Earlier today Nintendo Europe added The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds soundtrack to Club Nintendo, which is jolly for those in the region with a load of stars to spend, but disappointing for anyone else. It continues Nintendo's slightly odd policy of creating some of the greatest soundtracks in recent times and locking them down in loyalty schemes and giveaways. It's odd for a simple reason - there's an audience that would happily buy these soundtracks on CD or as downloads, yet Nintendo is resistant to cashing in. There's little to lose but, still, here we are.
Yet Nintendo has shown, in recent times, a willingness to modernise and adjust its approach to accommodate some fan demands. The optimists among us can hope for a future Nintendo subsidiary that'll handle soundtrack releases as a matter of course to iTunes, Google Play, Amazon Music et al, and give us uncomplicated access to all of this marvellous music.
Which soundtracks do we want to see, then? Well, the ten below are all from this generation and would be hugely welcome; in each case we've outlined the current options, if any, but remember that we're gunning for easy-to-access downloads and / or local CD purchasing options.

As anyone not living under a rock for the last few months will know, a dual-disc soundtrack has been given as a special gift to those that registered both version of the game on Club Nintendo. That's all very good, but for those that don't have both versions or aren't inclined to use their Wii U or 3DS as sound systems, it's not perfect. We want this soundtrack on our phones etc (legally), and will happily pay for the privilege.

A fabulous game that earned a rare 10 in our review, it's also an experience to be savoured with a pair of headphones. Blending remixed retro tracks with new compositions, it's a stunning audio experience on 3DS, and now an option for Club Nintendo owners in Europe.

This soundtrack can be imported at a hefty premium following its CD release in Japan, and isn't the only example of an album released in Nintendo's homeland and not elsewhere. Masahiro Sakurai's brilliant - though that's perhaps a divisive view - action title was driven by a powerful orchestrated soundtrack, so this would be a real treat.

Credited as the release that secured the IP's future, this excellent strategy game from Intelligent Systems has a suitably grandiose soundtrack to suit the tale of war, friendship and redemption. Another soundtrack that received a beautiful physical CD release in Japan, it's an import option while we wait for more convenient opportunities.

We're cheating a little here, as this will be a current-gen soundtrack soon courtesy of the New Nintendo 3DS release. This is a grandiose RPG with almost unfathomable scale, and the soundtrack is a labour of love that does it credit.

A soundtrack with tracks so good that Luigi hums along - he really does! - this likely has more depth than some appreciate. Genuinely spooky at times, with tingling off-key piano being a common sound, it's also whimsical and light-hearted when required; a lovely soundtrack.

Still the only Wii U retail game to score a perfect 10 in our review (though others have been mighty close) this soundtrack was played by a real-life Big Band, bringing the game to life with bombastic, playful and slightly camp / cheesy music. As a game it brings pure joy through its design, and the music reflects that - it's been available as a Club Nintendo reward.

With Retro Studios at the helm it was little surprise that this was one of the most accomplished platformers of 2014, but the return of David Wise as lead composer elevated the soundtrack to his typically high standards. Famous for the original SNES DK soundtrack that began it all, among many others, Wise proved that he's still as talented a musical craftsman as ever.

Nintendo Life Editorial Director Damien McFerran can't get enough of the opening screen music for Mario Kart 8; with no exaggeration he can't hear that track without bursting into song himself. It's just one of many fabulous tracks performed by a talented live band - oh, and the Mute City track is on a whole new level.

Koei Tecmo's crossover title certainly takes The Legend of Zelda into new territory, and also has a soundtrack that rocks it up with familiar tracks. Well suited to the action of slaughtering hundreds of enemies - it's a pretty brutal game, if you really think about it - it's proven to be popular with plenty of Wii U gamers.
A special mention should go to the Etrian Odyssey series entries on 3DS, which have featured soundtracks with pre-orders and also have CDs available to import on Japan. They're well worth a listen.
What's odd is that Nintendo is somewhat behind the trend with soundtracks. The following game soundtracks can be bought - often as affordable downloads - via a simple Google search.
Recommended Soundtracks to Buy
- Bravely Default - A lovely listen, though it's only available as a fairly pricey CD in the West, via the official Square Enix store.
