Smash Bros for 3DS

Another week begins, yet this time around the customary Nintendo Download news for Europe includes one of the most anticipated titles of 2014. As well as that smashing arrival we have a retro double header across the Wii U and 3DS, along with a new arrival on the home console and a couple of discounts. Let's get to it.

Wii U eShop

99Seconds (EnjoyUp Games, €2.49 / £2.29) — Another entry in the budget series to make the transition from DSiWare to the Wii U eShop, this time around it's all about a race against time. It very much brings to mind greedy arcade coin-ops, which we rather admired in our DSiWare review; we'll take a fresh look at the home console version soon.

Wii U Virtual Console

Street Fighter Alpha 2 (Capcom, €7.99 / £5.49) — Although the original never arrived on Nintendo hardware, this sequel brought a taste of the arcade action to the Super NES. A spin-off from the core franchise, it utilises custom combos along with some fresh characters and a different art style; we were big fans of this in our Street Fighter Alpha 2 review.

3DS eShop Retail Download

Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS (Nintendo, €44.99 / £39.99) — The big arrival this week, Nintendo's iconic brawling franchise makes its portable début this week. Featuring heaps of content, a daunting roster and — most importantly — excellent gameplay, this sets gamers up well ahead of the upcoming Wii U release. You can learn all the details required in our Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS review; this is available from 3rd October.

3DS Virtual Console

Street Fighter 2010: The Final Fight (Capcom, €4.99 / £4.49) — An oddity in the Street Fighter franchise, as it's absolutely nothing like its 2D fighting siblings. It is 2D, but aside from that this NES title is a mind-numbingly tough action platformer spin-off with a sci-fi storyline — you can see what we think of it in our Street Fighter 2010: The Final Fight review.

3DS eShop Temporary Discounts

Jett Rocket II (Shin'en Multimedia, €5.99 / £5.25 until 23rd October, normally €8.99 / £7.66)

Tappingo (Goodbye Galaxy Games, €1.99 / £1.69 until 16th October, normally €2.99 / £2.49)

That's everything for this week, European gamers. Let us know what you plan to download in the poll and comments below.

What will you be downloading first this week? (34 votes)

  1. 99Seconds (Wii U eShop)%
  2. Street Fighter Alpha 2 (Wii U Virtual Console)%
  3. Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS%
  4. Street Fighter 2010: The Final Fight (3DS Virtual Console)  0%
  5. Jett Rocket II: The Wrath of Taikai (3DS eShop temporary discount)  0%
  6. Tappingo (3DS eShop temporary discount)  0%
  7. Nothing for me this week%

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