Let's Golf! 3D will be the first new downloadable game for 3DS, and it's out next week.
Gameloft's 3D version of a good walk ruined launches in Europe on 28th July for £5.40, with six courses, eight characters and two player modes confirmed too.
Will this be a swing and a miss or a great teeing-off point for the future of downloadable 3DS software? We'll find out next week, won't we?
Comments 33
Yay! Hoping this is a good one.
Is that online 2-player?
Well it's about 2 months late.
I don't care about this game but the lack of games on western 3DSware compared to Japanese 3DSware is annoying . If you count 3D classics and Pokedex 3D as 3DSware, then Japan have 14 3DSware games (I saw this on NoJ's website) while this will only be the fourth in Europe.
Um...... yeah. I've been waiting for 3DSWare for awhile, but i'll pass on this one
Hopefully Gameloft will bring their shooters to the eShop. Shooters are really the only thing they're good at, haha.
@pixelman I though the Asphalt games are considered their best?(apart from Asphalt 3D funnily enough)
told ya it told me on the eshop when it was gonna be released
I find that the trailers suck a** when it comes to sound and quality, not trying to cheer this game on (trust me, Im not) but it'd be nice to have a decent game for the first 3dsware, so Id wait for a review.
doubt it will be any good though
You mean our first Nintendo 3DS Software (Download)? Or whatever ridiculous name Nintendo has for 3DSWare?
It's Gameloft, it will suck.
Large price tags mean that these games become a maybe for loads of people. Maybe if they just bumped them and the 3D classics down to £3.60 as opposed to £5.40, more people would actually try them out.
..... I've been wanting 3DSWare for ages.... Now I wonder why....
Well let's just hope this turns out better than the first one. It would really be a let down if our first original 3DSWare game was bad.
Oh..... Great...... When's the rolling western coming out?
@Akatsuki I'm pretty sure.
No one can say anything bad about this yet, considering that Gameloft makes some really good iPhone Applications, I have hopes for it
I own the iPhone version, and if that's a sign of things to come, then I think this game will be pretty good.
Thanks but no thanks
Watched the trailer on the German eShop. And of course the characters look at least two leagues worse than Nintendo's.
Ah well, as long the rest plays and looks great it's not a big problem.
But ony six holes in a golf game ? Really ? Better release DLC to have 18. As in a full course.
@LTD: How do you get the idea it would only have six holes?
The trailer says "Play 108 holes in 6 far-out spots". Likely means six distinct courses with 18 holes each.
I haven't played a good golf game in a while so hoping this is good.
@lifer: Oops. See how much of an impression that trailer left on me...
Now that sounds much better. Thanks !
It would be great if they included online leaderboards and online play but i guess that's a bit too much to ask for a 6 € game.
I'm much more interested in it now.
The first 3DSware game I'll probably actually download is Mighty Switch Force.
Uh-oh... Thiiiis doesn't look good. ;0
Shouldn't Nintendo be releasing the first 3DSWare game? Instead we get a 3D version of a lackluster game that was given away Free to PS+ members months ago.
In that title image, the guy in the center's hair, & general face/head reminds me of Alex Trebek. Then see he looks like he's wearing a kilt, & a second look @ him makes me think he looks actually a bit more like Sean Connery.
@Slapshot: I kinda wondered that myself. Nintendo gave us the first WW title, if I recall right. Maybe they are letting 3rd parties test out the 3DSWare waters first? Or perhaps they are involved in other projects, that are taking their time? Could be 1 of those. Maybe not...
Nintendo is probably involved with Jupiter's Picross-e. If only Nintendo would release some games in their key franchises on the eShop, they could get some XBLA calibur momentum.
The iphone version was a very solid golf game. I'm actually really looking forward to this.
Out of all the "mockbuster" games Gameloft does, Let's Golf is easily the best of the bunch. Hero of Sparta is insulting. NOVA is boring. A lot of them are failures. But Let's Golf is actually competent. Heck, it's actually very well done - there. I said it.
I might actually pick this up:) Even though I got the DSiware version for my mum (she has a DSi XL), and liked it so much I bought the PS Mini version to play on my PS3
This doesn't look like the best way to kick off 3DSWare.
And thus it begins, hopefully we can get some awesome 3DSware games.
I would take a ramdom puzzler any day over a Gameloft golf simulator. Wiiware and DSiware both kicked off with some great offerings, but slowly went downhill over time, though not without an occasional gem. World of Goo and Shantea's Revenge are top tier for sure.
But if 3rd party 3DSware support starts off this slow, it will be a very sad fate indeed...
Nintendo, please release more VC handheld games. I WANT WARIOLAND 3, DANG-IT!
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