Earlier this year we reported that Nintendo games had picked up multiple nomination in the D.I.C.E Awards, which act as the closing event of the summit with the same name — it stands for Design, Innovate, Communicate, Entertain. In total five Nintendo games were nominated across seven different categories; the awards have now been handed out, with just two big N winners emerging.
The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds, perhaps unsurprisingly, missed out on the Game of the Year award — as well as Adventure Game of the Year — but did pick up the Handheld Game of the Year award, seeing off three other Nintendo 3DS games and the PS Vita's Tearaway. Super Mario 3D World missed out on the Outstanding Achievement in Gameplay Engineering prize, but did win as Family Game of the Year, seeing off some big-name multi-platform releases. Some disappointing misses came for Fire Emblem: Awakening in the Strategy/Simulation Game of the Year category and Pokémon X & Y for Role-Playing/Massively Multiplayer Game of the Year.
Yet still, two awards for Nintendo. The big winner of the night was ultimately Naughty Dog's PS3 title The Last of Us, which scooped 10 awards including the overall Game of the Year.
[source digitalspy.co.uk]
Comments 78
Surprisingly low amount of awards.
2013 was an exceptionally great year for gaming, and I think the nominations for these DICE awards were spot on. Everyone is going to have different opinions on games, but I think the winners are great choices too.
Well two is better than none.
Better than nothing. Too bad Fire Emblem and Pokemon missed out. I thought both were fantastic.
Oh well, on this era when people praise games because of their story rather than it's gameplay, it's not surprising The Last of Us wins everything. Super Mario 3D World for example is a PURE videogame on every single aspect. videogames doesn't have to rely on amazing stories only, they need to have a mix of everything enhancing gameplay and creativity the most as they can, something that SM3DW beats easily to TLoU, but the majority of gaming websites don't think that anymore, they prefer beautiful cutscenes with deep stories... and guns.
I'm pretty surprised that Fire Emblem lost Strategy game of the year.. it was more than worthy.
At least Nintendo actually did get some well-deserved awards for once.
Having played both, The Last Of Us is the clear winner. SMB3D world is awesome as well, but Last Of Us graphics, story telling & overall mood lend itself to a superb gaming experience. I wish Nintendo came up with such adult fair in their own. I'm 37...the adult stuff complements Nintendo's great games very nicely. By defining what makes a "pure" videogame, you are limiting yourself. Hopefully you actually have played The Last of Us.
Damn...oh well. Better than nothing I guess.
IMO, GTA V is the winner this year for best overall game. The 60+ hours I've spent in the story mode combined with the now near 30 hours I've spent online speaks volumes. Rockstar did a marvelous job & the sales show it...32.5 million copies sold in a few months. What a wonderful game. Close 2nd is Last Of Us, followed by the most fun game of the year, Super Mario 3D world. This was a wonderful year to be a gamer!!! I hope some of you ventured out from behind the Nintendo wall.
Something seems amiss with these awards. Congratulations to Nintendo anyway.
@Agent721 There's no doubt TLoU is awesome, heck, I'm sure if it was an actual movie it could easily win an Oscar. I didn't played it but I watched a cousin who has a PS3 playing it and the overall experience you mentioned is true. But the actual gameplay... I just feel SM3DW has more variety on that area and has non-stop action from beginning to end, but in the end, both are just completely awesome (and different from each other) games anyway so both have pros and cons on their respective genres.
My favorite games of 2013 were Super Mario 3D World, The Wonderful 101, Sonic Lost World , Castlevania LOS Mirror of Fate & Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon
@Agent721 I'm sorry but The Last of Us was highly overrated the game was average at best.
@Agent721 The last of Us is exceptional at the very beginning but it is not of consistent quality throughout the whole game and the story is not all that good as far as I am concerned (Something story centric should be as good as any film or book etc and that story I think is mediocre). Game of the year should be something there is not a second that I wish I wasn't playing it. (Probably for me then it should be Super Hexagon).
10 awards for Last of Us? Really?
i so agree the lame of us was overrated its just a stupid movie like game with zombies it was a step down to uncharted
Not surprised, this kind of awards are always handed to "mature" blockbuster games, regardless of them actually being quality games or not.
lol kirby is more mature than the lame of us and harder too
So much bitterness in here.
3d world was the best game i played in years im shocked it didn't win goty
@Peach64 Not surprised you'd make a comment like this. Do you even know quality? Or the crowd that votes for these boards? I know you don't so instead of making yourself look stupid actually do some research.
