Metroid Prime Trilogy is finally here - no longer will you need to trawl eBay for highly priced retail copies, because now you can play three amazing games, in one package, for a much more affordable price. Until 5th February the price is downright outrageous, a promotional cost of $9.99 / €9.99 / £8.99; that's for one of the greatest video game trilogies ever made.
If, somehow, you have never played these games before, now is your chance. Not convinced? Watch this video, where we gush over Metroid Prime Trilogy and explain why this is a gaming experience you cannot miss out on!
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Comments 116
i hope many people who have not played the games will now buy them. maybe then nintendo will consider making another metroid prime game. some of the best games ever made.
@6ch6ris6 I don't get it...wouldn't the fact that a lot of people buying the Wii VC on Wii U lead Nintendo to ponder that a lot of people liked Metroid Prime and want a new one? Because you're saying that you hope people won't buy them, so I'm just curious at why you think by people not buying them will lead to a new Metroid Prime, when it should in fact, lead to the opposite.
@Chubblings I was confused at first as well. I think he meant to say "go buy them" not "no buy them"
@ chubblings i think he meant now not no
To beat all three games and then to finish hunters...
I own all three of the Wii games they've released so far. I even have the special metal case edition of Metroid Prime Trilogy.
@Chubblings lol sorry there was a typo. it means "now" not "no"
The title says it all. You NEED to play this trilogy.
I am patiently waiting for it to download and have found my Wii remote and nunchuck but I can't find any batteries and the shops are closed
Does anyone know if these Wii games show up in the activity log?I don't think reduler Wii games do.I'm just curious.
it's the bargain of the century
I hope providing these games to the mass public is a sense of foreshadowing...
Would be good if they released MP: Hunters on the Wii U with Wii remote functionality, like duck hunt does.
Like many people here, I own the steel book trilogy and will download this as soon as I get home. I don't know when I will revisit the Prime series but I will purchase this great deal on principle alone. Too good of a price point for a fantastic trilogy. Hopefully, Nintendo will see some good sales figures and continue bringing us great Wii titles.
I predict a new Metroid game(hopefully in 3D) at E3 this year.
Admiral Dane says "No!" instead of "Damn!"
@steamtrain This is one game where motion control actually feels right. I've never been a fan of it being shoved down our throats with the Wii, but like I said, this title works.
@Decapre Did they censor this in the American version of Trilogy too? God forbid somebody says "damn" in a T-rated game... One more reason why we should all be grateful for Fire Emblem Awakening!
I own all three as the original disks but this is tempting.
Other than load times, there no other enhancements to this right?
Do I need a wii mote or have nintendo adapted the games for wii u pad
How much memory does it take?
I already know I wanted to download this game, so thanks for the confirmation of a good purchase NL! I can't wait to play these!
I don't like first person shooters... do I still NEED the game? Btw, I'm on mobile so I can't watch the video in case if my question was already answered.
Well, Mario galaxy needs the Wiimote, and it works well because you're simultaneously collecting and shooting stars while platforming- something that would be very difficult to achieve with the standard controller set up. So that's 2 games. And Pandora's Tower is apparently on the way- that game uses it similar to Mario Galaxy. And of course if you're in NA, Punch Out uses it well. DKC Returns would've worked better with a standard controller, but I do have to admit even that game works well because it doesn't utilize the motion sensor- you just use Nunchuk/Wiimote as a standard controller setup is all. I think those are all the games we know about at this point that are definitely coming, but pretty much all of them use it without being a gimmick. Certainly Metroid Prime Trilogy is the star of the show though, and I dare say it's controls are so air tight it might even make a Wiimote convert out of you. It did me back in '07, and I've been a believer ever since.
Why did I have to buy Pixel Paint?
Yes, you do. This isn't even remotely a First Person Shooter. It's in first person, but that's about all this game has in common. It's still 100% Metroid, just in a different perspective.
I have MP3 and MPT and I will still buy a copy of this. These games are AMAZING.
A while back, I was lucky enough to score a used copy of the Trilogy from GameStop. I was skeptical on using the motion control (never been a fan of it), but once you get the hang of it, you'll find that it works beautifully. Like he said in the video: if you haven't played it before, buy it now!
Can't wait for them to release the next Metroid game... hopefully we'll get a new FPS on the Wii U and a new side scroller on the 3DS.
@JaxonH How would you compare MPT to Other M?
