Nintendo's Wii Shop Channel and DSiWare Shop may have some great games on them, but browsing the services for content could be a bit easier. Unless you go in there knowing what you want, finding something new and interesting can be a bit cumbersome, as sifting through menu after menu can take some time.
With the 3DS, Nintendo hopes to change all that. Admitting that the Wii and DSi have not "provided the users with a sufficiently easy and accessible interface," the company says the 3DS's online shop will offer a faster, more optimised experience.
Switching from one screen to another has become much quicker, and you will notice the quick response. For any download business to grow, it must be important for consumers to be able to enjoy window shopping even when they do not have any particular product in mind. Quick and easy access to the shop is, therefore, very important.
While the Wii and DSi download services made it hard for Nintendo to "promote and sell the products in one place," the 3DS shop will combine "functions of Wii Shopping Channel and that of Nintendo Channel" to help users discover content they might not otherwise consider.
As well as original 3DS software, you'll also be able to download DSiWare titles to your shiny new machine, meaning on day one it could have a library of well over 300 titles to download.
As for the handheld's Virtual Console, Nintendo says it only plans to offer Game Boy and Game Boy Color titles at first, eventually expanding the service to include other "classic games." Some classic titles will even get 3D make-overs, but Nintendo warns these updated titles may be priced differently than normal VC games:
As an experiment, when Xevious from Bandai-Namco was made 3D, we felt that it significantly increased its value. To make the classic titles 3D will not be as easy as providing Virtual Console software, but we are eager to make them available for the download sales.
[source nintendo.co.jp]
Comments 75
First time I heard that they were doing this, I was hoping to see some MMBN for download. Even if that's not the case, this is still a really cool feature. I can't wait to see what they do with it.
Anyone know if we'll be able to download past DSi releases -- that is, DSiWare games put out over the last few years -- on the 3DS? I still have an original DS, but I want some of those downloadable games out now, like Dark Void Zero, so I'm wondering if I need to get a DSi, or just wait till 3DS.
Oh man this is awesome! I predicted this sort of thing (not the 3D though) to happen with the Wii VC was first launched in 2006! I already have 80 original gameboy games in cart form, and 30 GBC games in cart form so I would probably not use it unless I was really desperate or games from Wayforward were put up (Shantae and Wendy Every Witch Way especially).
GBA games are coming eventually. They are just starting with GB and GBC.
No word on demos? It'd be pretty bad if nintendo skipped out on them again, it's hard enough to excuse them missing on the wii which launched a few years ago, on a 3DS now? It's downright disgusting if they're still missing
Well thats nice to hear that there thinking about the customer. But i normally know which games i intend to buy before i go on there so not a huge deal for me.
SO happy... I love all of you.
Yes you will be able to download past DSiWare games! Just found it in the Nintendo announcement source link.
Nice, hopefully this will coincide with a Wii Shop Channel updated doing the same thing.
And demos. That'd be awesome too.
Lastly, I hope they offer original versions of games they make 3D for a "classic" price on the VC. With retro games, I don't really want the extra features, I just want the game.
How much will the 3DSware games cost? Obviously they are 3D, so they might cost a few dollars more??
No GBA is fine by me. Those are still plentiful and aren't liable to break anytime soon. I'm just glad it's finally happening.
With that said, I'm glad they're updating the interface. They're right, it is pretty cumbersome.
@Delso No idea on that one yet, but I'd expect them to be roughly the same amount as existing DSiWare.
Thanks, I will be watching for more info about it! I always see you posting answers to everyone's questions too. You are a big help!
@Delso I live to give!
This is great news. A nice revamped store is always welcome.
YAY! ......you didnt think id miss the 3ds news day did you?
I never even had a problem accessing Virtual Console games before! Now it's getting easier? Sweet.
By the way, welcome back, NGpenguin! I missed you!
What a great news day! Can't wait to have a 3DS in my hands!
Thanks i missed youz to @PunnyGuy
I've never had any trouble finding a game to buy because I always plan what game I buy wether it's a retail or downloadable game. I'm not that bothered if there are no GBA games because I was going to keep my ds anyway so that I didn't have to start over on any GBA games I already own but it would still be nice to have GBA games so that we can get GBA hanabi games. Also I hope nintendo bring other cosnoles to the service like the virtual boy, game gear, neo geo pocket and neo geo pocket colour.
I'd really like to see some GBA games though, too.
I missed out of both Metroids as I didn't really know about the franchise at the time, and they're so expensive online. I really want to play them though!
This good news is good.
Yay! GB/C games ftw! Even if I already have a GB pocket, a GBC, a GBASP, and in the future a Super Game Boy, I can't wait!
I have a feeling GBA games will be eventually added, but it's a bit dissappointing to hear none will be available at or around launch. Oh well, I'm really looking forward to the GB GBC games since I never owned any of those.
There's so much news coming out today. I just can't handle it.
