Capcom's unstoppable sales juggernaut that is Monster Hunter is scheduled to hit our consoles early next year, but one major concern surrounds its online mode, which in Japan requires a monthly subscription charge from anyone wanting to party with friends.
With the Western release looming the subject has come up again, and at Tokyo Games Show Capcom USA's Senior Director of Communications and Community Chris Kramer spoke about the possibility of Monster Hunter finding its freedom from fees:
It's something that we're looking into at the moment and there are a few factors to consider. Firstly, Monster Hunter isn't as popular in the West, so it might put people off. Secondly, Japan doesn't have Friend Codes, so Capcom run all the servers and the monthly fee is essentially to pay for those costs.
Although it's clear that Capcom have by no means slaughtered and carved up the terrible beast of recurring monthly payments, it does seem as though they are at least studying its weaknesses and how best to approach it. Whether or not they go with full, reduced or no subscription costs we will find out in the fullness of time, but it's nice to know that our needs are being so carefully considered.
Comments 23
This game's prospects for joining my collection just skyrocketed. And they were already up there.
If the online is a large part of the game and there is a payment, This may have just been crossed off my list of most wanted ;(
What!? Japan doesn't have friend codes!? WTF! I'll pay for companies to run servers if that means I don't have to deal with that pile of $%^& called Friend Codes!
I'm with Hardy83 on this one. Besides people pay for gold membership on xbox live, why shouldn't we pay a minimal monthly fee and benefit from a better online experience in the process. For a console designed for everyone, the Wii's online design isn't.
I'm going to be honest here. I will not pay for online. I cannot afford to do so, plus I'm only 15, so I'll be out of luck since I don't have a job.
I hope the online is free.
I hope the online is free, but I'll buy Monster Hunter 3 either way.
YESSSSSSSSSS I will get on my birthday if it is Fee-less!
Japanese Wiis do have friend codes, it's just that Monster Hunter 3 in Japan does not and uses a separate server system, you know the way that you can upload and download content in EA's Boom Blox Bash Party without use of friend codes? The game is big enough in Japan that people are used to paying for the online connectivity.
I expect that if they do it for free in the West they'll use Nintendo's servers which will likely mean friends codes.
@Sean: Yeah, most likely. Whatever they decide to do, it's still good news.
I'd pay as long as it is 500 points or less for a year. Yep, I'm cheap.
I'm not getting that game if its online has a monthly fee, to be honest online has never been that important for me, but it seems this game it's all about online, and I can't afford an extra monthly payment .
i am deff going to buy this anyway. but i'm a huge monster hunter fan and i cant support capcom stateside by myself. so i think it's a good i dea that they look into this.
Is there a NA release date yet? I'm anxious to get my hands on this one.
sounds like we're getting Fcs
I'm more interested in the local co-op, but if the online is free I wouldn't complain one bit.
@Machu: I was too, dude, but there is no local least, not in the real levels. There's only an arena thing...Now, it might be cool and have some good items for both players to get, but it's a major let down for me..
I'll likely get this no matter what (offline will still be fun,) but I absolutely won't pay a subscription.
I honest would rather pay for an online experience if it doesn't cost too much (7.50-10.00 per month) than having Nintendo handling the servers.
All previous console versions of MH cost money in the east and were free in the west.
@Popyman: You're kidding, of all games you'd think this would have local co-op as a given. I'm not fussed myself, but that seems more lame than leaving it out of an FPS.
@Popyman: Eek really? Ah boo, my bro' and I had a whole co-op completion plan in mind, gutted. The online best be free now!
That would just freaking awesome!
i hope it will free; i won't pay for on-line game.
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