Like comparing diamonds to cubic zirconium.
And that's saying something because I actually liked Other M. Sure, it wasn't my favorite Metroid I've ever played, but I got quite a bit of stellar Metroid enjoyment from it. Even so, Metroid Prime Trilogy is THAT much better. It's the definitive Metroid experience imo, and perhaps the greatest trilogy of games ever conceived. And I've played a lot of games in my day.
The Trilogy is an absolute tribute to these masterpieces. I own the physical version myself, but I'm inclined to get it again.
@Superstick Please don't. It's bound to break out the usual kind of flamewar...
Never played Prime, probably would have by now if the trilogy were still in print...thus, downloading when I get home.
Luckliy the E Shop works with Wiimote now right? My cat continues to eat my gamepad charging cable so that's out of commission for a few days until a replacement arrives.
@JaxonH Oh. Thanks. The reason I ask this is because I wanted to get a Metroid game. I'm definitely getting Prime Trilogy but I am not so sure about Other M cause of all the bad things I've heard about it.
@steamtrain Yeah, motion controls suck. Believe me when I say that Mario Galaxy would be almost impossible to play with a traditional controller, though. As for Metroid Prime, if you have an original Wii or GameCube, just buy the first two GameCube discs. The GameCube controller works superbly with them.
Metroid Other M is an amazing game, make no mistake. Unless you're a diehard fan who takes issue with the main character showing emotion, you'll love the crap out of that game. It's just that, compared to the brilliance that is Metroid Prime, Other M falls quite short.
But I'd DEFINITELY recommend getting Other M too. Especially since it's like $5-10 tops. Play it after the Prime games- because once you play those you'll be thirsty for more, and Other M is the only other non-2D Metroid there is to satiate that desire which you'll most certainly have. And it delivers too. Other M is easily one of the best games on the Wii, but like I said, Prime trilogy was just so outstandingly good, I think any sequel was bound to disappoint one way or another.
To anyone who hasn't yet played Metroid Prime Trilogy, here's a friendly tip to help you get started:
The motion controls are designed so that you aim with the Wiimote on screen. There's an invisible threshold "box" that borders inside the edge of your TV screen which serves as the boundary between aiming and turning/looking. You can actually go into the options and adjust the X and Y values of this invisible threshold box. So if you like as much real estate as possible for aiming, make a very thin border for turning/looking. If you like to turn or look with ease, make the border larger. Or maybe you want to turn easier but you don't want to trigger looking up/down as easily, you can do that too. It's entirely in your hands how the controls respond. Find the right balance and the Wiimote will become a natural extension of your hands.
@JaxonH Well, I'm pretty much a newcomer to Metroid and I don't really know much about the story or anything. So I don't think Other M's story would be that much of a problem for me. Other M is also extremely easy to find for some odd reason. I see it nearly every time in the game sections. If it's really as good as you say it is, I suppose I may finally buy it.
Oh definitely. I didn't get to play it until recently, but I would've gladly paid full price for it when it released. For the meager little $5 or $10 you can get it for now though, it's a no-brainer really.
does this version look muddy and horrible on an hd tv?
Nah. Already have it, plus no GamePad support. They should have done an actual HD rerelease of this.
I would definitely play it, but I don't have any Wii controllers. They cost almost as much as a full game right now.
I hated the Prime trilogy. I had the steel box edition and sold it. It felt like such a chore to play. I hate 1st person shooting games, and the Prime trilogy felt just like one.
Don't tell me what I need to play. I would've played it on the Wii or gotten the eshop version if you didn't have to use motion controls using the Wii mote + nunchuk.
@Superstick When pitted against each other, in my opinion, Other M is much better than Metroid Prime: Corruption. You won't like a certain cutscene in Corruption.
@HeroOfCybertron Here here.
Haven't gotten the chance to play any Metroid game really. I'll be picking this up today and giving it a play through once I get through one of my current games! I'm pumped for this though!
I've gotta get this before the discount is gone! The second game is the only one of the three I haven't played. I need the second game.
Tempted...but not my thing.
I really enjoyed MP3, didn't get far into MP1 (LOVED the Snow level), and never tried MP2.
In the 2 weeks before Other M was released I played the second half of MP3 (I didn't realize I'd left that much undone!). I then dove into Other M. I'm in that tiny camp that felt it was a dramatically better game.