Seems like an ok result in my book, not many suprises really.
man we are so close to donkey kong (^o^)/
Having awards only means it takes longer to dust off the mantle.
Still cool though....!
Honestly, I don't think either game really is a "Game of the Year". Last of Us has great storytelling and presentation, not gameplay. While SM3DW has great gameplay, it is essentially building on a foundation already set out by SM3DL on 3DS.
I think there was a legitimate argument for LoZ: Link Between Worlds...
@PrincessEevee9 These are voted for by industry professionals. I do find it a bit ironic that you're suggesting I'm biased, when I buy all consoles, but you, a Nintendo only gamer are the epitome of impartiality, right? Super Mario 3D World is a great game, and so is A Link Between Worlds, as is Fire Emblem: Awakening, but the games that won these awards are also great games.
LOL thank you Peach64 I just about to say the same thing. These people just don't understand just because they love "ONLY" Nintendo games and they immaturely wants most of their titles to win only and not thinking TLOU also the rest wasn't going to win anything because Nintendo titles "are based on high quality and best experience" doesn't mean other people that experience the same with these other titles like Agent721 says so get off people opinions, get out your hate bubble and look at reality at least SM3DW won Family GOTY lol.
Fair play to the last of us well deserved. Tbh Sm3dw wasn't really special enough to win game of the year, dont get me wrong it was good though and definately deserved the award it got
@GunstarHero234 ugh this guy is back i thought u said u weren't gonna come to this website again , just because someone doesn't like your favorite game doesn't mean they play only nintendo and even if they did so what why do u care so much on what they play
Yeah...I used to be like this as well, until last gen when I bought a 360 & PS3. I love Nintendo, but they are not god. What Rockstar puts out and what Naughty Dog puts out now matches or surpasses Nintendo. That's not hating Nintendo at all, its simply being honest. Great games come from every where...no one console has a lock on that. Nintendo will always be my favorite, but the cudos to the others are very well warranted.
@Luigi789 Dude it's called preference vs your biased bro and I haven't been on this site for months just passing through as a proper nintendo gamer reading the news because I actually like this site just the immature complainers like you I don't hardly read anymore.
huh talking nonsense again do u see me complaining now , and lol u have no right to tell me im immature since your the one who rages now i better stop talking to u before it happens again
Gameplay wise, super Mario 3 D world is unmatched! What a fun game...TLOU is a totally different animal. You get a totally different experience. But GTAV also provides stellar game play...what other online game can you steal a helicopter, fly with your buddies to LAX, land on a roof, flight off security in an epic gunfight, steal an AC 130 & take off, fly it to the desert & land it at your own airport? That's just one online mission!!! Obviously, the controls for SM3DW are amazing, but the gameplay variety in GTA Online is equally amazing. I'm just glad I get to play so many varied games, of such high quality. The contrast in each game's style makes each one even more enjoyable.
@Agent721 I've played both, still play the online, and i disagree the Last of Us is a winner of anything. personally feel tomb raider was the better game between the two, but for this argument, I fully agree the Last of Us is not a game but an experience. I played 60% of last of us, then my file was corrupted so i youtube 'd the rest of it and it was just as equally awesome to watch as it was play, and my wife who watched me play and the youtube video agrees. This showed me in hindsight that playing the game was actually a "chore" and did not enhance or takeaway from the "experience". obviously the same can not be said for Super mario, but this is just me.
@umegames i love tomb raider did it win any awards in D.I.C.E
Diablo 3 beat out Pokémon X & Y? I'll admit I don't know much about Diablo, but to me something just feels off about that.
I respect The Last of Us for its storytelling, but Adventure Game of the Year? Really? Over A Link Between Worlds? I'm not even the biggest fan of that game, but I'd still say it represents an adventure better than TLoU does. I can agree with most of these awards, but some of them just have me scratching my head.
At least Super Mario 3D World won Family Game of the Year; if not for that, I'd have some choice words for the people who voted in these awards.
@Agent721 I agree with you fully man and respect to ya I experienced my own amazing titles as well during my console generations of gaming but I actually knew this "jealousy and hate" was going to happen but isn't nothing new. Every gaming community expects this when their "brand titles" doesn't gets the awards or popularity it deserves.
Awards are for the insecure.
Man, The Last of Us was robbed...
@Peach64 I'm a gamer period I've been a gamer since the old days. I played a broad range of games all dating back to the SNES I got for Christmas. You seriously gonna play this card? Best check yourself hon. Are you seriously telling me that these games deserved their awards please these industry professionals give awards based on how amazing a game is or how much they're getting paid off by developers. This is clearly one of those times. When amazing quality games are getting screwed for awards that are dam well deserved to a bunch of games only coveted because they're"mature" there's a problem.
