There are a number of exciting games already confirmed for release in 2015, and in terms of the Wii U Xenoblade Chronicles X - referred to as Xenoblade X / Xenoblade Cross in Japan - is one of the most ambitious and enticing projects.
Its 2015 release window had been one of the most doubted when it was shown off last year, simply due to the scale of the game and the required localisation effort. The recently confirmed 29th April release date in Japan and Nintendo reiterating 2015 for the West last week renewed optimism, however, with development of the huge RPG surely in its final stages.
Further positive thoughts are now here courtesy of the latest tweets from the development team. These have been a regular feature in past weeks, but the most recent updates state that localisation work is "well underway".
[Kawabata] This is a sudden introduction, but nice to meet you. My name is Kawabata and I work as Xenoblade X's producer. From now on, Monolith staff other than Takahashi will be using this account to send out Tweets to you all, with me taking the lead.
Counting, it's been about 5 years since Xenoblade's release meaning you've all been waiting for a long time, but, speaking honestly, it feels like a long time even for those of us working here. On top of that, we're also well underway with localization work, too.
However, I believe we have created something that you will feel was well worth the wait, so I hope you can remain patient for the game's release a little while longer.
Also of interest for those following this one closely is a translation of the story page on the official website, below; it largely expands upon and reiterates the backstory we've seen in trailers.
July, 2054C.E.Earth became entangled in a war between alien civilizations.A war fought with weapons that far surpassed our own technology.
Without knowing why, we suddenly found the Earth overrun and the land scorched. The joint government, having previously predicted the disastrous effect of a war in space close to our planet, set into motion their 'Earth Species Emigration Plan' and citizens from major cities across the globe were evacuated on interstellar evacuation ships.
Forced to evacuate our sacred home of 4.5 billion years.
Tragically, many of the ships where shot down while escaping Earth's gravity and few ships managed to make it away from the planet safely.
'The White Whale' was one of the ships that managed to escape.
Leaving the Earth behind, the White Whale roamed the galaxy for 2 years.
Then, despite managing to escape the Earth thanks to good fortune, the aggressor alien forces from Earth finally catch up with the ship.
In the desperate battle that follows, the action of one heroic solider successfully defeated the pursuing forces, but the White Whale sustained heavy damage to its engine.
No longer capable of flight, the ship is captured in a hitherto unknown planet's gravity, and breaks apart as it plummets towards the planet's surface.
Then, two months later...
So there you have it, some more snippets to tide us over while we wait for Xenoblade Chronicles X. If you're not sure what all the fuss is about, the trailer below from last week's Nintendo Direct broadcasts should help you out.
[source neogaf.com]
Comments 71
I will lose it if this games doesn't release in 2015!
With enough luck we'll have trailers without subtitled Japanese soon.
I know what all the fuss is about, but I'm glad you included the recent trailer. I won't get tired of watching it.
Why does waiting have to be a thing? I don't want to wait for the sequel to my favorite game of all time T_T
Well, that's nice. I think the game looks great and I've never played Xenoblade before. I can't believe the world is that huge... O_o
But how does Shulk, the Bionios and Mechonis tie into this game?
I'm really feeling it.
Yeah I'm surprised it's out so soon in Japan. I really hope we get it this year in the west.
Game should be out around July, they usually take 3 months to localize games like this.
Would be nice if this was a Summer release with Zelda U in the Fall.
I will be my GOTY for sure, so I really hope they make the 2015 deadline.
Out of all the releases this year, THIS is the one I am most hyped about.
This is going to be so good
That 1080p60fps sure is a treat to an already beautiful game. My most hyped game of 2015, with Final Fantasy 15, Zelda U, Star Fox, Kingdom Hearts 3 (if Goofy's voice actor is correct), Monster Hunter 4 (lower on the list because I have the new 3ds bundle on preorder and I know it's gonna be amazing), Majora's Mask (also pre-ordered), Final Fantasy Type 0, Uncharted 4 (I hope), and Bloodborne... Dang it's a good year to be a gamer!
"Localization well under way." Well, that's a start. Interesting premise for the story. The question that remains now is how it links with the previous game, if at all.
My off-the-cuff guess is that it takes place on the same world as the first game, but well after the end of the game when the SPOILER Mechanis and Bionis have both fallen and created new landscapes. That is my hope, also.
Now, I just need to see a special collector's edition.
I'm sad that I apparently missed being able to pre-order the Witcher 3 collector's edition. I'm also looking forward to Bloodborne.
We don't know that it's not an actual sequel. The landscape certainly reminds me of pieces of the Bionis in a great many shots.
The story focus is on a different group, of course, but the "unknown planet" and reuse of the "Xenoblade Chronicles" might very well hint that the planet they land on is the world from the first game.
This way, the game would be both a sequel and work as a stand-alone title for those that missed the first title.
Good to hear, Somewhere between April/Juli sounds about right. Or maybe I'm being too optimistic now...
