Not so long ago we ran a poll to find out what aspects of the New Nintendo 3DS you were most interested in. The system comes packed with new features, like super-stable 3D, cover plates (on the standard model), a more powerful CPU, augmented controls and much more besides.
We're running a series of videos which focus on the aspects you picked, and the début episode can be viewed (with or without a bag of popcorn) below. In this particular video we're focusing mainly on the improved 3D effect, which ranked very highly in the original poll, but we also touch on other key features too.
Keep your eyes peeled for another video next week, and don't forget to subscribe to the Nintendo Life YouTube channel for more original video content.
Comments 96
I would have prefered a bit longer review than 3 minutes for "in depth."
That wasn't really all that in-depth though :-/
How well does the "superstable 3D" really work? How much movement can it compensate before the illusion breaks once more? How big are the view-angels now? How long for it to re-adjust once you put it down or look somewhere else entirely? How does it fare under different lightning situations, e.g. in the dark?
The improved 3D is the primary reason I'm interested in the N3DS, but only if it really works now well enough for daily use at extended periods, maybe even on the bus or train.
@Ralek85 The head tracking works by illuminating you with an (invisible) infrared LED to the right of the camera. For that reason I think it will work in the dark rather fine.
What I do wonder is if the battery life suffers from the camera being used all the time.
Head tracking in the dark with glasses?
That's one episode, guys, there are multiple on the way. That's why it says episode one in the headline
I miss the days when reviews were actual written reviews. I've been seeing more and more of these videos lately. Whatever happened to writing?
@StarDust4Ever We've got a series of videos planned, as was clearly explained in the text...
@OnionOverlord - I enjoy written reviews as well
@OnionOverlord We reviewed the Japanese model last year. Did you miss it?
Great little video Nintendo Life, spot on with everything. Love the Luigi faceplate btw
Have to say I'm really impressed with the improved 3d effect and head tracking after picking up my N3DS back packing around Adelaide a few weeks ago. Soo much nicer to play without the fear of tilting the system ever so slightly and losing the immersive effect.
Should have been the handheld that launched those four years or so back with these new features and everything imo but overall, really happy with the N3DS, especially the screen size after coming from the XL-perfect balance, nicely in the middle.
Looking forward to the next video. Keep up the awesome stuff!
Could you tell us more about the Micro SD Cards, like is the max still 32GB or more, is the game/app download limit still only 300? You know that stuff.
@BarryDunne as for my username, it's an old college nickname (Stardust) that predates Mario Galaxy by seven years and even my love for Nintendo. My head was always in the stars, and I somehow got sprinkled with Pixie Dust. Yup, I was the token guy in an otherwise female click so go figure.
Fun fact: Space Junk Galaxy is literally Star Dust Galaxy in Japan.
There's also a club in Las Vegas called "StarDust".
A recent NASA mission to collect comet debris.
A hollywood movie by the same name.
As for my obsession with Rosalina, I fell in love with her while reading her back story in Mario Galaxy. Cheers...
I don't like the placement of the game card slot, the stylus, the power button, or the headphone jack. The regular XL got it right with having the stylus on the side for very quick and easy access. I would prefer the headphone on the top like the GamePad because I lay down when I play my 3DS and rest it on my stomach, and I don't like having the headphone cord jabbing into me. The power button should have been placed beside the home button to avoid any accidental presses. The game card slot should have remained the top where its always been.
I'd like to know the storage limits when using SDXC (FAT32), what's the maximum storage card you can use and if the songs total number is limited to 3,000 like in the original models. Also, if the 3D effect is as strong as on the original 3DS screen. I know it's more stable and that's the main selling point to me, but I'd like to know if it's as deep.
What do you think about the regular model's stylus? Is it too small? Would you buy a separate one for that model?
About the pixel density, it's the same on the New XL (96ppi) which I find extremely poor but what about the New 3DS (120ppi), does the screen look nice?
What about the speakers' sound on both models? Have you tried earphones?
Thank you.
I really don't see why my fellow Americans are bummed out about not getting the standard New 3DS (with the faceplates); the faceplates look ugly, in my opinion.
Nice review, guys, thanks.
@StarDust4Ever ? Is tracking your head, not your eyes, so I don't think glasses come into the equation.
I don't really dislike them, I just prefer written articles. Videos come off as pandering to the "too lazy to read" crowd. That said, I suppose it IS easier to review a console via video than text, but that logic is a slippery slope since it could easily apply to almost anything, including games themselves rather than handhelds or consoles.
