This is it: the moment of truth. Finally we're set to find out what Nintendo has in store for the future. 3DS, The Legend of Zelda, Vitality Sensor: all this and more is set to be unveiled here at Nintendo's E3 press conference.
Our man Corbie Dillard has got his seat in the theatre to bring you all the news from the show as it happens. If you're in the mood for some audio accompaniment, you can listen to Corbie and Assistant Editor James Newton discussing Nintendo's show in the latest episode of the Nintendo Life Podcast.
The show kicks off at 9am Pacific Standard Time, which equates to 12pm midday Eastern Standard Time and 5pm British Summer Time. Pictures, news, reaction: it's all here, live from E3.
Excited? Whilst you're waiting for the main event why not join us in the Nintendo Life Chat Room and talk about your E3 predictions.
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Comments 184
I am not going to close this page until E3 ends.
So excited!
And don't forget 1AM Japan time (we don't have daylight savings~).
I'm so excited. I hope they announce the title for the new Zelda game. Looking forward to any news about Pikmin 3 and a few others as well.
E3 only shows games that get an international release right?
Come on Nintendo please surprise us!, Microsoft just got a miserable conference, now you has the chance to make the conference of the year.
@Mario_party_fan Im in japan. the time zone is pretty close. For Sydney and that half of AUS, its one hour ahead of us.
according to vooks the Australian times are:
EST: 2:00am, June 16
CST: 1:30am, June 16
WST: 12:00am, June 16
Which agrees with what Tsuchinoko is saying because Japan is closest to CST (Adelaide, Darwin).
@Aviator, that's the spirit!
@skywake yup! and we only have one time zone, so this kind of stuff is really easy for us to figure out.
Just wondering, they don't announce japan-only games do they? just ones that get an international release?
@Mario_party_fan The upcoming "day", as in 7-8 hours from this moment
3DS is to close to my eyes only 7 hours
I hope they are going to announce a Motion Plus inclusive Wiimote (if they haven't already)
Sorry Corbs, but I'll be streaming the conference live on 1-UP. Best of luck to you though!
Darn you classes!!!!
Love the background image, this guy at the bottom left seems to be as excited as me. ^^
C'mon Corbie, WAKE UP!
"The 3DS alone warrants the best E3 Conference "
Assuming they do not screw it up badly, like not having the option for DSi owners to move their downloadable content from that system to the new one.
I do not own a DSi, but I am going to feel bad for those that did purchase stuff on that system.
I just can't wait for the 3DS and Mortal Kombat 9(I really hope it is for wii )
its like 2am Australian time
@Waveboy Didn't Nintendo hint that they were working on a Luigi's Mansion 2 months back? I could have sworn they already announced at least some ideas they were working on.
I so wish I could stay up 'till 2am but school for me right now is just...AUGGHHH!!!!
I love the E3 banner on frontpage - 'LIVE with Corbie'
LOL - with added Corbie...!!!
crap i have to go to friggin' school
Ready to get off work and watch the conferences myself.
Have fun corbie
Got my fingers crossed for a new kid icarus
Has anyone seen the GoldenEye trailer?
@Belgicario, thanks for the tip - I've just posted our article - we pulled it after everyone started deleting the video!
Sigh I'll be at school. But you know that I'll read the Corbie's entire live blog when I get back.
No problem! I'm really hoping the footage is real
All i want out of all this is a wireless nunchuck for wii so when i get a wii i can be all wireless, More Footage for Sonic Colors, Pikmin 3, and the announcement of virtual console on 3DS. (I don't see why people want to transfer dsiware to 3DS. wouldn't that just make the dsi useless?)
The Moment of truth!
Is In 3 hours!
I can't wait!
Bring it on. I'll be keeping my browser firmly aligned to NintendoLife and
".How would 'that' screw up the system badly? I'm not interested in backwards compatibility, my excitement and hope lays in the 3D technology. If Nintendo didn't allow DSi Content on the 3DS, that wouldn't be that big of a deal"
Well if they can not do something so simple as this, try to imagine their plans for the next console, or anything related to a possible robust of their lackluster online infrastructure (and do not blame friend codes).
Can't wait cant wait cant wait! Also guys and gals, you can watch a live stream of the event here: and here:(link coming soon) . Or you could support Nintendolife and stay right here .
Corbie, wake up, man!
Can't wait, I will be on your guy's site for the live text, streaming it and also streaming the world cup all while I get some work done at work.
