Today's the day Nintendo unveils its new home console for the first time, and we'll be reporting on it all live right here.
There's no need to refresh: the page will update automatically, so sit back and let us take you through the most exciting event of the gaming year.
Following the press conference — also broadcast live at Nintendo's E3 site — we'll continue to feature live text articles for impressions of games from the showfloor.
Live Text - Updates will load here automatically, no need to refresh the page.
Mario Party 9 and Kirby Mass Attack also spotted, we think
Rhythm Heaven logo briefly glimpsed on screen!
After the press conference, the E3 network will kick off showing you new videos, updates and all that sort of stuff. So will we, though.
Wii U is "a second window into your game world"
Reggie's back to wrap things up
Much better online abilities promised but not really talked about
Ninja Gaiden 3*
Lots and lots of "Hardcore" games here
Tekken is coming..
Metro Last Light from THQ on Wii U too - so many shooters!
Ghost Recon Online for Wii U - yep, it's Ghost Recon.
Aliens Colonial Marines confirmed for Wii U
Dirt from Codemasters now - machine looks very capable graphically-speaking
Footage of Darksiders II on screen.
Interesting that so far the actual console itself hasn't been shown, though...
Tekken for Wii
Darksiders II coming to Wii U
The most huggable man in games - Warren Spector - on screen now
Ken Levine talking about it too - will we see Bioshock on Wii U?
5th Cell talking though - this would be a great fit for Drawn to Life, guys...
Peter Moore talking about EA Sports stuff. Yay.
Third party developers talking about Wii U now as "A New Beginning"
It's exclusive to Wii U and 3DS though - won't see this on 360!
It's like GTA but with LEGO. Happy, hardcore gamers?!
But Reggie is announcing the first Wii U game - Nintendo will publish LEGO City Stories on Wii U
These are prototypes, not actual games
Chase Mii is basically the old Pac-Man GBA - GC game from back in the day
Shield Pose is a mixture of augmented reality and motion control
New Super Mario Bros. Mii on Wii U! Play a Mario game with your Mii!
It's basically a bird flying about a Japanese garden, picking up flowers and dropping them in the sea. It's not exactly Halo 4.
Reminds us of an old Gamecube tech demo from some years ago!
If these are in-game graphics then Nintendo is going to make a lot of people very, very happy.
There'll be 8 different demos of what Wii U can do on display
Wii U software will be playable this week - Reggie will explain a bit more
The Wii U and 3DS will be cross compatible - play Smash Bros on both systems
HUGE cheers
Yes, Smash Bros for both 3DS and Wii U!
Mr Sakurai gets a name drop now - will we see a Smash Bros now?
A Wii U Iwata Asks interview will be coming up soon
The idea of a console with two screens is interesting, certainly - screen looking is over!
OK, now we're talking about games with the one and only, Mr Shigeru Miyamoto
Looks like more than just a gaming machine - a convenient unit
Video chat confirmed too
HD support confirmed too
It's not a portable console, won't work away from the main unit
Turns into a portable device when the TV is busy watching "Baseball"
Touchscreen, Microphone, Speakers and a camera all in the controller
Completely backward compatible with existing Wii accessories
Nintendo is being smart by making it so clearly connected to the Wii, yet completely separate in its own right
Looks like it will interface with the Wii Remote in clever ways - put it on the floor when playing golf to see the lie of your ball
Augmented reality confirmed too
You also can just play on the controller if you want to
Keep playing on your controller while your machine is on but someone is watching the TV
The Wii U does streaming too as the rumours said
Here it is in action
Two analogue sticks too
The Wii U DOES have a touch screen controller
What do you think of "Wii U" as a name?
Phew, that name isn't completely stupid.
Wii U the new console name
Reggie talking about Wii and the new console
People are cheering 3D Classics Excitebike - we've already played it! Review coming up later today
Game demos will be available "later this year" for download and retail software
He's now talking about the web browser and eShop update
Reggie says the library of games on the way is "unprecedented"
Tekken 3D confirmed too
Resi: Revelations still looks good, Driver Renegade next, then Pac-Man and Galaga Dimensions
Tetris, Cave Story 3D (yay!)
Resi: Mercenaries, Mario and Sonic Olympics, Ace Combat start things off
Third party developers coming up now
Luigi's Mansion 2 is an entirely new game
Levels take place from a sort of "doll's house" perspective rather than a camera tracking Luigi as in Super Mario 64, say
Simply called Luigi's Mansion 2
Luigi Mansion 3DS looks good though, about time it was released in 3D!
No date though, just "later this year"
AR mode confirmed too!
Looks like an odd mix of strategy, platforming and shoot 'em up
Kid Icarus multiplayer mode on show now
Super Mario 3D coming before 2012 too apparently!
It's bright, it's bold and, you know, it's Mario in 3D!
Combination of side-scrolling and 3D free roaming
Super Mario 3D looks just as you'd expect - a mix of NSMB, Super Mario 64 and SMB3
The game we've been waiting for - Super Mario on 3DS!
