Attention: Australians! Put that boomerang away and throw some shrimp on the barby! Cave Story was just confirmed by its developer / publisher Nicalis via their Twitter feed. Also, apparently the company thinks that your country is a part of Europe. According to their post:
Australia WILL have Cave Story on WiiWare along with the rest of Europe. The new music (.org and remixed) sound AWESOME now!
Remixed music? Australia, looks like (for once) the rest of the world has reason to envy you. Just kidding, Australia. No hard feelings, right? Australia? Australia, put that boomerang away!
Don't forget to check out our Cave Story review if you want to find out what all the excitement is about.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 26
sharpens boomerang
Honestly, I am not excited for Cave Story. Could never get into the PC one, and Monster Hunter Tri & Prime Trilogy will be taking up my gaming time.
It is good however to see that Australia is finally getting games along with the rest of the world, for now. I want Rage of the Gladiator dammit!!
EDIT: I find that picture subtitle rude. I do not ride around in a Baby Cave.
You know.... I don't think I have ever had BBQed shrimp. I have however had BBQed Kangaroo
Good, it's a bit sad that Australians have to miss out on quite a few games because of the extra rating that needs to attained. It's a weakness of the whole PAL region really.
It's not an extra rating, its trying to get rated most of the times.
I refer everybody to Left 4 Dead 2.
'nuff said.
Never had shrimp on a barbecue, nor have I heard a kangaroos pouch be called a 'baby cave', lol
And curse you Paul Hogan! We eat more prawns than shrimp anyway
so is America going to get an update since they are taking the time to fix it for the rest of the world
Why should Americans get updates for this. Does that mean we get the plethora of games you have?
Australia = Europe's Hawaii
Anyways, glad to see you guys down under get Cave Story!
I thought in the case of Wiiware(and DSiware) it's that a lot of the smaller publishers can't afford the extra rating... with bigger releases it isn't really a problem. The lack of an 18+ rating is Australia is the problem there.
"Why should Americans get updates for this. Does that mean we get the plethora of games you have?"
To answer the first part of your question: because our release was crawling with glitches, from the nearly-unnoticeable to the game breaking. To answer the second part, that's kind of irrelevant...wouldn't it be more appropriate to ask if there have been any glitched games that you missed out on updates for while the rest of the world got them?
The answer to that is, I think, no...but feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.
@aviator> Because we like playing fixed games!!
I'm gonna play Cave Story while eating a BBQ'd shrimp. Can't wait!
Hehe, Australia is a part of Europe. Who knew?
Lol this titles description was so stereotypical...might as well say for americans "drive your fat butt to McDonalds...grab a triple cheese burger, but 2 6-packs of soda, and get ready to play all night!"
@Malkeor: HEY! Where you spying on me the night I bought Cave Story!?
@suburban_sensei: I was right behind you in the drive-through! =P
Malkeor, McDonald's doesn't even sell a triple cheeseburger.
Seriously? Even we got a triple cheeseburger for a while there.
Is Cave Story that riddled with glitches? This might give me second thoughts on getting it now
I had no problem with it
@Bulbasaurus This can be easily remedied by simply buying one double cheeseburger and one regular and stacking them on top of each other. Ingenuity is the American way!
@9.Clinker: And Japan's too it seems.
I was actually disappointed to see that the image had an excuse (however thinly veiled) to be there, I like the idea of all AU news stories being lazily appended with pictures of kangaroos and barbeques. Nothing like a bit of blasé racial stereotyping.
Yay for Cave Story! Actually, McD's Australia allows you to do most things, such as ordering a double pounder (that's 8 x 1/4 pounder's worth of patties).
Although they should drop that archaic 24 chicken nugget limit... Although for most McD stores, it's purely theoretical.
Go grab a triple cheese burger, everyone!
"With the rest of the Europe". I hope we can get Cave Story as soon as possible
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