This was a pretty bad year for gaming so it's unsurprising that GOTY went to the mediocre PS3 game. Fortunately, Nintendo had some gems, and SM3DWorld is certainly GOTY for me.
@Luigi789 Tomb Raider was particularly terrible.
"Are you seriously telling me that these games deserved their awards please these industry professionals give awards based on how amazing a game is or how much they're getting paid off by developers. "
Because clearly an amazing game doesn't deserve awards. Also, do you have solid proof that there is bribery or is this simply a baseless conspiracy guess?
I find it disheartening that the same My Favorite Console is the best at Everything bias, is also found here. I thought we, as Nintendo fans used to being crapped on, would act better than the other fan boys. But no, instead we have they've been paid off nonsense. We should act better than the rest & not be so illogically bitter at the others for winning. We should not stoop down to their low level. We are better than this.
@Senario Tell that to The Walking Dead GOTY telltale series yea the main character Lee Everett was a UGA teacher and he meets up with a girl named Clementine and the story guess what it has the similar father and daughter relationship story during the zombie holocaust so that game has to be "cliche and braindead" too oh well. I understand your grief and you probably don't like these type of titles in your opinion but please don't use that as a excuse because the game doesn't deserve it's win of 10 awards and GOTY in your eyes which others doesn't see your way.
@Darknyht But that was based on a LInk to the Past with a few tweaks. (The bosses were very disappointing - Oracle of Seasons nailed that better. Secret of Mana had a much better sense of wonder of where you are going to go next. Oracle of Ages I think had a better story). It was quite good but very conservative in what it did.
@Agent721 I doubt that LoU beats 3D World. They can be both just as good. 3D World is perfect at what it does, I'll have to play Last of Us to see if it's plot deserves to be called a masterpiece.
@Agent721 I like games in general, not just Nintendo, and i think Nintendo deserved a lot more.
Family and handheld, thats why i come to Nintendo! Thats also what i predicted they'd win. You gotta be baddonkey, gotta be like a real life movie of baddonkeyness to win those grown up GOTY categories lol. Sorry Mario, cartoon high jinks games are not achievements anymore!
I'm not surprised that Zelda didn't win, because it's kinda a copy and paste game lol. It's really good but really familiar. Fire Emblem should've won strategy of the year though.
I remember when Kung-Fu panda lost the Oscar to Wall-E. Never came back from that one, so entertainment awards shows can just blow it out their ears! lol
Wait... 3D World doesn't win best gameplay award and instead gets best 'family game', these awards are a joke! The Last of Us doesn't deserve 10 awards including Best Gameof The Year. Awards mean little to me, it doesn't change or influence what I want to play, and the people who hold the power in making the award decisions don't represent real gamers and what they play,and what they think of the games.
@BinaryFragger I don't think anyone's saying Nintendo should win EVERY award because THAT would be rigged. From the general consensus, though, sometimes it seems a fair amount of decent games don't get the recognition they deserve because they aren't "edgy" or "mature."
And, in all fairness, a lot of games do get unfair reviews and a lot of games get Game of the Year despite coming out at the last third of the year when awesome titles that came out in February or March get glanced over.
The only thing I can hope is that 2014 is as strong a year for gaming as 2013 was. Nothing worse than an awards season where the winners are a slam dunk because of poor competition!
This industry/ games journalists are too obsessed with mature story and movie-like production value rather than gameplay.
Man those salty Ninty fan tears taste sooooo good!
It happens all time time. Awards don't count, only when Nintendo win awards do they count...
Me personally I think GTAV should of got GOTY, just for the shear size of the game and pushing the PS3 to its absolute max...
Wow why am I not surprised by most of these comments. -_- Seriously, TLoU is a great game. Get over it! That game deserved the awards it got. Heck SMB3DW deserved it awards...and others.
It's okay for a non-Nintendo game to win some awards. Naughty Dog deserves it. TLoU been a Nintendo exclusive, the comment section would be a lot different than it is now.
"Morton salt.....when it rains, it pours!"
About what I expected from the comments section. The games that won deserved them. Nitpicking over every single award is useless, because not every single award is going to go the way you want it to. As a Nintendo fan you should be happy they won what they did, I certainly am.
And sorry to some of the commenters in here, but you're in the minority with your opinions clearly formed from actually playing the game. The Last of Us deserved the awards it got because most people find it a great game in every regard.