Did someone say Pokemanz? pinball
Good. No excuse for there not to be a Shantae re-release now.
...now really, how many of you would have expected any less from me? ^^;
this is great, ill probably DL all those Great and Forgotten GB Games like MGS, and Operation C
i hope they put kirby tilt and tumble in the list
How cool.
Welcome back, NGPenguin. I missed you.
This is very exciting to hear, since I gave my Game Boy Color to a friend years ago, and missed it ever since. Also, I hope that when the virtual console on the 3DS starts up, it has the steam that the Wii VC started with (around 3 games a week.)
Very good downloading platform !!!!
Hello, Jamba001, welcome to NintendoLife. I like your Manaphy avatar.
Hello, StarBoy91. Manaphy is my favourite Pokémon. Isn't he cute ?
He sure is, Jamba001.
As long as we get faster downloads I am happy.
So no GBA yet, huh? Maybe it ain't old enough.
The GBA better not end up the N64 of the 3DS VC....
@Angelic Lapras King:
Aren't you one of the ancient members that posted since the VC-Reviews days? Never thought I'd see you posting again.
Anyway, exactly what do mean by that?
@Jamba001: Je ne parle pas français ! That's the most unhelpful French sentence I know. XD
I'm not too fuss about GBA games. I wonder what GB/GBC titles they will include?
Second heart attack since E3!
I don't really care about this actually. I always just check Nintendolife to see which game I'm going to buy and then just search for it in the shop, so no window shopping for me.
Holy whack!
I'm loving the 3DS the more I see it
Hmm, more "classic games" huh? 3D River City Ransom, anyone?
"the 3DS shop will combine functions of Wii Shopping Channel and that of Nintendo Channel"... looks like all our emails to nintendo paid off
Game Boy Virtual Console, huh? Looks like nintendo does listen to us after all.
Bet the only reason they are making GB games 3D is because they wouldn't be able to justify 5 or more dollars otherwise, on most games.
Neat! Needa start off on the right track Ninty by giving us some awesome launch titles.
Will there be any multiplayer on these games, let alone wirelessly?
Yes! Hopefully we will get SML 2 in 3D.
I hope Sega, SNK, NEC, and Atari join the VC bandwagon too, I want to play some Game Gear, Neo Geo Pocket Color, Turbo Express, and Lynx games on the 3DS as well.
If they sell links awakening that will be great.
You know I bet Japan will get wonderswan color games, those lucky ducks.
I hope too for the fabulous Zelda : Oracle of Seasons and Oracle of Ages !!
That's good to hear. The online shop is badly in need of it.
I hopes they release WarioLand 3, here I come - I played that game so much the label wore off, then finally after I defeated the final boss (who looks like someone from Insane Clown Posse) and started hitting the areas I'd missed, the memory deleted. Replayed about two thirds through the game and it happened again. Dead battery really does mean Game Over
I hate browsing the DSiWare shop. If I want a 500 point game I have to go through around 50 pages very slowly to get the game I want. So this is good to hear.
"functions of Wii Shopping Channel and that of Nintendo Channel"
I hope some of this comes the Wii's way. I'm sorry, but it is just plain STUPID that Nintendo Channel videos that usually appear every week when new WiiWare games come out aren't linked to the game in the Wii Shop Channel. Even if it has to close the Wii Shop channel and open the Nintendo Channel at least link the WiiWare game to it's video.
There is a way to fix that, just pop that sucker open and duct-tape a new battery inside. You might want to find a guide, though, cause there is a little more to it; when you finish, the game will work fine again.
(P.S. Don't try this on a game that hasn't had the internal battery die yet, kids.)
I assume the original Tetris will be one of the titles released.
I know there's been like a hundred versions since, but the original will always be close to peoples hearts for one reason:
that music...
GB and GBC games! Awesome, I'm pretty sure no one's played those in a while, though we could use some remakes on some of them, like Metroid II.
But no GBA games?? Lousy!
For me this is the main selling point of the 3ds
Anyone feel as if nintendo ought to focus on improving their existing online store service first instead of simply promising that their next one will be great? kind of a let down honestly. Who here wants them to send an update patch to just redesign the whole infrastructure of the shop and just have everything work better as they say the next one will? Apple does it all the time with iTunes...
Is the 3DS the only console that can play the gameboy games? Can I buy the VC GB, GBC, and BGA games and play them on my wii?
@SkullMan Most likely they'll only work on the 3DS.
Can't wait to see how this turns out~!
Virtual Handheld looks great.
When GBA comes I hope we get Mother 3 and Stafy 1-3,.
REALLY hopping GBA will be added sooner rather then later
One step closer to wanting a 3DS...
There was a non-playable which contains a lot of NES and SNES games,so,i think that they will have NES and SNES games.
@RadioShadow But, I don't ask you to speak French. Guard your language. I just say, if I make errors, I delete again my posts.
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