Following the discontinuation of Animal Crossing Plaza and the Animal Crossing Series Community at the end of last year, New Leaf director, Aya Kyogoku, has today launched the Animal Crossing Announcement Community on Miiverse.
This community will be used by Nintendo to deliver news and messages related to Animal Crossing: New Leaf and the series in general. Read what Aya Kyogoku had to say in her first post below:
Hi there! I'm Aya Kyogoku, director of Animal Crossing: New Leaf.
We've created a new announcement community here as a related community to the Animal Crossing: New Leaf community!
It's been over a year since Animal Crossing: New Leaf was released, and we're planning to bring you fun news and messages from the developers to help you fully enjoy this game.
Stay tuned!
Let us know in the comments if you’re expecting any big news from the Animal Crossing Announcement Community in 2015.
[source miiverse.nintendo.net]
Comments 39
Hopefully we can get a Wii U Animal Crossing. It's gonna happen at some point, right?
Everybody hopes on a release of a WiiU version
Man, has it really been over a year since New Leaf came out? :/
Anyways I'm not sure this will be for any new Wii U game announcement, or at least any time soon. Likely it will have to do with the second half of the Mario Kart 8 DLC.
I'm sure Animal Crossing would be popular on Wii U, but I'm much happier with the game being portable these days.
Fingers crossed for Animal Crossing Wii U..
Looks like the Wii U version could be announced at E3 if they've set this up. Feel bad i haven't played it since New Years day. Time to go back i think as i do miss it.
As much as I adore ACNL (still playing the game daily, despite other games' attempts to pull me away!) I just can't envision myself playing a Wii U based version of the game. One of the biggest appeals to me of New Leaf is that it's portable, therefore I can play it whenever I want, wherever I want.
Animal Crossing on home consoles never made any sense to me. I know it started on the N64, but I played it first on DS and that was a perfect home for it. The only other one I've played is the 3DS one, and I have no desire to play it in a format that means I can't see anything in the village from Monday to Friday, 9 to 6...
However, going by North American releases (GC 2002, DS 2005, Wii 2008, 3DS 2013) the series could be due a new entry to be announced this year, released in Japan by the end of the year and localised for the west next year. Maybe off-screen play on the GamePad could be a compelling feature.
Really hoping for a AC WiiU announcement in the near future. Would be awesome if 2 players could play simultaneously on one system using gamepad/TV. Next best thing would be a 2DS player for the WiiU so I could play AC:NL on the TV.
If Animal Crossing gets a Wii U game, it better use the GamePad microphone. Not gonna put up with breaking down a sentence into several short messages again.
I am guessing that this is to prepare for the announcement of the Wii U Animal Crossing game. Bring it on cause after over 650 hours in New Leaf I am definitely looking forward to moving on to a new entry in the series and it will be interesting to see what they can do with the power of Wii U!
If this isn't a sign of the next Animal Crossing game, nothing is.
i put in about 400 hours with one of my KIDS as the mayor!!! haven't played in months, but considering deleting the town and starting again... as the mayor this time.
They should just announce Wii U Animal Crossing already. We all know it's coming.
I'm hoping for a new Animal Crossing 3ds. Yep. I know. NL is a 3ds one, but the portability for AC is really what it needs, imo.......
I agree that AC is better suited to handhelds, but off-TV play is a game-changer this time around (that and the possibility to buy the game digitally). Just having to take over the TV every time you wanted to play Let's Go to the City made it hard to have short, frequent sessions. So I think a Wii U version has potential.
Now to wait for Animal Crossing U...
I hope if they bring it to the Wii U they can bring some new features to off set the lack of portability.
I should go back to my town in ACNL. I dread to think about how many weeds there are now.
I want Animal Crossing x Harvest Moon for Wii U!
Off topic, but I just tried out the New Nintendo 3DS at my local GAME store It was amazing. The C-Stick alone is a reason to upgrade, it felt unbelievably brilliant. I cannot wait for February 13th
On topic, errr cool!
Why isn't there an animal crossing on Wii U, yet? Huh.
