With 2014 swinging into gear, we can anticipate a number of fresh game announcements and arrivals from Nintendo, as was the case in 2013. A little while ago we shared some Nintendo games we'd love to see in 2014, attempting to produce some concrete concepts and names that we feel would be welcome announcements. Whether any of them are even close to what's actually coming is yet to be seen, yet we asked the Nintendo Life community to share its hopes for the year through the comments and by email. We received plenty of suggestions, so have compiled eight that add some extra flavour and variety to the previous list. Why eight? We've ruled out a number of franchises that are already confirmed, in some form, for 2014, and have generally gone for examples that received multiple suggestions.

As many ideas were simply given as game names, or due to a wide range of viewpoints on the same title, this time around we're going for a more generic approach. No custom names or banners, but an indication of the franchises and games that were regularly mentioned by you, the readers. Unless otherwise stated, these ideas are for new games in these franchises.

So, without further ado, here are some more games that we'd love to see, announced and / or released, in 2014.

Wave Race - Edited
Wave Race (3DS eShop)

The Wave Race franchise has skipped a whole generation of Nintendo hardware and has never actually been on a handheld device, but releases such as Aqua Moto Racing 3D — despite some flaws — do show that the genre is a nice fit for the 3DS. As a franchise perhaps low on the food chain within Nintendo we've been so bold as to suggest it could be a candidate for a more affordable eShop-only release, but naturally a retail revival isn't out of the question. With Mario Kart 7 long established and settling down in its slippers, perhaps a new Wave Race — with online multiplayer, naturally — would add some freshness and diversity for 3DS-owning racing fans.

Would you buy a new Wave Race for 3DS? (743 votes)

  1. Yeah, Definitely!28%
  2. Maybe, I'd need to know more first34%
  3. Nah, not interested37%

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Virtual Console Wii U 02
Additional Wii U Virtual Console platforms (Wii U eShop)

So OK, we're cheating here, but this was suggested quite a few times, and it would be wrong to complete two of these features without raising this issue. To date the Wii U Virtual Console only supports NES and Super NES games, with Game Boy Advance confirmed last year but absent to date. Suggested alternatives include the Nintendo 64, Saturn, Dreamcast and GameCube, with the first in that list being one of many systems — including platforms from other companies — on the Wii service. Naturally the two Sega entries would require a major partnership, while the GameCube is up in the air. Can Nintendo easily run GameCube files on Wii U? Are the lack of analogue triggers an issue? We'll have to wait and see on all of these, but it's nice to dream.

Which new system would you most like to be added to the Wii U Virtual Console? (868 votes)

  1. Nintendo 6420%
  2. Sega Saturn6%
  3. Sega Dreamcast13%
  4. GameCube52%
  5. I can't decide6%
  6. I'm not bothered about any of them3%

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Advance Wars
Advance Wars (3DS)

This was probably one of the first franchises mentioned following the publication of the previous list, unsurprising as it only narrowly missed out. With Intelligent Systems successfully delivering — with Fire Emblem: Awakening — worldwide success on a previously underachieving franchise, it's not beyond possibility that it'll seek similar 3DS success with a new Advance Wars project. It's turn-based strategy at its finest, with Dual Strike and Days of Ruin being excellent DS titles. It seems like a no-brainer for Nintendo's current portable, and the developers are keen.

Would you buy a new Advance Wars for 3DS? (778 votes)

  1. Yeah, Definitely!45%
  2. Maybe, I'd need to know more first34%
  3. Nah, not interested21%

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Drill Dozer
Drill Dozer (3DS eShop)

As we already know, Game Freak — best known for Pokémon — isn't averse to working on entirely different projects, with HarmoKnight arriving worldwide as a download title. A return of Drill Dozer as a download title seems attractive, especially as there's an untapped audience that may not have experienced the Game Boy Advance original — it didn't arrive in Europe at all. The basic platforming mechanics and the use of a drill weapon were used to excellent effect, and this sort of game would sit nicely on the eShop alongside titles such as Shantae and the Pirate's Curse and SteamWorld Dig; the 3DS store is a great location for these kinds of releases.

Would you buy a new Drill Dozer for 3DS? (713 votes)

  1. Yeah, Definitely!23%
  2. Maybe, I'd need to know more first43%
  3. Nah, not interested33%

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Excite Truck (Wii U eShop)

Rather like with Wave Race on 3DS, we're potentially going to incur some wrath for implying this should arrive on the Wii U eShop. The thinking is similar, as Wii title Excite Truck arrived worldwide but sequel Excitebots: Trick Racing skipped Europe. If Nintendo and Monster Games decide to team up on a new title, a smaller and less expensive download may be an initial test of the marketplace. It's different from a typical Mario Kart game, in any case, and a 2014 announcement for a 2015 release (retail or download) would certainly help boost the volume of fun racing games on the home console — the usual online multiplayer goodies would be required, of course.

Would you buy a new Excite Truck for Wii U? (720 votes)

  1. Yeah, Definitely!25%
  2. Maybe, I'd need to know more first33%
  3. Nah, not interested42%

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Pokken Fighters
Pokken Fighters (Wii U)

This one seems to be based on some semblance of reality, as a brief snippet of footage and subsequent trademark filings were combined with some nudging and winking from senior 'mon staff in 2013. It's highly likely that some sort of Pokémon project is in the works for the Wii U, and a spin-off fighting game also seems feasible. Time will tell, but it wouldn't surprise us if some Pokémon hype is thrown towards the home console this year.

Would you buy Pokken Fighters for Wii U? (792 votes)

  1. Yeah, Definitely!51%
  2. Maybe, I'd need to know more first29%
  3. Nah, not interested20%

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StarTropics (Wii U)

This one had a few mentions from retro gamers with fond memories of the two original NES games. These took place with a top-down gameplay style that drew immediate comparisons to The Legend of Zelda, yet it had a completely different style and charm, making an iconic hero out of Mike Jones. It was full of colour and intriguing environments, though this would surely have to go down as a long-shot — a new entry would likely need to be a decent-sized adventure, and the brand is unlikely to carry much clout beyond dedicated fans. Still, stranger things have happened.

Would you buy a new StarTropics for Wii U? (674 votes)

  1. Yeah, Definitely!23%
  2. Maybe, I'd need to know more first43%
  3. Nah, not interested34%

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Earth Bound Banner
EarthBound (Wii U)

Of course this was going to be included. Nintendo kept fans waiting for far too long before serving up the Super NES EarthBound on the Wii U Virtual Console, and the fact that it's nestled itself in the upper reaches of the eShop charts may have caught Nintendo's attention. Fan-produced 3D models like these do little to dispel the hopes and dreams of fans, so this one is likely to be in the "unlikely but not impossible" category. If a new HD EarthBound is announced for the Wii U, the internet may melt down.

Would you buy a new EarthBound for Wii U? (782 votes)

  1. Yeah, Definitely!68%
  2. Maybe, I'd need to know more first22%
  3. Nah, not interested10%

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So those were some ideas from the community. Feel free to pick your favourite and debate their merits — as entries themselves or alternatively our interpretation of the suggestions — in the comments below.

Which is your favourite entry from this Nintendo wish-list? (802 votes)

  1. Wave Race (3DS eShop)4%
  2. Games for additional Wii U Virtual Console platforms (Wii U eShop)27%
  3. Advance Wars (3DS)14%
  4. Drill Dozer (3DS eShop)3%
  5. Excite Truck (Wii U eShop)3%
  6. Pokken Fighters (Wii U)20%
  7. StarTropics (Wii U)3%
  8. EarthBound (Wii U)21%
  9. I don't like any of them4%

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