- Pokémon X & Y / Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire - Nintendo may own Pokémon, but it's hands off in allowing The Pokémon Company to release iPad and PC apps, among other things. You can also buy practically every Pokémon soundtrack on iTunes, including those for the most recent releases.
- Shovel Knight - Shovel Knight is a glorious retro-inspired platformer, which has earned Yacht Club Games many deserved awards and plaudits. The soundtrack is important to its appeal, though, and Jake Kaufman's admirable work can be found for download on Bandcamp.
- The Wonderful 101 - Platinum Games, typical of its approach and free-spirited nature, is big on releasing soundtracks online for us to buy, doing so through its own label called Polaris Tone - it's just a google search away.
- Bayonetta 2 - As above with The Wonderful 101, and very much worth a listen.
- Rayman Legends - Ubisoft isn't often held in the highest regard, but it knew it had a great soundtrack on its hands with this lovely platformer. You can pick this up as a CD - though it seems pricey - or as a more reasonable download.
So those are game soundtracks that we'd love to buy. Let us know which current-gen music soundtracks are you favourites, while you can vote on the 10 Nintendo soundtracks we want to see released in the poll below - which would you most like to buy?
Which of these current generation Nintendo soundtracks would you most like to buy? (665 votes)
- Super Smash Bros. for Wii U and Nintendo 3DS
- The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds
- Kid Icarus: Uprising
- Fire Emblem: Awakening
- Xenoblade Chronicles
- Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon
- Super Mario 3D World
- Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze
- Mario Kart 8
- Hyrule Warriors
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Comments 156
Tropical freeze needs to be in my life!! And any and all Zelda games
Uprising (just ahead) & Awakening.
Where is my option for 'all of them' though?
Fire Emblem.
I'd buy them all, love collecting physical soundtracks!
But if I had to choose just one, Kid Icarus. Its just my favourite game, such polish, and the music is incredible.
Tropical freeze. Nintendo would have my money twice.
@usabi That'd be too easy
@ThomasBW84 Haha true, but I'm weak. My vote went to FE:A.
I have the Super Mario 3D world soundtrack. I really enjoy the live band songs but there's too few on the CDs
I imagine I'd see myself buying a compilation of big band tunes from Nintendo across all the games listed above. Like a "best of".
MK8 Especially if it included the DLC (Mute City in particular)
Why would you buy the Smash Bros OST when we are getting it for free for registering both versions?
No Kirby Returns to Dream Land, Kirby's Dream Collection, or Kirby Triple Deluxe?
Out of all of these, Hyrule Warriors, SM3DW, and MK8 probably have the best soundtracks IMO. Half of Smash's soundtrack was just reused from Brawl, and, call me stupid, but I just didn't like DK Country Tropical Freeze's soundtrack at all.
But what I really want is a Kirby and the Rainbow Curse soundtrack.
I'm probably the only one who thinks this, but I'd buy an Animal Crossing: New Leaf soundtrack if that was released.
Glad to see Tropical Freeze on the list. I would definitely get that soundtrack along with Super Mario 3D World and Smash for Wii U.
Donkey Kong CTF is my favorite soundtrack FOR EVER.
3DWorld! ... and Tropical Freeze!
... Okay okay MK8 too because these 3 are the best Wii U retail games to date!
My ring tone is Champions Road.
Oh boy, too hard too to choose, so much quality. I'll place my vote on Luigi's Mansion, just to show some love and even things out a bit
Super Mario 3D World is SO gooood~!
@Kirby_Fan_DL3 Too many acronyms. I'm afraid I don't know what any of those are.
I voted for smash, but I feel like it's cheating.
Tropical Freeze (windmill hills) and Xenoblade (gaur plains) soundtracks are amazing.
I even love the 3D World and mk8 soundtracks as incidental music, but I wouldn't listen to them.
Mario Kart 8 just for that Mute City remix alone! That said, Kid Icarus Uprising and Majora's Mask 3D would be close in joint 2nd.
Super Smash Bros for Wii U seems to be a no brainer since that game generally has great music from every game featured. I also wouldn't mind Xenoblade Chronicles and Legend of Zelda.
Went to the Square Enix's site and put Bravely Default soundtrack in the cart and once I reached order summary I notice that I'd have to pay 20€ for postage (CD itself is 20€). I'm still considering to buy it though...
