Today's Nintendo Direct broadcasts were full of interesting details, and we learned a little more about one of the year's biggest Wii U titles - Splatoon; for starters, it's due to arrive in May in both North America and Europe.
Beyond that we saw some footage of the main hub area, known as the 'Plaza'. In a move reminiscent of Nintendo Land it'll be populated with characters from Miiverse, allowing interaction; this'll also be the area from which you access all available modes.
It's clear that, although there is a single-player campaign, the online multiplayer is the primary focus in the title. You get into this mode by stepping into a tower in the plaza, and by playing online you'll level up and earn in-game currency; this money can then be used in a variety of stores. You can buy different types of guns and equip up to three at one time - one is your main weapon, another is a sub-weapon to use for diversionary tactics, and finally there's a limited-use Special weapon for dealing out a lot of damage.
Other stores will sell clothes, hats and boots separately. Though you can simply try and look fashionable, different items will boost your character's abilities, so there may be strategy involved in completing sets or targeting specific areas such as speed. It looks accessible but also, potentially, deep enough to keep the most serious players quite busy.
Splatoon is shaping up nicely with a little more depth, and with its release just four months away it won't be long until we can paint a full picture.
Are you pleased with these details and looking forward to this one?
Comments 60
GOTY (behind XBX of course)
Really looking forward to Splatoon. The customization is definitely welcome.
I'm officially hooked.
This was my highlight of the Direct, and one of the few really good points. By the way folks, all of you that hate Call of Duty but are looking forward to this, those of us who have actually played Call of Duty can now, quite confidently tell you that this is following a lot of online options and features that make CoD games so popular.
Custom characters, custom weapons, loadouts, unlockables that you earn (leveling in CoD, in-game money here), these guys are on-track to give Nintendo an online shooter that actually feels like a modern online shooter--complete with their own style.
This is the exact kind of thing I've been talking about when I say that Nintendo should adopt various concepts and policies of their competitors and contemporaries. Take the good ideas and expected concepts, and add Nintendo's signature flair, and BAM, a recipe for awesome. The more robust the online, the better.
I can't wait for this game to hit, and I'm eager to see how well it holds up online. I'm also eager for an online Nintendo game that hasn't been perfected by an overly-dedicated minority for two generations (like Mario Kart and Smash Bros), which means we'll finally all be on equal footing with this online.
Now I just want a special edition with a collectible squidgirl statue.
When Nintendo can do something this exciting with an online shooter, just imagine how creative they could be with a proper account system and an Achievement/Trophy system in the consoles.
Never expect it to be release so soon (was expecting summer). Looking better by the month.
That customization is part of what makes games like Call of Duty so popular. The other part being solid, detailed, addictive, variety-laden online play.
Yes! Four months until the best game ever releases!
I was guessing May; Big N using the Mario Kart 8 formula for another BIG year for the Wii U. Splatoon (still) looking great.
Gotta say I wasn't expecting Splatoon to have a hub, looks awesome.
I am concerned about having to grind online matches to buy clothes and weapons though.
It doesn't feel like grinding a la, trudging through boring repetition in order to be able to level high enough to "do that next dungeon" so to speak. If you've ever played anything like Call of Duty online (which this is now clearly inspired by), you'd see it as a gradual progression that rewards the most dedicated players. The team behind this are fans of modern shooters like Call of Duty and Battlefield, so I would imagine they're getting the right kind of inspiration.
In Call of Duty, it's quite literally an almost RPG-like leveling system. This is just a different method that accomplishes the same thing.
Yes, you're playing a lot of online matches, but this kind of set-up is rewarding and addictive and doesn't feel like old-school "level grinding."
This is the kind of fun leveling we find in RPGs and the like, which a lot of you guys (not you specifically, Bolt_Strike) are missing out on by blindly stereotyping games like Call of Duty. These kinds of games are popular for a very good reason, and this is part of that reason.
(@Bolt_Strike: I hope this is clearer.)
@Quorthon That's literally what grinding is.
Aww yeah, now we're talking! It's like Playstation Home, except fun. I hope there's voice chat!
The game's months away and I'm already thinking about what my Inkling should look like... When Splatoon arrives, it's going to be sooo good!
Give me a squid mask and I'll buy your game!
Yay! My Inkling is gonna look like my Mii
Today's highlight. Liked the hub plaza, like the online, like the customization, like the release date, like that it was actually in the ND unlike Mario Maker and at least 2 years in the making Yoshi's Wooly World. It's all good.
And on that upbeat note, I'm calling it a day.
Grinding: verb
Doing the same actions over again In a video game in order to level up and gain stat boosts
Rethink your answer
Hmmm... Indeed, I misread your post as the "grind" being a negative element. I shall edit.
I missed the direct earlier, but I am glad at the developments for this game. This is my most anticipated game for 2015, and I am glad it's coming out in May!
Best news ever! I can't wait for Splatooooooooooooooon!
I liked seeing the different shop clerks. Makes you wonder why a cat is the judge.
Game plaza looks really nice and snazzy !
Very excited about this one.
