RCMADIAX has been an active developer on the Wii U eShop this year, being the first to publish a Nintendo Web Framework title in the West with BLOK DROP U, before following up with more budget titles in North America. The focus throughout 2014 has been on low-priced releases and collaborations, which will be a theme once again in this week's North American download update.
A slightly peculiar arrival this week is BLOK DROP X TWISTED FUSION; this has been developed by Leuvsion, and we say it's odd as it's a cross-over with the Kickstarted game that isn't due until 2015, Twisted Fusion. On the flipside it will arguably help promote next year's release, and you can see a trailer below.
Next is TOSS N GO, the latest simple game that'll utilise the GamePad touchscreen and support up to two players.
Are you interested in either of these titles this week? Let us know.
Comments 37
Stopped reading at RCMADIAX, once I saw that name, I knew it's be crap. Only clicked to comment.
It's like Angry Birds without the birds.
The creatures in the BLOK DROP X TWISTED FUSION remind me of Trogdor. They can never be as cool without the beefy arm.
He lost my support after Spikey Walls.
A crap game crossed with a crap game that isn't even out yet.Can't wait!
Got to laugh at the music in the trailer,implying that this crossover is something epic.
The hate is strong in this one. Lighten up guys. It's Christmas.
If someone sold you a lemon, would you forgive them just because it's Christmas?
I was fooled once with Block Drop U, and I gave the benefit of the doubt. There will not be a "fooled me twice."
I meant, just ignore this article/game.
The hate is justified with this one though.
Any chance of these scoring above a 4?
Sad to see so much judgement passed on games that nobody has played yet.
I'm unsure about Toss N Go, but Blok Drop X Twisted Fusion looks great. Blok Drop was quite a fun little budget game, and Twisted Fusion was one of my favorite Wii U Kickstarters from the past year.
There is a saying:
Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.
His games have been nothing but crap or lazy rip offs of crappy games (spikey walls). These games are a complete waste of money and people got burned by it so you should expect people to have this attitude when they see his name on games. It is going to take a lot before people are going to start considering his games again.
I consider these to be like IOS games and since the Wii U has a tablet that can operate without a TV, I feel like these games can have a home here. Since the prices are also low, I feel like the hate is a bit unjust. Now Tested with Robots on the other hand is a simple and poorly made game selling at a premium price, so that does deserve hate as it clutters our Eshop with overpriced shovelware.
Let people vent. This is one of the developers making the eShop look bad. His games are soulless, hollow, cash-grabs to take advantage of consumer ignorance.
The flipside is that you just allow this stuff to happen, and gradually the eShop--one of Nintendo's strengths during a tough generation--becomes one of their weaknesses.
I'm not normally for harping on developers or harassing them to do what you want (like trying to make Bioware re-write their science fiction epic), nor should RCMADIAX be overtly harassed, but there is little if anything positive about this developer, and worse, he's been insulting to Nintendo consumers with his "you bought crap because it was cheap, so I'm just going to make more cheap crap." It's extraordinarily cynical. Worse--and I have provided evidence to this before--but he is clearly tooling around with Construct 2 tutorials, and then charging people money for them as "games." Spikey Walls was just the most blatant. Credit where credit is due, but also call BS when you see it.
Again with the lemon analogy--if you bought a lemon, would you not want to voice your opinion to warn others if you see the lemon producer churning out more obvious ones? It's the same as championing something you love to others.
Saying "because it's Christmas" is a non-sequitur.
While I admire RCMADIAX, these games don't belong on the Wii U, not really, maybe blok drop, but the others should be pc/tablet/mobile ventures. Granted it's smart to publish on a less crowded eshop, but there still needs to be a level of quality before people bite down, its not quantity, but quality that will garner your respect, and the name has been mildly tarnished. Keep making games, but test the waters before its release, does it make sense to release these games to this audience?
The issue I have is that the more cheap crap there is released, the more likely more cheap throw-away crap will be released. And indeed, RCMADIAX had noted on this very site that his reason for making more cheap crap (specifically mentioned for Spikey Walls) was because people bought other cheap crap in droves from the eShop in the vein of The Letter. Granted, a big chunk of this is on Nintendo, who should have more rigorous standards of quality and gameplay, but the freedom they offer should not be abused to such an extent.