Tropical Freeze, definitely. David Wise is simply, and I don't use this word lightly, a genius.
Super Mario 3D World also sounds amazing, as does every Zelda game ever. Truth be told, I love every soundtrack listed in this article. A possible exception would be Smash; as awesome as it is to have so many hit VGM tracks of the past in a single game, the arrangements are often quite unfortunate (see what they did to "Stickerbrush Symphony" for a good example).
This article just reminded me of all the awesome songs in Nintendo titles. That said, I was disappointed with Uprising's soundtrack. I was desperately looking for an earworm in that game, but I did not find anyone as "annoyingly stuck in your head" as other songs in either games.
I voted for Smash Wii U, by the way. A game with over 400 songs? Sure winner.
Tropical Freeze would be an instant purchase for me, even though I've already downloaded all of my favorite tracks for free. David Wise deserves my money and the fact that I can't purchase his music yet is really dumb... Plus, I'd love having it on a collectable CD instead of just an iTunes download or something. I have purchased the Tengami soundtrack though, so there's that...
Went for Fire Emblem as I already have the Xenoblade soundtrack. Would be very happy to get the KI:U soundtrack though.
Kid Icarus would be amazing! I would've never thought of it either. Also would consider Sticker Star most would agree the music was excellent now for the rest (I liked it) is up for debate.
It's a three way tie for me. I love th Kid Icarus, SM3DW, and Mario Kart soundtracks. I also like Super Smash Bros. but I'm getting it for free already so I didn't consider it.
I can't decide between Kid Icarus Uprising, and Mario Kart 8. Luigi's Mansion and Smash Bros. would have to be second favorite for me.
Nintendo should really consider soundtracks of these games in store or even from the eShop. Would be cool to see it in GameStop too. I chose Tropical Freeze with 3D World and Xenoblade right behind it. I don't think Dark Moon's soundtrack is that great as its mostly limited to remixes of the same song but I would still buy it.
SSB has an outstanding soundtrack featuring tracks from many beloved Nintendo franchises (plus few 3rd party ones too). Even so, I had to give my vote for sheer awesomeness of DKC Tropical Freeze. It's a tale I've told many times before, I didn't think that I'd hear David Wise making music for a Nintendo game, yet alone DKC, ever again. And then he did. And it was awesome. DKC2 has overall more epic soundtrack but TP has more variety. And when the epic parts starts... you feel like being at the top of the world while playing Retro Studio's latest platformer.
I'd really want to buy that soundtrack on CD.
This is like making me choose between my favorite kids. Each and every one of these soundtracks is incredible; some of the best music ever in video games. That being said, I'll have to go with Kid Icarus, Fire Emblem, or Smash Bros.
DK Tropical Freeze - Simple! Those that never played it or made it to the stage with the trees swinging back and forth the the stage music's beat might not vote for it. Everyone else did probably.
Xenoblade does have a soundtrack cd tho, because I have it. I'd have said smash after that but i'll have that soon as well, maybe fire emblem?
Too tough to choose just one. Should have made it multiple choice.
Why won't the SM3DW ost come to the west I'd love it!
@abbyhitter Because some people can't get it for free.
@ricklongo StickerBUSH Symphony does sound very different but it is still very good.
I'm just waiting for the SSB4 OST to arrive. I hope Club Nintendo America gives us the A Link Between Worlds OST also. I own the Fire Emblem OST and I want to get the Xenoblade one.
Tropical Freeze and 3D World need OSTs
I'm getting the ssb 4 soundtrack free so kid icarus uprising got my vote.
None for me, I am not into the new Nintendo jazz. I love SMG music.
Xenoblade Chronicles
Fire Emblem Awakening
the music is amazing in these games.