The past has taught me one thing: Never get TOO excited for E3. You'll only run into disappointment. I set my expectations to an absolute 0, so I won't be disappointed this time 'round.
Has anyone heard the rumor that they've shown a really short video of Miyamoto playing a cel-shaded Zelda with MotionPlus?
There goes the rumor-mill again
Yes, but it's hard to believe.
Miyamoto said the game's visuals would not be radically different from Twilight Princess.
Yeah, and there have been enough cell-shaded Zeldas for a while.
Might be new play control Windwaker
I wish, but the rumors are talking about an adult Link.
AARRGHH! Just got the tweet from NintendoLife! Can't wait, can't wait, can't wait!
I am 'N64 Kid' on Christmas morning; I could not be any more excited about E3.
C'mon Nintendo, hit me full on with a massive bombshell, maybe not a Megaton!, but leave me beaming. Make 3DS as powerful as a GameCube and include a first party big-hitter announcement with it. Treat me with a Wii Star Fox, or F-Zero announcement. Make the new Zelda to be jaw dropping, not just visually, but with new gameplay additions (have a concept as fundamentally brilliant as Galaxy's gravity).
You are a good man @Corbie, I appreciate your coverage. Good luck, have fun and "Cheers"!
Adrenaline rush! also, i love the background image.
@Corbie: We appreciate your sacrifice. They probably had to twist your arm to get you to agree to go to this. Lucky sonofa gun.
Yay Corbie lives, have fun man
Finally! all the questions about zelda and 3DS will be finally answered!
hmm... Interesting influx of Zelda rumours. To be perfectly honest I wouldn't mind if all of them are true. Cell Shaded Zelda on Wii going into the backstory of the master sword and featuring a blurring of what is a dungeon and not? count me in on that! Then again, count me in on ANY Zelda!
I'll be keeping an eye on this page, but I'm totally watching the live feed on :3
I wonder if my school will relize I've been in the bathroom for 1 hour looking at this from my Ipod. It is a risk I have to take.
Wii Sports Resort was all well and good, but how about a Wave Race Wii?
Can anybody tell me when will it start here in the Philippines?
@JustYourAverageBleh everywhere in the world its in about 2 hours
Nintendo have a real chance to steal the show today! Hopefully they do!
Anyone know what time it will begin in Belgium? Thank you!
Nintendo's show will be more awesome than ninja-cyborgs in penguin-suits.
Or God on a panda killing the devil with a bazooka.
Will be watching Nintendo's live feed. Can't wait!
Edit: @ Belgicario: About 1Hr. 40Min. from now. :3
6 o clock
look at your clock... add about 1hour and 35mins to that
that's when it starts
Thank you!
Nintendo's show will be more awesome than ninja-cyborgs in penguin-suits battling God on a panda with a bazooka.
Oh MAN! I REALLY wish that I could be at home right now!
Instead of School.
@skywake - Thanks a lot.
It's 10:42 in Toronto, Ontario EST. Just 2 hours and 18 minutes to go!
Sooo excited. i wish i had some kind of device that enables me to speed up time. but i guess i'm just being impatient.
Just about 1 hour away!
I gotta say, this is the most i've been excited for an E3 ever.
The doors are open!!! - Tweet from NintendoAmerica
@yoshdude64 I already did.
Apparently there is a way to speed up time. What you do is create a "time bubble" which you can, theoretically, then use to travel faster than the speed of light in by moving in a "wave" of time. Unfortunately though said time bubble hasn't been invented yet and nor has greater than speed of light travel.
So I guess we'll just have to make do by using the traditional time wasting methods. Something that I am sure everyone here excels at given this is a Nintendo fan site.
This is everyone right now.
Only now we're going like "NINTENDO 3DS!!!"
Alright! Let's get the party started!
@WaveBoy You can watch everything from Nintendo's Conference on and @TLink9 LOL!!!!
YES!!! I am on no sleep but I am so ready for this thing! Bring it on Nintendo!!!
I wonder if they will still call it the 3DS if not than I need to get that out of my head.
Its almost here. I'm watching it on TV so I don't miss anything awesome. Plus, I can't wait to see the 3DS and maybe a new Animal Crossing!
Have fun Corbie!
I love how there's a few people saying "It's about X amount of time away where I am!"
It's about X amount of time away WHEREVER you are. Which right now is about 35 minutes, whether you're in Europe, Australia, America, or the dark side of the moon.
Miyamoto just sent me a text claiming the fishing mini-game in the new Zelda will establish a new paradigm for pointless fishing mini-games.
