut the box but again when she cleared all the tiles her interest waned soon after. Just a thought.
...don't people usually send out press releases to announce good news?
@RCMADIAX and @MasterBlaster
What game is he making? Does anyone even know yet.
I tend to agree with you on being unprofessional. I gave what I though was fairly positive feedback to Shut That Box and he dismissed it. I mean why comment at all if you're going to be nasty? I was just giving a suggestion about how to make it a better party game.
@RCMADIAX Two words--Good Riddance!
Folks, why all the hostility toward @RCMADIAX.
Its not like he released Meme Run (awful) or Block Blast U (broken) or Flapp & Zegeta (second FlappyBird Clone) at $5 USD each on Wii U..All of @RCMADIAX's games can be had not much more than a five-spot.
The tabletop series of games work (which is more than Ubisoft games) and he tried on the system (which is more than EA) and he has been honest with gamers (which is more than Activision).
And he even used the infamous Nintendo Framework!
If @RCMADIAX has to make business decisions, we may not like them, but we have to respect them.
These people in the comments make me sick.
Wow all these comments Nintendo Life users at their finest!All of you guys make me sick!And again don't know why people are praising @Quorthon posts like dogs on a bone.
Good luck, their decision.
I think many developers had hoped Wii U sales would pick up more fiercely with Mario Kart 8 and Smash Bros. out.
When they didn't, some will decide to look elsewhere.
Haha please GO and bring your CAPS LOCK shovelware wherever YOU want
I've yet to play any of their games.but i'm looking forward to giving BLOK DROP U a go.
Quite interested in finding out more about their other games too.
With regard to which platforms are viable for indies, most probably, the opposite is true. I have a friend who is just about to release on Xbox One, so should soon know for sure from him. In any case MS/ID@Xbox are very selective with who they allow on their dev program. There is a lot less competition on that store than Wii U, and every ID@Xbox dev/game gets a good slice of marketing help to boot.
PS4, likewise. Whilst Sony have done a very good job of cultivating an indie friendly image, if you count the number of games on PS4 from indies, it's relatively low volume compared to Wii U. Plus the ratio of indie to big-publisher is higher. They are actually quite selective in who they give dev tools to and who they support marketing wise. It's going to vary from game to game, but it's reasonable to assume the same indie game will do better on PS4 or Xbox One than Wii U.
In contrast, the majority of revenue on iOS/Android goes to the top 200 or so games in the charts. There is very little movement within those charts, and those already there spend hundreds of thousands of dollars per day on user acquisition to stay in those positions.
You're right in that to have any hope with a new game, you need a pre-made audience, either from an existing IP or previously successful game. (Plus bundles of cash) I.e you're Rovio or you're making the next Game of Thrones game.
Of course there are some outliers like Crossy Road, but for every one of those, there are thousands of perfectly good games (and I mean excluding the match three and flappy bird clones) that fail to break even, or often to even make their $99 app store developer program fee back.
Steam lies somewhere between Xbox One and android/iOS. You can still make enough to pay rent if you have a good game with reasonable marketing effort behind it. Plus your game has a better chance of blowing up. But at the same time Steam is going the way of mobile markets as Valve continue to open it up. Recently, competition has ramped up sharply, where average quality continues to fall, making it harder for everyone.
GOOD RIDDANCE. byebye rcmadiax
Most of his games aren't worth buying anyway, so this news doesn't really bother me. As long as the Wii U continues to get great indie games, I don't mind the creator of Spikey Walls making games for the PS4 or Android.
There are a lot of indie developers still making games for the Wii U. Shovel Knight was on PC already. Steel Diver didn't do well. The vast majority of Nintendo's games aren't "crappy". Splatoon has very little in common with CoD. Every fanbase plays remakes (The Last of Us, GTAV, Halo, etc, just last year). I think that covers pretty much everything you said.
I'm curious why the only developer to take the initial plunge into uncharted Nintendo waters is so hated on? If you don't want the quick fire and value priced games, then don't buy them, but the animosity that all of you continue to dole out to @RCMADIAX is completely uncalled for. He can defend himself and does a fine job of it on here with all of you, but seriously what is wrong with a game that is a copy of another concept? Aren't all platformers, or touch based games just copies of other ideas, there is alway a first in something and if you come after the first, how you present your idea is where you stand out. His presentation is perfectly fine and he doesn't pretend that he has made AAA blockbuster titles, so give the hatred a rest. We are talking about video games, not feeding the world or the morality of a nation, but a video game publisher... sheesh!
"I'm curious why the only developer to take the initial plunge into uncharted Nintendo waters is so hated on"
He was never "the only developer". The Wii U had indies before he released his first game on the eshop.
"what is wrong with a game that is a copy of another concept?"
That depends on the extent of the imitation. Spikey Walls is pretty much an exact copy of Flappy Bird with spikes instead of pipes. Many platformers borrow from Super Mario Bros, but few to none are just copies with different looking blocks and enemies.
On top of being a blatant copy, it's also a copy of a game a lot of people, especially gamers, hate, and it was very clear that very little effort went into making it. It wouldn't be at all surprising to hear he made it in a few hours. As such, any expected return over $50-100 wouldn't be reflective of the effort put into the game.
@TrueWiiMaster Ishould have clarified. He was the first and only developer to use the NWF framework to build and release a game on Nintendo's platform at the time. I never said he was the only indie developer to release a game on Nintendo's platform.
@mike_intv This is how I feel. The games he released were not THAT bad- I'd say I got my $1.99 worth out of it. Maybe not as much as I did Gunman Clive, Edge or the Abyss, but I don't have any complaints about what he provided the Wii U community.
SHUT THE BOX is a nice little game. I've even beaten it a few times.
Geez, these comments really bring out the nasty side in people. I'd love to try Blok Drop U soon @RCMADIAX
I'm working on my own app currently, and it's not all sunshine and rainbows. I'd love to see you guys make AAA games.
@RCMADIAX Grabs Popcorn
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