The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword is up for BAFTA Game of 2011 — the only award decided by a public vote — but the BAFTA board itself will have to decide if Link's most recent adventure deserves awards for Best Game or Game Innovation at the upcoming ceremony.
Zelda's not the only flagship Nintendo franchise nominated: Super Mario 3D Land is up for Best Design and Best Mobile & Handheld Game, while Mario Kart 7 is nominated in Best Family Game category.
Here's the full list of BAFTA nominations below. The ceremony takes place on Friday 16th March.
Assassin’s Creed Revelations
Batman: Arkham City
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3
Deus Ex: Human Revolution
Portal 2
Uncharted 3: Drake’s DeceptionArtistic Achievement
Batman: Arkham City
L.A. Noire
LitteBigPlanet 2
Rayman Origins
The Elder Scrolls V – Skyrim
Uncharted 3: Drake’s DeceptionAudio Achievement
Batman: Arkham City
Battlefield 3
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3
Dead Space 2
The Nightjar
Uncharted 3: Drake’s DeceptionBest Game
Batman: Arkham City
FIFA 2012
L.A. Noire
Portal 2
The Elder Scrolls V – Skyrim
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward SwordDebut Game
Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet
L.A. Noire
Batman: Arkham City
L.A. Noire
LittleBigPlanet 2
Portal 2
Super Mario 3D Land
The Elder Scrolls V - SkyrimFamily
Dance Central 2
Kinect Sports 2
LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean
LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars
LittleBigPlanet 2
Mario Kart 7Game Innovation
Child of Eden
From Dust
L.A. Noire
LittleBigPlanet 2
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward SwordMobile & Handheld
Dead Space iOS
Magnetic Billiards: Blueprint
Super Mario 3D Land
The NightjarOnline – Browser
Gardens of Time
I Am Playr
Resistance 3
Skylanders: Spyro’s Adventure
The Sims SocialOnline-Multiplayer
Assassin’s Creed: Revelations
Battlefield 3
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3
Dark Souls
Gears of War 3
LittleBigPlanet 2Original Music
Assassin’s Creed: Revelations
Batman: Arkham City
Deus Ex: Human Revolution
L.A. Noire
The Elder Scrolls V – Skyrim
Uncharted 3: Drake’s DeceptionPerformer
Aaron Stanton (Cole Phelps) – L.A. Noire
Mark Hamill (The Joker) – Batman: Arkham City
Nolan North (Nathan Drake) – Uncharted 3:
Drake’s Deception
Stephen Fry (Narrator) – LittleBigPlanet 2
Stephen Merchant (Wheatley) – Portal 2
Togo Igawa (Dipolomat, Advisor and Military General) – Total War: SHOGUN 2Sports/Fitness
Dance Central 2
DiRT 3
Fl 2011
FIFA 2012
Kinect Sports 2
Your Shape Fitness Evolved 2012Story
Batman: Arkham City
Deus Ex: Human Revolution
L.A. Noire
Portal 2
The Elder Scrolls V – Skyrim
Uncharted 3: Drake’s DeceptionStrategy
Dark Souls
Deus Ex: Human Revolution
Football Manager 2012
From Dust
Ghost Recon Shadow Wars
Total War: SHOGUN 2BAFTA Ones to Watch Award in association with Dare to Be Digital
Tick Tock ToysGAME Award of 2011
(The only award to be voted for by the public)
Batman: Arkham City
Battlefield 3
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3
FIFA 2012
L.A Noire
Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
Portal 2
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Uncharted 3: Drakes Deception
Comments 48
I am at BAFTA HQ right now hoping to sway them towards Nintendo with some Inception-style mind games.
@James Awesome! Good luck fellow Nintonion.
Too bad a Nintendo game isn't in the Online-Multiplayer category
@ScreamoPichu Thats because the Skyrim story was so beatiful stupid.