I really liked the idea of that community app thingy on the Wii U. There should be more like that. I think @rjejr mentioned having one for the Amiibos and I think that's a great idea. Amiibo needs a centralized appvertisement anyway.
Cloud based Animal Crossing between Wii U and 3DS please!
Also a Wii U animal crossing with no load times or "zones"
@aaronsullivan - "appvertisement"
Now I'm hungry for pigs-in-a-blanket Just messn' with ya.
Wii U at the very bare minimum least needs 1 of these:
"Why isn't there an animal crossing on Wii U, yet? Huh."
If we don't have ACU by Christmas Nintendo wins troll of the year. amiibo compatible. I don't even play those games but I want a Mr. Resetti amiibo - I'm a big fan of puns.
I really don't know whether to buy New Leaf again or just wait for the Wii U version. Something tells me that I'll be waiting awhile...
Please please please make this for Wii U! I can only take so much of the 3DS size. Animal Crossing started on the N64/GameCube its meant for home console. I would love to enjoy my town in a big full HD screen, while talk directly at anyone who comes to my town over WiFi. Hell why not let 3ds users come too? Anyways just bring the next game to Wii U please! It'll be amazing.
I guess APPetizer works for that type of an app as well! Now I need to get something to eat.
Animal Crossing Amiibos... they have been showcasing the animals as distinct and recurring characters more haven't they.
Animal Crossing needs a bit of an overhaul for me to really get into it again, it's just such a giant time suck without a lot of activity. I really enjoyed it on the GameCube, but there's no place for it in my current lifestyle. Still, it should be on Wii U already. Maybe they are going for something ambitious with it.
Thank god, I thought this was going to be for a Wii U announcement, but it sounds like they're just planning on supporting New Leaf. At least I hope that's the case. I really have no idea why people are asking for AC on the Wii U when the 3DS is the perfect platform for the series. I'm fully convinced that it never needs to come to another home console.
@aaronsullivan - Spent $65 on 2 new Skylanders packs this morning - which is nuts b/c I only spent $37 on the entire $75 game. I never buy MSRP but all the "limited availability" of NFC toys and consoles and adaptors broke me. Now I just need to find a Kaos trap and I'm done.
I think that's why big companies don't mind scalpers too much - people like me - a non-scalper - buy stuff immediately when we see it, even at full MSRP. Sell outs = profits.
I'll give Disney this, haven't seen too many stock issues for figures or playsets. Well at least not that I'm aware of, not really looking that hard for anything in particular though.
I hope It's a Animal Crossing Wii U version
I much prefer console AC for the visuals and because i can of course bigger display. To me it brings the world more to life.
I really put New Leaf on the back burner. I need to get back to playing! Such a good game.
@DerpSandwich Why not on Wii-U? To me it would be double the fun especially if it had more features, bigger area and better online play.
Animal crossing for the WiiU would be awesome, but I do love it as a portable. I hope we get some new dlc though, it would be neat if new furniture and clothing series would get released to keep the game from getting stilted. I usually play the games for about a year and a half and then kind of forget about them, although I will fire it up every now and again for holidays. I think new dlc would be great instead of waiting like 4 years for a whole new game.
@DerpSandwich I don't know, while I do prefer it as a portable, animal crossing city folk was excellent too. I might just be biased because I love every animal crossing, although I think wild world was a let down, I think on a console would be good too. I think it gives more room too, better online interaction. Animal crossing does seem ideal as pick up and play though.
If this means new support for this old game, I might just start actively playing it again.
I can see this working pretty well actually. One of the annoyances I had with New Leaf was placement of objects and Town Hall projects. They might do a huge revamp of the customisation aspect of the game since the Gamepad could potentially make things a lot more user friendly.
They could also expand the multiplayer aspect, especially on the local multiplayer as the console allows for multiple inputs.
Im calling amiibo support in ACNL! Dont think theyre going to release a AC on WiiU. Im not even sure if there are any reasons for it to be on the wiiU, the graphics are pretty awesome on the 3ds already
Yayy!! Thats good, as I have a ACNL game lying around somewhere.
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