News - 2010, Week 39

Sunday3rd Oct 2010

  • Review M.C. Kids (NES)

    A super-sized side-scrolling McVenture

    The time from 1990 to 1994 was the golden age of games as starring vehicles for junk food mascots. Few remember, but some will never forget, the convoluted, hyper-caloric brilliance of Yo! Noid, Chester Cheetah: Too Cool to Fool, and Cool Spot. Of the myriad snack-hocking titles, however, the super-sized,...

  • News Nordcurrent Joins the Monster Buster Club on DSiWare

    Animated series coming to download

    Nordcurrent is best known for its 101-in-1 Party Megamix and Ninja Captains, but the publisher is making strides into digital territories with its first release, Monster Buster Club, due for release later this year. The publisher describes the title as "mini-games", so don't expect it to deviate too much...

  • News Mario and Sonic Olympics was Yuji Naka's Idea, says Yuji Naka

    Idea pitched before he left Sega

    The man behind Sonic the Hedgehog, Yuji Naka, had left Sega by the time Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games was underway, but Mr Naka has said that he came up with the concept before his departure. Speaking to the audience at this year's Eurogamer Expo in London, Mr Naka said: It was actually my idea, and I was...

  • News Capcom's Okamiden Limps to Retail in Japan

    DS sequel lags behind PS2 and Wii versions in day one sales

    We're absolute suckers for cute animals here at Nintendo Life so the high expectations we hold for Capcom's DS title Okamiden are entirely understandable - it's just a shame that Japan doesn't seem to feel the same way. First-day sales figures for the Okami sequel suggest that only 10,000...

Saturday2nd Oct 2010

  • Review Pokémon Emerald (Game Boy Advance)

    Some things, it seems, never change

    In Japan in 1996 a craze started; by the turn of the century, it had worked its way around the world capturing the hearts and minds of gamers as easily as a level 3 Rattata is caught in a Master Ball. That craze was Pokémon: Nintendo’s pocket monster catching/training/battling powerhouse. The two Game Boy...

  • Review Goosebumps HorrorLand (Wii)


    In 1996, Dreamworks released a computer game called Goosebumps: Escape from Horrorland, a fun point-and-click adventure that revolved around story elements and puzzle solving. Perhaps you can excuse us then for hoping that Goosebumps HorrorLand would be something similar, or anything more intriguing than the collection of carnival-style...

  • Review Wii Party (Wii)

    Wii like to party

    If there's anything that the Wii's software catalogue arguably doesn't really need more of, it's minigame compilations and party games. From Wii Sports to Rabbids to numerous others, "drought" is not the word. But lo and behold, along comes Nintendo and their Mii army with Wii Party, including 80+ minis presented in...

  • Review Pang: Magical Michael (DS)

    It's showtime!

    Everyone loves Magical Michael, 'cause the tricks that he does are ever so cool. However, at the moment, no one is particularly loving him, as a failed experiment on his part has caused hundreds of dangerous bubbles to be released across the world. Now it's his task to venture across the planet and eliminate the threat. If you've...

  • Review Target Toss Pro: Lawn Darts (WiiWare)

    Flying Wii Remotes: less likely to cause injury than flying lawn darts

    A sequel to Target Toss Pro: Bags, released on WiiWare in 2008, Target Toss Pro: Lawn Darts brings the same style of play to a different variety of games, this time using lawn darts. We thought the previous release was good but needed some work – did Incredible Technologies hit...

  • Review FIZZ (DSiWare)

    Fo Fizzle

    Shocking update: a puzzle game was released on DSiWare this week. Non-sarcastic shocking update: it's actually pretty good. We know, we know, it's hard to get too excited about downloadable puzzle games these days, but even with stiff competition on the service, FIZZ still proves itself as a fun and affordable puzzler – even if it's...

  • Review Astro Bugz Revenge (WiiWare)

    Revenge is sweet

    It's a tale that's old as time: a puzzle game is released that requires you to match up three of the same colour in order to clear the screen and advance through levels. It is inevitably compared to Bubble Bobble and Bejeweled, and usually labelled as a clone of one or the other. Astro Bugz Revenge can safely be added to the list of...

  • News Marvelous Willing to Bring Muramasa: The Demon Blade to the 3DS

    Company also confirms 3DS Harvest Moon title and zoo life game Animal Resort

    There are certain games that we'd love to see on the 3DS purely because playing them on a handheld system is enticing enough. Then there are games that will surely benefit from the extra punch that the 3D effect will provide – and Muramasa: The Demon Blade could be of...