I think you're being a tad too optimistic. They not only need to translate oodles of text, but to record all the audio with different actors. It'll be a tad jarring if everyone in the game is speaking Japanese... with a big-ass American flag on the side of the city. Muricans would be all up in arms about that.
Well, jarring to anyone outside of Japan, at any rate.
I still have some doubts that it will actually arrive this year outside of Japan, but I would guess September at the soonest.
A bit of a nightmare of mine. NOA always strives to bring the best to NA gamers! Therefore we have decided to not release Xenoblade X and Fatal Frame in this region! These games have great graphics and musical scores. Hours upon hours of gameplay and are just amazing experiences.
Our research has shown you do not like these kinds of games unless they are Zelda or Mario. So in breaking news we proudly reveal an exclusive SERIES to North America. We checked to see YOUR favorite game franchises from the Wii to bring to Wii U.
Nintendo has the rights to the CARNIVAL GAMES franchise! First up will be a HD port of the Wii classics. Then 2 new games in the franchise for Wii U. Winter Carnival games and Carnival games Paradise. With guest appearences from the Mario sports teams plus Sonic and Pac-Man! I know my body is ready!
You are welcome!
shudders and vomits at the thought.
This and Zelda NEEDS 4 months release away from each other. Hoping for a late summer (break) release.
Hearing that crazy story I wonder how the Monado will fit in. I am going to assume it or some other type of blade will be In the game since it is still called xenoblade. This will definitely be a day one for me.
I really hope though the side quest are easier to figure out this time. It took me over 200 hours to beat the game and I did most of the side quest except for like 10 or 20 and that was with a wiki.
I'm so confused. Is Xenoblade Chronicles X for Wii U a brand new game while Xenoblade Chronicles 3D for 3DS a port of the Wii game?? Or something?
Oh original is so much better! Thankfully the first game had option for Japanese, I'd gone mad listening to English dubbing.
I hope it's the same in X.
"lives in subtitle country"
I never played the original and as of right now, I don't know if I'm picking up a "new" 3DS; so I'm hoping Chronicles comes to the Wii U via e-shop.
Love it, and love Monolith Soft. Time for some New Los Angeles action and beyond... can't wait
When we get MH4U and MM3D (in a couple weeks, woot!), and Xenoblade Chronicles for New 3DS in April, that'll hold me over through the excruciating wait for this. Its gonna be a great year for Nintendo, I'm sure of it. (2 thumbs way up).
September 2015. Calling it now.
Seeing that European graphic of Wii U games Ninty produced, which I believe to be in order of release with Splatoon being the first listed, Xenoblade is between Star Fox and Zelda. Zelda must be December, and I can't see Star Fox being ready before October, so you'd have to guess November?
@Finntendo I actually prefer English dubbing as long as its done decently. Having to watch the subtitles at the bottom of the screen distracts me from whats visually happening, and I hate missing details. To each their own though.
@snoox yep, the new 3ds game is a port of Xenoblade Chronicles on the Wii... Xenoblade Chronicles X is a BRAND NEW game that's in the same(?) universe, and has fully customizable main characters and online play with a new HUGE open world.
@Quorthon yeah I missed the Witcher 3 goodies, but I've got a decent discount on PC because I own the original two on steam, so I'm getting it there I guess..
@Quorthon Based on how the universe is presented in the first game, I doubt it takes place in the same universe.
Here they show real world cities, while in the first game, they don't have a clue they existed, and they didn't even know what earth was.
So yeah, different universe.
As I have serious doubts that Zelda WiiU will truly be released in 2015, this will be vital for the Christmas season.
You may have missed quite a bit of this.
That is not a "real-world" city, it's a human habitat that fell from their ship--which launched from Earth. It doesn't matter that the people in the first game had no clue about other humans in the galaxy (as silly as it may be to have humans on other worlds instead of, you know, aliens), the humans in this game came from earth and landed here. Their city is built within a large pod dropped from their spacecraft.
These things actually fit well together, the game can hypothetically take place on the same world as Xenoblade 1, perhaps a very long time after the events of the first game.
Did you read the story synopsis in the article? The earthlings in Xeno X are from Earth and have landed on an "unknown" alien world.
There is absolutely no solid indication that this takes place in a different universe, but there are hints that it could take place in the same--including the title and the landscape.
That is correct. Xenoblade Chronicles 3D is a port of the Wii game.
Xenoblade Chronicles X is a sequel/follow-up that, thus far, appears to take place on the same or a similar world.
Whether or not the games are linked is unknown, but the landscapes of Xeno X evoke the first game. It could just be a similar art style, but it could also be formations of the aftermath of the first.
Gotta finish up Xenoblade 1 pretty soon...
Fingers crossed for a summer release
It is unlikely. You may have missed it, but in the first Xeno game when you find out the origins of the Bionis, Mechonis, and that other guy, you see they were conducting an experiment in space near Earth. The result of that experiment was...well, the universe was basically reset. Earth was no-more.
