The wait is nearly over: European Wii owners will be able to play Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword in just over three months' time. It's out on 18th November
Nintendo Europe just sent over its latest release schedule and Link's latest sits pretty at the top, due out across Europe just over a month before Christmas.
Before that, Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess joins the ranks of Nintendo Selects with a budget price drop on 16th September.
Good news all around.
Comments 48
Why is everything always released in November?! D:
But it's still good news, I'll get it along with the other 3 games that I want that come out then.
I'm assuming Nov 15 US then?
Nice, I'm booking that day off work!
Another November release?? Oh dear... So far I've got Super Mario 3D Land, Assassin's Creed: Revelations, Modern Warfare 3, and Uncharted 3, now this?? I'm gonna be one happy (and busy!) gamer!
Things spread out nicely, as I have zero interest in the rest of November's releases.
Awesome... Good to see it finally having a release date.
Yes, a solid release date! Now the decision: a week off at release, or hold on 'til the Christmas hols for a Zelda fix...
Excellent, hopefully that means it will be showing up here in the US sometime this year as well.
@Grackler will you be able to resist reading everyone else's thoughts/opinions/spoilers on it all the way until Christmas?
Unfortunately that means it won't come out in Australia until November 23rd or 30th though.
It'd be nice for something unexpected to happen and it release in Australia on November 17th!
@antdickens That's a good point, almost certainly not! I suppose the real decision is play like a madman at release or flee to the wilderness to live among the animals! Unless they want to spoil Zelda too...(looks left and right maniacally)
Why is everything coming out late this year??? Ah well, this will be great anyway
About Damn time!!
was honestly beginning to worry about this one...
At long, long last a definative release date for the EU. Cannot wait, I need this game
It's just good to finally hear a release date (and it being in 2011!). Will definitely get this near release.
Keep us posted for the AU release date
PS How quickly can something be delivered from the UK?
@timp29: I order stuff from the UK all the time and it usually takes between 6-9 working days to Adelaide. Not bad, really!
@BenAV: If you can, I'd highly recommend you import it from the UK. You'll get it for about half price, and may get it sooner too!
No word on a US release date yet, I assume....
Good to know, I can't wait for Skyward Sword!
What about NA?
day before my birthday.YYYEEEEEESSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!
EDIT: Never mind just Europe
And now.. The real wait begins.
Took their sweet time anouncing the release date didn't they?
Good to know though. Now I can start my Zelda Marathon in preparation.
Xenoblade... Skyward Sword... finally time to wipe the dust off my Wii
This will probably blow Twilight Princess out of the water for me. Cannot. Wait.
I love that we know virtually nothing about it.
YAY! Can't wait!
November is gonna rape my wallet without lube.
Regardless, the lips still look freaky.
Three months still feels like forever to me.
Can't wait!
My region gets the game released on November 20, 2011.
It's being released in NA on 11/20 according to a Press Statement by Nintendo of America.
From the official Nintendo news article:
This will be interesting. Wondering if this will be a major part of Skyward's story.
The release dates for US and Europe are only couple days apart, that's cool.
You win this time, EU.
@Oddy: they win 'cause they like Friday releases and NoA likes Sunday releases
my birthday!!! thanks nintendo!
@Oddy @Iz20XX
Unified Sunday releases across Europe would be slightly problematic due to the fact that in some European countries shops are closed on Sundays.
2 days before the US!
Oh FFS!!! November is gonna bankrupt me.I just do not understand why every AAA game is released in the last 2 months of the year.
Note to game developers : Gamers do not live under rocks for 10 months of the year.Get together and sort out your release schedule!!
I can understand that the Xmas holidays is when people spend more money but c'mon!! There are so many great games this year that will just get lost in the christmas rush ,saints row 3 for example looks a ton of fun and a game i would have bought at full price in the summer but now its gonna be up against the likes of Zelda,Mario3D, MarioKart, COD,Battlefield, Skyrim, Batman,GOW3 etc etc.
Imagine if the film industry behaved this way. Madness I tells ye, madness...........
Still I'll be enjoying this one unless Skyrim is just too good to put down!
No one is forcing you to buy every game on launch day; just spread them out over the year, it'll be cheaper for you too (cause titles will turn into budget titles), sheesh
My point is that by doing this the games that get left behind at Xmas are deemed failures thus making the chances of a sequel unlikely or in some cases can lead to developers going under or losing funding. i.e the industry is hurting itself by following this practice.I thought that was pretty obvious to everyone, eceryone but the games industry it seems.Did you know Gears of War 3 has been essentially finished since about March but Microsoft have been holding out on the release till the xmas period.Now tell me if they had released the game in summer that it wouldn't have sold millions!
i hope it's as good as twilight princess was.that game was fantastic and it was all game without all the hours wondering around that orcarina would have been on the n64 had i not given up on it.i've played it since on the3ds and with the stone's i managed to complete it.i was fine in the dungeons,but all that with the horse and the windmill business.i just would not have figured that out during my lifetime.
FI-NA-LLY!!! A concrete date! It was about time too!!
@Luigi78: I'd say it's got a lot to do with the attention span of people.
The holiday season seems the best time to get good sales for your AAA game.
I guess they release 'em in the season or shortly before it so people don't get absorbed be some other flashy new title or to make sure they don't forget about their game.
well, I know what I'll be treating myself to at Christmas...
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