I've played through Other M 3x, and 100% it 2x. I got to 65% on MP3 and I was good. Really enjoyed pieces of it, but didn't love FPS approach, and really disliked the end-bosses.
Other M I loved the fast and fluid game play, that you could really improve at, and I ADORED switching from 2D to 3D by pointing the controller at the screen. For me, that was one of the more innovative and fun game play mechanics of the last generation.
I might get this compilation, but it would be more for playing some day than right away.
No, actually, the games themselves look relatively crisp still, I was surprised since I've been playing it on a 50." The only thing that looks muddy/blurry is the startup menus before you actually load up one of the trilogy games.
All in all, these games still look pretty darn great despite not being in HD.
The Wiimote is something that is used great in some games, not so great in others. So your experience really comes down to which game you're playing. But for those games that use it to deepen gameplay and offer more thorough technique, it really shines as a competent, and sometimes even superior method of input. Granted, it's something that does require a little practice. When the right analog stick came out and people weren't skilled yet with their right thumbs, it was a learning curve for a lot of gamers. While awkward at first, once mastered the right analog offered so much more than the status quo. And the Wiimote is no different. At the very least, it's a viable alternative, if not better control method, when used properly.
My older brother bought this game that I had no idea about when I was little. I'm so glad he did.
Got it as soon as it went live on the E Shop and very happy... but a bit P Offed as il never be abile to get the Frend tokens... as you can no add Wii Frends to the WiiU Wii Mode... it realy has Spoilt some of my joy for finnaly owning this game i have wanted for Years.
They're cheap. Out of personal experience, I would avoid the wireless if possible- not only do you have to turn on the switch every time you want to use it but you have to worry about replacing the batteries regularly as well. I have two sensor bars- one for my Wii U at eye level from my chair below the TV, and one for my Wii above the TV. I could have shared one and switched it back and forth, but there's something to be said for the convenience of turning on the system and just being able to play it.
I think highly of Other M as well. But I wanted to comment on Metroid Prime 2: some of the best boss fights I've ever experienced in a game. If you've never battled the three headed serpent from MP2 Echoes, or better yet, Quadraxis (a gargantuan mechanical spider that has magnetic rails on it's legs to morph ball up and onto it's back to lay bombs, an invisible flying satellite phase you have to use X-ray visor to see, and a whole world of other awesome stuff too numerous to list), you'll be in for a real treat.
Nintendo did it right. No Wii menu. Yaahoo
I never got to finish the any of the games on the Metroid Prime Trilogy. I always started them but I don't usually like playing first-person games, so I never got too far in any of them. For me, Metroid Other M is a much better game, because I had so much fun that I played it all in one month. However, I did buy the trilogy today so maybe I can finally get into the games.
@steamtrain Nope. The motion control is perfect. PERFECT I tell you. You'll actually wish all 1st person shooters used this control scheme. It makes playing it with traditional controllers obsolete. Your missing out my friend. Straight up.
@Dipper723 it's not an fps. It's a first person adventure. Think Zelda but in first person!
I think every Nintendo fan owes it to themselves to play this fantastic near-perfect trilogy of games.
The Prime Trilogy set the bar higher for the series, and unquestionably showed Metroid could be done good-- if not better in first-person.
Oh boy. I really want this. I really do. But I don't have an external hard drive and a limited 25gb to store games. To add to this, I don't have a Wiimote and nunchuck. Is this worth some of the limited space I have? I don't want to get something that i don't like, and will take up that much space. Is it worth the 8/25 of the space and $40 for the controller?
@Jairo_MC God forbid somebody catches on you saying you gasp LIKED Other M! You'll be ravaged by fans saying that game blows and you're a bad person for liking it.
No offense, but the video seemed like 7 minutes of unplanned fanboy gushing about the game. I won't deny these are good games, but I feel like people put them on incredibly high regards. Untouchable, perfect games that every single person who says they like video games has to play AND like if they know what's good.
Metroid Prime has been my favorite game for a long time, with good reason. It is THAT good! Holds up today so well.
Is there any difference if I put my Wii disc to play it? Why I have bother to download it again if I can put my disc and play it?
Just downloaded it, gave it a try. While FPSes are not my territory in gaming, I'm well aware this is an outstanding bargain and that's the second reason I got it. The first one is, well, that my FPS-crazed Xbox lover of a friend is going to have one heck of a time next time he comes over. Kudos to Nintendo for kickstarting so well the Wii download service!