This is the precise reason the Xbox 360 Indie market turned into such a garbage dump. It made gems difficult to find, and flooded the market with bile, non-games, and cheap cash-grabs.
I encourage anyone on here to play DLC Quest or Zombie Estate on the X360 or PC--these games were a dollar, and they delivered untold levels of gameplay and enjoyment. DLC Quest was $1, and two fantastic hours of hilarious and enjoyable gameplay, brilliant commentary on the gaming industry, and undeniably charming. Block Drop U was $2 and 35 minutes of personality-free, stark-gray, trial-and-error, luck-centric puzzle gaming. Puzzle games should almost never rely on luck.
Just because something is cheap does not mean it's worth your time or money.
@Quorthon I totally empathize with your concern. I do agree that the once championed E Shop is quickly being degraded but Nintendo needs to step in and clean this up. The fact that we have games like Shovel Knight are being drowned under way too much garbage. It's the Wii curse all over again, where the system produced some real gems but they were buried under a mountain of garbage. Maybe the E shop needs a separate category for budget titles so they stay off the main page. It does appear that the EShop has lost a lot of steam and with Dan Adelman gone they need to keep things at full throttle. My biggest concern with the Eshop is why they don't go after failed but amazing kickstarter projects like Shadow of the Eternals or Taxi Journey.
Cynicism at its most profound.
I haven't heard of Taxi Journey (I'll have to look it up), but I agree with the sentiment, especially concerning Shadow of the Eternals. I'd love nothing more than to see Eternal Darkness revived, but not without Nintendo's strict oversight.
Denis Dyack & company (be it Silicon Knights or it's reanimated corpse, Precursor) have proven to be extremely troublesome and unreliable developers, and Dyack himself has long had a history of flamewars online. Dyack is a parasite that clings to a wealthy company and just tries to stay employed for as long as possible, which is evidenced with the Playstation-to-GameCube-to-Xbox360 development cycle of Too Human, the three+ years of non-development of X-Men Destiny, and the N64-to-GameCube development cycle of Eternal Darkness. I'm convinced that the only reason ED was the impressive title it became was due entirely to Nintendo funding and owning the game, and their strict oversight protecting it from being a dud. Too bad it didn't sell very well and Nintendo continues to behave so strangely around M-rated games they produce.
Essentially, the only way I would ever tolerate Shadow of the Eternals would be if Nintendo picked it up. Frankly, I'd rather they just hand a sequel over to Retro studios and cut Dyack out completely. Dyack's shady behavior, ridiculous lawsuits, and the troubled downfall of Silicon Knights have utterly destroyed all my confidence in him and his company (or companies).
Well these games look quite uninspired to say the least.
I can't complain since RCMADIAX is one of the few publishers that price budget theme games appropriately for the type of genre/play style. There are those like Cypronia that will charge $5-$9 for a crappy fruit ninja and angry bird clone.
A pass on both for now.
@ikki5 I agree Spikey Walls was indeed crap.
Blok Drop U & Poker Dice Solitaire Future were pretty fun though. Lots of people have enjoyed them. I won't write him off for one poor game choice.
I've enjoyed a few of RCMADIAX's games. It is a bit unfair to label them as "lemons" with the implication that the game is not as described or fails to function properly; they are simple games that are easy to pick up and play (like many mobile games) with some competitive fire to them. There is a market for that type of game - otherwise he wouldn't release them! - and if there are concerns that the Nintendo market would be flooded by them (ala IOS) those are upon Nintendo and their consumers to act upon. The simple fact is that they represent to many people entertaining value for their cost. And Poker Dice Solitaire had some surprising strategic depth to it, if you were trying to get a perfect score.
The guy from RCMADIAX said he made Spikey Walls in order to get money for better games in the future... I don't think he meant it
For everyone here complaing, I suggest you should shut your mouth whining because there is nothing wrong what with he's putting out. It's mediocre but it is not shovel ware.
@Hero-of-WiiU Not only that but Blok Drop was a great game, albeit a short one so this game actually looks very promising for a budget title. I won't know for sure until I play it myself, but I'm guessing that it'll probably receive a score of 7/10 here at Nintendo Life.