  • News Feast Your Eyes on 3DS's Launch Line Up in Japan

    Updated: Not necessarily day one titles

    Update: It's come to our attention this is only a list of titles for the console's launch window, not necessarily those titles that will be available at launch. Some will, some will follow weeks later.* February 26th is the date those lucky Japanese get to buy their very own 3DS, but what good is a new console...

  • Nintendo Download 5th & 6th October 2010 (Japan)

    October begins with Virtual Console and DSiWare

    WiiWare's alternating weeks continue, but at least there's the Virtual Console to keep Wii owners happy – even better when the releases include classic arcade games! The DSi has a trio of actual games for a change with nary a lifestyle download in sight. Virtual Console: Commando (800pts Arcade,...

Friday1st Oct 2010

  • Review Zenonia (DSiWare)

    DSiWare's first must-have RPG

    With RPGs being such a popular genre, it's surprising to see that, up until now, Legends of Exidia has been the only one available on the DSiWare service. Fortunately, for the poor RPG fans who have been feeling neglected, Gamevil has finally added a new title to the mix with their release of Zenonia. Despite both...

  • Review Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem (GameCube)

    To think that once I could not see beyond the veil of our reality to see those who dwell behind

    When Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem was released, there was a glut of Mature-rated horror games on the market from which to choose. Between the endless sequels to Resident Evil, Silent Hill and others, it was easy to overlook this newcomer. But...

  • News 3DS to Boot Games Straight from SD and More Informative Nuggets

    Such as firmware updates whilst on the move

    Those gamers who have struggled with rapidly filling SD cards on DSiWare may think it's too little too late, but Nintendo has confirmed the 3DS will be able to launch downloaded games directly from the card. The company is including a 2GB SD card with every 3DS console in Japan to allow all users to...

  • Review Robox (WiiWare)

    Should you square off with this?

    From the first screens released, developer Dreambox Games’s first WiiWare title looked set for stardom. Robox is a 2D side-scrolling platforming adventure that has a beguiling beauty, utilising an art style that's full of character and reminiscent of the pages of classic children’s books like Where the Wild...

  • News Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light Crown Job System Trailer

    Unique character customisation system explained

    The folks at Square-Enix have just sent over the newest video for Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light which shows how to use the game's unique Crown Job System. As you can see in the video, there is a huge degree of customisation made available to the player by wearing and upgrading the various...

  • News Super Street Fighter IV Trailer Shows New Modes in Action

    Little bit of gameplay too

    Fighting fans will be spoilt for choice on 3DS: the trailer for Dead or Alive: Dimensions looked pretty sharp, but this trailer for Super Street Fighter IV: 3D Edition could sneak a first round victory. As well as showing the super-smooth fighting action, it also shows off two modes that make use of the

  • News Mario Vs. Donkey Kong: Mini-Land Mayhem Launches Next Month

    The fourth in the series aims to be more user-friendly

    When Mario Vs. Donkey Kong: Mini-Land Mayhem! was announced at this year's E3, we knew we'd be seeing its release sometime in the holiday season, but now Nintendo has confirmed that a North American release will go ahead next month. When the fourth title in the Mario Vs. Donkey Kong series...

  • News Ivy the Kiwi? Emerges from its European Egg on October 29th

    Yuji Naka's latest opus nearly hatched

    Ivy the Kiwi? for Wii and DS is the latest game from Yuji Naka, best known for his involvement in the creation of Sonic the Hedgehog. It's been out in North America for some time, but a European release is just around the corner, with publisher Rising Star Games announcing the game will launch on Friday,...

  • Nintendo Download 1st October (Europe)

    Plenty of PooYoos, Petz, Gods and Humans

    Hopefully the exciting news about upcoming Virtual Console releases for Europe will be enough to satisfy retro fans for now, while this week there's two WiiWare and three DSiWare titles to quench your thirst. WiiWare: Gods vs. Humans (1500pts, Zallag) – We've been looking forward to this comical strategic...

  • News Racers' Island: Crazy Racers Racing Crazily to North America on Monday

    1000 Points stateside

    Whilst Zallag released Gods vs. Humans to European WiiWare fans today, next Monday sees its first title, Racers' Islands: Crazy Racers reaching North America. At 1000 Points it's 200 Points cheaper than its European counterpart, but still boasts the same mixture of racers, islands and craziness. You can read our Racers' Island:...

