Back in December, we reported that Retro City Rampage was looking good for launch in January, following months of delays and a lack of solid info.
Developer Vblank has reiterated this stance on Reddit, just in case you were getting worried that the January release might not happen. Here's what they had to say, and yes, it's short and sweet:
It's still on track to be out this month.
The game has already launched on PC and PlayStation Network, and has received positive reviews. It's shaping up to be WiiWare's last hurrah, but will you be taking the plunge? Drop a comment to let us know.
[source gonintendo.com, via reddit.com]
Comments 23
I'm interested. What's the price?
I'll plan to get it
I'll believe it when I see it.
I am planning to buy that version in a heartbeat though.
An excerpt from another article
...VBlank developer Brian Provinciano has confirmed the WiiWare edition is still on course for release in 2012...
I got the PSN version and have to say that I was very disappointed, particularly with the humor. None of the jokes are subtler than direct, almost shoehorned-in-feeling references to retro games. And the game includes far too many cutscenes, or the retro equivalent thereof, imo. I'm not saying it's not a good game, but I was super excited when I got it, so this is a cautionary note to really make sure the game is for you before you get it.
I am hoping this will be 1200 Wii points, not 1500. I only have 1200 left in my account and don't really want to add more.
I may not get it out of sheer spite, mainly due to Wii getting it very last. At this point we might not get it until after EU gets it for PS3 and Vita(Jan.16) even though everywhere else its already out for Xbox. I so wanted to buy this when it came out for PS3 and PC at the beginning of October. I feel Nintendo fans, got the short end of the stick and I don't much care for that:(
@Zach I agree about being disappointed, I got it for free from PS+ and was kind of glad I didn't pay for it.
It's not really a bad game, it's just too easy and has shallow gameplay.
I'm not saying don't get it,but just make sure you temper your exceptions.
Out this month, huh?
Same ol song and dance. I will believe it when I see it.
I already got this game through PSN too and was a little underwhelmed as well. The humor seemed rather bland to me at points. I also couldn't save part of my game because I tried one of the ingame cheat codes before saving.
I bought it for PC a couple weeks ago on sale (it's on sale on Steam right now too 50% off). It is a bit shallower than I expected but I really like all the 80s references, it's so over the top and they push multiple references at you in one scene which I actually find good in a wild sorta way.
While the main game design is based on GTA it plays a lot more like an old arcade game. Don't expect deep gameplay, but it's certainly deeper than many arcade games. Almost feels like it would be the perfect 3DS game, it's perfect in shorter bursts.
Well, we still don't know if WiiWare Descent will ever see the light of day. It's still listed as under development on Interplay's website, although the release date is now "TBA."
@BulbasaurusRex Yeah, they seemed extremely disappointed with sales of MDK2 so I highly doubt they're going to continue with Descent.
I would buy both: MDK2 and Descent if they were available in Europe.
WHEN? We need a date.
You snooze you lose Nintendo. I already bought the XBLA version.
I played it a bit on PC & it definitely didn't live up to my expectations... It just didn't feel like it had "soul" if that makes any sense. I guess I was probably expecting way too much, having waited years to play it. Doubt I'm getting it for WiiWare, but you never know.
This game rocks! Love it!
Bought it on PC... because I couldn't wait anymore. but I dunno, it seems more suited for consoles, in which case I'd want to go HD.
Maybe they can do some deal like they did with the PS3/Vita where when you buy it on Wii, you'll get it on Wii U as well, so you can play it on the Gamepad.
@JebbyDeringer I emailed them asking if they would consider porting it to the 3DS........ they haven't gotten back to me.
I'm surprised that so many people on here are disappointed in the game! I played the demo on my Xbox 360 and loved it! I spent as much time with the video options as the game itself. I love the Super Game Boy border.
Played it on the PS3. It was a blast!
Haha @ Retro City Rampage Still On Course For Release This Month...
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