As long as its orchestrated I'd get anything. Nothing better than some epicness in your life! The Legend of Zelda 25th Anniversary Special Orchestra CD is the best thing Nintendo released so far (yes, including games! )
Other than that Bravely Default has some amazing soundtrack. Watch Sound Horizon musicals if you're interested
As long as its orchestrated I'd get anything. Nothing better than some epicness in your life! The Legend of Zelda 25th Anniversary Special Orchestra CD is the best thing Nintendo released so far (yes, including games! )
Other than that Bravely Default has some amazing soundtrack. Watch Sound Horizon musicals if you're interested
As long as its orchestrated I'd get anything. Nothing better than some epicness in your life! The Legend of Zelda 25th Anniversary Special Orchestra CD is the best thing Nintendo released so far (yes, including games! )
Other than that Bravely Default has some amazing soundtrack. Watch Sound Horizon musicals if you're interested
I'd love to have a Mario Kart 8 soundtrack, Pokemon got nuffin' on Mario Kart 8's trumpets.
I want the fire emblem awakening soundtrack. I have a ripped copy of it but the quality isn't as good as I'd like. I'd love to buy it without drowning in shipping fees from Japan.
And Mario kart 8 soundtrack. I still hate rainbow road but i listen to that sound track all the time.
It is absolutely mind-boggling that Nintendo isn't offering Tropical Freeze's soundtrack for purchase. It's one of the best game soundtracks I've ever heard.
Has to be Mario Kart 8. Still hoping for a club Nintendo release after the May DLC. Also looking forward to the Smash Bros Soundtrack which should be coming soon.
I think maybe that's part of the reason why Club Nintendo may be going- over the years people have wanted items but can't because you get so little stars for each game. For example- to get the 3000 stars needed for the Link Between Worlds OST, if each Nintendo game was £30, you're looking at spending £360 to get enough stars to be able to afford it (without game surveys obviously). In that retrospect, it's not good value for money. I'd prefer to buy the sound tracks and other items i wanted, maybe like a catalogue like they used to have in the US?
I would love to have a Kid Icarus Uprising Soundtrack.
Zelda or smash soundtrack 4 me
Not current but I always loved Metroid Prime and Kirby's Epic Yarn music
I want Smash's soundtrack, and not the CN bonus thing...but the FULL soundtrack. Also, why isn't Dream Team on here? lol
A few days ago i would have ticked the Xenoblade box, but while looking through my Nintendo club rewards I found a download version listed to redeem apparently for registering the game which was nice to find, not sure if it was a UK only offer or not though.
I remember when I was a kid, Nintendo Power had a holiday gift minimag bundled with it. In it was a soundtrack for Donkey Kong Country 2. That's the one game soundtrack that I would have loved. Not that these other options aren't great though. I just have always regretted not buying it.
I would absolutely buy the Super Mario 3D World soundtrack. It's just magical. Ranks as one of the best soundtracks overall ever in a Mario game in my opinion.
@Dogorilla You're definitely not the only one.
When the FEA soundtrack was first released, I was going to buy it on amazon for $80.00. Go ahead, look at how expensive it is now:
Its sickening how expensive the darn thing is!
I have an "unofficial" OST of DKC Tropical Freeze, with every track in ultra high quality MP3 (quality could be mistaken for an official release), full custom album artwork to mimic an official release, the works. You can find it online if you know where to look.
DKC Tropical Freeze
Fire Emblem Awakening
Super Mario 3D World
Those are the heavy hitters right there...
Id rather use that money for games, but I wouldnt complain if I get them as gifts
I'd love to have a CD of the best of David Wise. Fantastic job on DKC as a series, and TF may just be the best when it comes to music.
This is all another case in which I don't understand this company. Why not just sell the stupid soundtracks? In NA, we can't even get the ALBW one on Club Nintendo.
Eh, the Kid Icarus: Uprising OST isn't really that expensive. http://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B008B4H8LG
Maybe you mistook it with the Fire Emblem: Awakening OST? http://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B00B4G1XGO Now that reminds that I kind of regret not getting this OST even though I don't recall that many memorable tracks.
With that said, if you are interested in the Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn OSTs you might want to pre-order those while those are still available. Yes, Amazon JP does ship CDs oversea.
Xenoblade, closely followed by Kid Icarus: Uprising!
But how can anyone seriously claim that Smash Bros. has a good soundtrack when most of it isn't even Smash Bros.? And what few tracks are there are all just the same godawful tunes over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over* and over*.
It's one thing when people say there's a good music selection overall, but it's just hypocritical to state that Super Smadh Bros. 3D/Unite has a great soundtrack, since almost every single original piece is the very same leitmotif.