Is the hinge weak, leaving the screen floppy like on the originals?
Nice info! I'd also like to know how comfortable the standard one is in comparison to the original; I found the original very jagged and painful to hold, but do prefer it's smaller size. Any ideas anyone?
Edit: having just watched all the way through uninterrupted, mentioned comfort so all good. 😂😉
@abbyhitter I completely agree. Absolutely no idea why they moved the stylus position, having the headphone jack on the bottom means that the cord will poke into you, having the game card slot and power button on the bottom seems a bit dodgy, especially if I rest the 3DS upright on my lap and thighs. However, if Nintendo know what they are doing, I'm sure it will turn out fine.
Hi all, I have the New 3DS and just to answer some quick questions:
Memory Card: Yes it is still a maximum of 32GB but it is now a MicroSD as opposed to the full size.
Stable 3D: It doesn't take time to adjust the different viewing angles, it literally just adapts in an instant. The 3D effect is still the same depth as before.
Hinge: The hinge on the New 3DS is very similar to the old 3DS XL and is a LOT more robust than the original 3DS.
Screen Resolution: I previously had the 3DS XL and I find that, although the new 3DS has a smaller screen, I prefer the screen of the New 3DS as it still slightly sharper (in terms of pixels not being enlarged) and the screen size is between the old 3DS and 3DS XL. Though it is a personal preference to size or sharpness.
Battery & Performance: You can definitely tell that the New 3DS is a lot faster, it even loads games a lot faster. The battery life is definitely better - just to give you an example, I have been playing Rune Factory 4 with WiFi on and 3D on max, and my New 3DS lasted 6 hours and 2 minutes on straight gameplay.
The increased speed is something I would like to know about as well, since Pokemon, Smash Bros, and a few other games experience a bit of slowdown when things get hectic, and is something the video doesn't really clear up. I assume the other parts will answer how much better the performance is.
I had heard reports of people claiming the screen is "yellowed" but I'm pretty certain that is because they were playing on battery saving mode.
The video was a bit too simple; it basically told us what we already know, rather than going in to detail on how stuff like the Super Stable 3D actually works. You also should have said about things that only people who actually have it can answer; e.g. How comfortable it is. Hope next week's video is more 'in-depth'.
It looks cool and an improvement, I prefer the smaller model but I'm not seeing a compelling reason to but a new 3DS over my lauch era model.
Games-wise, I played Xenoblade for 70hrs on the Wii, and it seems a game better suited to a big screen and console than a handheld.
I've never found the 3D that troublesome in terms of stability myself.
I think having two 3DS' active on a single account would be an incentive to buy this, if I could use games I've downloaded on both consoles I own (like I can with the PSP / PS3), but Nintendo dont support that, so I'll stick with my original for the moment.
It's funny seeing all these reviews now when I've had one for 2 months. If people really want to know the answers to their questions, there's plenty of material already available for it (even here on NL.)
Way too short to be called "in-depth"..
The one thing that's really good about these New 3DS's is the stable 3D. It's just really impossible to play games like Smash Bros without moving out of the sweet spot. But now the head tracking can fix that! Anyways, due to the smaller version skipping NA, I decided not to get it yet and instead just keep my current XL and buy more games for it before I upgrade. I don't really care about the black one cause I have a black XL already. Red is nice but ehh.... I think I'll wait till they come out with some more special editions. Hopefully, one for the new Fire Emblem!
I kinda hope the hinges aren't as "clicky" on the new version. That's the one thing that bugged me about the original XL.
That's what I was going to do as well, but then the Majoras Mask edition was released and I had to buy it!
It would be cool if a Fire Emblem one came out. More likely going to find FE cover plates for the small one though.
Are you as psyched for the new FE as I am?!
@JellySplat FE faceplate's would be really good. Didn't even think about the full possibilities of the faceplate's and I also cant wait to see more on the New FE game.
@JellySplat Definitely! Actually I had just bought Fire Emblem Awakening a few days ago and it's an epic game!
So, lots of people are petitioning to change NoA’s approach to the N3DS in North America so we can get the SMALLER version of the console. There are two petitions out and people are also calling in to let Nintendo know by phone, email, and chat.