Parteh Tiem. (|3
25 more minutes
Corbie, we are all with you!
You are the man! Have fun .
20 MINS 2 GO!
13 minutes away!!!
That is some terrible music that they have been playing
i can't freaking wait dammit
SpriteKing: 13 minutes away!! 15 Jun 2010, 10:43 CDT
Your clock would seem to be running 4 minutes fast.
The music is pretty cool, actually!
5 MINS 2 GO!
Sorry I love the music
lol, it hasn't even started and we have 100+ comments already!
I hope the new zelda has a different weapone than a boring sword...perhaps THE MASTER FLAMETHROWER...and you can just burn down forest temples.
its STARTING cammy was on!
Yay, almost time!!!
Anybody else watching this the live feed of this on e3.nintendo?
Just type it in again do not hit refresh I had the same problem.
EEEEEW Zelda mix
refresh if your getting "undefined"
Graphic fail
Omg it is link in super mario Galaxy.
Bowling Bombs
what's with all the 'undefined's???
Guess I could say this new Link is our new Castlevania with the new whip item.
when you refresh, the "undefined's" disappear....for now
BTW, e3.nintendo is working for me, but if not for you, try:
Mario Sports Mix WOW
Interesting, a three in one Mario sports game.
Wish they showed more NBA Jam though, and maybe clearify if there is online or not.
I'm not sold on the Zelda visual style but the gameplay looks spectacular.
Zelda Windwaker style with adult Link is win. When I say Mario dodge ball I shed a tear. Im so getting Sports Mix.
INB4 people whining about games they do not care.
Can't believe they're showing off Just Dance 2...ugh...
On the other hand, Mario Sports Mix and Wii Party both look like a blast
Zelda looks really cool but I'm a bit worried about the controls. I don't mind that the game will come out in 2011. It gives Nintendo time to polish up the controls.
Holy Goldeneye is real
Dude Epic Micky is preeeetttty
Is it weird that I'm more excited for Epic Mickey than Goldeneye?
Epic Mickey looks fantastic! So does Golden Sun!
Epic Yarn, seriously.
Everything with "Epic" in its title seemed amazing.
Holy Crap! Kirby's Epic Yarn looks so awesome!
DK is real
Hey it is not FPS
Thanks for keeping us all up to date, Corbie!
Metroid Other M is looking incredible! I cannot wait!
and it looks AMAZING!
OMG!!! Donkey Kong Country Returns!!!
Yes it is official the 3DS
Joy stick called it.
I did NOT see Kid Icarus coming!
I am loving the wirless comunications
Bravo! I'm in tears! Encore, Encore! I didn't even see gameplay yet either because I'm in school.
Whoa that was epic.
Oh... my.. freaking... god.....
What an amazing presentation. Was there something we can nickpick on? Anything? Even the Just Dance 2 only got 30 seconds of time. Otherwise, that was all perfect.
Thank you Nintendo... I owe you one.
Nah, 3DS doesn't look better than most Wii games. Oh, you're talking 3rd parties? Yes it does (sadly).
About Gamecube level graphics I'd say. That Kid Icarus needed a little bit of spit and polish (that it'll doubtless get), but on such a small screen? Yes, please!
Quick Corbie, grab a 3DS and run for it!!!
Freakin awesome! I .......Must......Have......This.......3DS. NOW!!
That was amazing!
it was alright.....
Hardly any DS games, its fame is already dieing.
This E3 RULED!
Holy crap, so many games. How will I ever p(l)ay it all.
Yes, that was "alright... akin to Ryan Reynolds saying his wife "Looks kinda ok."
Kid Icarus, Zelda, DK, Golden Eye, 3DS, Golden Sun, Epic Mickey, Kirby, and Mario, all in the same E3?!? I can't even imagine a more perfect one.
One **** awesome Nintendo E3 conference. First conference I've seen in whole and I'm really impressed.
This is a brilliant showing from Nintendo, can't really think of a title on the Wii I don't want. The 3DS also is going to be massive!
E3 Owned by the N
Pickmin 3?
3DS start games: Metal Gear Solid, Kid Icarus, Saint Rows, Batman, Assassin's Creed, Kingdom Hearts and a Team Ninja game.
Kinect start games: Metal Gear Solid, Adrealin Misfits, Star Wars, Sonic Free Riders, Kinectimals and a bunch of other Wii carbon copies released 4 years ago.