Having listened to most of these extensively on Youtube, Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze is far and away the winner. It's one of the best combinations of mood music and adventurous themes you'll ever hear. The melodies and sounds chosen never seem to get old, and each set (generally corresponding to certain types of levels) is really unique. I can't recommend it enough. Even though I can hear it on Youtube, I would still buy it.
Fire Emblem is a bit bipolar, with music mostly super intense or really sad. Zelda tracks are always good. Mario Kart 8 is surprisingly good, and very upbeat. Kid Icarus Uprising is good, especially Dark Pit's theme, but you can tell that a lot of it is scored to correlate closely with the action and dialog onscreen, and out of context it sounds kind of odd.
Let me also just say that if you like old school chiptunes, Mega Man 2 and 3 are some of the best. I really like a lot of the Mega Man 2 and 3 arrangements on the Smash soundtracks as well, though as someone else mentioned, the Smash arrangements can be hit or miss sometimes. They go a little overboard sometimes to make them intense for fighting. There are also some really strange songs that get in there from obscure games or levels that aren't very good. Still, it is kind of one collection of video game songs to rule them all.
Also, not mentioned, Super Mario Galaxy (1 and 2). That is some of the best music of any series. The themes are so compelling and the arrangements blend orchestral and synth sounds beautifully.
Kid Icarus all the way, although I also loved FE Awakening's sound track. And even though they are by Level 5, I wish the Professor Layton Soundtracks were released. I absolutely loved the music in the Azran Legacy and Layton vs Ace Attorney.
Hyrule Warriors,obviously.
The acoustic version of hyrule main field in A link between worlds is the best!!! I was bummed when it was only played once in the intro of the game. I want that track!
One final suggestion from way back in the day that no one remembers: Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles from the Gamecube days. That game had some incredible music. It's got a great medieval vibe and uses a lot of wood flute and other cool instruments. The themes are really memorable.
BTW, that game is due for a re-release on Wii U that utilizes local multiplayer with multiples 3DS systems, or alternatively online multiplayer, à la Monster Hunter.
Xenoblade Chronicles, hands down. My favorite Nintendo soundtrack is my Eternal Darkness soundtrack album.
Mario Kart 8 is for me!
This is tough. Smash' soundtrack is awesome, as well as Kid Icarus'. But my vote went to Fire Emblem Awakening. "Don't speak her name" is just incredible, as well as "Chaos" or "Mastermind". Too much awesomeness to not to choose it. But I also love "Dark Pit" or that awesome Gerudo Valley remix from Smash...
I would say smash, but when i saw Tropical freeze, OMG. Donkey Kong country tropical freeze all the way!!
i would have went with smash but I got a soft spot for Luigi do meh vote went to Luigi's mansion
Fire Emblem. Or Smashbros.
TBH you should have included only soundtracks that haven't been released in some form. SSB and ALBW are already available, and I actually have the Xenoblade soundtrack. 4 discs of pure epic joy to the ears. I voted Kid Icarus.
If we're going back to previous generations, I'd love an actual physical release for the Golden Sun soundtrack, especially if they just recorded a select dozen with an orchestra. I only have ripped MIDIs, which of course are true to the tracks heard in the game but I'd still love a packaged version.
I would buy all of them. Almost all of them. Ooh, I just love all this music!
DKC. No contest
I'm one of the few people that would want a Luigi's Mansion soundtrack, huh? Not only is it the bigger longshot of the group, I loved almost all the songs in that game, which I can't say for the other options.
I was crazy enough to get the Xenoblade Chronicles OST for 40 or 50 € if i remeber correctly, together with the Okami one. Never regretted it, it's so great to listen to!
And I got the Bravely Default one too, it's got some very impressive tracks!
Now, I'm waiting for the Smash Bros. one, and the Link between Worlds one to enlarge my little collection.
From the list, I'd take the DK or Kid Icarus one.
I nearly said Kid Icarus Uprising, but I just can't say no to Smash Bros. There are lots of great soundtracks on that list.
Smash just because it has a good mixture of all, but Uprising would be my second choice.
Hyrule Warriors! I love the soundtrack.
Also... Super Mario 3D World, Pokemon X/Y, and that Shovel Knight soundtrack.