I don't see how these games can be tied together when there would have been no Earth for these people to come from in the Xenoblade Chronicles Universe.
@Quorthon they even said its a spiritual sequel.
@siavm check out the trailer at 23/24 seconds in, as the ship is crashing - looks like a big Monado to me.
Probably an easter egg, but still pretty cool!
Was that Earth?
Damn, it's been a while.
I was just really happy with their "do away with gods" metaphors.
@Jayvir Also my fav game ever, and I can't rationally explain why. I can see its flaws and whatnot but still...wished they'd release a HD version of it, I'd then go for mt thrid round
Can't wait! I have faith in NoA to bring it over here sooner than most people think. I'm thinking maybe late June/early July. And also I have full confidence that Zelda will be out this year. Aonuma reiterated like 3 times in the gameplay footage that the game would be out in 2015.
It was.
If you play it on Dolphin, it looks incredible. Getting the settings just right though is kind of a pain.
Take that, naysayers.
This would have been my most anticipated 2015 release, if I didn't have complete faith that we'll be seeing Zelda U this year too.
This is my most hyped Wii U game of 2015, followed by Zelda U and Splatoon.
For 3DS I'd say MH4U, followed by Fire Emblem 14 and Code Name Steam. Of course, I'm really feeling the Xenoblade port!
Whether or not XBCX releases before or after FF15, it looks like we are going to face a long uphill battle between which franchise performs better overall... XDDD
Well seeing as how they already started the Localisation back at E-3 I am thinking anywhere from June-September give or take. The reason being that most games take less time to translate today. Also this game is among the big projects they have and they want a good lunch all around so they have much focus this time around. The previous game not as much due to them not thinking it would be to big of a hit in the US.
I don't see why this wouldn't make a 2015 release. But if it doesn't, at least we'll have Bravely Second.
This game will no doubt be incredible and since I could always use a Wii U RPG it is a definite buy! Please keep it in 2015 or I will be pretty disappointed!
So looking forward to this. Talking about localization... Project Zero 5?
Woo! Can't wait for this game's release! The recent footage that was shown of it has made me uber excited to get to play it myself. Day one for sure!
The hype is unbelievable.
Hopefully there is Japanese voices too like in Wii Xenoblade (always nice to have choise).
Honestly I got some negative vibes when i saw game trailer in E3, the part where you can see the base with text with flag united states, I really don`t want game hero to be "ex/US marine" who now saves the world or so. For that reason I will be cautious before possible purchase, maybe spoiling my self a little to make sure of.. will see.
Agreed. As much as I would love a true sequel, I'd rather this game be it's own thing. Like Red Steel vs Red Steel 2.
The only sad part is that means poor Melia will be alone forever, AND IT ISN'T FAIR!
Ah, music to my ears!
If this thing doesn't make it for 2015, I promise you Nintendo I'll throw my Wii U out of the window.
I'd wait until 2016 if it means the difference between a quick sub port over a fully dubbed port.
Painful to go thru the opening scene and then madly fast going to settings and change to Japanese.
Even I've been told that dubbing in XC was good.. Don't know. Played first time for 170h and only the opening in English.
This, Zelda U and Star Fox: epicness overload OR WAT?!
It's already been five years since Xenoblade launched in Japan? Geez Louise.
I understand how I five year development time feels like a cruel long stretch. I can hardly ever commit to any project with a scope of more than six months.
I never said "direct sequel," as it pretty clearly stars different characters and a level of technology that would take more than a single generation to develop. I said only that it could be related to the first game's story, eventually, in some way. Aside from the "let's survive on a new world," story, we don't know where the plot is going, and the "unknown planet" concept could have hinted at the same world as before.
Look, it's Japanese storytelling. Literally, anything is possible.
Since MH4U is apparently skipping the WiiU, this game will get most of my gaming hours when it blesses our consoles.
Mmmmm... warmth in the lower-central region. Seriously can't wait for this one. Next to Zelda U, I can already tell it will be one of my games of the year.
I hope it's not 8-4 doing it; please, anyone but them.
I'll bet this will be an August/September release in the west, with Star Fox in October and Zelda holding the mid November release window.
I still think this will be an August/September release here in the West.
@Mommar MY THOUGHTS EXACTLY!! Makes a lot of sense seeing that Ninty has been in the "launch 1 Wii U game per month" momentum/vibe.
@LawRulesALL And they also tend to have an order of release too. August/September is relatively popular. October is usually smaller/quirky or something expected to be less successful. November is the giant one. And December is the smaller, more kiddy affair. Last year was Bayonetta 2 in Oct, SMash in Nov, and Captain Toad in December. I expect Starfox (sadly it's not the most successful franshice), Zelda and Yoshi's Wooly World to fill those last three slots. Xenoblade is the odd one out, I'm not sure it'll be popular or how much of a push Nintendo will have with it. So it could actually be the October release instead, but I think they'll try to push it a bit more given it's length of development and give it the earlier August/September slot.
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