I still have some reservations, but I'm definitely looking forward to this. Might wait for reviews before I jump, though.
shaping out nicely....still hoping for some kind of 4 player split screen though
I really, REALLY hope they have a demo for this. It looks pretty fun but I'd rather see how it plays before I decide to buy it.
Day 1 for me!
There was an indication that you could just focus on outfit, so it's possible there is more depth to it than that. We don't have specific details.
Aw man, these customization options are really great! Hopefully the balancing won't be messed up, it'S boring to play a game where everyone uses the same stuff.
Excellent. And we won't have a big game drought like last year.
I love customization in video games, so it's nice that they talked more about it. I'm hoping Gamepad Screen isn't too necessary since I still gotta fix that.
This game looks so dank. I don't usually use that word, but this game deserves it.
That's cool to hear, I may not pick this up day 1, but I will get this game.
Really looks like a great summertime game to inspire folks to get out and shoot water guns or play paintball or something. When you're done in the evening, Splatoon time online.
The whole game seems to borrow the modern urban vibe of The World Ends With You, without being so overly serious and foreboding. I bet the soundtrack will be interesting.
Ya know what would be cool is Amiibo support to add Mario & Co into the Splatoon world. I'd say it's a good theory.
@Quorthon Any type of levelling especially in an FPS but in anything online generally is the worst possible gameplay mechanic. The only thing that should matter is skill in that particular game.
I wanna know what's going on with the local multiplayer. Is there any? What controllers can be used? Is it split screen? So many questions...
I'm really happy to hear that there'll be a customization element! Splatoon is quite possibly my most anticipated title this year (it's on par with Zelda for me), so may is a great release date.
You clearly have not played them, as the system is more balanced than you think it is. If this were a fighting game, I'd agree, that's a test of straight skill in a one-on-one match (usually). In something like this, it's both a test of skill, knowing yourself, strategizing character building, and how you use the materials at-hand.
Call of Duty balances in brilliant ways. For instance, you have 8 slots (in Ghosts) for perks, which can make you run faster, reload faster, hide from radar, carry extra ammo, make you deadlier with knives, reduce damage from explosions, etc. However, perks that would over-power a player take up more slots, so they can take anywhere from 1 to 3 or 4 slots.
It's an excellent balancing act.
This is why many of you guys need to play more than just core Nintendo games sometimes. You're over-simplifying without details. This balancing act carries over into which weapons you can equip for your loadout, which attachments you can us, and the like.
At no point is any player character truly beyond other players, except in his own skills, but those who are the most dedicated do get some very hard to earn camouflage outfits, as a reward system for that dedication is always a good thing. Rather, players are able to build characters that play to their strengths or a certain combat style. I have loadouts for Ghosts, for instance, that specialize in slow movement and heavy gunning, some set up for dominating through force, some set to dominate through stealth, and a loadout that makes me a knife-wielding maniac.
This is why Nintendo fans need to start playing more than just core Nintendo games. Too many of you guys sit on the sidelines and complain about games like Call of Duty but have NO IDEA what you're talking about! (This is not targeted at you, unrandomsam, this is a general rant.) Call of Duty and games like Splatoon and Battlefield are popular for many reasons--very good reasons, and this kind of insanely solid, option-filled, yet ridiculously balanced online gaming is part of it. (Granted, not Battlefield 4, but hopefully you get the idea.)
Hell, there was a guy on here who was so ignorant, he actually tried to claim that rape was an actual part of games like this! In the information age, that is an incredible, unforgivable amount of ignorance. The things many of us are excited about for Splatoon--are the same things found in the games too many of you guys choose to refuse to even try.
It's not about graphics, or violence, or realism. It's about excitement and fun, and that's why I can't wait for Splatoon--because it looks like a new twist on the exciting and fun gameplay of titles like Call of Duty and Gears of War--which are two incredibly different, but incredibly fun, franchises.
Very very excited for this. Not as excited for all the Call of Duty talk though. I know there are similarities as I've played that franchise and there's definitely a reason why it's a top selling franchise, But let's talk about Splatoon after all!
Must. Have. Party. Chat.
Nintendo made a mistake with not incorporating that into MK8, let's hope they don't repeat that mistake here.
Outside of that solo concern, the game looks brilliant and I cannot wait to play it!
@Quorthon A game should be more than just multiplayer...
@Melkac Smash Bros and Mario Kart say hi.
@Quorthon Problem with CoD though is that a lot of players don't play the game to its fullest potential. They don't go for too much variety. CoD is still a run-and-gun game that does get boring after a while imo if you don't take a break (as in, several weeks/months). Splatoon seems to have a bit more strategy involved, a bit like Team Fortress 2 (it even has hats!).
By the way, CoD is considered generic and low-quality by quite a bit of the gaming community, not just Nintendo fans.
Every time they show off Splatoon, it looks better than before. How can it possibly get any better? But it always does.
Call of Duty is an example of this kind of game, and "generic" or not, remains a standard of the genre.
