Teyon have just announced that their upcoming DSiWare title Ball Fighter will be coming to the North American DSiWare service on December 7th for 500 Nintendo Points.
You can check out the official press release below and we'll have a full review of the game next week.
Teyon announced that starting from Monday December 7 its Nintendo DSiWare™ title, Ball Fighter will be available in the Nintendo DSi™ Shop. Ball Fighter will be available for 500 Nintendo points.
In Ball Fighter your task is to destroy colorful spheres. Catch and throw them back before they reach the bottom of the well. Connect at least 3 of the same color vertically to make them explode and disappear. You can also encounter a few bonus types like rockets, bombs or brushes.
Comments 35
Puzzle you say? That's a new idea. XD
If UNO doesnt come out next Monday, im gonna throw my DSi at the wall. 38 TIMES.
38!? Why not 39?
Ball Fighter..... interesting name
@KanrakusPizza you know uno wont come out dec 7th with all the already anounced games..... but maybe it will come on the dec 14th..... also why would you want to brake you wonderful 170$ dsi?!
It PUZZLES me that DSiware developers aren't coming out with more battling games. I would FIGHT a developer just to get him to develop a battle game.
[yes, that was a lame pun [or two] but I couldn't think of anything else.]
Who doesn't want to fight some balls?
@6 I took it as fighting with balls, which sounds funner
sigh When will we get a good action/adventure game on DSi?
Ball Fighter? Why not, "Fighting Balls" or "Sphere Smackdown"?
I always felt that DSiWare needed some games with balls but this isn't exactly what I had in mind.
This is the 6th game confirmed for Monday's release.
Could be cool.
Looks like Magical Drop and that is not a bad thing. I'm waiting for Ball Fighter II' Champion edition
Looks really nice. Probably going to get it, just because it's Teyon
Man, I thought this was going to be a fighting game with balls.
I sense an immature IGN tagline coming on...
@Odnetnin Agreed.
Uhhh it bothers me that we get another puzzle game each week
and now this.....im tired of this T_T
its official, now we know almost everything coming this monday
Because UNO was one of the only reasons i WANTED a DSi (That and Flipnote Studio) Besides, my DSi is already broken.
This has been on my radar since its announcement.
@KanrakusPizza: How is your DSi broken? Because you threw it at the wall?
i hope teyon doesn't destroy their decent dsiware score with this one...
Uh, noooo, its just the L button wont respond all the time. Besides i wont throw my DSi at the wall, i was just kidding when I said that.
I knew you were kidding!
The same thing happens to my L/R buttons D: i have no idea why
This game looks like it will suck BALLs!
Am I the only one that thinks the characters in this game look... strange?
So lemme get this straight....two ugly girls fight each other with their balls?
Yeahno, I'll pass, thanksverymuch.
@jonno yes they do look ugly
put your mouth on the whole button and blow hard, then tap the button a few times, it blows the dust/dirt out that may be blocking the sensor thingy
works for dsPhat and dsLite, dunno about dsi but you could try it
Judging by the video I just saw on the Nintendo Channel, this game doesn't look very good. Actually, it looks awful.
Thanks a lot, my DSi's L button is working perfect now.
Ten dollars says they wanted to call it "Puzzle Fighter," but after learning that that name was already in use, this was the next best name they could come up with.
@Marioman64: thats what i do, however, sometimes the top screen backlight starts acting funny... But it does work in the dsi.
this is so stupid
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