New Jersey developer Big Deez Productions has finally passed its $450,000 crowdfunding goal on Indiegogo for the upcoming Shaq Fu: A Legend Reborn, set to hit Wii U, PC, PS4, PS3, Xbox One, and Xbox 360; it raised $473,884 of its $450,000 goal, hitting its target relatively late in the day.
When it made its début to huge fanfare and direct involvement from Shaquille O'Neal himself, A Legend Reborn struggled to reach its initial audience. Yet after promoting Wii U support from stretch goal to base goal and distancing the game from its infamous 1994 predecessor, Shaq has finally pulled through.
Will you be picking up Shaq Fu: A Legend Reborn when it finally dribbles onto Wii U? Let us know in the comments.
Thanks to Ryan Millar for the tip.
[source indiegogo.com]
Comments 64
$450,000!!! Lordy Lordy that is a lot of money. I have no idea how they hit this target.
If we get to beat Sterling in it, this will be an insta-buy for most. xD
Just can't shake the fact that I never liked the original.
I've always wondered since these Kickstarter campaigns have been publicised, is what protection does an investor (if thats the right word) have. For example if you pledge an amount because you want to see the game on WiiU. The game reaches its target, so your pledge is deducted from your account, then six months down the line the game is canned or they just never get around to a WiiU version. Do you get your money back? Or is this the risk pledgers take?
This question is the only thing that's stopped me for pledging/investing cause I cant believe this type of money raising hasn't got a few fraudsters amongst its ranks.
BTW In no way am I saying this game or the developer is in that category, it was just a question i wanted to ask,
I was surprised they reached the goal until I saw the campaign page. Lots of the high-cost prizes got claimed OoO; Shaq has a lot of rich fans litterally ready to pay any sum just for meet him once >o>;
(Althought I guess it's not that shocking since how famous the man is worldwide ^^; )
@Laxeybobby As far as I remember you said it right, once funded your money are gone forever (which is reasonable, no company can start to work on a project based on money they could have to refound entirely, that's a suicide even for nice honest companies ^_^; ). That's why is important to fund trustable campaigns and pledge only amounts you can "sacrifice".
I will look at it like a crazy hobo walking accross the street who may or may not do something entertaining...
It is simply a good faith donation. There is ZERO protection for such contributions. Hence why I've only ever donated to one kickstarter project (I was already familiar with the head developers from having played several of their other titles).
There's only one way to react to this:
...Holy Shaq!
Adding a Wii U version as a base goal or easy to reach stretch goal really gets many games funded - yet another reason why indy devs love the Wii U.
Oh wow, that is some ugly CGI
@razzle the reputation of the original. Doesn't matter if it was a horrible game or not
Wait, what? Out of the campaigns, I thought this was one of the least likely to succeed. Still, it could be alright when it comes out.
Lol this is ridiculous. Kinda cool though as a novelty game for old-school gamers.
I didn't ask for this and I don't think it will be good, but if it turns out well I might actually pick it up.
O'Neal should be billionaire, if I don't miss something, so why wouldn't he fund this project himself, in the first place?
Only if you guys either give it a 9 or 10.
That picture makes him look like someone who keeps you up at night.
YES!!!!!!! OMG, YES!!!
Whyyyyyyyyy! For the love of GOD whhhhhhhhy!!!
Is Barkley a playable character? "This game is turrible".
Look at this one getting so much money and Cult County could not make 50 grands...
If they play their cards well this could be fun.
This sure to be a real blue chip. Bring on "Barkley's Shut Up And Jam: Rebirth".
Brilliant, Cult Country flops but this meets goal...smh..
The original was wacky as hell. Hopefully this new one has great gameplay, while retaining the original's quirkiness. Shaq rules! I watched Kazaam so much when it was released. Another completely nuts thing that Shaq was involved in. Haha
This could be good. I look forward to seeing the finished project.
Pfft. Way too many other titles of interest to get even a curiosity download, for me.
But seriously, mildly interested, could turn out good.
I cannot wait for this. I love the over the top Shaqness. Oh man. @sinalefa I agree, I thought that was odd, but I heard this one had awesome backer gifts like dinner with Shaq, Shaq DJ'ing a party, etc... seeing as how much $ an NBA fanatic might spend, I am not surprised that they were able to do it! Well I'm happy.
I wanted Cult County a lot too. Maybe if this is a success they can team up and make that Shaq shooter after all, and it'll finally see funding. Shaq County.
Shaq has no shame and I love him for it.
Well, I don't mind trying something different.
Oh boy :/
Well, guess I'll wait and see some reviews before I think about dipping in.
I agree about Shaq funding a measly $450,000 but you are completely off base with him being a billionaire. Multi millionaire yes, billionaire no.
maybe, we should give it another change, maybe?
Twenty bucks says $400,000 of that total was contributed by Shaq himself.
As long it has good gameplay. Hopefully they release a demo.
Never played the first one so I'm not bias when it comes to this game. Glad it got funded and for the Wii U to boot. I'm probably going to give it a buy when it comes out (that retail price is scaring me off a bit).
If it's one thing I learn in life is never judge something new based off something in it's past (pre/sequels, remake, revive, etc.), cause it may never turn out the same.
I had a feeling that this would get funded. It'll be fun to see how it turns out.
I actually liked Shaq-Fu so I'm pretty stoked for this one. Lol
Maybe they can squeeze Kenny , Ernie, and sir charles into the game.
Once you go Shaq, you never go back!
that game is not allowed anywhere near my wii u.
but shaqs girlfriend is...
Shaq probably put in $473,883 but I'm not sure where the other $1 came from.
@jjmesa16 It came from me!! XD
I did contribute to it, though. It looks funny.
I didnt even know this existed but it looks like a fun game....and coming to WiiU? Yes.
I bet Shaq himself funded the remainder of the goal lol. Too bad it's not coming to the 3DS.
I'm very excited.
@ekreig Not really true. Take a look at the big-ticket items for high pledges — Shaq is spending a fair amount of time to promote this game.
Oh god, I hope this ends well...
Okay so the game's coming, let's see what Shaq had in store for us.
lets hope this time they dont FU it up
I didn't think they could do it, but they did! I will pick it up if it gets good reviews.
Who cares it looks better than Sanic Last Wordlzs.
@Razzle Yes. 450K is a lot of money to you and I, but in game development terms, it's pennies.
They must be receiving additional funding elsewhere, otherwise, there's no way this game is getting made for under half a million.
Are people donating ironically now, or...?
I was against this due to 'our' efforts to destroy every copy of Shaq-Fu ever produced, but if this turns out to be a nice multiplayer beat-em-up and not a fighting game, well, I will cautiously let the gameplay videos and reviews speak for themselves before I decide on buying or not.
why must this be!
Sadly I was 12 yrs old when I played the first game and I still remember that turd of a game very well. It should have been buried in the desert next to ET . I cant believe it got a sequel smh.
@IxnayontheCK sad cult county would have been great un like this is going to be .
I hope the game has unlockable Shaq tin a fool clips.And yes ,I'll purchase if it's not absolutely terrible.
this game has a great innovation, it will use Quark as payment system
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