I'm not including Smash only because I've got that soundtrack coming my way from the Club Nintendo promotion.
@bro2dragons I edited my comment to remove some of the abbreviations.
I love video game soundtracks. Of this gen, DKCTF, all Zelda games, and Xenoblade would probably be the ones I'd buy. But I actually prefer the soundtracks froms generations past.
I'd love to buy soundtracks for Super Mario 64, the orginal DKC trilogy, Super Metroid, Skyward Sword, the NES Mario trilogy, and have some individual tracks from games like Punch-Out!! NES, F-Zero, and Kid Icarus be downloadable.
Xenoblade Chronicles has one of the best soundtracks in video game history.
I think the Original Soundtrack is contained in 4 discs.
Typo, nintendo MAY not own Pokémon. =)
Well, I'm already getting the Smash CDs, and I already have the soundtracks to Kid Icarus Uprising, Fire Emblem Awakening, and Hyrule Warriors (with the last being my favorite).
I suppose I'd go with Xenoblade Chronicles, as from what I've heard from Smash it has a good variety. SM3DW, ALBW, and MK8 have very great tracks, too. I don't know much about Luigi's Mansion or DKCRTF music.
@Quorthon I love the Eternal Darkness soundtrack! I sadly don't have it in physical form but i listen to tracks on YouTube quite often. Great score for one of my favorite GameCube games.
I would give up an arm and a leg for the Tropical Freeze soundtrack! It's an AMAZING OST, one of the catchiest I've heard in years (I <3 you David Wise) and it's so sad that all I can get to listen to it is meh-quality rips and sometimes incomplete versions of the songs. I would give anything for it. MK8, FE:A, full Smash soundtrack, and all the others would be amazing too, but DKC:TF is top. Just bring us more soundtracks in general, Nintendo! Even if only digitally. I don't have a disc drive on my laptop anyways
Tropical Freeze for this guy!!
@JaxonH I'm one of these guys who needs to buy physical official products.. I just youtube the soundtrack when I need to at the moment!
My Top 8 OST CDs to buy (in no specific order):
●Super Mario Galaxy
●Super Mario Galaxy 2
●The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker (HD)
●Super Mario 3D World
●Mario Kart 8
●Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze
●Super Smash Bros. For Wii U/Nintendo 3DS
●Kid Icarus: Uprising
It's a pretty great soundtrack, for one of Nintendo's best titles. I bought it on eBay (or was it Amazon?) a few years ago for something like $25. Well worth it.
This is part of why I love collector's editions, especially since so many come with soundtracks. Frankly, I think they (collector's editions) should all come with soundtracks at this point. The soundtracks to Witcher 2 and Alan Wake are also pretty awesome (Alan Wake has some elements similar to Eternal Darkness). I was disappointed that the 20th Anniversary Kirby set didn't come with a solid King Dedede theme. That's my favorite Kirby track and the soundtrack in there let me down on that one.
I'm already getting Smash so deinitely MK8.
There are a couple of tracks from Hyrule Warriors I'd like to have.
It wasn't an option but I'd get 'em all! "Gotta catch 'em all! Gotta catch 'em all! Gotta catch 'em all! Gotta catch 'em all!" XD
I already have the fire emblem soundtrack and it's great to listen to in the car. If anything, I would really love a chance to get the 3D World soundtrack since I don't live in Europe.
I bought the FE Awakening soundtrack at release for about $40. Seeing how expensive it is now makes me very happy that I made that decision! It's really a gorgeous soundtrack!
OR!.... Paper Mario the thousand year door. Some of the most incredible music in a game. That and Metroid Prime.
Honestly, I'd pay for all of these!
ohh., I can't decide, Music is my most favorite in all, and many OST, many OST, oh my, I can't decide... Better, I would buy all. jiji.
In other way, I can't buy or get any CD from Club Nintendo, remembering that Club Nintendo never, NE..ver support Mexico and Latin America, ..sigh.., oh well...
Buy? Eh, I don't buy music, I just use free (legal) methods like Pandora and YouTube. No piracy but my limited spending money is put towards games. Still, if any of these are on Club Nintendo next month, I likely will "purchase" them (as in with my coins) because it's nice to have a few CDs in my car for when I forget to grab my phone's USB cord and, face it, all of this music is stellar.