@dazcalvert: Underwater Mario Kart eh? Sign me up!
@dazcalvert: Underwater Mario Kart eh? Sign me up!
Mario Kart 3DS is coming this Christmas!
Drifting and classic items are in too, though no sign of the Blue Shell of Doom yet!
Customisable Karts are in - choose your base kart, tyres and ability
Touches of Diddy Kong Racing here with the variable craft
And they go underwater too!
Karts in Mario Kart now have gliders attached to them?
He just said Mario Kart 3DS is "tricked out". Way to go, Reggie.
Five key games on the show floor
He's talking about headline games for 3DS now
"You want what you've always wanted, but you want something new"
Reggie Fils-Aime is on stage now - we hope your body is ready!
Luigi Mansion for 3DS!!
Kid Icarus now - this should be out already! Sort it out Nintendo!
Tanooki Suit briefly shown
Super Mario Bros. now on screen, looks like SMB 3
"Do a barrel roll" getting major laughs
Star Fox is up next
Nintendo's stage is amazing - multiple screens, none of them regular shaped
First up it's Mario Kart 3D!
He's now talking about favourite franchises coming to 3DS
"It is a product to look forward to next year"
The new platform represents a major step to reaching Nintendo's ideal step
He says we'll find out more later - everyone laughs a laugh of FRUSTRATION
"It will let everyone see games in a different way" - stop teasing us Iwata!
Deeper content for hardcore users, wider content for all gamers
Here we go: deeper and wider are two words that apply to the new machine
He wants a new platform that's satisfying for all players -- hardcore and casual
He's talking about the perception of games systems, including Wii
Now we have Satoru Iwata on stage. Will he produce a new console from his jacket?
A heartfelt thank you from the Zelda team to fans of Zelda games worldwide. A nice way to end a good start to the show
Now up on stage we have various key members of the Zelda team: Takashi Tezuka, Yoshiaki Koizumi and Eiji Aonuma
Also set to release two music CDs - Ocarina of Time soundtrack through Club Nintendo
Nintendo will hold Zelda orchestral concerts in regions around the world
Skyward Sword to get a special Gold Wii Remote Plus with the Zelda logo
Finally we have Skyward Sword this holiday season on Wii
Zelda: Four Swords for DSiWare for free in September!!
Now talking about Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D, which is out next week, of course. Look out for our review soon!
Should available before the end of the day, so give it 12 - 15 hours!
Link's Awakening DX coming to 3DS VC today apparently
Each system will get a new Zelda game
He's now talking about what Nintendo will do for the 25th anniversary
Orchestral jingles from Zelda games = the reason music was invented
How many companies could start with a live orchestral rendition of music? Hats off, Ninty!
Even Miyamoto seems at a loss for words for what to say about Zelda
Great music though!
Wow, there have been a lot of Zelda games.
Looks like we're being shown the entire Zelda back history with some live music..
Press conference is a go!
Let's do this!
@dazcalvert: I hope this time it's called Nintendo Pou (like party + you!)
@dazcalvert: I hope this time it's called Nintendo Pou (like party + you!)
We're getting ready to take our seats for Nintendo's E3 show. It's very, very exciting.
30 minutes to go! Time to start rounding up those last minute provisions and planning toilet breaks, everyone!
We do have a temporary off-site chatroom available too - http://tinychat.com/fmggj
Just over 30 minutes to go!
Our man in the UK office is cracking open his first caffeinated drink of the evening. Sure to be many more!
It's unlikely Nintendo will announce Café prices today, but what about a release date? Let's hear it!
Our News Editor James is ready to go! http://twitpic.com/587ol9
If you want to watch the event live, you can visit http://e3.nintendo.com
@DaddyNewts: Looking forward to that #NintE3ndo conference, you know.
@DaddyNewts: Looking forward to that #NintE3ndo conference, you know.
OK, two hours to go until Nintendo's show starts! Let's hear your predictions guys!
Nintendo's conference kicks off in 2h 15m. Start preparing your mind and body!
We're getting ready to launch our E3 2011 live text feed. Stick with us and you'll go far!
To help spread the load we've opened an off-site Nintendo Life E3 chatroom for you to discuss the show with Nintendo fans. You can also follow Nintendo Life on Twitter and get involved using the #NintE3ndo hashtag, as well as leave your thoughts in the comments section below.
Comments 57
im looking sooooo damn forward to this i cant wait to see the new wii wii games and 3ds games and the game retro studios is working on and the game rockstar games are goanna make for the new wii and this is the best week of the year literaly
Nope, not figuratively. Literally.
The chat is screwing up
I hope the e3 site will work on my wii because my laptop has no sound
I don't want this Cafe thing to be released soon, I'm still not finished playing with my Wii!
But I must admit, I'm curious as hell. But also dubiuous - I doubt it will be as revolutionary as Wii.
The wait is killing me!
Flash Gordon confirmed for launch ok thats just my idea
We-we-we so excited
We so excited
We gonna have a ball today
Go E3! I'm gonna be watching the show on the internet! WOOT!