Nintendo rules this expo.
was hoping for a Metroid:Dread for 3DS =(
Nintendo kicked butt this year!!!
Nintendo, I love you. <3<3<3
That was an incredible show, it was a new brilliant announcement rapid-fire presentation. Loads of quality for gamers, for me personally it was packed with future 2D classics. 3DS looks set to live up to expectations.
Nintendo's feed was impeccable, it's still discussing Zelda: Skyward Sword.
Nintendo, I take my hat off to you.
im sooo exhausted theres so much more that i forgot!!
BTW, im waiting for some 3DS reviews from E3 attendees.
@198 yes, that WiiParty could be a sleeper. Using the wimote like that, and using its speakers is something Nintendo should have done ages ago. I can see me and friends playing with this after a poker night or something for sure. Or like on a date night.
@198 Too many awesome titles. I figure Nintendo is thinking: "If we can't have this game out by the next E3, why announce it?" It makes sense, too. Why take out the thunder from other games that should come out within the next 12 months when your lineup and conference is already packed?
Gotta say, that Icarus game coming out for the DS instead of the Wii took me by surprised. DK and Kirby looked better than even the best I could have imagined. (That "sundown" stage looked incredible.)
Goldeneye looked awesome! I like how all the other consoles focus on FPSs with great graphics and online stuff, but Nintendo throws in a bit of everything including FPSs with fun multiplayer. Nintendo makes games that are fun, not games that just look cool. Kinect is cool, but Microsoft didn't use it right. All that it is good for is fitness games. The sports ones look boring and the kinectimals made me want to gouge my eyes out. The 3DS really out shined Kinect.
@200 May still get it. That commercial teases a possibility for all major franchises for the 3DS. Good thing Nintendo is looking at this is a true next gen system, which means we will get all the hotness.
Again, too much awesome. Nintendo FTW!
DK, Zelda, Metroid, GoldenEye, 3DS... BEST E3 EVER!
No way in hell Sony or Microsoft can top Nintendo's awesomeness!
You guys are gonna love the 3DS. It's incredible in person. Beyond anything I ever envisioned. Gotta head back to the Convention Center. I'll post more impressions later tonight.
Did it hurt your eyes??
Was the gameplay awesome if any?
Was the 3D worth the DS upgrade?
my stupid comp keeps double posting. and i hate wasting posts so:
Nintendo did an AMAZING job EVERY and I mean EVERY game shocked and amazed. I just hoped they revealed more 3DS games with trailers. And a get a feeling 3DS wont be released until holiday 2011.
Didn't hurt my eyes at all and it looked amazing. Trust me, this is no small upgrade. And if you see it in action, you're gonna want it.
@Corbie: What did they show you to show off the 3D effect? Did you actually get to play the thing?
So did @Drake and I really see @Corbie on the 'Nintendo E3 Network' site stream?
I thought I caught him giving quick impressions on 3DS. It didn't show the 3DS screens, it just displayed his reaction to playing it. I could be wrong.
Well, I have to say, this year wasn't nearly as depressing on the Nintendo Side of things as the last two years were. I was actually interested in quite a few titles, and the 3DS was much more impressive than I expected. I can't wait for the new Donkey Kong Country game, and I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm actually very excited for the new Kirby and Metroid games. I guess Microsoft more than made up for the disappointment, though.
Still, no new F-Zero, no new Pikmin, and no new Starfox. Oh well, there's always next year...
Thanks Corbie!!
But I too wanna know if you got to play anything.
What was shown? a movie trailer? A game trailer? Did you get to play anything? Or were you dudes just taking 3D pics?
@mickeymac - StarFox 64 3D is coming to 3DS
Any news on EU Wiiware line up and when Cave Story is coming out?
OMG OMG!!!! I just got home and read that whole thing..... I can't contain my excitement.... I just learned so much all at once..... AHAHAHHAHAAAGHGG
Does anyone else have the Nintendo Life site trying to open 5 pop-up windows? Is there a reason why it is doing that? :/
i am now a fanboy
Hey Dodger, when you click on the e3 picture in the background it will open a pop up but if you have a blocker like me it will be blocked.
I said new Star Fox. Why would I play a remake of a game I've already played to death?
Looks like I missed all the fun.
i would kill to be at E3. lucky duckie, corbie!
@Lock O Man Thanks. I trust Nintendo Life but I get suspicious when it says it blocked 5 or so pop-ups.
Nintendo 3DS = destined to destroy any form of competition.
@mickeymac 'Cos you love it?
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