@Kirby_Fan_DL3 I second the Kirby Triple Deluxe soundtrack. Fantastic tracks in that!
My Club Nintendo card for Smash Wii U was taken out of its case before I bought it, and I didn't realise until I'd already gotten home with it. Missed out on the soundtrack AND the free Mewtwo!
Have Xenoblade and will get Smash, so DK for me.
I have to give Donkey Kong the nod. That is a great soundtrack.
mk8 and ssb soundtracks but im already getting the ssb soundtrack through club nintendo so mk8
David Wise's work on Tropical Freeze is brilliant, but as a collector of Zelda merch, A Link Between Worlds would have to be my first choice. Both is good too though! Love the music in MK8 as well.
The Xenoblade OST is great. I highly recommend it.
I would love Xenoblade's and A Link Between World's soundtracks. I would list Uprising in there, but I already own that one. I imported it a while back. Lovely soundtrack.
Xenoblade Chronicles. All of my money.
Luigi's Mansion 2 DM only has 3%? That soundtrack was incredible!
I'd pay for all of these.
Kid Icarus, Xenoblade, Luigi's Mansion 2. Totally.
None. Youtube all the way!
@JaxonH I also have that "release" and listen to it almost daily (plus a few other gems). Needless to say Tropical Freeze has my vote. I would purchase this soundtrack twice over, it is that good. Everyone who hasn't heard this OST directly, Amyss Abyss & Grassland Groove - go listen.
I already have the Club Nintendo 3d World OST and have the Link Between Worlds OST on the way, but I too would love if Nintendo gave us the opportunity to buy these albums directly from them.
..and smash bros OST is cheating. It's like a greatest hits album - the best music from the most memorable games, how can it not win?
Probably a minority here, but some of the songs in Mario and Luigi Dream Team are terrific. The temple song especially. Hyrule Warriors is ace too, and there is a lot of Smash songs missing that I love. HOW IS THE DEDEDE THEME FROM GREAT CAVE OFFENSIVE MISSING?
I picked donkey kong tropical freeze because the soundtrack to that game is epic.
Currently I am playing through Kirby triple deluxe and the soundtrack for that game has some amazing tunes and such a fun game
No, I'm serious. I get them all.
I wish I could buy a download of Hyrule Warrior's version of the House Theme.
I love that arrangement with the way they slowed it down and used the staccato trumpet. I always sit there and listen to it on the battle prep screen.
I love the soundtrack of Zelda medley's that came with the Skyward Sword LE. I would buy stuff like that by itself. Straight soundtracks are cool and all, I've bought a number of them, but I really like when they get orchestras or jazz bands or something to play new arrangements. Get that Mario Kart 8 band of theirs to record and sell a bunch of different songs like when they did this:
That's one of the harder polls I've seen here. Nintendo's music this gen has been awesome. It always is, but it seems to be on a different level this gen. I voted for Tropical Freeze because it's the only one I've played videos of just to listen to the music, but I'd love a soundtrack for 3D World and Mario Kart 8 too. Xenoblade would be great, but I think I'd listen to the others more.
I'd also want them on CD. You can't usually download music in FLAC.
Definitely Awakening
@usabi definitely agree with you there.. I'd love to own ALL of them..
In my mind, the first reaction is "Of course, Luigi." But nope. Few others. That'd be great for driving.
I like the majority listed - especially Super Smash Bros., Kid Icarus: Uprising, Super Mario 3D World, and Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze.
This is a popularity vote, the obvious answer is Kid Icarus, more people gotta play that game!, obviously.
I'd have to pick SSB Wii & 3DS as it covers most of them, but it still isn't an easy choice.
Too much to decide - I want them all!
So tough to decide, they're all brilliant collections.
I'm actually planning to import Xenoblade's Japanese soundtrack. I love its music. My second choice would be Smash.
I'd choose Xenoblade Chronicles. But actually I think that none of Nintendo's soundtracks in recent years was of true greatness. Just as video game music in general is losing its specific appeal. The last truly memorable soundtrack from Nintendo? Super Mario Galaxy perhaps. It succeeded rather well in combining what is merely "great music" with something that unfolds its quality through the combination with gameplay.