I also think it's unwise to say something like "most gamers think CoD is lame" when every CoD game outsells the Wii U itself. If we're doing an argument from popularity (itself a fallacy), Nintendo is going to lose. Most gamers also see Nintendo as irrelevant and behind the times. More like Call of Duty than the Wii U, and I doubt you'd find that a compelling argument. I certainly don't.
Don't tell me, tell the Titanfall team.
Nonsense, I loved being able to say half a sentence to my friend before the race started.
Nintendo is still over protective of little kids and peoples' feelings. They don't want people being mean to each other. Apparently they've never heard of parents or mute buttons.
@Quorthon Ok poor wording on my part. I just meant that Nintendo fans aren't the only ones who bash on CoD and games like it. Of course, the truth is that while a ton of people bash on CoD, the majority of those people buy it every year anyway.
Also, parts of the storyline are rehashed (not that Mario saving Princess Peach from Bowser isn't). Like there's scenes that are literal copy + paste.
Going to be game of the year looks sooooo fun and now customization wow i will be on this game more than i am on mk8!
Splatoon just looks better and better every time I see it.
I really hope we get a Collector's Edition packaged with one of those pixilated squid snapbacks. I love me a good snapback.
I'm looking forward to this (gaah, my wallet and time management is screaming with agony at the moment), however I do need to check my internet first, for some reason I can't play MK8 online, and I don't want the same problem to occur here.
This is looking like a must buy. Looks really fun
@Quorthon Halo has the same thing, and has had it since at least Halo 3 (I haven't played any older ones). Isn't Halo older?
I didn't watch the YouTube video, but I think I know what you're referencing, the FMV sequence copied from Modern Warfare and used in Ghosts (video wouldn't load).
For one, you really can't make a blanket statement about the entire franchise because of this one incident. I don't think you were, but honestly, trying to say "Call of Duty is terrible because it reused FMV that one time" is pretty absurd. That's like saying you're unreliable and always late for work just because you were late one time.
Beyond that, though, I'm sure it happens now and then, and why wouldn't it? Hell, there are shots in the Transformers films that are taken wholesale from some of Michael Bay's earlier films, he just put in robot explosions. Hollywood has been using stock footage since inception. It's using existing assets, if they fit, to save on money. You can hardly demonize anyone for that because it's logical.
Hell, how many Mario games use identical themes and assets? How many Zelda games recycle the exact same plot? How many games are re-released or ported, especially by Nintendo who has made reselling the past their stock in trade?
Sure, it can come off as lazy, but put yourself in the shoes of the developers, anywhere you can cut corners and save money on your $50,000,000+ production, the better. For the most part, consumers don't notice. Only the most dedicated, shall we say nerds, will ever notice this. I didn't notice it in Transformers because I haven't seen those previous Michael Bay movies. The cutscenes reused for Ghosts didn't harm anything.
This is another extremely poor way to attempt to make Call of Duty look bad "just because," as again, Nintendo is equally guilty, if nor more so. I mean, come on, StarFox64 was basically just a remake of StarFox 1, then they re-released SF64 for full price on the 3DS, and it's already being hinted that the upcoming Wii U game will likely be yet another remake of this. You're going to complain about CoD reusing cutscenes or assets? Or hell, look at any of the 2-D Castlevania games on the GBA and DS--all of them reuse assets from each other. I'm pretty sure I fought the same werewolf enemy in every one of those that I played.
Come on, man, this is reaching. Sure, it doesn't make Activision or Infinity Ward look particularly good (and Ghosts was considered a notable low point for the franchise, but Advanced Warfare is a new high point), but let's lighten up. It's not like this is some rare issue in gaming, television, movies, or anything else. And we've reached a point in gaming where reusing assets is going to be more important for cost-cutting measures.
And again, how many times has Nintendo re-re-re-re-re-released and ported the original Super Mario Bros? It's totally fine not to like Call of Duty--so long as you've actually sat down and played it and made that decision for yourself, which is something a depressing number of naysayers here have obviously never done. But let's be fair here, Call of Duty is one of the best-selling franchises of all time, almost always well-reviewed and critically applauded, and enjoyed by millions. I personally have zero interest in Madden or Mario Party games, but I recognize that they must be popular for some reason (with the notable exception that Mario Party games generally review and sell well below CoD or Madden). But who knows? Perhaps if I actually liked football and played Madden, maybe I'd love it. But I don't like football. Because it isn't baseball.
If you dig or reach far enough, you can find problems with everything. Except Eternal Darkness. Which was perfect.
Halo is older than CoD, but I was using CoD as an example for how online shooter standards tend to work, and what consumers tend to expect. Also, it's by far the highest-selling, and arguably most influential of it's type and genre.
All of these games have different nuances, for instance, Halo is notable for not having "down the sites" shooting, and CoD is famous for it's campers. My point about Splatoon here is that it's pretty clearly aiming to match, for the most part, the kind of experiences, customization, and depth offered in other contemporary online shooters. And this is something Nintendo badly needs in their library.
@Quorthon I agree. And like you said above, they must not forget to spread a little Nintendo magic on it.
When I look at all the squids in the hub area, I get a Jet Grind Radio vibe that's just slight enough to make me smile.
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