To create hype for the launch of the Wii U, Nintendo issued consoles to a select group of movie-making fans and gave them 10 days to create a short film to promote the system.
YouTube movie making group mikeNgary Films were lucky enough to receive a console and came up with Nintendo Vs. Zombies: 28-Bits Later, a short movie showing what happens when the world of Nintendo collides with flesh-eating zombies and headache-inducing dubstep.
You can watch the full video below. How many Nintendo references can you spot?
[source youtube.com]
Comments 21
This is beautiful.
Man, I hope FreddieW is part of the select few...
I'm pretty sure that if Link can take on an army and defeat it in around 5 minutes, Link could handle these guys without a problem.
He is. His contrubition is great.
could they of been any safer lol
If Samus was in the power suit, how was she scratched or bitten?
@AmazingPopo_Man Because that's a biological suit also, so can be affected. Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, Metroid: Zero Mission...you know?
It would be sooo awessomee if freddiew is the one that do the movie
Delightfully silly I loved Ness eating out of the bin in the middle of the warzone!
Ness was definitely the best part of this. The fact that he implemented him taking food out of a trash can was instant win
That was absolutely brilliant,this has kinda made me want ZombiU now.
Not if fighting zombies is the same as fighting re-dead's.
I enjoyed it, but it's so hard to watch bad fight choreography. At least shoot from an angle that lets the people swinging things swing without slowing their hand down as it approaches the target. So much work went into this and there are many clever ideas, but haven't you guys ever watched the behind the scenes extras on DVDs or anything?
Also, zombie Luigi just makes me sad.
I don't want to diss too much though, because stuff like this is VERY hard to pull off without real funding. Plus, the fireball was nice.
@Mr_Trill281 did you really call samus metroid?
You had my full attention until dubstep entered the mix.
Hahah, this is great.
This funny and great. Did anyone else see ash running when ness showed up? Also did anyone find R.O.B.?
That bit with Ness was definitely the best part.
Apparently zombies really like Waluigi, but I wonder what makes him immune to the virus.
@Zombie_Barioth He's just awesome like that, don't agree?

I would probably say this is average, but in just 10 days?
Thats pretty impressive.
Nice video!
Something like this isn't hard to make..... that being said, pretty mediocre/not great or funny or interesting
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