As we can see, the BAFTAs favour exclusional, cinematic, soulless gaming. The Nintendo games therefore stand a poor chance imho
Wow, be a little less rude @sgotsch
Best of luck to Nintendo and all the other developers who produced those amazing games across the board.
No nomination for Skyward Sword in the Artistic Achievement category? Makes the whole thing look a bit silly...
It's ridiculous that Xenoblade isn't in this anywhere. Easily the best wii game of 2011. Yes, even over skyward sword.
Can't fathom why Skyward Sword wasn't nominated for artistic achievement.
Where is Xenoblade?! It beats every game on that list, easily. This is ridiculous.
Action Game: Uncharted 1+2 was fantastic. Uncharted 3 and Modern Warfare 3 were boring MW3s story was the shortest yet, less then 3 hours after dying multiple times and spending 1/2 a hour tweaking my controls. I'm not really sure Portal is even an action game, it's more like a first person puzzle game, but maybe I'm nit picking there.
Artistic Achievement: How did Rayman Origins (nothing new 2D game) and Skyrim (boxy faces and recycled dungeons anyone?) get an Artistic Achievement nomination? I should note I don't hate Skyrim, but it's art is not fantastic. I understand why L.A. Noire is there but I feel the scanned faces are uglier and creepier then they are artistic. Damn biased anti cell shaded nominators, Skyward Sword deserves to be here.
Audio Achievement: What's Modern Warfare 3 doing in audio achievement? It's being admired for it's fake gun sounds and manly screaming?
Best game: L.A. Noire started out as a great murder investigation game then 1/2 way through became a bad soap opera game. And I'm not one of those people who hate drama in games, I hate BADLY DONE DRAMA.
Debut Game: Needs Ghost Trick. That game was awesome.
Game Innovation: Personally I don't think creepy and ugly creepy scanned faces counts as innovation but that's me (L.A. Noire).
Mobile & Handheld: Not enough people played Ghost Trick.
Story: Batman: Arkham City's story was terrible and didn't make sense, AT ALL. The entire plot of the game literally doesn't make any sense as well as a multitude of important plot points. Deus Ex: Human Revolution was AMAZING. Best story of the games on the list right there. The 1st 1/2 of L.A. Noire's story was good. The 2nd 1/2 was garbage. Skyrim... story? I guess if you count the guild and side quests, then there is an interesting story. Uncharted 3's story was terrible. The overall story/game is boring and the treasure at the end is even more of a disappointment then Uncharted 2's.
Strategy: I'm not really sure a lot of these games are strategy games... but whatever.
GAME Award of 2011: Zelda or Minecraft (based on user made content not vanilla game) deserve to win, but I suspect Batman: Arkham City or Modern Warfare 3 (lots of rampant 360 FPS fan boys) to win.
I suspect Batman: Arkham City, L.A. Noire, and Uncharted 3 to take most of the awards while I think Skyward Sword should have been nominated for and take most of them. Skyward Sword is amazing at so many things despite the Wii's limitations. But as I said I suspect Batman: Arkham City, L.A. Noire, and Uncharted 3 to undeservingly take the show.
@ScreamoPichu Skyward sword has a great intro/ending, but lacks content in the middle. It feels like a Zelda chase after awhile before the plot redeems itself.
How did Skylanders get on best online game yet Pokemon Dream World didn't?
@James - I hope you succeed
To be fair, of the non Nintendo console appearing games I respect Arkham City, Minecraft and Skyrim - but that's it. Maybe Dirt 3.
So Zelda didn't even make it into the Story, Strategy, or Music catagories? Sounds like it's made up by COD, HD only fans....sorry, I know I'll get bashed but it just came out. I have to say, Batman is a good game though.
hope they all win!
sees Portal 2 and Deus Ex classified as action games
immediately stops caring about BAFTA Awards
ugh. its all zelda and mario!! cmon. what about the metroid series¿ shur i love super mario and link but samus is the coolest fictional character ever. its a hot lady fused with chozo dna. what could be cooler.
xenoblade should be on for most of the categories
Batman: Arkham City should take GOTY but I have a feeling it's more likely to go to Skyrim. I can't believe how many awards Uncharted 3 is up for. I like the game, it's definitely not bad but it also didn't live up to the hype, imo, especially after how awesome 2 was. People are really overrating it.