It is. As I said, it is for its mere nature as an entire trilogy of acclaimed games sold for ten Euros. You could add the price of an USB drive and it'd be still a bargain, trust me!
Ok.....quick question for everyone who has played this to death. Is the - button for the scanner weird to get use to. I have a hard time switching from the gun and I assume I'm missing something. Hold it down.....hit z while tapping the minus button? Or is it just finicky
Played half an hour of Corruption. 10$ better spent elsewhere. Which is a shame, as Echoes on GC was phenomenal. Motion controls ruined Metroid BEFORE they ruined Zelda.
Metroid, like Zelda, Kirby, Smash, DK and others, got better from the original, though Metroid was the one with 4 remakes (Prime, Super, Zero Mission, Other M). Which is why I appreciated Echoes and Fusion so immensely.. and why adopting motion as the ONLY option was so infuriating.
@Gerbwmu I, my friend, would be one of those people. If you trying to go from gun to scanner: hold +, aim at the top part of the screen (the icon that looks like the WiiU gamepad) let go of the +. If you want to go from scanner to gun: tap the + to disable the scanner, your currently equipped gun will come up and from there, hold - (to choose a gun) aim at the one you want. Let go of -
Hope that helps.
Does anyone who haven't played the game really need a reason to download this? Every console should have this
In the process of downloading it. Had to pause it though and go to sleep. This file is a beast! Stoked on this price though!
Just wanted to chime in on Other M...
I remember buying it, and thinking it was a fun game, but nothing amazing. At that time I wasn't plugged into the video game media online scene, so when I later went back to learn that people despised this game I was confused.
I thought the way they depicted Samus was just boring...but people freaked out. The reason I didn't love the game was for totally different reasons.
@Superstick I have to agree with @JaxonH. I ignored Other M initially because of all the bad reviews. I picked it up much later for $5 just to see for myself, and I totally enjoyed it. I couldn´t understand all the hate it got. I'm sure you can find a cheap copy so don't hesitate to get it. It's not as good as the Prime games, but it's a great game in it's own right.
@bitsandglory Why not just let it download while you sleep? you know the wii u can download in standby mode right?
@potatomage7 You can always delete it later to free up space if you find you just don't like it. and you might be able to get a used wiimote for a lot less than $40. It doesn't even need to have motion plus if you don't expect to use it for any other games. I will say that if you like action/adventure games with a lot of exploration, it doesn't get any better than Metroid Prime, in my opinion. If you don't like games from a first person perspective you might not like it though.
I'm so glad I waited,
so many times I almost gave into the high ebay prices, I think $70 used was the lowest I saw,
I would have been fine paying $40, but $9.99 is an absolute STEAL!
@MoonKnight7 I believe so. Metroid's 30th Anniversary is next year so the best thing would be to release a new game.
Metroid Prime Hunters ONLY
I played them all many times back in the day, so I would have to try to resist, BUT:
Having the Wiimote controls in 1 and 2 is tempting me so much!
My trigger finger is itching like hell, and there are no other FPS(FPA in this case) coming for the Wii U. I just want more things to shoot with my Wiimote!!!
I have all three on disc and two copies of Trilogy but I might just buy thus again to tell Nintendo we still care about these games. Maybe then they'll bug Retro and.....
What ever happened to metroid prime hunters, that seems like something thats screaming to get remade on 3ds or new 3ds.
I am still missing the 2nd part of the trilogy
the first game is a wonderfull experience with a great soundtrack, It feels so otherworldly and is in no way comparable to most games out there.
LITERALLY; The bargain of the century! I frankly would have paid the asking price for each game individually! 😊😊😊
I'm not sure if I do NEED it, I already own Prime 3, and I didn't like Prime 2...so it would be $10 to play Prime 1 with motion controls instead of GC pad...
Utterly awesome game and one of the many main reasons why Nintendo Consoles are the best.
How many AAA first party exclusives again????
Think I played all of them but never finished... almost completed the1st one, not sure what stopped me!
@NodesforNoids Fusion is just incredible
@Gen0neD - thanks for the help!
I don't usually like motion controls (there are a pain in the ass in some games) but I recommend playing these games using the Wii Remote and nunchuk, it works wonderfully. No reason for hating motion controls this time. Get them!
@ted-k You know, I honestly forgot about that ... I just got my WiiU for Christmas so I'm still kind of nooby with it haha.