Hell, as an avid fan of cinema, I'm not exactly thrilled that American Hustle has even been nominated for Best Picture this year, but I'm not going to say that people were bribed off and that awards don't matter because of it.
i think tetris is GOTY 2013
I'm not surprised about TLoU getting that many nominations. It looks like a good game, but I can already tell it's getting overrated.
And like what many people said: it's more like a movie than a video game. Therse more cutscenes than gameplay.
@Nintendude789: I agree, clearly you've played the game and know what you're talking about. Why would they have more cutscenes than gameplay? What were they thinking?
Wow, The Last of Us is beyond overrated...
If TLOU was a Nintendo game, im sure the comments here would be quite different lol
Oh my gosh, The Lame of Us. Are we all five year olds, here?
Just finished a bag of popcorn while reading through the comments. I always find it incredibly entertaining to read about Ninty fans crying their heart out.
The lame of us?! Really? The lame of us? How childish are you people? Though im a big nintendo fan I acknowledge the last of us deserved evey single award. Its simply one of the best narrative experiences ive ever had in gaming. Mario 3d world,awesome as it is, is hardly inovative or original. A link between worlds is a sequel with the same gameplay as the 1991 original. So I totally agree with the awards they got. I am a bit surprised fire emblem didnt win anything but heh,im sure its not everyones cup of tea.
Just stop with the bitter remarks already people.
@BinaryFragger Gamers will forever be considered to be single children who live in the family basement. These comments are prove of that. I find. Arguing over what console is best to be so imature. Sales numbers dont mean that a peice of tech is better than something else not selling as well. If you like it, you like it and if a sales figure you see on screen really sways your opinion that much then your nothing but a mindless sheep.
I own a ps4 wiiu 3ds and psvita and ps3 and I love them all equally. After all,if I didnt like them,i wouldnt have them would i?
Game of the Year is all subjective anyways. What's funnest for person A is not necessarily going to be funnest for person B. For Nintendo fans, Super Mario 3D World and Zelda Link Between Worlds were easily the funnest games of the year. And Fire Emblem Awakening. But other gamers, well, they like flashy games more. For them, The Last of Us and GTA was probably the best games of the year. Neither group is wrong. It's all preference.
Personally, I like all types of games, as long as, wait for it.... they're fun. And personally, The Last of Us deserved great recognition, and by no means should that game be mocked. Having said that, I do feel that the gameplay hampered what COULD HAVE BEEN. I feel the game could have, and perhaps would have, been the best game of the year, if it didn't solely rely on story to do it. And that's why I personally do not typically enjoy AAA games as much as Nintendo games. I find the greater entertainment to lie within gameplay.
I'm playing Tomb Raider on PS4 right now, and it's awesome, gorgeous, and fluent. But I still think games like Pikmin 3 and Wonderful 101 are funner games. Had Tomb Raider shown a greater focus on puzzles alongside the exploration, it would have entered Darksiders territory (which is a VERY good thing). Which brings me to my next point. There ARE AAA games which achieve gameplay perfection, such as Darksiders franchise or even Batman Arkham games, which are, imo, much more entertaining than the AAA games nominated this year.
@JaxonH Agreed 100% my friend, as usual. I definitely believe the Batman Arkham games are more funner than the games that won and/or nominated.
@BinaryFragger where is such thing as budget. Not every one can afford to buy more than one console never mind games for multiple consoles.
Well, good for those games. My console GotY would be The Wonderful 101, tbh.
While I do agree with some here that many members of this site border on irrational when it comes to Nintendo TLoU sweeping the awards were seen in many sites as a joke. I haven't played the game personally but when on many sites that are game "agnostic" (though a heavy bias to Sony and MS is always present) they say that some of the awards given to that game were undeserved (like Outstanding Innovation or the Engineering achievement) then I do think that the critics against this are justified.
This article wasn't very clear. I had to reread it a few times to get the info I wanted.
@kuribo4 I can save you some time and tell you that the plot is FAR from a masterpiece .
Nintendo fanboys are some of the most irritating, entitled cry babies I have ever come across.
I love Nintendo, but I also have some self respect.
i said it once, i'll say it again; awards mean absolutely nothing.
@BinaryFragger You assumed I felt slighted a Nintendo game didn't win GOTY or something; that was not my complaint at all. Fine, if I wanted to complain, I'd complain that GTAV deserved to win since it's objectively a better game, with more replayability; where its gameplay doesn't "get in the way of the story" like TLoU's.
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