The world that players are tasked with exploring in the upcoming Xenoblade Chronicles X is certainly one to be looked forward to. While the setting may not be nearly as original as exploring the surface of the lifeless body of a titan, the alien world of Mira promises to be filled with secrets and new experiences galore. After all, it is promised that Mira will be roughly five times larger than the already massive environment of the Bionis.
Just recently, Monolith Soft updated the Japanese website for Xenoblade X with several new details (translated by Siliconera) on how exploration of Mira will unfold. Exploration is organized under “Frontier Net", a system used by the humans to keep track of everything discovered on the alien world. Scattered about the world is a region-based checkpoint system called Frontier Net Spots, which gifts the player with rare materials or upgrades for Data Probes upon being located. Data Probes are add-ons that can be installed at Frontier Net Spots which grant certain benefits over the particular region of the map for that Frontier Net Spot. These are some of the different Data Probes:
- Mining Probe: Increase production and the amount of Miranium that can be gathered.
- Research Probe: Discovering secret areas will yield bigger profits.
- Battle Probe: Players will be given various buffs and effects.
- Storage Probe: Increase the maximum amount of Miranium that can be stored at once.
- Power-up Probe: Increase the functionality of other nearby probes.
- Copy Probe: Copies functions of nearby probes
All of the management of Frontier Net Spots, as well as fast-travel, will be handled via a hexagon grid - called the Segment Map - on the GamePad. Different regions on the Segment Map will be marked according to objectives pertaining to that area, such as quest beginnings, unique monsters, treasure chest locations, and sidequests.
As players won't have immediate access to mechs, the Hopper Camera will be an overhead camera controlled like a drone that can be used to scope out environments, plot paths, and find secret areas. If players ever have a difficult time finding where the next main story objective is located, the Navigation Ball - a Navi the Fairy-like tool - can be used to guide the player towards the next objective.
All of this sounds like Monolith is certainly stepping up its game in creating a dense, vast world; this is starting to sound like it could rival Hyrule. What do you think? Are you excited for the enhanced exploration this game will have? Blaze a trail in the comments below.
[source siliconera.com]
Comments 55
... I need this game in my life!
... I need no life with this game!
I like this Probes system; there was something similar in Resonance of Fate, and I love that game!
... No life is too great for this game!
... I need this game to live!
....this game is life!
...this game is love!
So how about those mechs?
I still haven't beaten Chronicles. I probably never will when this game releases.
Now we're talking! Just hurry and get this game to Europe! I'm calling it now game of the year for 2015!
One thing. Has anybody seen any information regarding any other towns? I mean there has to be people that do not live in a city right? I have checked through all the feeds that I can find and find no other civilisation. Then again - Monolith could be hiding these areas in the large swathes of darkness on that map. It looks very likely that there is certainly more to it.
"Some people think this game is a matter of life and death. I assure you, it's much more serious than that."
What the great Bill Shankly would say if he was around and had a Wii U.
I need my life to play this game!
It sounds too inconsequential to be interesting, in my opinion. Instead of just tweaking numbers, I think it would be more fun if the drones could actually help you discover secret areas in some way, or provide other functions otherwise not possible in the area/segment, related to mining, fighting, etc.
Can't wait to get this game. It sounds so awesome.
@OorWullie never imagined I'd see the great man Shankly quoted here! Bravo Sir
What's with all the "... need" posts in the comments section? Stop trying to make it happen. It's not going to happen!
... need
@abbyhitter "It's not going to happen."
It just did, so...
I need this game. Xenoblade is life.
Your Riki avatar is the best
Rival Hyrule you say? I can see this world blowing it away! That said I'm still buying both
X is love, I said,
X is Life.
X is Shrek
Xenoblade X Life
Forget life. Xenoblade X is a second chance at it!
Xenoblade DIED FOR OUR SINS. Don't forget!
These comments!I love you guys!
Between this and the re-release of chronicles on new 3ds I am going to be spending most of my spare time on xenoblade, it sucks that I have a stupid job taking up my precious game time lol
They should market it as Xenoblade is life
.... This game and Monster Hunter for life!
I'll never find the time to finish the original Xenoblade before this comes out. T_T
Unless localization for the West causes delays until 2017.
Walking simulator?
::runs away::
Impatiently waiting for this game to come out. This title looks very promising. 'Will keep me busy until The Next Zelda.
A lot of this game looks amazing. The game play looks solid, I'm just worried the story might not deliver.
You guys are getting way too crazy about a game that we don't even have reviews for. It could suck (I'm not saying it will, about 40 hours into the game Xenoblade took over as my all time favorite game so I'm certainly going to be buying this and trying it, but I'm not going to expect that this one studio can produce my 2 favorite games 1 after another it's just not that easy) My point is it'll probably be a really great game, but don't expect it to be miles better than everything else
Hype-related heart attack!!!!
You better believe this will rival Hyrule, but who cares. I'm gonna be loving both these games till the cows colladas. This is one of the main reason I own a Wii U. Now if they only release Dragon Quest 10. I would be fulfilled with this system.
@sketchturner More like MECH SIMULATOR!
::hells yeah::
This game is now my life.
This game took my life.
Really trying not to get too hyped for this, but it is looking really good.
Guess I better finish XC and fast.
@rjejr oh man, I haven't even started xenoblade yet! All I got to was Colony 9 and the first explanation of affinity - at my friends. Haven't started it on my Wii system yet!
Still no release date, huh?
This game will consume me.
@midnafanboy Off topic... BUT OMG your profile pic is beautiful 0-0
The mech designs just look incredible. Can't wait to get my hands on this.
@Elma-fan Midna's beautiful? Of course she is
What is life?
Xenoblade Chronicles X is life.
U don't play X, X play U. 😎
What do all of you think? Is this game a system seller? it seems like it could be.
As Melia says, the exploration system in X "represents no problem whatsoever."
However, Reyn is quite wrong when he states that "This won't take long!" because it looks like it probably will.
....My life will become Xenoblade Chronicles X.
Can't wait!!
The hype is real XD I cannot wait to play this =)
@LasermasterA you sir are a genius! I salute you!!
@Tsurii897 The fanboy in me is hoping for an undiscovered civilization that has somehow befriended the beasts! I wanna ride one of them Can you imagine running through this incredibly detailed world on a giant prehistoric style emu?
Also for me the city part almost feels slightly detached from the fantasy realm that the rest of the game shows. there has to be more to it!
Can U feel it?
Been waiting 2 years for this one, not 3, 2....TWO.
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