Inti Creates is a developer with a terrific reputation, specialising in pixel-art and action games, playing a vital role in the development of Mighty No. 9 but more notably releasing the brilliant Azure Striker Gunvolt on the 3DS eShop. We admired this title for its classic approach but also its innovative approach to the action platforming genre, awarding it 9/10 in our review.
The good news is that a sequel is on the way to the 3DS, with Inti Creates making the announcement during its Fan Festa event in Japan.
After all the support we received from our fans, we decided that we are going to give Gunvolt a second installment on the Nintendo 3DS!
As time goes on we will have more information, but for now, we are happy to report that Gunvolt is coming back to strike once again!
The first game arrived in North America in August 2014, though Europe is still awaiting its arrival; no doubt we'll hear more about this sequel in the coming weeks and months.
[source facebook.com]
Comments 43
Wow. I didn't see this coming.
And I haven't even...gulp...gotten the true ending yet.
I needz to finish the first one
Alright got hype!!
More interested in the 1st one /europe
My backlog will ruin me one day, this is the beginning of the end for me.
Hopefully at least the new 3DS gets 60fps this time.
I...I still got to play the first one, was trying to beat mighty gunvolt first, didn't get around to do that.
I knew it.
@Tops Me neither...though that could be due to me living in europe.
We seem to have been scratched off of maps lately..
Good, some motivation to get my rear in gear and finish the first game.
Hoped to have finished the first one by now, oh wait it hasn't been released in EU.
Cool! Glad to hear people liked it. Hope the sequel as smoother animation as a lot of the moving sprites looked really rough to me. I still need to play the first one. Hopefully a big sale comes around soon with this announcement.
Cool and sold!
It's always great to know that a game well received is getting a sequel
(It would be even greater however to see a game so well received being released worldwide >.>; )
Aw man this is good news
I haven't bought the first one yet. I was going to buy it and then the extra game promo ended....then I just didn't buy it at all.
Ahem... Europe want?
No seriously, I can't even find any news on this except for the outdated plans to release it in winter.
Oh wow! But... I hadn't even finished the first one yet...I'm stuck at the bit with the triplet boss. They keep reviving each other.
Yes!!! I loved the first game!!! I put way too many hours into it lol. Can't wait!!
@Kaze_Memaryu It has been classified in Australia. Next month methinks
Yet still no European realese for the first game.
Another game I need to be the prequel to. What I've played of the first is quite good.
I was this close to buying the first game on so many occasions...hopefully this game we'll be a lot longer, and much less able to be abused (like, providing so many things to make the game sadly easy.) Mega Man is supposed to be a masochist's kind of game. I expect a feel much more like MM from this sequel.
This is the worst release of a game I've ever saw so far and yet, they talk about a sequel? Not gonna buy it.
@Red_XIII Good for them, but their releases tend to be separate from Europe.
@StephenYap3 same here, but I'll get the true ending eventually. was really impressed with the game so i welcome a 2nd installment.
This is one of those things that pisses me off immensely: there is an English version, but somehow the game isn't coming to Europe. Ever since this came out I've been checking the e shop updates week in, week out, without any sign of a European release. Why don't they just release it or at least tell us when they're planning to do so.
I need this nintendo!
Despite owning the original I have still never played it. I really need to get around to that!
Hated the low framerate in the first Gunvolt. They really need to improve that in a big way to get me to buy the sequel.
I don't get this game's hype. Sure its pretty unique but in terms of execution, its poorly done and just feels mediocre.
I hope this time they improve on the voice acting because the original had boring dialogues.....
Hell yes!! I was hoping this would get a sequel.
Can't wait!
@Boerewors It really doesn't make any sense. I hope you guys get it at some
SWEET! First one was great but the 8-bit variant needed more enemy variation. Otherwise I welcome this as a day one purchase for me! These are really cool games...
So then, Europe?
Never got it and I am not in Europe. Technically MN9 arrives next month so I will get that instead.
Well, I thought the first one was great so I'd probably buy this one too!
Come on, I need the first one here in Europe right now. Hell, I needed it like six months ago! I've been craving for this game for so long.
I love other Inti games, like the Mega Man Zero series and Mega Man 9-10. I hope they get to make Mega Man 11 and/or Mega Man X9 in the future but I'll gladly take some Gunvolt in the meantime.
Is the first game even out in Australia yet?
Sounds good !
Haven't even played the first one yet.
@XFsWorld Yeah. Yeah...
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