Not only was Blok Drop U quite fun, he already did one update to improve the game! New levels are coming next year as well. Pretty good for $1.99 web framework game.
I'm extremely curious about your definition of shovelware. Any other definition of the word exactly describes these games.
This is from Wikipedia:
"The metaphor implies that the creators showed little care for the quality of the original software, as if the new compilation or version had been created by indiscriminately adding titles "by the shovel" in the same way someone would shovel bulk material into a pile. The term "shovelware" is coined by semantic analogy to phrases like shareware and freeware, which describe methods of software distribution. It first appeared in the mid-1990s when large amounts of public domain, open source and shareware demos and programs were copied onto CD-ROMs and advertised in magazines or sold at computer flea markets.[1]
In video game terms, it can also mean poor quality, often licensed titles that are released en masse by a certain publisher or studio in order to profit from unwary buyers like children and the elderly."
Emphasis, mine.
Wikipedia also notes that it is generally used for retail games and not indie, but hey, it's not like it won't happen.
DLC Quest is amazing. I never had so much fun buying "DLC" in my life.
Download Saciza´s Last Stand, it is a very good strategy game.
XBLIG is chockfull of wonderful gaming experiences that were $1. I'd be quite happy to have Nintendo emulate the best elements from XBLIG, even if it means we have to take some of the worst parts as well. And RCMADIAX' games aren't anywhere close to being bad. Every game should be judged on its own merits rather than some fear to what it may lead to.
I actually enjoyed the hell out of shut the box for 99 cents. My only gripe was if you were lucky enough to clear the board it's game over instead of starting a new board to build further on your score. Because of that it killed the replay value big time!! Oh well...
RCMADIAX seems to be getting a lot of flak here, but even though his games are very simple they are at least reasonably priced.
I liked Blok Drop U, so I'll be picking up Blok Drop X Twisted Fusion.
Well if you want to get technical, your source is not reliable. I mean why put that much effort into a long post but with little meaning. I skimmed over it for the right reason.
I don't get the hate for this guy. While he settles for making very simple games without much content, most of them seem like pretty decent games for the prices he charges. I for one plan on buying "Shut the Box" once I get a Wii U, and this "Toss 'n Go" game looks like it has some potential as well.
Might be missing something but Toss and Go looks really dull. The other one looks promising though.
If you skimmed over the post, that means you didn't actually read it, which means you're commenting from ignorance.
That's like saying "I didn't read what you wrote, but you're wrong."
And if you're trying to pull the same old tired dismissal "because Wikipedia," then you are wrong from the start. It hardly matters where a valid point comes from, as long as the argument itself is valid. You have essentially admitted that my point was valid, but you are either afraid or incapable of addressing it.
Why look, the Urban Dictionary definition further adds to the idea that RCMADIAX is a shovelware maker:
"1. Software that is hastily made, without proper testing, and 'shoveled' down consumers throats in order to make some quick cash."
Then, of course, there is TV Tropes:
"Shovelware, also known as "crapware" or "trashware", is essentially lowest-common-denominator software. Perhaps the software was created to take advantage of a fad. Perhaps it was made to cash in on a bit of marketing share of something eminently useful. Or perhaps it was an actually good or clever idea that either suffered severe budget cuts and time constraints, or was simply made as an afterthought in the developers' spare time. Regardless of how it was made, almost all examples of shovelware are made with little thought or care, as if they just scooped up a load of software from a trash heap, dumped it on a table and slapped on a price tag, hence the name."
Unfortunately, RCMADIAX's games quite perfectly fit the definition of shovelware where gaming is concerned. By all means, ignore what I wrote a second time, claim that valid definitions aren't good enough "because empty reasons" and respond with more ignorance. Again, he released a Construct 2 tutorial and charged money for it. That certainly fits the specific definition TV Tropes provided.
A further definition from TV Tropes: "Has similar appearance to other, more popular or refined products." That certainly doesn't describe Spikey Walls, does it?
Again, I'm extremely curious what bizarre definition of shovelware you have, that you have no doubt invented for yourself.
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