The information is down below! Please help #OperationFaceplateNA
Phone: 1-800-255-3700 (MOST EFECTIVE. 6:00am-7:00pm PST. Option 5 for General, then 4 for Console Availability)
E-mail: nintendo@noa.nintendo.com
Chat: (6:00AM-6:30PM PST)
Facebook Page:
@icekirbyixi If you're not buying a New 3DS XL solely because of the lack of faceplates and fully colored buttons then you're buying the system for the wrong reasons. I do admit that i want the colored buttons also (never cared for the faceplates though), but i want the games 10x more. I'm buying a New 3DS for games and it seems like you crybabies only want the system for faceplates. You can't even see the faceplates as you play games on the system which make this "petition" even more ridiculous. America is getting the best features of the new system (stronger horsepower and improved 3D) and if that isn't enough you shouldn't be spending $200 on this system anyway
@iPWNoobs I agree
Wah, I happen to think the original 3DS' angles are beautiful.
These videos are torture for Americans..... Nice video though
@iPWNoobs Oh, give it a rest! The regular N3DS isn't just about the faceplates - the size, battery power, general pricing, and handling are way different from the XL.
Not everyone is willing to fork over more money for more material, but less features. Besides, what reason people want the N3DS for is entirely up to them, so don't go "wrong" people on their preferences.
Good video. But I agree with everyone here that I'd prefer a more in-depth review. There are a lot of great questions in these comments I think should be answered.
You guys keep bashing the way the original 3DS model looks. I think it looks cool! I definitely prefer the glassy box look to the newer look, which is by comparison more boring.
The blue console does look quite nice.... but I'm trying to resist until more models come!
for owners only: is the 3d effect only praised for its tracking ability or is it also improved in depth etc.?After many hours with my 3ds I learnt to adapt and I have no problems with staying in one position to play in 3d so the only deciding factor is wether its actually any better by itself.
@StarDust4Ever I've encountered some issues when wearing my glasses, but I luckily don't need to wear them up close. Darkness was no issue, however if I was hanging whit my head on a pillow, sideways, it appeared to have difficulty recognizing my head.
But in complete darkness (except for the light of the screen, which conveniently adjusts brightness to not blind you) I had no issues besides that. Resident Evil Revelations with gyro controls in the darkness, max 3D settings, all the way!
@Justaguest by itself, the 3D is just the same. But you are able to enjoy it with gyro controled games as well now.
@Kaze_Memaryu Yeah, you're completely right. Main reason I wanted the regular New 3DS was because of its smaller size. But I also wanted it because of the faceplates and the colored buttons as well. If somebody wants the New 3DS over the XL simply because of the colored buttons, there's nothing wrong with that. And I also find that most people that tell others to quit complaining about the regular New 3DS are usually people that prefer the XL. Kind of biased. XP
Does the head tracking work for the 3D if you're playing with the lights off in a dark room?
That Luigi 3DS though...
@DarkKirby Yes, it works in a dimly lit room.
The faceplates are honestly the only reason I would've bought the smaller one, other than the smaller price tag! I think that the possibility of special edition faceplates, and more customization was a really great idea! However, when I saw that Majoras mask edition XL, I couldn't resist. Besides, it would've been hard to get used to a smaller screen anyway.
How about just waiting and seeing if NOA decides to release it here as well?
I'm sure they'll release it here once the XL model builds up a little momentum.
It's just in case. Nintendo is pretty strange with their decision-making, so at least we have reinforcement with this stuff. Besides, we want it super bad. lol
@iPWNoobs The #1 reason for me is the size. I prefer the smaller model. The faceplates and buttons are just a plus.
@Bushido_Fai Thank you for the information. Nintendo Life uploaded a video a few days ago where the New 3DS lasted just a few minutes longer than the original XL so why is there such a difference between your experience and theirs? I don't know.
Regarding the micro SD card, according to ING.com the New 3DS can use micro SDXC as long as they are FAT32-formatted.
I also prefer the better pixel density so I'm going for the New 3DS, in any case.
What do you think about the small stylus, would you buy a bigger one?
@Smooching It is better than 3ds and 3dsXL so I guess not.
@Superstick Fire Emblem Awakening is likely the best 3DS game if we don't count Ocarina of Time 3D as an original 3DS game but a port/remake. In the beginning, it took me some time to get used to it (that was my first Fire Emblem game) but then I couldn't stop playing and that is something that rarely happens to me now. And yes it's bad news that US is not getting the smaller design which I think is better and not because of the face plates. Bad, Nintendo, bad.
