We know there's plenty of game modes to be found in the upcoming Super Smash Bros., but that hasn't stopped people from creating their own custom diversions. One such activity is "Smash Potato," utilizing the tree-chopping and pocket moves of the Villager.
Smash Potato is better seen than explained, but be warned of a bit of explicit language in the video below.
Have any other potential mini-games in mind from what you've seen in Smash so far?
[source youtube.com]
Comments 25
That's hilarious! I need to try that! XD
Ha, that looks fun!
Can try it in the demo as well
Wasn't already something like this but with Fox's lasers & deflector shield?
It looks fun, but the "commentary" is what really makes the game look fun XD
40 damage wow. High risk, great reward.
That's looks pretty fun! I wonder what other people have made.
These kinds of videos are always funny to watch. Also shenanigans.
They certainly confused each other. It was hilarious!
I used to do something similar to this with Peach's turnips. I also have fond memories of getting together with friends to recreate the infamous 'black hole' glitch in melee.
haha looks like fun
If only I had someone to play with...
@Wilford111 I feel you.
@Wilford111 feel ya. I would play with my bro if he had a 3DS
Guys, most people (like me) have people they want to give all 3 of their extra codes too, seeing as it allows them to play local multiplayer together.
YES! I've beat all 4 characters lvl 9 twice in a row as Link. I wonder what other challenges I can make for myself.
Very cool
The upside this looks funny and would be a laugh the downside all my friends have next gen or PCs so I sit on 3 wastes Demo codes
no Smash Potato for me
@Cloud02 hey man I'll be your nintendo friend! SMASH ftw
@Cloud02 Sell em on eBay. You can easily make fifteen bucks a pop in no time at all.
@thesilverbrick wow really lol ok £15 Nintendo Eshop points its yours people ahahahaha
Haha, that's awesome. I'll be sure to try Toss the Bob-omb too.
@Swiket That was too funny.
My first thought was "oh my god you can pocket the tree". Not only is this hilarious, it would make one heck of a team strategy!
This is hilarious, can't wait to try it.
I like doing 1V1 final destination (well, the FD version of Battlefield) Link vs LV9 Link.. It's an intense sword battle of awesome!
I missed getting a code for the Smash demo. Please someone send me one!!
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