Thursday30th Sep 2010

  • Review Snowboard Kids (Nintendo 64)

    You won't get board of this one

    Although Atlus is undoubtedly best known for its expertise in the field of RPGs, the Shinjuku-based company does occasionally try its hand at other genres. One such example is Snowboard Kids, released on the Nintendo 64 back in 1998 in cooperation with Japanese development studio Racdym. Best summed up as Mario Kart...

  • Review GO Series: Defence Wars (DSiWare)

    Tower defence with a twist

    Tower defence games aren’t really a new concept on DSiWare, and with already a few titles in the genre available, you might wonder whether this one has anything special to offer. It turns out that GO Series: Defence Wars gives a nice twist to tower defence that makes it a bit more interesting. In most tower defence...

  • News Nintendo Release Schedule Outs Mario Party 2, Super Bonk and More

    Virtual Console still twitching

    It's very rare to get any kind of heads-up for what's coming to Virtual Console, but this release schedule from Nintendo's Netherlands office contains a few surprising treats for the year ahead. N64 party game Mario Party 2 is set to launch in December, just in time for the party season, with Super Bonk for Super NES...

  • News October is Spook Month on Nintendo Life

    Frightful Fridays and Scary Saturdays ahead

    As we all know, October 31st is All Hallows Eve, popularly known as Halloween. It's a night when some of you will dress up in your favourite fear-inducing garb and haunt the town, others will dress up as well but instead go to screenings of The Rocky Horror Picture Show, and others still will stay home and...

  • Interviews Hudson - Oops! Prank Party

    We talk with producer Yukihiro Kobayashi about the new Wii title

    While party games are relatively common today, the one that put the genre on the map is undeniably Hudson's Mario Party, released a little over a decade ago on the Nintendo 64. Now the company's making another foray into the party business with the devious Oops! Prank Party, set for...

  • News Nicalis Wants You to Know Cave Story DSiWare Music is Perfect

    Upcoming update for WiiWare too

    Cave Story was a much anticipated WiiWare release – of course, European gamers are still much anticipating its eventual release – but the forthcoming Cave Story DSiWare is beginning to mimic its big screen predecessor in terms of generating excitement. Some gamers will be hoping it doesn't copy some of its...

  • News Download the Soundtrack for Dive: The Medes Islands Secret

    For free, of course

    Dive: The Medes Islands Secret is one of the better games to have arrived on WiiWare so far this year: a submarine blend of exploration and action, it's sold well enough for Cosmonaut Games to want to say thank you with the release of the game's complete soundtrack. Composed and remastered by El Topo Negro, it includes 11 tracks...

  • News WayForward Not Working on A Boy and His Blob for 3DS After All

    But is another studio?

    Back in June, when the 3DS was revealed, Nintendo released a long list of games on their way to the system, with Majesco's A Boy and His Blob right at the top of the list (alphabetically speaking, anyway). Now developer WayForward has confirmed it's not currently working on the title, and that the announcement of the game was...

  • News 2011 Release for 3DS is a Move to Avoid Stock Shortages

    Seems a smart decision

    The pre-conference buzz around 3DS was for a release in Japan late this year, with Nintendo's share price jumping hugely at a rumour the machine would launch in October for ¥18,000 (around $215/£136/€157), though that news turned out to be the Mario edition DSi XL. It turns out the original plan was to launch the machine...

  • News Nintendo Predicts 4 Million 3DS Units to Sell in Debut Month

    That's Nintendo with its conservative hat on

    It's all very well showering us with release dates and pricing (well, for Japan anyway) and the trailers and screenshots certainly don't do any harm, but how well does Nintendo think the 3DS will perform sales-wise? Nintendo is predicting the 3DS to shift more than 4 million units by the end of the...

  • News Nintendo of Japan Shows Off Upcoming DS Games

    New Kirby title and more (now with video!)

    As part of its recent conference, Nintendo's released screen shots of six upcoming DS titles including a new Kirby adventure, a Pokémon typing-based game and the next entry in the Mario vs. Donkey Kong series, Mini-Land Mayhem. There are some friendly dogs and fearsome dinos to see as well, not to mention...

  • News Ubisoft Reveals Driver and Splinter Cell Games for 3DS

    Screenshots inside

    Cast your minds back to E3 and that long list of upcoming third-party releases for 3DS: it's going to take a while for each of those games to be revealed, but Ubisoft's doing its part by showing off the first screenshots of Driver 3D and Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory 3D. Splinter Cell seems to take some of the stylistic inventions...