Nintendo had some great soundtracks during the GCN era though (Metroid Prime 1, Eternal Darkness). And N64 anyway.
I just read, that you get the soundtrack of Xenoblade Chronicles in Japan, if you pre-order the new 3DS port of the game. Hope this promotion makes it to Europe!
I already have the Super Mario 3D World soundtrack, which is quite nice. I think I'd like the Mario Kart 8 soundtrack.
There's no option for none of them!!
The music for each of those games are fantastic but I would never buy a compilation of them. I'd rather listen to the music while playing the game.
Hyrule Warriors, Xenoblade, Smash Bros. U for me
I'm being conservative here by saying I like all soundstracks in the game, but I wouldn't listen to any of those seperatly. The music is made as a part of an intermedial experience, that's what makes it a good soundtrack for me. Hearing the music without playing the game is just as annoying as playing my own alarm or ringtone from CD.
As i read that Depeche Mode's "Just Can't Get Enough" was playing in the radio.
If they released CD's with these soundtracks for 8 € each i'd probably get all of 'em.
Not quite current generation but a fairly recent game none the less, Kirby's Epic Yarn is the best soundtrack I've ever heard on a game.
I love Zelda ALBW's soundtrack!
It's such a great symphonic update to ALTTP's soundtrack.
Where's the "none" option? People who listen to video game soundtracks DONT GET GIRLFRIENDS!!!!!
@abbyhitter I think you missed the point, it's a hypothetical question. Plus, not every person owns both a Wii U & 3DS, and a copy of Smash for both systems.
Anyways, I voted for Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze. I think second for me would be Mario Kart 8; but I hum or whistle Luigi's Mansion theme and the Super Mario 3D World songs all the time.
@Dogorilla You're far from the only one!! A soundtrack for Animal Crossing New Leaf would be a dream come true for me
There has never been a scenario where I have wanted to listen to video game music outside of playing the game.
So none for me.
@Dogorilla I saw this version on the Official Nintendo Store UK it is priced at £10.00, It's called "Animal Crossing GWP". http://store.nintendo.co.uk/cd/animal-crossing-gwp/10871177.html
The songs are K.K Slider's most requested songs. It is a 39 track album, with 36 soundtracks and 3 bonus tracks.
Track Listing:
Animal Crossing Theme
First Trip to the City
Daytime in City Square
Happy Room Academy
Morning in City Square
Night in City Square
The Auction House
The Marquee - Theater
All Aboard the Bus
Stale Cupcakes
Spring Blossoms
K.K. March
K.K. Waltz
K.K. Jazz
K.K. Fusion
K.K. Samba
K.K. Bossa
K.K. Calypso
Lucky K.K.
K.K. Condor
K.K. Rock
Rockin' K.K.
K.K. Love Song
K.K. Technopop
Only Me
Surfin' K.K.
Go K.K. Rider!
K.K. Western
K.K. Rockabilly
Agent K.K.
K.K. Metal
K.K. House
K.K. Sonata
Bonus tracks
K.K. House (Club Version)
Shrunk's Dream
Town Square (K.K Live Version)
Nintendo really could profit by selling these in retail or more so, on places like the iTunes Store. I for one, bought the Ruby And Sapphire OST in a heartbeat. I'd definitely do the same for Xenoblade, Smash, and Tropical Freeze
Already have DKCTP downloaded.. But would gladly pay Nintendo if they'd release it! Same goes with SSB4. There's money to be had here for Nintendo..
On a side note if they were to offer OST's for purchase, I think it'd be incredibly smart to include a free digital download. This would cover the remaining tracks that didn't make the cut on the hard copy/cd. I'd hate to purchase a soundtrack that had only half of my favorite tunes!
Is there anywhere one could go online to buy physical Zelda OSTs? I've been looking around and they seem to be a rarity, so Amazon prices are through the roof, and potentially they aren't official
So not true. I've been jamming out to Zelda 25th Anniversary cd since I got it, and I'm getting married in a few months.
@Classic603 Only place I know of is ebay I have purchased wind waker, majora's mask and ocarina of time ones from there all from japan at reasonable prices too in the region of 20 quid each.
I actually did buy both the Kid Icarus: Uprising and Xenoblade Chronicles soundtracks.
Wouldn't pay money for the rest.
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