@Justaguest How can you keep in the sweet spot when playing some games, e. g., Luigi's Mansion 2 or Face Raiders when it asks you to move the console? It's almost impossible. LOL I think the only thing that doesn't work on both 3DS and 3DSXL is that.
@bennyt Radelaide represent!! I'm from Adelaide I'm contemplating on which to get the new standard or the XL. Either one will be a size upgrade from my original launch 3DS. Do you think the screen size is big enough on the smaller one?
@icekirbyixi The only way US is getting the regular model is complaining, so keep it on.
@King_Johobo I'd say so and also the pixel density is better. On the XL and New XL the pixels are too separated. You can clearly see the black dots among them on both the XL and New XL (just 96 pixels per inch, that's extremely low). Even Nintendo staff admitted it on Iwata Asks.
If we could get some UK influence to push the standard 3DS to the West that'd be amazing! Please spread the word of this stuff if you can! :3
@icekirbyixi I will but I ask you to ask Nintendo for the localisation of Fatal Frame/Zero 5 in Europe and America. Miiverse is a good place for complaining to Nintendo.
The smaller model in the US sure would be nice.
Yeah, I gotcha'
@VanillaLake that's true I've seen my friend's XL's and the images are kind of fuzzy in comparison. I think I've made my mind up. Cheers also ultra sexy SNES buttons oooooh Yeeeeeaaaaahh
@VanillaLake Fair enough! Us Nintendo fans need to look out for each other, regardless of region! <3
I agree, FE:A was definitely the best 3ds game of 2013/2014 if you ask me (not counting Pokemon, its in a league of its own).
Have the camera's been improved on the New 3DS?
Does Miiverse load faster on the New 3DS?
Does the second circle pad feel nice?
How are the micro SD Cards?
@iPWNoobs And here we have yet another crybaby whinging about crybabies.
@King_Johobo Haha whey, nice to see I'm actually from England but have been out in Australia since July '14. Got family in Adelaide who I met for the very first time so decided to still around a bit longer. Plus the city is beautiful, so that's another reason ahaha.
As for your question, I personally found the smaller N3DS screen size perfect-not too small that you have to peer at like the original at times yet not too big & like mini laptop when you unfold it like the XL.
Kinda hard to explain unless you see one in person, but if the above sounds good, along with it being actually more easier to carry around (XL in a pocket just doesn't work for me) & you dig the faceplates, I'd say go for the smaller version
& if anyone is wondering about drawing on the standard N3DS with Art Academy or Pokemon AA (which alot of my time was spent on when I had an XL), absolutely no problem there with the screen size.
@iPWNoobs hardly crybabies, people just want options.
Thanks for the info bushido I'll just wait till this model comes to the states ... Even if it's summer or Christmas time..
Please Nintendo Life... no more video. I like to READ this site, not watch video.
@VanillaLake I haven't tried out the stylus to be perfectly honest.. I don't like to pull out the stylus on my 3DS consoles as I like to keep it in pristine condition. I normally use external larger stylus' anyway. I've got a mega one from my Wii U so I usually just use that. I don't know why there was such a difference in battery life in mine compared to theirs - I'll do another play through non-stop again and see if it changes, will update you in due course.
@3DSFlo Yes the camera's have been improved.. a bit. It allows more light to enter the camera sensors making the image's colour a little better. MiiVerse does load faster thanks to the upgraded CPU (but then again, all other apps load faster too). The second analogue stick is good, it isn't the same as the circle pad on the left - it's more like those little nubs on old laptops and you only need a little bit of pressure on it to use it.
@arrmixer You're welcome ^.^
If people are having trouble keeping in the 3D sweetspot, then maybe a version of Nintendo Cardboard should be developed.
Its like a cardboard box strapped to your head which forms an inter-face between the 3DS and your face. It keeps the top screen locked at the right distance and position to see the 3D fully, but allows viewing and access to all the other controls on the lower screen with the hands.
Could cost less than $2.
Not sure if it's been asked, but what if you're playing in the dark? My job has me sleeping during the daytime, so it'd be nice to know if the head tracking can accommodate night owls like me.
@Mk_II and @candy94
Good to know i'm not the only one, pretty sure we're in the very small minority though...
In depth review episode 1? Really, do me a favour and just review the console in one episode!
Another plus I wanted to point out: the wifi slider.