It would take too long to complain about the amount of games that clearly don't deserve to be nominated for certain categories and games that are sorely missing from certain categories so I'll just leave this fitting image here.

@classicgamer There weren't any Metroid games released last year so of course there wouldn't be any games from that series nominated.
@James There, its not a facepalm. Happy now?
Honestly, I don't think Skyward Sword deserves either of those awards....
Action: Portal 2
Artistic Achievement: Rayman Origins
Best Game: The Elder Scrolls V - Skyrim
Family: Mario Kart 7
Game Innovation: Bastion
GAME Award: The Elder Scrolls V - Skyrim
Great a game as Skyward Sword was, I can't see it in any category where there's no a better game to win it for me.
@James Your officially the coolest person throughout NL (Sorry BlackDragon and Chicken Brutus)
@Koops3: that's okay, me an' Phil have our fans too. James deserves more love :3
considering that xenoblade got released in the U.K, it is surprising to see it omitted from the list.
still hoping that nintendo will walk away with 1 award, but chances are, i think the judges will opt for games heavily reliant on cinematic efforts, big explosions and violence instead.
My picks:
Action: Arkham City - just an amazing game in all respects
Artistic achievement: Rayman Origins - to the people trash talking this, have you seen it in motion? It's incredible. Like watching an actual animated movie. I haven't even played it and it's easily my pick. Skyward Sword was nice, but not that nice, imo wind wakers art was better.
Audio Achievement: Can't decide. Uncharted or Dead Space 2 maybe.
Best Game: Arkham City, Skyrim or Skyward Sword - it's a hard one, all great in their own respects but I don't think Zelda will win although I'd love it too.
Debut Game: Bastion - thoroughly enjoyed that one.
Design: Portal 2 - No contest here really. Completely ingenious in every way. They really did the impossible and took a cult favorite game, made it a blockbuster and didn't ruin it. 3d land had some nice level design but imo disappointing after the wonder that was Galaxy 2.
Family: No idea. I've only played Mario Kart 7 and I don't see how that's a family game. Great online multiplayer but family?!?! wtf...
Innovation: Skyward Sword - Controls, nuff said.
Mobile: I think they should have had two categories here. It's hard for a phone game to compete with 3d land so I'll say 3d land.
Online: BF3 - No explanation necessary.
Original Music: No idea here, haven't played em all.
Story: Witcher 2 - I know it's not on the list. Actually I'm disappointed it's not on their anywhere! It had the best gfx and story of the year easily in my opinion!
Best Game: Different strokes for different folks...
Ugh this list just reminds me how bland & dull last year was for gaming. So many soulless sequels!
more bafta bias Skyward not up for best visual I can just about deal with, but not audio? Pathetic. So glad Ghost Recon Shadow Wars got a nomination though, but there should be SO much more Nintendo here. Travesty.
Why the heck isn't Skyward Sword in artist achievement and best original music, I mean, It´s not like it has to win, but at least nominate it in categories that seem to be made for it. Here are my choices
Action: Uncharted 3, unluckily for Batman its the only game I haven't played in the category, saving it for Wii U.
Artistic Achievement: Skyward Sword, the way in which art style, music and gameplay combine is just spell binding.
Audio Achievement: Really unsure here, ill say Uncharted 3 but I really haven't noticed
Design: Portal 2 all the way, but then again the lack of Skyward Sword as a nominee is insulting
Best Game: (wierd, I guess this is the non public-voted GOTY): Skyward Sword, not actually biased cuz I'm a Ninty fan, I´ve extensively played four of the six titles.
Debut game: LA Noire, unluckily the only one Ive played from the category.