Wednesday29th Sep 2010

  • News 3DS To Get Revamped Online Shop

    Better interface, faster menus and a new Virtual Console

    Nintendo's Wii Shop Channel and DSiWare Shop may have some great games on them, but browsing the services for content could be a bit easier. Unless you go in there knowing what you want, finding something new and interesting can be a bit cumbersome, as sifting through menu after menu can take...

  • News Yes, You Can Transfer DSiWare to 3DS

    Software you've bought can be saved

    One of the worries about the 3DS was whether the DSiWare that you'd lavished your hard-earned Nintendo Points on would make the jump across to the new console. According to a Nintendo PDF, the answer is "yes, but with limitations." Those limitations seem to be that some software simply won't be...

  • News Play with Augmented Reality with 3DS Pack-In Cards

    Six special cards to enjoy AR

    Whilst PlayStation Move and Xbox Kinect press on with augmented reality games, Nintendo has a few tricks up its sleeve as well, bringing the genre to 3DS with six specially created cards to interact with 3DS's built-in software. If you're not sure what augmented reality is, it's a type of gaming that uses a camera to...

  • News See 3DS's Menu, Mii Creator and More in Motion

    Video shows off new features

    So far Nintendo has announced the Virtual Console for 3DS as well as the ability to transfer DSiWare to 3DS, but it has a few more things to show off. This video shows the console's Mii Creator in more detail, with a photo used to create the basis of your Mii character. It also delves a little deeper into the Tag Mode...

  • News Wii Remote Plus is Real, Coming in Four Colours

    Technicolour gaming rainbow

    The news that FlingSmash would be bundled with a MotionPlus-packing Remote landed the other day, but Gamestop swiftly removed the game page. Now Nintendo, in amongst all the 3DS news, has officially announced the new controller – a Remote with MotionPlus built-in – is on the way. Although no individual pricing or...

  • News See Plenty of New 3DS Games in Motion Right Here

    Resident Evil: Mercenaries, Super Monkey Ball and more

    Super Street Fighter IV: 3D Edition, Final Fantasy: Chocobo Tales, Super Monkey Ball and more all combine to make this 3DS software trailer a pretty tasty affair. Plenty of 3D games make their motion debuts, as well as with Capcom's Resident Evil: Revelations and recently announced Resident...

  • News Virtual Handheld Confirmed for 3DS

    Not a joke this time

    For years, gamers have been clamouring for a VIrtual Console-style system for the DS, allowing them to download and play their favourite GameBoy titles. You just have to read the comments on this spoof article to know how keenly awaited the service was. Now, with the 3DS, Nintendo has answered your calls, as it's announced it's...

  • News 3DS's StreetPass Communication Feature is Tag Mode Done Right

    Smart, fast and actually useful

    The DS's Tag Mode is an under-used feature of the hardware, with very few games getting the most out of it. That hasn't deterred Nintendo from making it a bigger feature of its upcoming 3DS however, with the StreetPass system taking games social. It's not just the 3D screen that is 3DS's big revolution: Nintendo is...

  • News SpotPass is Essentially WiiConnect24 for 3DS

    Get new content just by leaving the machine on

    The 3DS's StreetPass feature maximises the console's portability by offering interactive features with no user input required, but Nintendo hasn't ignored the machine's at home functions, creating a system called SpotPass to enable the 3DS to communicate via the Internet whilst in Sleep Mode. Working in...

  • News Japan Receives Red DSi XL in Honour of Mario's 25th Anniversary

    Limited edition console on the way

    Yes, it's the 25th anniversary of Super Mario Bros., and even the most ardent plumbing fan might be getting just a little fed-up of the fanfare. Just show that person this upcoming Mario edition DSi XL and watch their face light up again, though. Released in Japan on October 28th, the machine is of course in...

  • News Tales of the Abyss Coming to 3DS

    3DS port in the works for Japan

    Namco Bandai has just announced that their Playstation 2 RPG Tales of the Abyss will be making its way to Nintendo's new 3DS system in Japan. They've also stated that the game will be an updated port in full 3D glory. We've seen speculation and rumors in the past about the game coming to various platforms, but it...

  • News Brand New 3DS Screenshots For Your Eyes to Behold

    Ocarina, Paper Mario, StarFox, PilotWings and more!