@steamtrain Just FYI: the game pad has a sensor bar built into it.
Wow. It has been a while. I use to think this game looked incredible, but not so much anymore.
I am only 9% from completing Arkham Origins, and this is the next mountain to conquer. I have completed the third one, but my gamecube was stolen before I ever finished the first or played the second.
Replaying the first 2 games with a wiimote is just amazing; they work perfectly and still look great. Best trilogy ever!
I would have to take a whole bottle of Dramamine in order to play this Trilogy. The movements in these games make me so sick to my stomach that I can't play them. Which is weird because I play all kinds of FPS games. It sucks.
I bought the Metroid Prime Trilogy for my little brother as he's on the Wii U a lot and will have easier access to these three games with them simply on the menu. What I do not plan on doing for him is overhyping these three games. I think they're worth completing, and solid games, but I have found them disappointing. I just don't find them that thought provoking compared to Metroid Prime Hunters, the Metroid Prime game I feel is very clever about how it interconnects lore, environmental details and music. The Metroid Prime Trilogy I feel were pretty lackluster in trying to accomplish that. A lot of locations feel completely insignificant. They're great games to play, but I think they're very far from being Metroid's golden standard.
Played the first level of the first one a moment ago. Slightly confusing controls with no manual, and the camera takes a bit of getting used to for me as I'm not a fan of first person perspective in games.
But it is quite impressive for 'just a Wii game'.
The Prime trilogy is the absolute high point for the franchise. Excellent exploration, amazing worlds, stellar graphics and artistic direction, enthralling atmosphere, player-driven narrative--these games are as close to perfection as video games can get.
Technically, the first one is a GameCube game.
The Gamecube method of controls for these games is pretty archaic, and uncomfortable. I mean if you are a fan of analog aiming more power to you, but that means holding down the bumper for the full game session.
I feel that the wii pointer is implemented well, and provides for a more intuitive feel while playing. The lock-on system is still present of course, so there are no worries about the controls being too sensitive.
I never found the GameCube method uncomfortable. Quite the opposite, actually. Most games updated with motion controls are usually horrible to use. Resident Evil 4 Wii Edition, for instance, was borderline unplayable for me, even though I heard over and over how "improved" the Wiimote controls were.
The only games I've ever actually enjoyed motion controls with have been the Mario Galaxy titles, and those only utilize motion control with regard to spinning and collecting star bits.
I'll go ahead and see how this plays with motion controls, but I doubt it'll be more comfortable than a GameCube controller.
I almost completed the first on the Gamecube, got bored with the second after a while and also the third, where I had some problems using the motion controls. I bought the triolgy and launch on Wii and tried again, but ended up trading it in. I really liked Zero Mission on GBA though. I see they are good games, but not so much my thing, though I did appreciate the atmosphere of isolation which was really well done in the first game.
The first 2 games on the Gamecube are in 4:3 (square) picture and have been upgraded to full 16:9 widescreen in this trilogy aswell as motion controls which obviously suits an FPS way better than a pad. Both these things make it an essential upgrade quite frankly.
I remember wanting Metroid Prime really badly as a young teenager, but for some reason I never got it. Then, when the Wii came out I was interested in getting Prime 3 but didn't due to financial reasons at the time, I eventually got to play Echoes during my freshman year of college as my roommate had a copy of it. Prime 2 was fun and all but by the time I played it the GCN set up felt really funky, especially since by that time I was used to the second stick being well, the camera xD. Then in december I finally managed to get ahold of the trilogy for $80 new i never buy disc-based games used and played through the games during christmas break, I have to say that the Wii-mote controls are perfect for fps style games and I hope that the next first person metroid game at least gives us the option between traditional and motion controled, similar to how Pikmin 3 gave us that option. I will admit I do feel alot of buyers remorse now since the eshop version is readily available at a cheap price got it too... but, gives me a reason to play through them a second time! To anyone who may ask no I do not intend to sell my copy of trilogy, down the road I may give it to a family member or a future special someone but till then its safeguarded XD. Anyyyway, I hope that everyone can finally enjoy the Prime games now that their offered at such a low price!
these games are so good.i still have prime 1,2 on gamecube and 3 on wii plus the wii collector's edition!i have beat them all twice!they play better with the wii remote.
i think even though i have 2 copys of each games i still my buy a the digital download
I've played every Metroid game. My first was Metroid Prime on the GameCube. I knew nothing of the franchise other than Samus being in Smash Bros. This trilogy is near and dear to what I consider Nintendo's most pristine series.