I hope Miyamoto doesn't have any more on-stage technical mishaps this time.
Come on nintendo announce something amazing for 3ds as ps vita while not as good as 3ds is still much stronger competiton than the psp ever was.
I put 90210 as my zip code and on the eshop i bought super mario land and i did not have to pay tax! ha ha
So glad you're doing liveblog again. I just got called into work (and by the time I get settled the conference will be mostly over. I wonder if this works on teh iphone.
30 Mins. to showtime. B)
Can't wait for this! I'm predicting we get 20 minutes of 3DS info, 10 minutes of Wii info and 15 minutes of Cafe info, in that order. No Cafe price and only a rough release date, like second half of '12 or middle of '12.
@Token_Girl It does!
@WaveBoy Cammie Dunaway doesn't work for Nintendo now, so rejoice!
Fire Emblem, oh Fire Emblem. Please, let it be so!
how many points you guys have at the trivia right now?
Five minutes to go! So excited, can't wait!
Monster Hunter 3ds pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeezeeee! Oh, and only 4 mins left till start!
stream started! YAY POPCORN!
@waveboy I totally do hope that my internet wont do the same. 2.5 MINS!
Have a nice show!
OMG!!!! I'm gonna watch the live stream though, but I'll check in NL as well, for exchange of impressions etc.! After all, we have a great community here!
1 minute!
I'm gonna sit back and watch, so good luck to yall!
I am pumped for this show. Bring it on!
The live stream starts! ZOMG indeed!
It may be 12 in the morning for me and I do have to get to my college in the morning, but I'll be here all night. This will all be hopefully worth it. Please Nintendo, Don't disappoint!
Seems Nintendo's E3 stream isn't loading, no surprise really. Still have this though I suppose, but I really wanted to watch it.
Links awaking!!!!!!!
Anyone else having problems with the sound while watching the Nintendo E3 presentation?
Anyone else having problems with the sound while watching the Nintendo E3 presentation?
I had trouble with the sound being way too quiet on ign and g4tv. Joystiq's sound is louder, so try that if you're having issues.
omg that screen they're showing the videos on is awesome
Okay, sounds like they fixed the sound. (I'm watching on the Nintendo website.)
Luigi's Mansion 3DS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OMG kid icarus meets yugioh IN 3D!
The video is currently borked.
before NES games?!
wait, so it's the Wii U the controller? not a new consoleWOW
still WOW
wait. did he say smash bros on Wii U AND 3DS ??? oh man, that makes my day
Wii U is looking pretty awesome so far!
Wii U is going to cost so much and I don't even what to think about buying a second controller.
While I hoped to see Monster Hunter and a new metroid, I can't exactly say I'm dissatisfied.
looks cool just hope its about 150
I honestly don't know what to think of this thing. I am left with more questions than answers.
Does anyone think that a controller like this will allow for 3rd part controllers to be made? I usually only buy 1st party controllers anyway, but companies like Mad Catz always seem to make controllers.
What happened to the promised "new experiences on Wii"?? I was expecting some damn Wii games, since WiiU doesn't exist yet! Barstewards.
E3 felt awful, nothing spectacular and you hardly saw the new console, just the dam controller. The bird video looked stunning, almost realistic even. I think they could've done better with this, I'm left with more questions than actual answers.
Also the Wii U games that were shown seemed mainly FPS oriented or fighting. Also I couldn't help but feel the developers kept saying "Nintendo finally made a powerful console our games will actually work on!!"
i'm freaking out!!!
"Also I couldn't help but feel the developers kept saying "Nintendo finally made a powerful console our games will actually work on!!"
Well it's true. Developers like EA were getting tired of watering down their games for the Wii.
Tekken for Wii or Wii U?!
I did see it live and I think it was a nice briefing! I liked that they started with the orchestra and that they showed different scenes of Zelda's history (though it's still not 100% confirmed if Skyward sword is orchestrated). I like the gold wiimote. I don't like that the Skyward sword footage was that short, but they already have solved this loss by actually releasing a trailer now.
Then the very cool 3DS intro, wich also gave away that a new Luigi's mansion was coming. Then nice footage of Mariokart 3DS (hangglider looks fun), Some truly awesome looking Mario bros 3D footage. Nice looking Kid Icarus game with cool cards. And then a new Luigi's mansion, wich also looked very nice.
Then....the wii u. Dissapointed at first. Stupid name. Just a tablet-like handheld that connects with your television, though it has some interesting uses. Wiimote becomes secondary. Bird-demo looks strong though. Nintendo games look terribly weak, with the exception of a Zelda, though I guess that's just a demo. But then....HARDCORE third-party games that look pretty good. Third-party games you would normally never see on a Nintendo console! There is hope for the future, though there is no indication yet that this console is stronger then PS3 or Xbox360. Oh, and Nintendo announced a new Super smash brothers game for wii u (wich is cool) AND 3DS and they can be connected. I wonder though: Will it be 2 different games, or 2 different versions. And how will look the one in comparison with the other.
And it's also a pity that Skyward sword was the only wii game shown!
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