    Information is great, but if a picture speaks a thousand words then we have several novels' worth of words for you to digest with brand new screenshots of 3DS games. Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Paper Mario, Kid Icarus: Uprising, Steel Diver,

  • News Capcom Announces Franchise 3DS Titles

    Mega Man Legends 3 project and Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D

    Capcom's just announced two upcoming 3DS titles, a Mega Man Legends 3 project as well as Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D. The former will continue the spin-off series while the latter will present missions from the Mercenaries Modes of Resident Evil 4 and Resident Evil 5 in...

  • News Super Monkey Ball 3DS Title to Roll Out Next Year

    Get ready to tilt some monkeys in the palm of your hand

    Earlier today we brought you the 3DS software trailer and the only reason our eyeballs didn't implode with excitement from the barrage of treats on display was because we're weren't seeing it in 3D. At just under three minutes in duration, it showed clips from twenty 3DS titles and one of them...

  • News 3DS Details Unleashed at Japanese Press Event

    Nintendo releases 3DS information

    For those of you who don't already know, Nintendo is holding a special news conference to release details on their plans for the upcoming 3DS system. We'll be posting tidbits of information in this article as they announce them. 3DS will be released in Japan on February 26, 2011 and will retail for 25,000 yen...

  • News New Dead or Alive: Dimensions Trailer Lands a Few Combos

    Tecmo shows off some gameplay footage

    Among the invited developers and publishers at Nintendo's exclusive 3DS event today was Tecmo Koei, the studio behind Rygar: The Battle of Argus; the Wii instalment of the Platstation action game from 2002. The developer's upcoming Dead of Alive: Dimensions for the 3DS has been progressing steadily and the...

  • News 3DS Launches Feb. 26 in Japan

    Europe and North America join the fun in March

    During Nintendo Conference 2010, CEO Satoru Iwata announced the Japanese launch date and price for the upcoming 3DS handheld. The portable will release on Feb 26, 2011 and retail for 25,000 yen. The two launch colours are Aqua Blue and Cosmo Black. Prices vary by market and it's tough to say that the...

  • News Nintendo of Japan Showcases Wii Line-up in New Video

    Includes footage of (presumably) a new Rhythm Heaven game

    As part of their recent conference, Nintendo of Japan's just released a video showcasing some hotly anticipated games in the upcoming Japanese Wii line-up. Everything from The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword to Super Mario Collection Special Pack and Mar

Tuesday28th Sep 2010

Monday27th Sep 2010

  • News Nintendo Japan Humbly Attending to Metroid: Other M Bug Fix

    No word on other territories yet

    There's a serious bug in Metroid: Other M that requires gamers who encounter it to restart their game from the beginning, unless they've been saving in multiple slots along the way. Nintendo of Japan is the first company out of the blocks to arrange for those unlucky souls to receive help. Affected Japanese gamers...

  • News Nintendo Power Claims Sonic 4: Episode 1 Will Cost 1500 Points

    High price for hedgehog heaven

    Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1 is one of WiiWare's most anticipated games, either because of or despite the claims it will bring Sonic back to his glory days, depending on your point of view. Flagship WiiWare titles don't come cheap however, and the latest issue of Nintendo Power claims Sonic's next outing will set...

  • First Impressions Lost in Shadow

    We take Hudson's new platformer for a spin

    It doesn't take a genius to see that Hudson's upcoming Lost in Shadow release isn't your typical run-of-the-mill platformer. Not only does the game feature a protagonist that's not even a real person, rather his shadow, it also features some absolutely mesmerizing audio and visuals to further make it stand...

  • Nintendo Download 27th September (North America)

    Two each for WiiWare and DSiWare

    This week's release schedule is as varied as usual, taking in potentially fatal sports games to cerebral puzzlers, with two games apiece for WiiWare and DSiWare and the expected break from Virtual Console. WiiWare: Target Toss Pro: Lawn Darts (700pts, Incredible Technologies) – The follow-up to Target Toss Pro:...

  • News My Planetarium Trailer and Screenshots Look Stellar

    All in Japanese, though

    The ESRB outed My Planetarium a month or so ago, and now the Japanese website has been updated with the first screenshots and trailer of Hudson's upcoming gaze 'em up. With three different modes allowing you to view the night sky freely, learn about the history of constellations and search for particular clusters, nebulae and...

  • News Thorium Wars Blasts European DSiWare After Twelve Month Wait

    Better late than never

    Thorium Wars, believe it or not, was released in North America in October 2009, and until now hadn't troubled European gamers' radars. Now the space adventure is set to land on European DSi consoles on Friday, October 8th, for a cheaper-than-in-North-America 800 Nintendo Points. You can read our Thorium Wars review to find out...