Nintendo has announced today that there will be a Japanese Nintendo Direct broadcast on Thursday, making the Wii U reveal a truly global endeavour. As Japan is Nintendo's homeland, it's hardly surprising that it'll be the earliest announcement of the lot, with the system's price and launch date promised.
The broadcast has been confirmed by Nintendo on its official Twitter account, which directs you to the official page where the video stream will be hosted. It takes place at 4pm Japanese time, which is 8am in the UK, 9am in Central Europe, 3am Eastern US, 2am Central US and 1am Pacific US. It's all happening rather early — or late, depending on how you look at it — for those of you in North America particularly, but we'll be watching and sharing any interesting announcements.
This event is very likely to focus on launch details specific to Japan, or course, but if Nintendo does have any brand new announcements about the system or upcoming games, this may be the first time we hear them.
Thanks to WiiLovePeace for the tip.
[source nintendo.co.jp]
Comments 35
@Jstar269 Erm, yes, really.
What happened to the Australian time listings?
I have free period at that time although if it lasts more than an hour I won't be seeing all of it.
@Aviator The Australian times are very close to Japanese times (of course!), within an hour either way. There are three separate timezones, but depending where you are it should be 3pm, 4:30pm or 5pm for you.
Lucky for me in the UAE, 11am. I'm from the East coast USA, and I would have chosen to lose sleep over this!
Might have to make a [late] night of it tonight in Boston...
Aw, now to decide whether to watch the Japanese one or to avoid all announcement until the European one.
I'll be sure to watch it when i get back from school so it seems fine for me either way....
where is noa?
So Its 7:00PM in my time (Kuwait). Many people in Kuwait are waiting for this moment.
@Aviator: Tokyo is one hour behind us, so 3pm
Is Tsuchinoko covering this one too?
So who's in charge of currency conversion? I have a hard enough time with the calendar conversion
So what time is the American Nintendo direct for central?
Darn, I'll just check this site in the morning :/
@16 it's says central is 2:00 AM
YES! My name up in lights! Totally awesome ^_^ Thanks NL!
& we'll know all the Wii U details before the end of the week Exciting stuff!
yaaa, not staying up till 3am to find this out -_- Kinda bad times for North Americans
@Aviator Nintendo's Australian site has confirmed that Australasian updates will be posted shortly after the European Nintendo Direct broadcast finishes - https://www.nintendolife.com/news/2012/09/nintendo_direct_wii_u_preview_confirmed_for_13th_september
No I mean when is the "American" nintendo direct? Not Japanese.
The www.nintendo.com website (the US version) has a link for the US Nintendo Direct streaming live at 10AM Eastern. When you click on that link it doesn't take you to a live stream link, just the general Wii U page, but at least the link is there.
Sounds good.
Wonder how well thisll sell in Japan?
@Portista It's at 10AM EST, which means it'll be at 9 for those of us Central folks.
@rjejr: Google is probably good for this.
I'll be here raking in the news today, & tomorrow.
Let's temper our expectations people. Remember what happ... ahhh who am I kidding? IT'S GOING TO BE THE END ALL BE ALL OF NINTENDO CONFERENCES!!!
Seriously though, tomorrow seems like Wii Us last stand. If Nintendo can't get people excited with these conferences, there might not be much hope for the system appealing to anyone outside of the Nintendo faithful. Nintendo needs to deliver, and as consumers, we have the right to expect the goods. Don't let me down, Nintendo.
There's no American Nintendo Direct since America's getting a whole conference about it
according to their facebook, there will be one at 7 pacific in english
Lets not hope for another "casual game" like balloon popping in 1080p! I really want an awesome hardcore 1st party title!
@WarioFan63 I dont get it...? When?
@Obvious78 Tomorrow in New York. In other news, Google is awesome.
The correct time for US Pacific (PDT) is 12 midnight (for the Nintendo Direct in Japan). It's 1:00 am for US Mountain (MDT). The US mainland has four time zones (Eastern, Central, Mountain, Pacific), not three.
@Portista oh sorry
Should I get up at 3am and watch what I won't understand? Hell yeah. It's Nintendo. Losing sleep for Nintendo is a just cause.
Yep, I'll be up at three if I can remember...five hours to go.
Can't understand a single word on the page, but I see Wii U, so I'm good. Just hoping to be able to gauge the NA prices and release. Maybe I'll see some neat games that'll go westward in a few years.
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