It's about time, been waiting for this game ever since Other M trashed my opinion of the franchise. The Prime trilogy paid respect to Metroid and Samus as a character. Retro studios made such a more realistic and intelligent Metroid universe with the Prime saga that it was frustrating to see Other M poopitypoop on all that progress with its lackluster graphics, exploration, story and characters. The lore entries alone in Prime 1 and 3 were enough to create an excellent story, and the atmosphere and art of Prime 2 I have yet to see matched from another video game. After an 8 year hiatus following Super, Retro brought our girl Samus back in style, creating some of the most critically and for the first time world-wide commercially successful games in the franchise. It's now been 4 1/2 years since Other M cocked everything up, and it seems like Metroid is in another hiatus period... I can only hope Retro comes to the rescue once again creating a new Metroid game for the Wii U that can truly portray the studios legendary art direction.
@steamtrain so i cant use the Wii U game pad in this version on the eshop?
I spent 80 dollars for my steelbox Metroid Prime Trilogy.. AH WELL still worth it
Metroid prime is byfar one of the best and more underappreciated nintendo games ever made. The music is perfection, the gameplay is perfection, like the video said.. it's not really a first person shooter like CoD or halo.. instead it's an adventure, puzzle type game like zelda with tons of variety in atmospheres, story, and enemies with first person gameplay. Adding even more exploration in the scanning feature not present in other metroid titles (such as shame.. that was like the greatest thing ever) letting you scan certain parts of the terrian and learn your enemy's patterns/weaknesses. These games are just filled with so much content it's mind blowing... and there's three of them!
One thing I will point out is.. play corruption (MP3) last. Reason is not because of storyline purposes.. but metroid prime corruption can get really repetive and star warzy early on which can be a turn off.. the game starts off pretty boring and there are a lot of points in the game you just want to get over with rather than actually explore like the others. Skytown was really cool though.. but it gets annoying after backtracking the rails so many times.
Metroid prime 2 Echoes was insane! That game was perfected! Although I wouldn't recommend playing it first because the title is actually the hardest in the entire metroid franchise.. two bosses that are labeled as the hardest bosses ever (Boost ball and spider guardians) both live in these games. Not the mention the dark aether atmosphere may seem a little overwhelming and pressuring to new players... where players who play the first game first would just see it as a bonus challenge. Thankfully those bosses are somewhat nerfed slightly in this game, not sure how but people seem to have a much less harder time dealing in the remakes and I can agree with that.
Ain't like the boss fights are simple dodge and shoot either like the parasite queen in the video.. A lot of them have special tatics to counter throughout battle.
This is an aquired taste and definitly NOT a must own game for wii/wiiU owners, due to it's somewhat weird aesthetics and explorative nature. Don't be fooled that 10 is a steal compared to disc editions. That doesn't say anything about the game itself, because collectors are silly when it comes to actual value. If you don't like getting lost and backtracking, this game will suck. I'm Guessing a lot of people will dowload this, play it for an hour or 3, conclude that it's not their thing, and then never touch it again. This is not an easy mainsteam game.
While I don't support the word the above commenter just used, I sorta agree. Metroid Prime has some flaws, such as the first game always making you go through Magmoor, and the 2nd one just being weird all the way around. The first prime also has the Mines, which is just torture to do.
They're not hard games by any stretch, but modern gamers may find them difficult. The improved wii controls contribute to the game greatly however and make them way more fun to play. If you have an interest in them, just get them. 10$ is a steal.
@steamtrain The motion controls work incredibly well, this and Skyward Sword are the only Wii games with good motion controls imo. In MP1 and MP2 they work better than the GameCube controls, I think.
I enjoyed watching my brother play these games, but I didn't really enjoy playing them myself. I hate backtracking so much, and at the time, I wasn't really used to the FPS style of video games. I'll probably try them again sometime though.
Wow, there sure are a ton of differing opinions here!
Can this game(s) be played using the GamePad or the Wii U Pro Controller? Or does it need to be played with a Wii Remote and Nunchuck or a Wii Classic Controller? If I can play it using the GamePad (and have off screen play too), and Pro Controller, then I will get it tonight. Any help will be most appreciated
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