I celebrated my birdthday today at Joe's Crab Shack. Once again, at some point, the wireless slider got moved to the "off" position. Much like the accidental cart eject, once again the wifi slider got actuated turning wireless communication off. Once again the potential for missed street passes. And it's not the first time. I check for the green light and notice the wireless light is not flickering. Slider got bumbed and turned off streetpass. Since it is now performed by software on the new models, I don't have to worry about streetpass being accidentally disabled.
Hhhhhm should I, should I not lol
Thanks. I pre-ordered the black N3DS the other week but it's bugging me since yesterday when I tried a 3dsxl on my local store if I made the right decision going on the regular size. This will be my first 3ds. I think I'm keeping my order then.
@OnionOverlord They're gone...just like people actually picking up magazines and books and actually reading...just like people mailing letters, kids using their hands to write something on a paper...technology is making this world more and more lazy.
I think you guys at Nintendo Life should make your own magazine and help bring back NINTENDO POWER!!!! I miss that magazine greatly, and you guys are one of the only ones on top of everything nintendo!!!!
The New 3DS looks ugly simply because everything is dotted all over the place. Why is the card slot on the bottom now? To incorporate extra space for the new buttons? Stylus is on the bottom? So once that nub starts wearing down (which it will) it'll fall out all the time, cool. The design just looks disgusting.
Roll on the next handheld, hopefully get rid of the dual screens too, can't stand that anymore. :/
@icekirbyixi Good!
@JellySplat Yes, I'm happy that it was a success and we're getting another one.
@Bushido_Fai Thank you. Are you going to buy screen protectors? I've never bought them for any handheld but some people do. I'm not sure if it's worth it, I'm afraid that the image quality could be lower with plastic things covering the screens.
@VanillaLake Yeah I got them and slapped them on, always have screen protectors on my handhelds! Doesn't affect image quality and 3D is still fine. I would probably recommend it for the New 3DS as when the lid is shut, there is still a bit of a gap so you can see the buttons, etc. and dust can still get in there. It's totally up to you, but if you do get some screen protectors, I would recommend ones from HORI, they're thin but don't feel flimsy and its literally crystal clear.
@Bushido_Fai So there aren't any official screen protectors for the New 3DS, right? Where do you buy those Hori ones, can you provide me with a link? Any link for bigger stylus that you like?
@VanillaLake No official ones yet but here is a link (http://www.amazon.co.uk/Clear-Bottom-Screen-Protector-Nintendo/dp/B00RGBBL8Q/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1422301171&sr=8-2&keywords=new+3ds+screen+protector) for HORI ones. Took almost 2 weeks to get to me though :
As for the stylus, I just use the one I got for my Wii U from GAME. It's that essential's pack with a big fat thick black pen with a white nib.
Shared. I'm not in the US or even intending to buy a New 3DS but we all need to help Nintendo fix their endless stupid business decisions (and ignore arrogant Nintendo fans who think they can call others 'crybabies' for wanting different products).
@Bushido_Fai Just got those screen protectors. Any tips to put them correctly? Only 2 in the box?
@VanillaLake I'm a pro at putting on screen protectors lol - you will need approx. 6 strips of cello tape at 5cm each, and a credit card. The package only contains one screen protector for each screen so you need to be careful not to botch up the job. To be honest, this HORI screen protector was one of the easiest ones I used and with minimal effort. I would advise you to turn on the heater in the room you are going to apply the screen protectors for 5-10 minutes so that dust will fall to the ground and will reduce the chance of dust getting in. Apply the screen protectors as instructed on the packaging and use one cello tape to pull up a corner of the applied screen protector if you have any dust trapped inside. Then use another piece of cello tape to get the trapped dust inside without yanking off the screen protector. Repeat and re-do until all dust is gone. Then slowly and carefully use the credit card to smooth out the bubbles. Just remember, bubbles don't matter, you can always get those out no problem, focus on the dust first (if there are any trapped inside!) and then smooth out the bubbles!
@Bushido_Fai I see... I'll try the best I can. Thanks for the tips.
@StarDust4Ever Yeah. Still, I'm excited they're finally using their YouTube channel for original content and not just press releases and stuff.
In-depth my snugglybutt. I've seen more depth in a virtual boy game! Pathetic! Episode 2 sucked as well!
Oh well. At least they reviewed the Japanese model properly. Down with these lame videos! Try your hand at actual WRITING for a change, Nintendolife! Pfft!
1:15 Bowser plushie is looking at the system like "I GOTTA HAVE THAT" lol
Also the guy to the left was either tired or not interested being there, pretty boring to listen to someone like that.
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