Family: LBPlanet 2, MK7 is more like single player(or online), at least for me since I don't know much people with a 3DS.
Innovation: Skyward Sword, no doubt, the motion controllers work so fluent with gameplay for the first time in gaming, it feels natural.
Online browser, no idea
Online multiplayer: Probably BF3, but normally I just scratch the surface of online multiplayer and stay with Split screen.
Original music: I guess not all music from SS is original, from the list my vote goes to Uncharted 3 for sure.
Performer: Portal 2´s Wheatly, just so hilarious
Sports/ Fitness: Fifa 2012, but on my opinion I'm not a fan of Sport games
Story: Between Portal 2 and Uncharted 3, I think Ill go for the latter.
Strategy: To my discontent being a fan of strategy, I haven't played any.
GotY Award: Skyward Sword, given how it has won IGN´s People´s Choice GotY and a pair of other important voted awards, it stand much more of a chance than in Best Game category, I really hope it wins, though I wont raise my hopes so much
Ill come here to check how I got the winner or not, more than anything that´s why I wrote this huge comment
The Force is strong with Mark Hamill.
It's going to be a travesty if Arkham City doesn't take game of the year.
@blackside I like your words and stuff
Lot of great games.... i don't really see how art can be compared and favorites picked... just seems weird. Should just be a recognition list... multiple honorees. Imo. But i'm a dirty hippy
I know I'm keeping my fingers crossed for Skyward Sword!
Conduit 2 has better online multiplayer than Call of Duty.
Super Mario 3D Land has some stiff competition in Peggle and Magnetic Billiards. Are these really the six best handheld games to come out last year?
Really weird choices, especially in the artistic achievement category. I think The selection there is really for technical achievement. Rayman Origins is really the only game in the category that pushes artist achievement. Maybe Skyrim.
Forgot handheld: SMario 3D L, I would be insulted if it didn't beat Peggle and... Magnetic billiards. I don't like the fact that they're in the same category, as if iPhone games came close to 3DS's
Forgot handheld: SMario 3D L, I would be insulted if it didn't beat Peggle and... Magnetic billiards. I don't like the fact that they're in the same category, as if iPhone games came close to 3DS's
In any given year the Zelda game should win best music (assuming there's a Zelda game that year). After all, I don't see anybody else getting an orchestral concert tour for turning 25!
Good luck, Mark Hamill! Let us hope that the Force is strong with this one.
Why is Zelda not in the music category?
Once again makes me wish we had all these games on a Ninty platform.
2011 was a fantastic year for gaming, I definitely believe Skyward Sword is one of the best (if not THE best) games of last year.
My personal choices are;
Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception
Artistic Achievement
Rayman Origins
Audio Achievement
Dead Space 2
Best Game
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
Debut Game
L.A. Noire
Super Mario 3D Land
Mario Kart 7
Game Innovation
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
Mobile & Handheld
Super Mario 3D Land
Online – Browser
Skylanders: Spyro’s Adventure
LittleBigPlanet 2
Original Music
L.A. Noire
Mark Hamill (The Joker) – Batman: Arkham City
Kinect Sports 2
Portal 2
Dark Souls
BAFTA Ones to Watch Award in association with Dare to Be Digital
Ehhh...I don't know what any of these are...
GAME Award of 2011
Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword (surprise!)
Even as a big fan of the Zelda series, I wouldn't vote for Skyward Sword. There were definitely much better and more innovative games last year. Mario Kart 7 (Family) and Super Mario 3D Land (Mobile & Handheld yes, Design no) should win though.
I agree with all of you that are wondering why Xenoblade Chronicles does not appear there. It should be in most of the categories, and the indisputable first place on the Original Music section.
Am I the only one who thought Zealda had GREAT art direction and original music!! Why is it in every award show for games of 2011 Zealda NEVER makes the nomination for music or art which it's absolutly lutacris and also did everybody forget about that new Kirby where the fudge is that!!
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